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US violates int’l laws; moves USS Enterprise into Pakistani water.

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Mech please try not to use such images, such pictures hurts.

yes i agree...We are here to discuss...Nothing too serious on an internet forum..
These pictures spoils the day...
Why are Indians instigating and getting off to this news?

Most of us know that this is a false alarm or atleast war wont happened, I am just passing some good time in this thread which gives me a good laugh, Personally even though Pakistan is our enemy I wont prefer it get knocked down by anyone other then India ;)
How much money is PAK charging the Yanki terrorist for the supply route? Whether these terrorist apolosize or not, PAK
should not make any compromise on the Transit tariff.
That isnt an internationally agreed distance.
Many countries declare more than that as territorial waters.
It is, actually.

United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982
Article3 Breadth of the territorial sea

Every State has the right to establish the breadth of its territorial sea up to a limit not exceeding 12 nautical miles, measured from baselines determined in accordance with this Convention.
Overview - Convention & Related Agreements

On the width of the belt there has developed no universal agreement except that every state is entitled to a minimum of three nautical miles. Claims in excess of 12 nautical miles (22 km) commonly meet widespread opposition from other states, though in the 1960s and ’70s a trend to a 12-nautical-mile limit was evident; among about 40 states taking this view were China, India, Mexico, Pakistan, Egypt, and the Soviet Union.
United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea that was convened at Geneva in 1958 and attended by 86 nations developed a convention affirming the commonly accepted principles of the legal nature of the territorial sea and the right of innocent passage. This convention took effect in 1964 and by 1970 had been ratified by almost 40 states. A more comprehensive Law of the Sea treaty was signed by 117 nations in 1982
territorial waters (international law) -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia

Don't confuse territorial water and economic exclusion zon (EEZ). According to In'tel Law, even in a 200 nm EEZ naval ships have right of passage and conducting naval exercises.

Question is, given the unrefuelled strike radius of F18E's (390 nmi/449 mi/722 km for a hi-lo-lo-hi interdiction mission profile, with four 1,000 lb bombs, two Sidewinders, and two 1,818 liter/480 U.S. gallon/400 Imp gallon external tanks, navigation FLIR and targeting FLIR: Forward Looking Infra-Red), and given the E/F model is able to perform a strike tanker mission while carrying a self-protection air-to-air missile loadout, why would you even want to park your nuclear aircraft carrier 70nm of the coast of Pakistan....?

Fully loaded Reaper drones can cruise for 14 hours at 276–313 km/h, which suggests an operational range of max 7hx275km/h=1925 km. Actual range is stated to be 1000 nautical miles i.e. 1850 km.
140 km, well within the range of a Babur
A cruise missile might as well hit their ship, but it won't be Babur, rather it would be Tomahawk painted with a Pakistani False-Flag :)
It's frequently observed phenomena now that they depict scenarios similar to their planned actions in movies. Not sure what they achieve from doing so, but a guess is that it is to mat down the knee-jerk-reaction of masses. To remove the apprehension associated with "experiencing something for the first time".

Like they showed "Lone Gunman" just few months prior to actually slamming remote-controlled planes into WTCs for real,,, Like they showed "Head of State" before bringing Black president into place,,, Like "Broken Arrow" like incident has been speculated to have occurred when that B52 that "accidentally" flew with 6 nukes & returned with one less(five), & 6-7 crew working at the 2 of involved bases are confirmed to have died in "accidents"... Like Aaron Russo was told 1st hand by one of Rockefellers, 8 months prior, about plans to invade Afghan...
cruise missile 00:50+ === alleged at Pakistan 01:45+
Submarine commander said at the end of movie trailer, "Test us and we will ALL burn together. You have been warned" ... :azn:
Last Resort Trailer - YouTube
Or another explanation of this behavior is that we have lost all trust in USA.Even the well educated ones..living abroad among us cannot trust USA anymore because of their track record of Invading country after country.

I wasn't talking about trust but this recurring theme of engaging the US military in a head-on fight. The stupidest thing one can do is to fight a powerful adversary at their strongest point.

As to the question whether the US is an ally or adversary, the issue is complex. The unfortunate reality is that, once you get past the smokescreen of the WOT and get to the real American agenda, the policy wonks in Washington have decided that Pakistan is an impediment to their long term geopolitical goals in the region. Pakistan needs to convince Washington otherwise or, at least, to view Pakistan as a neutral player not directly inimical to US interests. Pakistan needs to play from the Indian rulebook whereby stronger powers do not misconstrue friendship as subservience.
Americans are being silly on this thread, they are not asking their GOV what the hell this USS enterprise is doing near Pakistan, but keep on claiming blah blah blah...

