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US violates int’l laws; moves USS Enterprise into Pakistani water.

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Don't blame you for the laughs. Our small pitiful weak H-bombs got nothing on your guided, goat delivered atom bombs.

You idiot---after the tsunami---when the nuc power plants were melting down---there was a state of fear in cailornia and oregon and washington state---for fallout. The economy had literally come to a stand still---.

So---what difference does it make---you fool---your H bomb or the goat peoples n bomb---the world will not be the same----.

Goat delivered---these goat people have beat up the u s millitary so bad that they can't even get out of their forts without air support---can't even have supplies delivered to them without paying these goat people safe passage money.

Haven't you learnt yet---fighting a war with sand nig-gers is different than fighting a war with mountain goat herders---.

These war mongers come on these board and flaunt their machismo---and the average working class is prayingand begging to still have a job tomorrow in the u s.

Yesterday---the number 1 teacher of the year in the u s of a---got a pink slip in sacramento---.

The variable is that there is a negro president in the white house---a negro secretary of state Powell during 2nd gulf war---a negro commander in chief Powell during first gulf war--a negress foreign secretary Rice during the second gulf war----all these people playing extremely important and crucial roles basically spear heading the campaign of war---those were and are a recipe of disaster---the last two being the reason for over a million deaths and counting in iraq.

That is what pakistan needs to be concerned about---the blackman in the white house---. Our interaction has always been with white men in power---we have not had the oppurtunity to understand the behaviour of blacks in power---the character traits are different as well as reaction and retaliation. Blacks have lived in a different world---we are not familiar with it at all---.

You must never appear meek and weak in front of a blackman---and don't be ignorant of his presence and what he can do---.

It is just like meeting a black man on adark street---you never know what to expect---same with Obama---and same with thopse before him---Powell and Rice.

The racism displayed in this post is apalling.

Negro is a an extremely racist word and not used / appreciated anymore.

The analogy of how to behave in the presence of coloured people is strange to say the least - as though they were animals in a jungle - ( refer undelined part above) and is insulting the intellect.

Thought we had left these pre concieved notions way behind but evidently not. The mental aparthied remains . Are they not humans and as educated as anyone else. Must they be bracketed because of the colour of their skin .. and that too by us Asians !!..and we feel bad when we are singled out at immigration checks.

The rest is not worth commenting on.

So this means we gonna see Rambo's new movie First blood partV or IInd Blood Part-I soon in our cinemas.......:D

Or it might just be...Final Blood: Payback of the Pakis :)
The variable is that there is a negro president in the white house---a negro secretary of state Powell during 2nd gulf war---a negro commander in chief Powell during first gulf war--a negress foreign secretary Rice during the second gulf war----all these people playing extremely important and crucial roles basically spear heading the campaign of war---those were and are a recipe of disaster---the last two being the reason for over a million deaths and counting in iraq.

That is what pakistan needs to be concerned about---the blackman in the white house---. Our interaction has always been with white men in power---we have not had the oppurtunity to understand the behaviour of blacks in power---the character traits are different as well as reaction and retaliation. Blacks have lived in a different world---we are not familiar with it at all---.

You must never appear meek and weak in front of a blackman---and don't be ignorant of his presence and what he can do---.

It is just like meeting a black man on adark street---you never know what to expect---same with Obama---and same with thopse before him---Powell and Rice.
I just threw up in my mouth.
Well let me put it this way. The US and Israel both have ICBM's. You have no real knowledge if you do or don't. Thus you bear the greater risk.

Israel has ICBM's? Is there any proof of that? Besides, they can hit us with IRBM's and so can we so why should their ICBM's bother us? And last we know, we were able to test an ICBM Taimur, the test was never carried out because of Israeli/US concerns. I guess we will only find out whether we can hit the continental US or not if a war indeed breaks out.

On a $5 billion budget? I don't think so. You don' have the economy to fight proxy wars against superpowers who can last decades in brutal wars.

We have fought against a super power in the past, however it was, and we can do it again :). Donors are always available as every super power has enemies.

Full Scale war…???...Do you believe Pakistan can go for war against USA…?necessary counter measures is..Do what USA says....you took enough of aid...It is time to pay back

How many times do we have to repeat the same thing? We cannot go to war against anybody but if war is thrust upon us, if there is no other option.....well then, bring it on.

Don’t you know that China has already denied for the naval base at Gwadar....All you need to check with Iran...Before few days back some statement party happened I believe in between Pakistan and Iran...Time for the test now...You need to check with Turks too.

China is very interested in Gawadar, matter of fact it was because of China that Gwader was even developed but Pakistan could not deliver under US pressure. However, things are different now and China will concentrate on Gawadar pretty soon (they are probably waiting for the lease to end on one of their leased bases).
The racism displayed in this post is apalling.

Negro is a an extremely racist word and not used / appreciated anymore.

The analogy of how to behave in the presence of coloured people is strange to say the least - as though they were animals in a jungle - ( refer undelined part above) and is insulting the intellect.

