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US violates int’l laws; moves USS Enterprise into Pakistani water.

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umm.. WORLD WAR 3 ?? :what: , any ways Pakistan will surely take some measures its just not going to sit back and relax, it will only react to either a possible attempt or a true attempt, i hope thats the way :)
Missed the point there, didn't you? Look at your economy and debt in the last 10 years, You are unable to sustain yourself and would end up bankrupt if you do not rethink your foreign policies. We on the other hand have always survived on the edge, we do not have the luxuries that you are so used to.

So your point is that since you never had anything substantial, you dont have much to lose. Fair point. However the fact that we have had and still do and have been at the forefront of world economy for last 50 or so years, validates my point that among the current crop of nations in the world, we are not among the list that needs a lecture in economics. And certainly not from someone who by your own admission has never managed to be far away from the edge of an economic precipice.
1. You have crude nukes.
2. You can't reach the US.
3. Israel has nukes and probably thermonuclear ones at that.
4. Israel would probably y nuke every muslim nation, and your holy sites, as per their option.
5. The US would Nuke you as well.
6. The US survives untouched.

I don't see how the US loses in such a situation.

1. Our 'crude' Nukes are capable enough to take out every major city of any enemy.
2. Nobody has a clue of what we can and cannot reach, all you have is speculation and hearsay.
3. Perhaps, or maybe they have nothing at all! Besides, what good would they be when Israel is wiped off the Earth?
4. See the Answer above.
4. I am pretty sure, Nukes would be our dead last option when our destruction is certain anyway and the US can do that conventionally as well.
5. Again, that is pure speculation and limited to the mainland USA, their bases around us would be wiped out.....mainland USA, well, you never know.

Mate, you know what? Had we any intentions other then to help the US (conditionally, ofcourse), we would have armed the Afghan Talibaan with Baktar Shikans, Anzas, AP ammunition and bunker buster rockets......The soviets crumbled against the Talibaan when the Talibaan started shooting down their attack helos, I wonder how long the US would survive if Talibaan start shooting down their drones/helos/Jets (that fly low enough to be engaged) and Tanks/APC etc., if the Talibaan start shelling American bases and so on.

So if you take a moment and take out your nose for the American ***, you might be able to appreciate the sacrifices (economic, resource and human wise).

Oh for crying out loud. Pakistan is a nation of ~200 million. You are definitely no Libya. Fact is Pakistan has China totally backing you up, period. Look at what we did when USA intervened in China's bordering nations like Korean War and Vietnam War. China has just finished kicking USA's arse out of South China Sea. I'd bet this is Centcom saying to Washington "look at us, we are better than Paccom, they can't deal with the Chinese in Asia Pacific, but at least we can throw our weight around in this part of the world!"

China and Russia are working hand-in-hand in sync because Putin is back and Xi Jinping turned out to be China's Putin (unlike Hu Jintao / Wen Jiabao who are like China's Medvedev or even Gorbachev). Nothing is going to happen to Pakistan strategically, although pin-pricks like this move by USS Enterprise is to be expected.

Look at Iran, they've been pin-pricked by USA for ages, but they handle themselves well. Okay, they have oil, so that's a huge advantage Pakistan doesn't have (not yet discovered at least). But at least Pakistan already has nukes. And india is completely checked by China so no need to worry about that.

You'll pull through, as long as you don't fall apart internally. You have too many allies -- China and Russia are checking USA left and right all over the world -- so they are lashing out at you in desperation. Don't freak out. Closing down the Afghanistan supply route is really hurting them badly!

If hot conflict breaks out, it will be part of a global conflagration -- not just Pakistan -- Syria will erupt, Iran will erupt and East China Sea will erupt. Pakistan definitely won't be facing USA firepower alone.

Well said mate.

So your point is that since you never had anything substantial, you dont have much to lose. Fair point. However the fact that we have had and still do and have been at the forefront of world economy for last 50 or so years, validates my point that among the current crop of nations in the world, we are not among the list that needs a lecture in economics. And certainly not from someone who by your own admission has never managed to be far away from the edge of an economic precipice.

