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US violates int’l laws; moves USS Enterprise into Pakistani water.

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First, the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) defines 'territorial waters' as 12nm. So Pakistani panties are in a bunch for NOTHING. And second, I can't find a REPUTABLE news organization that is reporting that the Enterprise is indeed off of Pakistan. :usflag:

My dear hillbilly,

Take it easy now will you.
I know it's hard to accept that your great country is not seen as great and admired all over the world, especially not in this part of the world, and you have yourself and your government to blame for that.

Many Americans like yourself I believe do not know what lies outside their border, I can't blame them, the U.S. is huge in itself, but still, I cannot take you really serious.
You're just a very patriotic, single minded American who clearly believes whatever his/her country does is always justified, regardless the outcome.

You sound like an ego hurt yank who clearly cannot handle criticism about his/her country.
It's about time you get used to it and smell the coffee, the U.S. isn't "all that" it used to be. Perceptions have changed.

To add to this useless debate.
War with U.S. and we would be wiped off the map, simple as that.
That is not something I want to see happen to my beloved countrymen/women, my family, our children and future generations.

The people here thumping their chest need to play a few strategy games or get laid for that matter.
The strongest have a say in any matter, and in this case, the U.S. can dictate the terms.

If we Pakistanis want the balance to change or provide a counterweight, then stop voting for people like Zardari and opt for a real change in the country, and then, perhaps in a few decades, the Yanks will think twice and talk with more respect to us.
My dear hillbilly,

Take it easy now will you.
I know it's hard to accept that your great country is not seen as great and admired all over the world, especially not in this part of the world, and you have yourself and your government to blame for that.

Many Americans like yourself I believe do not know what lies outside their border, I can't blame them, the U.S. is huge in itself, but still, I cannot take you really serious.
You're just a very patriotic, single minded American who clearly believes whatever his/her country does is always justified, regardless the outcome.

You sound like an ego hurt yank who clearly cannot handle criticism about his/her country.
It's about time you get used to it and smell the coffee, the U.S. isn't "all that" it used to be. Perceptions have changed.

To add to this useless debate.
War with U.S. and we would be wiped off the map, simple as that.
That is not something I want to see happen to my beloved countrymen/women, my family, our children and future generations.

The people here thumping their chest need to play a few strategy games or get laid for that matter.
The strongest have a say in any matter, and in this case, the U.S. can dictate the terms.

If we Pakistanis want the balance to change or provide a counterweight, then stop voting for people like Zardari and opt for a real change in the country, and then, perhaps in a few decades, the Yanks will think twice and talk with more respect to us.

First off.... hillbilly, Pakistani....hillbilly, Pakistani....hillbilly, Pakistani ? I'll take hillbilly EVERY TIME. Now, your post is weird. It's ALL OVER the place. How did you get your rant from the post I put up ? I quoted the U.N. law on territorial waters. Did THAT rile you up ? And then I said I haven't seen a REAL news agency report that the Enterprise is REALLY off the coast of Pakistan. Did THAT somehow send you on your weird tizzy ? I don't know. But, what I DO KNOW is that you can yank those droopy diapers you guys call underwear out of you @ss and get a grip. You don't even know for sure if the Enterprise is out there. If it is, it's there LEGALLY, and besides, if it is, you can't do an F-ing thing about it. And one last thing... with a screen name like JIHAD, when can we expect you to blow yourself up in some dusty market in Afghanistan ? NUMBNUTZ !! :usflag:
^^^ you write like a school kid.
Why o why we get young immature members....always.
First off.... hillbilly, Pakistani....hillbilly, Pakistani....hillbilly, Pakistani ? I'll take hillbilly EVERY TIME. Now, your post is weird. It's ALL OVER the place. How did you get your rant from the post I put up ? I quoted the U.N. law on territorial waters. Did THAT rile you up ? And then I said I haven't seen a REAL news agency report that the Enterprise is REALLY off the coast of Pakistan. Did THAT somehow send you on your weird tizzy ? I don't know. But, what I DO KNOW is that you can yank those droopy diapers you guys call underwear out of you @ss and get a grip. You don't even know for sure if the Enterprise is out there. If it is, it's there LEGALLY, and besides, if it is, you can't do an F-ing thing about it. And one last thing... with a screen name like JIHAD, when can we expect you to blow yourself up in some dusty market in Afghanistan ? NUMBNUTZ !! :usflag:

My post was in reply to all your recent posts.
My screen name Jihad has nothing to do with blowing myself up or whatsoever.

Regardless, you got your head stuck up your "ahem"...

Try to stay rational now will you.
I'm not riled up, infact, I laugh at the whole debate about the USS Enterprise, sure one needs to keep an eye out, but I don't think the U.S. has any intentions of attacking us, let alone can afford a war with us.

