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US violates int’l laws; moves USS Enterprise into Pakistani water.

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Pakistan should take this ship down, enough is enough, they will pay the price , indians are getting happy on this news, but they will pay the price of this as well ...

One nuke on this ship will keep the US on its place...
you can wish whatever you want while sitting in london but no one has put you incharge of pakistani nation, only pakistani nation will suffer of any kind of war and you will sip your tea in london, so please, enough of your b.s
Pakistan should take this ship down, enough is enough, they will pay the price , indians are getting happy on this news, but they will pay the price of this as well ...

One nuke on this ship will keep the US on its place...

Please advice this to your General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani....and good news is that they can get ready in 8 seconds.

140 km, well within the range of a Babur

ok...Please Press the Enter button...Now.

LOL @ Indians!

Not required...Please come to the topic.

That's also a good option.

To see what Pakistan can do try to hit it with full scale war.

Daily Drone Strike is not enough...?...Still u r waiting....???
Relax Guys - I think if US dares to attack Pakistan we should just nuke India and call it a day.

And India will welcome Pakistan with Rose garland...Don you think...??
I can only lol at the Americans talking about nukes... Even if Pakistan's nukes cant reach US, we can let our nukes go all over the place... A huge atmospheric disruption due to 200 nukes being blasted... So technically the whole world would go down as well.

... the Western nations would recover pretty quickly after the bulk of Pakistan's missiles failed at launch or were shot down by sea-based AMM's, Pakistan would cease to exist when they were glassed-over by the West and would end up being just a greasy smudge on the pages of history. THE END.
First, the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) defines 'territorial waters' as 12nm. So Pakistani panties are in a bunch for NOTHING. And second, I can't find a REPUTABLE news organization that is reporting that the Enterprise is indeed off of Pakistan. :usflag:

... the Western nations would recover pretty quickly after the bulk of Pakistan's missiles failed at launch or were shot down by sea-based AMM's, Pakistan would cease to exist when they were glassed-over by the West and would end up being just a greasy smudge on the pages of history. THE END.

You have AAM's, where Australian Indian?
some Traitor Baloch sardars must be having Multiple orgasms on the news of their saviors coming near their coast..
some Traitor Baloch sardars must be having Multiple orgasms on the news of their saviors coming near their coast..

Why wouldn't YOU be considered a TRAITOR ? You live in kuffar-land. Land of one of the Satans'. Not the GREAT SATAN, but... :woot:

Tell me dear, where do you have AAM's in the sea? Retard.

Didn't Mommy tell you about Aegis class destroyers, IceHole.
Why wouldn't YOU be considered a TRAITOR ? You live in kuffar-land. Land of one of the Satans'. Not the GREAT SATAN, but... :woot:

Because we Muslims consider the whole world as our Allah's created land and can live anywhere...

On topic..
Pakistan needs to keep an eye on the USS enterprise..They may fly in Helicopters with supplies for Terrorists
Because we Muslims consider the whole world as our Allah's created land and can live anywhere...

Fair enough, I guess.

...On topic..
Pakistan needs to keep an eye on the USS enterprise..They may fly in Helicopters with supplies for Terrorists

Like I said in post #203, I can't find a reputable source claiming the Enterprise is ANYWHERE NEAR Pakistan. And anyway, Pakistans 'territorial waters' ONLY extend 12 nm. So UN-BUNCH those panties, boys !!
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