50 years is nothing, before you got there your masters were the only top nation for like hundreds of years yet they crumbled. The only reason they have even survived is because they were smart, smarter then you are currently.

And my history reviving friend.....please tell me how big your economy was and in what conditions your country was after 65 years of independence? Wasn't it a lot worse then where we are now? And to continue, yes I stick to my point still that we do not have as much to lose as you, we are losing what we have everyday because of you anyway.....we may as well repay you in kind.
lol, we shoud not open NATO supplies at any cost, we know how to defend our country, BTW its not NATO supply, the name is only being used its US supplies .... so if US wants then open was it the only solution and we will make US the living hell on this planet

And how would you do that?
Usually at least one a/c is at North Arabian Sea to keep Pakistan in check but moving this close signals something (if this news is true). Perhaps, US is getting ready to physically threaten pakistan to open NATO supply in the future.

In extreme case, a ground invasion to secure a route from Gwadar port to Afghanistan may be on the cards.

Pakistan has to be more careful and take necessary counter measures now.

Will Rambo be securing Gwadar or Arnie?
Will Rambo be securing Gwadar or Arnie?

Rambo will arrive later to secure the 20 odd US marine prisoners and will destroy a Pakistani military base killing hundreds of soldiers/SSG commandos in the process single handedly. Arnie will be responsible for our Nuke sites.
Sam Fisher of Splinter Cell battling the Taliban

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50 years is nothing, before you got there your masters were the only top nation for like hundreds of years yet they crumbled. The only reason they have even survived is because they were smart, smarter then you are currently.

If you are referring to GB as our Masters, then I guess you have some catching up to do on the European and American history. But anyway, don't write us off just yet. There are a lot of innings left in this game :)

And my history reviving friend.....please tell me how big your economy was and in what conditions your country was after 65 years of independence? Wasn't it a lot worse then where we are now?
Don't think so.

And to continue, yes I stick to my point still that we do not have as much to lose as you, we are losing what we have everyday because of you anyway.....we may as well repay you in kind.

Whatever mate..
I can only lol at the Americans talking about nukes... Even if Pakistan's nukes cant reach US, we can let our nukes go all over the place... A huge atmospheric disruption due to 200 nukes being blasted... So technically the whole world would go down as well.
1. Our 'crude' Nukes are capable enough to take out every major city of any enemy.
2. Nobody has a clue of what we can and cannot reach, all you have is speculation and hearsay.
3. Perhaps, or maybe they have nothing at all! Besides, what good would they be when Israel is wiped off the Earth?
4. See the Answer above.
4. I am pretty sure, Nukes would be our dead last option when our destruction is certain anyway and the US can do that conventionally as well.
5. Again, that is pure speculation and limited to the mainland USA, their bases around us would be wiped out.....mainland USA, well, you never know.

Well let me put it this way. The US and Israel both have ICBM's. You have no real knowledge if you do or don't. Thus you bear the greater risk.

Mate, you know what? Had we any intentions other then to help the US (conditionally, ofcourse), we would have armed the Afghan Talibaan with Baktar Shikans, Anzas, AP ammunition and bunker buster rockets......The soviets crumbled against the Talibaan when the Talibaan started shooting down their attack helos, I wonder how long the US would survive if Talibaan start shooting down their drones/helos/Jets (that fly low enough to be engaged) and Tanks/APC etc., if the Talibaan start shelling American bases and so on.

On a $5 billion budget? I don't think so. You don' have the economy to fight proxy wars against superpowers who can last decades in brutal wars.

I can only lol at the Americans talking about nukes... Even if Pakistan's nukes cant reach US, we can let our nukes go all over the place... A huge atmospheric disruption due to 200 nukes being blasted... So technically the whole world would go down as well.

I believe during the cold war more were detonated as tests. Thermonuclear ones at that.


Nuclear weapons testing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
On a $5 billion budget? I don't think so. You don' have the economy to fight proxy wars against superpowers who can last decades in brutal wars.

Thx... I have bookmarked this quote. So when American accuses us of supporting Taliban in Afg against US, I will show this quote. Thanks very much :tup: :rofl:

I believe during the cold war more were detonated as tests. Thermonuclear ones at that.