Thought we had left these pre concieved notions way behind but evidently not. The mental aparthied remains . Are they not humans and as educated as anyone else. Must they be bracketed because of the colour of their skin .. and that too by us Asians !!..and we feel bad when we are singled out at immigration checks.

The rest is not worth commenting on.


Whats really appalling is how Indians are going all worked up for calling a black president black.......seriously third eye, how far are you Indians willing to go and raise your back side to appease people in the US. Don't get surprise when Sharukh Khan is still asked to take off his shoes every time he visits the US even though he is from India.
some Traitor Baloch sardars must be having Multiple orgasms on the news of their saviors coming near their coast..

Fortunately we have more patriotic Baloch then traitor Sardars.
Whats really appalling is how Indians are going all worked up for calling a black president black.......seriously third eye, how far are you Indians willing to go and raise your back side to appease people in the US. Don't get surprise when Sharukh Khan is still asked to take off his shoes every time he visits the US even though he is from India.


I guess, my signature says it all.

I like to treat people the way I'd expect them to treat me.
Don't blame you for the laughs. Our small pitiful weak H-bombs got nothing on your guided, goat delivered atom bombs.

When our goat delivered bombs cause the same amount of damage, who cares what the size of the bomb is??
The racism displayed in this post is apalling.

Negro is a an extremely racist word and not used / appreciated anymore.

The analogy of how to behave in the presence of coloured people is strange to say the least - as though they were animals in a jungle - ( refer undelined part above) and is insulting the intellect.

Thought we had left these pre concieved notions way behind but evidently not. The mental aparthied remains . Are they not humans and as educated as anyone else. Must they be bracketed because of the colour of their skin .. and that too by us Asians !!..and we feel bad when we are singled out at immigration checks.

The rest is not worth commenting on.


Oh---it is apalling---tell it to the families of a one and a half million dead iraqis----. Just two weeks ago I heard how proud Collin Powell was of his actions in iraq---he was talking to the host on FM 91.9 in the morning talk show---he had no remorse for the deaths of the millions that he had caused by lying to the world----. I heard all his interview and was waiting for him to show some remorse---he did not give a rats behind to those dead iraqis---Condi Rice had no remorse for her part in the deaths of the iraqis and you people want me.

You want to throw up---why don't you throw up when you see a blackman coming towards you in a dark street and you change directions---.

Kid---you people are so innocent---in times of war---you have to look and judge the ethnic character of the man in power---that will tell you most of the time how he is going to react---for a black man like Obama being the president and the position that he is in---he will do whatever is necessary---he is a more fearsome president than George Bush jr---as a white man---George did not have to prove much for white people---but for black man---a black president has to do a lot to prove his manhood.

But the thing is---so many of the blacks call each other niggers---as an insult---but if someone else says it to them--they raise all kinds of claims of racism---good for the goose and not good for the gander---.

If you had read the life history of Condi Rice---and as she described her life in an interview on 20/20 or was it 60 minutes---her describing who she was and where she grew up---her interest in russian and being a russia specialist---I saw blood flowing from her hands---the hatred that she had of men---black men----as she grew up as a child---the type of music that she liked---like someone was describing those communist party members who could order the killings of a thousand people without showing any remorse---but who's eyes would fill with tears listening to a symphony playing classical music. Condi Rice a possible psychotic kller---Saddam had no clue who he was facing---.

I guess, my signature says it all.

I like to treat people the way I'd expect them to treat me.

The attitude of Indians here,well it way past your signature of just being a gentleman by choice. Although i am surprise that you dont think of the same when it comes to Pakistan.

ps:i have to admit i had to go to your profile to see your signature.
I thought the word **** was considered an insult and Paksitanis didn't appreciate it here.

So is the word nigger, but only when used by those who are not African Americans themselves right? On the other hand African Americans use the word all the time.
USS enterprise was in fact ordered into Arab/Persian Gulf region way back in January as a show of US Power to pressurize Iran. This aircraft carrier along with its task force; actually it is the second aircraft carrier, the other one being Abraham Lincoln strike group; have been near the Pakistan coast for the last 3 months.

According to the UN 1982 Law of the Sea; sovereign territory of the State extends only to 12 nautical miles (approx. 14 miles) off the coast line. This includes airspace as well as sea lanes.
All vessels whether naval or merchant, have a right of passage beyond this imaginary line.

There is another zone called 'contiguous zone’ where if previously declared by the state such as the United States, in order to control human & goods smuggling; Customs and Coast Guard has jurisdiction to stop the passing vessels for inspection.

The exclusive economic zone extends up to 200 nautical miles. USS Enterprise is 60-70 nautical mile off Pakistani coast. Unless the task force is engaged in fishing or exploitation of mineral resources, no international law has been violated. The US is of course flexing her muscles.

As usual it is the media and the journalist ‘spin doctors’ who twist the facts to create sensational news. The title is just to fan anti US feeling by a bias media among an ignorant public.
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