If they do attack us, be prepared to pay even more taxes and carry the burden.

But like I said, any secenario of that sort is out of the question.
It requires balls of steel to use nuke. Pakistan does not have even soft cotton balls.
If they have, we would have heard, give us Kashmir or will nuke you.
stop drone attack or we will nuke you.

Politicians are normally coward, they love life more than anyone. For pakistan case, most of their generals are politicians.
ex: mushy, he even scared to return pakistan.
Fifteen pages, 216 posts, and STILL ONLY the rag quoted in the OP is saying the Enterprise is off the coast of Pakistan. I can find NO OTHER news source that says the Enterprise is off Pakistan. AND.... IF IT IS TRUE (and I have my doubts) the Enterprise is STILL in INTERNATIONAL WATERS. NOTHING illegal about it. So.... again 'men', de-bunch your panties, please.:rofl:
It requires balls of steel to use nuke. Pakistan does not have even soft cotton balls.
If they have, we would have heard, give us Kashmir or will nuke you.
stop drone attack or we will nuke you.

Politicians are normally coward, they love life more than anyone. For pakistan case, most of their generals are politicians.
ex: mushy, he even scared to return pakistan.

I guess ur obsessed with balls? specially our balls.... :lol:
that really is a convenient answer !!! :girl_wacko:
Because we Muslims consider the whole world as our Allah's created land and can live anywhere...

On topic..
Pakistan needs to keep an eye on the USS enterprise..They may fly in Helicopters with supplies for Terrorists
I can only lol at the Americans talking about nukes... Even if Pakistan's nukes cant reach US, we can let our nukes go all over the place... A huge atmospheric disruption due to 200 nukes being blasted... So technically the whole world would go down as well.

Don't blame you for the laughs. Our small pitiful weak H-bombs got nothing on your guided, goat delivered atom bombs.
Don't blame you for the laughs. Our small pitiful weak H-bombs got nothing on your guided, goat delivered atom bombs.

Never argue with an idiot. Bystanders won't be able to tell the difference :)

I can only lol at the Americans talking about nukes... Even if Pakistan's nukes cant reach US, we can let our nukes go all over the place... A huge atmospheric disruption due to 200 nukes being blasted... So technically the whole world would go down as well.

Don't blame you for the laughs. Our small pitiful weak H-bombs got nothing on your guided, goat delivered atom bombs.

Never argue with an idiot. Bystanders won't be able to tell the difference :)
It requires balls of steel to use nuke. Pakistan does not have even soft cotton balls.
If they have, we would have heard, give us Kashmir or will nuke you.
stop drone attack or we will nuke you.

Politicians are normally coward, they love life more than anyone. For pakistan case, most of their generals are politicians.
ex: mushy, he even scared to return pakistan.


Let us not go over board now---'nuc you' means the destruction of the current infra structure of the world---. Secondly---you are still a visitor on this forum---thirdly Musharraf is scared of no one it is just a prudent decision---.

It is absolutely stupid to tell the 'fourth horseman' bring me death---I fear it not----. It is okay to act as an imbecile amongst your buddies---because they being your peers are similar to you---but to come here and make an outrageous statement like that is not conducive to the one bearing the tricolors.

It is not the first time that the enterprise has been to those waters and it is not the last time.

The world cannot fight and afford a war with pakistan at this time---one major strike on the oil refineries and the world economy is doomed---one strike and sinking of a mega tanker in the straits causing a partial blockage of the shipping lanes---will break the back of the industry world over like never seen before..... Why would any one make any threats to pakistan or why would pakistan make any threats to anyone else.

Actually---the world's economy is so frail and fragile---it cannot afford any bad news----the u s economy is fluttering around---someone sneezes hard and the u s economy freezes over momentarily----pakistan's economy is in a terrible shape---europe is lost and cannot tell its head from its tail---why would anyone want a war---.

The variable is that there is a negro president in the white house---a negro secretary of state Powell during 2nd gulf war---a negro commander in chief Powell during first gulf war--a negress foreign secretary Rice during the second gulf war----all these people playing extremely important and crucial roles basically spear heading the campaign of war---those were and are a recipe of disaster---the last two being the reason for over a million deaths and counting in iraq.

That is what pakistan needs to be concerned about---the blackman in the white house---. Our interaction has always been with white men in power---we have not had the oppurtunity to understand the behaviour of blacks in power---the character traits are different as well as reaction and retaliation. Blacks have lived in a different world---we are not familiar with it at all---.

You must never appear meek and weak in front of a blackman---and don't be ignorant of his presence and what he can do---.

It is just like meeting a black man on adark street---you never know what to expect---same with Obama---and same with thopse before him---Powell and Rice.
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