Nuclear weapons testing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

How many failed? During that time nuclear tech was new.
umm.. WORLD WAR 3 ?? :what: , any ways Pakistan will surely take some measures its just not going to sit back and relax, it will only react to either a possible attempt or a true attempt, i hope thats the way :)

i dont think with current government pakistan has much choice and just to sit back and relax, our air space is daily violated with drone attacks and drone spies, but it doesnt matter anything to pakistan

looks like this news is not bogus, slowly all media is reporting like indian media

US moves its nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, the USS Enterprise, into Pakistani territorial waters near Gwadar, media reports said.

"The US has moved its biggest aircraft carrier 65 to 70 nautical miles away from Gwadar in the second week of June", a Pakistani television channel reported.

The USS Enterprise, which holds a crew of over 4,000, had taken part in several wars.

The move comes as relations between Pakistan and the US have touched new lows. Pakistan has refused to reopen Nato supply through infuriating the US.

The Pak-US relations have never recovered to normal since the killing of Al-Qaeda founder Osama Bin Laden in Abbottabad in May last year. The killing of 26 Pakistani soldiers by the Nato forces in November further dented the ties.

"After the deployment of the aircraft in Pakistani sea the country’s security agencies are now investigating into the matter. The movement apparently shows the increasing interest of the US in Balochistan province of Pakistan", another channel reported.

Meanwhile, the Los Angeles Times reported that the Pentagon plans to soon deploy a new generation of drones the size of model planes, packing tiny explosive warheads that can be delivered with pinpoint accuracy.

The move to introduce new small drones seeks to minimize civilian casualties and collateral damage, the report said.

Errant drone strikes have been blamed for killing and injuring scores of civilians throughout Pakistan and Afghanistan, giving the US government a black eye as it targets elusive terrorist groups, the newspaper said.

The Predator and Reaper drones deployed in these regions typically carry 100-pound laser-guided Hellfire missiles or 500-pound GPS-guided smart bombs that can reduce buildings to smouldering rubble.

The new Switchblade drone, by comparison, weighs less than 6 pounds and can take out a sniper on a rooftop without blasting the building to bits. It also enables soldiers in the field to identify and destroy targets much more quickly by eliminating the need to call in a strike from large drones that may be hundreds of miles away.

"This is a precision strike weapon that causes as minimal collateral damage as possible", said William I. Nichols, who led the Army’s testing effort of the Switchblades at Redstone Arsenal near Huntsville, Ala.

The Obama administration, notably the CIA, has long been lambasted by critics for its use of combat drones and carelessly killing civilians in targeted strikes in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen and Somalia.

In Islamabad, on Thursday, Foreign Office spokesman Muazzam Khan said that efforts were underway to mend the strained relationship between Pakistan and the US.

Speaking to reporters at a weekly news briefing, Mr Khan said that the decision to restore the Nato supply route would be made by the political leadership.

The FO spokesman dispelled the impression that Pakistan was raising the tariff on the supply route adding that there were several other issues involved.

"Pakistan will not allow its territory to be used as terrorist safe havens", he added.
Rambo will arrive later to secure the 20 odd US marine prisoners and will destroy a Pakistani military base killing hundreds of soldiers/SSG commandos in the process single handedly. Arnie will be responsible for our Nuke sites.
So this means we gonna see Rambo's new movie First blood partV or IInd Blood Part-I soon in our cinemas.......:D
There's almost no possibility of any ground invasion as it could trigger a full-scale war but Pakistan must take necessary counter measures now.

Full Scale war…???...Do you believe Pakistan can go for war against USA…?necessary counter measures is..Do what USA says....you took enough of aid...It is time to pay back

We need to arm our Navy fast. If that doesnt work, then we either need Iran's help or we need Chinese favour to make Gwadar a military base.

Don’t you know that China has already denied for the naval base at Gwadar....All you need to check with Iran...Before few days back some statement party happened I believe in between Pakistan and Iran...Time for the test now...You need to check with Turks too.
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