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US violates int’l laws; moves USS Enterprise into Pakistani water.

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There is something called innocent passage in maritime.

A ship passing near the boundary, nothing much in it. Ships regularly do it.

No retaliation is required/wanted. But Pakistan should take necessary counter-measures for safety.
...You remind me of a comment I once read about Pakistan on how it threatens the world by putting a gun to its own head..:disagree:

:disagree: ... it's more like putting gun to head of that for whom US is being "a sacrificial offering" ... to whom US is a slave ... for whom US is doing all what she's doing ...
Most of us know that this is a false alarm or atleast war wont happened, I am just passing some good time in this thread which gives me a good laugh, Personally even though Pakistan is our enemy I wont prefer it get knocked down by anyone other then India ;)

Sarcasm aside but we will not go down before giving the other side a bloody nose and in case of India it will be much worse.
Can't say about this first target but it's for sure that in case of any war with US, India and Israel will be reduced to clouds of smoke.India knows this and will never want US to attack Pakistan - if they are educated enough.

That's the farthest from the truth - I don't think anybody in Pakistan is that insane to open a front with India when its under attack by a super power - that's like sounding your death wish in a hurry and hoping for a white wash of Pakistan - India does have a desire for a stable Pakistan in its western border for totally different reasons and will do its bit to stop any power from attacking Pakistan only for the sole reason that Pakistan is a buffer state for India absorbing the terrorists partially. The day Pakistan lets flow the Jihadi elements into India through Pakistan will be the day when India will look at Pakistan hostilely.

India's biggest worry is a takeover of Pakistan by fundamentalists which will be quite a burden for India's borders.
:disagree: ... it's more like putting gun to head of that for whom US is being "a sacrificial offering" ... to whom US is a slave ... for whom US is doing all what she's doing ...

1. You have crude nukes.
2. You can't reach the US.
3. Israel has nukes and probably thermonuclear ones at that.
4. Israel would probably y nuke every muslim nation, and your holy sites, as per their option.
5. The US would Nuke you as well.
6. The US survives untouched.

I don't see how the US loses in such a situation.

North Korea asked for China's help in the 50's and North Vietnam asked for China's help in the 60's. What else do these two have in common? :)

They are poorer than Japan, Taiwan, and South Korea.
Oh for crying out loud. Pakistan is a nation of ~200 million. You are definitely no Libya. Fact is Pakistan has China totally backing you up, period. Look at what we did when USA intervened in China's bordering nations like Korean War and Vietnam War. China has just finished kicking USA's arse out of South China Sea. I'd bet this is Centcom saying to Washington "look at us, we are better than Paccom, they can't deal with the Chinese in Asia Pacific, but at least we can throw our weight around in this part of the world!"

China and Russia are working hand-in-hand in sync because Putin is back and Xi Jinping turned out to be China's Putin (unlike Hu Jintao / Wen Jiabao who are like China's Medvedev or even Gorbachev). Nothing is going to happen to Pakistan strategically, although pin-pricks like this move by USS Enterprise is to be expected.

Look at Iran, they've been pin-pricked by USA for ages, but they handle themselves well. Okay, they have oil, so that's a huge advantage Pakistan doesn't have (not yet discovered at least). But at least Pakistan already has nukes. And india is completely checked by China so no need to worry about that.

You'll pull through, as long as you don't fall apart internally. You have too many allies -- China and Russia are checking USA left and right all over the world -- so they are lashing out at you in desperation. Don't freak out. Closing down the Afghanistan supply route is really hurting them badly!

If hot conflict breaks out, it will be part of a global conflagration -- not just Pakistan -- Syria will erupt, Iran will erupt and East China Sea will erupt. Pakistan definitely won't be facing USA firepower alone.
1. You have crude nukes.
2. You can't reach the US.
3. Israel has nukes and probably thermonuclear ones at that.
4. Israel would probably y nuke every muslim nation, and your holy sites, as per their option.
5. The US would Nuke you as well.
6. The US survives untouched.

How long do you think we will not be able to reach the US and the US will survive untouched? Or let me ask you how do you know that we dont have the US already within our reach.......let me guess your CIA intel i suppose?

This thread has served its purpose, its not based on crediable source and moreover we have many chest thumpers with misplaced bravado from both side.
Mods please close the thread.
Oh for crying out loud. Pakistan is a nation of ~200 million. You are definitely no Libya. Fact is Pakistan has China totally backing you up, period. Look at what we did when USA intervened in China's bordering nations like Korean War and Vietnam War. China has just finished kicking USA's arse out of South China Sea. I'd bet this is Centcom saying to Washington "look at us, we are better than Paccom, they can't deal with the Chinese in Asia Pacific, but at least we can throw our weight around in this part of the world!"

China and Russia are working hand-in-hand in sync because Putin is back and Xi Jinping turned out to be China's Putin (unlike Hu Jintao / Wen Jiabao who are like China's Medvedev or even Gorbachev). Nothing is going to happen to Pakistan strategically, although pin-pricks like this move by USS Enterprise is to be expected.

Look at Iran, they've been pin-pricked by USA for ages, but they handle themselves well. Okay, they have oil, so that's a huge advantage Pakistan doesn't have (not yet discovered at least). But at least Pakistan already has nukes. And india is completely checked by China so no need to worry about that.

You'll pull through, as long as you don't fall apart internally. You have too many allies -- China and Russia are checking USA left and right all over the world -- so they are lashing out at you in desperation. Don't freak out. Closing down the Afghanistan supply route is really hurting them badly!

If hot conflict breaks out, it will be part of a global conflagration -- not just Pakistan -- Syria will erupt, Iran will erupt and East China Sea will erupt. Pakistan definitely won't be facing USA firepower alone.

where did you copy that from SC? that not at all sounds like you and I doubt the availability of mental fortittude to pen that.

on topic: has anyone even bothered to authenicate the actual position of the US Enterprise? the whole topic seems dubious.
Are you frikkin kidding me. I mean a Pakistani lecturing an American on economy. A chinese doing it is hilarious enough, but a Pakistani.. C'mon, give me a break. At 2.5% GDP growth, we add twice the whole GDP of Pakistan every year to our GDP. Go find the right ball park to play in. May be make a few nasties about India's slow down...

Missed the point there, didn't you? Look at your economy and debt in the last 10 years, You are unable to sustain yourself and would end up bankrupt if you do not rethink your foreign policies. We on the other hand have always survived on the edge, we do not have the luxuries that you are so used to.
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