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US violates int’l laws; moves USS Enterprise into Pakistani water.

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This is not an innocent passage by an aircraft carrier. USA is definitely trying to send a message: cutting the supply route is really hurting them.

Look at the indians dancing around like monkeys so happy at Pakistan's troubles :sick:
I won't get into this surreal debate about the n-word and judging people by their skin color. If people still don't understand why it's wrong, then it's a hopeless case.

Collin Powell was of his actions in iraq

As a military general, Powell did what his superiors asked him to do. But do you know that Powell was the reason for stopping the Iraqi carnage on the 'highway of death'? Do you know that Powell has been the ONLY significant figure on the American stage -- right or left -- who spoke out against the demonization of Muslims?

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This is not an innocent passage by an aircraft carrier. USA is definitely trying to send a message: cutting the supply route is really hurting them.

Look at the indians dancing around like monkeys so happy at Pakistan's troubles :sick:

Oh yeah they sent it there to threaten Pakistan even though it was being deployed to the Persian Gulf which is pretty much close to Pakistan. Lets assume that all nations are being threaten within 500 mile radius.

I won't get into this surreal debate about the n-word and judging people by their skin color. If people still don't understand why it's wrong, then it's a hopeless case.

As a military general, Powell did what his superiors asked him to do. But do you know that Powell was the reason for stopping the Iraqi carnage on the 'highway of death'? Do you know that Powell has been the ONLY significant figure on the American stage -- right or left -- who spoke out against the demonization of Muslims?

I thought Bush was the most significant figure that stops Muslims from being demonize. Religion of peace.
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This is not an innocent passage by an aircraft carrier. USA is definitely trying to send a message: cutting the supply route is really hurting them.

Look at the indians dancing around like monkeys so happy at Pakistan's troubles :sick:

Wrong on both counts.

Pak is not in trouble with the AC carrier being where it is. If the ship had hostile intent, it could have remained hostile even it were another 100 NM away. Unless he is complete dolt, no Admiral will bring his ships within missile range of the enemy & threaten him. More so if he has the reach to stay away and yet pose a credible threat.

Its only the thought of nukeing an AC carriers 70 NM from own shore line that set the cat among the pigeons.

The ship is in international waters and unless we want to 'see' one , no ' message' is being sent.
I thought Bush was the most significant figure that stops Muslims from being demonize. Religion of peace.

The problem with Bush was you could never know if what he was saying were his own words or just something off a teleprompter. I am not saying he is was anti-Muslim, but there is a difference between prepared statements by officials and impromptu remarks by individuals. During the whole 'Obama is a Muslim' hysteria, Powell was the only major figure who denounced the 'Muslim as a slur' concept categorically and forcefully.
This is not an innocent passage by an aircraft carrier. USA is definitely trying to send a message: cutting the supply route is really hurting them.

Look at the indians dancing around like monkeys so happy at Pakistan's troubles :sick:

If the US does something stupid what would be China's role? Of course, many things depend on that. If Pakistan falls, China's southern border will become the point of entry into China for China's enemies. I hope the China's leadership understand that. The ultimate target is China, Pakistan is just a practice target.
Ok, I won't speak of Afghanistan.

But, do you really think your Government would be stupid enough to invade Pakistan? A Nation that knows nothing else then to fight? When we are not fighting India or a Super Power, we are fighting amongst ourselves. By God, for our unity, nothing can be better then a US invasion. You are speaking of 1 A/C carrier, I must advise you to engage Pakistan with all your A/C carriers & ground troops simultaneously if you are serious, otherwise it's just a joke.

If that's the case, how come the UK gets her ICBM's from the USA (Trident)???

MCTR's concerned rule doesn't apply to 7 states including UK
There are two distinct matters here.

1. Is the US Strike group violating Pakistani territorial waters as indicated in the title of this thread? The answer is no, the task force has every right to park anywhere in the world as long as it within international waters.

2. Is this a show of force? Probably yes. The very fact that second carrier group was sent to the Persian Gulf was clearly to threaten Iran, as a counter to Iran threatening to close the Straits of Hormoz.

If by positioning it just off Pakistani coast kills two birds with one stone, why not? It could have been stationed off Omani coast and the current positioning could be a veiled message as to what could happen if say PAF starts shooting down US drones.

Nevertheless the title of the news is grossly misleading. If the heading had said

“US positions a carrier task force off Pakistani coast to send a threatening message to Pakistan”

It would have been correct reporting. However biased journalist is trying to portray US act as an international crime. This is far from the truth.
Nevertheless the title of the news is grossly misleading. ...............

But the fact that it is allowed and certain other titles are edited merely shows the moderating policy too. I used to report these, but no longer, since I have come to accept the futility of it.


PS: However, I do continue to believe that DefPk can rise much higher as a credible and premier website if its editorial and moderation policies are improved to regain balance and fairness. My beliefs are not important, since I have been told many a time that it is not my responsibility. :D
Just face towards the sunshine..you won't see any shadows.
Pakistan should take this ship down, enough is enough, they will pay the price , indians are getting happy on this news, but they will pay the price of this as well ...

One nuke on this ship will keep the US on its place...

Are you in sense or lost your mind . if you dare to hit a nuke on this ship US have 100 times more to give a answer
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