Indians on the other hand trying to show us what nukes can do, come on we know what nukes can do and that is why we have them.

Americans firstly go and ask yourself what is the point in killing 24 Pakistani army people and now doing pressure tactics to get the supply lines open, if you guys use your head you will know the answers and trust me, we are not Iraq or Afghanistan, we will defend our country,

you can start the war but you wont be able to finish it off, learn some lessons from Afghanistan war,

You assume we want to keep any of it. Breaking all the toys and infrastructure would be lesson enough. Why would we want to keep any of that area, and be responsible for its endless problems?:no:
In short you are saying, your government and military is lying to public. Its hard to know when Pakistanis are not lying.

The military cannot officially comment on the authorization but they have given us enough hints, especially since they have declared on numerous occasions that they can shoot down drones if given the go ahead by the Government. The implied message is "Government has authorized the attacks".

The Government, ofcourse, is a pack of liars, cheaters, looters, plunderers, selfish/greedy Bastards.

P.S. Recently a training session was held in India and we participated. Honestly, before the tour I used to think that Pakistanis lie and cheat more then Indians but mate, you guys lie and cheat even about things that do not have an impact on you. Your lies are habitual, consistent and numerous....We, cannot even imagine to come close to the level of lies and deceit that you have achieved.

Don't worry we already got DongFeng-21 Carrier killer Missiles......:smokin:

Spoilsport!! Couldn't you keep them guessing???
I wasn't talking about trust but this recurring theme of engaging the US military in a head-on fight. The stupidest thing one can do is to fight a powerful adversary at their strongest point.

As to the question whether the US is an ally or adversary, the issue is complex. The unfortunate reality is that, once you get past the smokescreen of the WOT and get to the real American agenda, the policy wonks in Washington have decided that Pakistan is an impediment to their long term geopolitical goals in the region. Pakistan needs to convince Washington otherwise or, at least, to view Pakistan as a neutral player not directly inimical to US interests. Pakistan needs to play from the Indian rulebook whereby stronger powers do not misconstrue friendship as subservience.

India became a love child of USA only after Israel made India their proxy for foreign investment.
If today Israel loses financial interest in india,USA will follow.
There is no need to do any of that.

The economy will take care of every issue, or not, as the case may be. Automatically.

Yeah, with all the laybacks and job cuts that you guys are facing along with a spiralling out of control debt, I am sure you are correct.

you are forgetting the almost dailly drone attacks,the OBL raid or the air strikes ? where is the pride ?no point in cribbing, the americans will do what they want to do with you infact all you can ask is more money read AID. regarding the nuking of the enterprise start prictising living in the ''stone age'' as threatened by one Condolesa Rice

Actually, the Americans cannot do what they want to do here otherwise the supply routes would never have closed. In Pakistan, they do exactly what we want them to do.

So you would eliminate an Arab enemy when you are being obliterated by the US?

Is that really the best you can come up with?

I admire your dedication to the Arab cause.

Oh, we may take out India as well while we are at it :)
Usually at least one a/c is at North Arabian Sea to keep Pakistan in check but moving this close signals something (if this news is true). Perhaps, US is getting ready to physically threaten pakistan to open NATO supply in the future.

In extreme case, a ground invasion to secure a route from Gwadar port to Afghanistan may be on the cards.

Pakistan has to be more careful and take necessary counter measures now.

Keep dreaming about the invasion!! Whatever makes you happy!!!

Pakistan should take this ship down, enough is enough, they will pay the price , indians are getting happy on this news, but they will pay the price of this as well ...

One nuke on this ship will keep the US on its place...
Bhai Saheb----settle down!! These things happen and the army is aware of it.
50,000 american soldiers in afghanistan are under the range of our missiles they will be the first target.

Can't say about this first target but it's for sure that in case of any war with US, India and Israel will be reduced to clouds of smoke.India knows this and will never want US to attack Pakistan - if they are educated enough.
Yeah, with all the laybacks and job cuts that you guys are facing along with a spiralling out of control debt, I am sure you are correct.

Are you frikkin kidding me. I mean a Pakistani lecturing an American on economy. A chinese doing it is hilarious enough, but a Pakistani.. C'mon, give me a break. At 2.5% GDP growth, we add twice the whole GDP of Pakistan every year to our GDP. Go find the right ball park to play in. May be make a few nasties about India's slow down...

Can't say about this first target but it's for sure that in case of any war with US, India and Israel will be reduced to clouds of smoke.India knows this and will never want US to attack Pakistan - if they are educated enough.

You remind me of a comment I once read about Pakistan on how it threatens the world by putting a gun to its own head..:disagree:
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