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US violates int’l laws; moves USS Enterprise into Pakistani water.

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Just give me some clear answers, and try not to change subjects kid.
I'm confronting you with what i've seen and read from your posts "dude".

Clear answers ? You DIDN'T ASK A QUESTION, NUMBNUTZ !! First you babbled about the tsunami, then you burped up 9/11. You're all over the place. If you want to talk about the tsunami, O.K. Make up your (tiny) mind.
Clear answers ? You DIDN'T ASK A QUESTION, NUMBNUTZ !! First you babbled about the tsunami, then you burped up 9/11. You're all over the place. If you want to talk about the tsunami, O.K. Make up your (tiny) mind.

I pity you man, i'm off to bed, cannot waste any time of my life arguing with a moron.
US is violating from long time...what can you do..nothing...just watch helplessly....
Drones....OBL killing.....killing Pakistani solders etc...what did you do nothing.......
Frustration ...is your destiny....live with it
Neither is it binding on non-signatories. We never signed it and neither did China.

"In 2004 China applied to join the MTCR, but members did not offer China membership because of concerns about China's export control standards"

So you see, they were REJECTED.
US is a threat to every Muslim country. US is good in making imaginary enemies, US have started a war which they themselves cannot control now. I hope there are no more wars but US is in a mood to go on war with Iran & Pakistan, all of this is going to be done for Greater Israel.

I can see the people of US are blinded by their corrupt Govt. always & their Govt. always convince them with well constructed lies & massive propaganda. I hope you all remember what happened with Rome & the same is going to happen with US. US will collapse & they will pay for all the crimes they have committed against humanity specially the crimes they have committed against Islam & Muslim countries.

Go to bed, douchebag. Mommy will tuck you in. You can blow yourself up in the morning.

You worthless good for nothing red necks.
US is a threat to every Muslim country. US is good in making imaginary enemies, US have started a war which they themselves cannot control now. I hope there are no more wars but US is in a mood to go on war with Iran & Pakistan, all of this is going to be done for Greater Israel.

I can see the people of US are blinded by their corrupt Govt. always & their Govt. always convince them with well constructed lies & massive propaganda. I hope you all remember what happened with Rome & the same is going to happen with US. US will collapse & they will pay for all the crimes they have committed against humanity specially the crimes they have committed against Islam & Muslim countries.

You worthless good for nothing red necks.

you have no option...but to with for US to collapse....but worst is over for US and US start growing again....bad news for you
US is a threat to every Muslim country. US is good in making imaginary enemies, US have started a war which they themselves cannot control now. I hope there are no more wars but US is in a mood to go on war with Iran & Pakistan, all of this is going to be done for Greater Israel.

I can see the people of US are blinded by their corrupt Govt. always & their Govt. always convince them with well constructed lies & massive propaganda. I hope you all remember what happened with Rome & the same is going to happen with US. US will collapse & they will pay for all the crimes they have committed against humanity specially the crimes they have committed against Islam & Muslim countries.

You worthless good for nothing red necks.

Oh no, hillbilly? Redneck? Nice thing about being white, racial slurs mean danged little. Try again.
Oh no, hillbilly? Redneck? Nice thing about being white, racial slurs mean danged little. Try again.

But hillbilly means somebody who lives on the hills and redneck is a simpleton?

Let us not go over board now---'nuc you' means the destruction of the current infra structure of the world---. Secondly---you are still a visitor on this forum---thirdly Musharraf is scared of no one it is just a prudent decision---.

It is absolutely stupid to tell the 'fourth horseman' bring me death---I fear it not----. It is okay to act as an imbecile amongst your buddies---because they being your peers are similar to you---but to come here and make an outrageous statement like that is not conducive to the one bearing the tricolors.

It is not the first time that the enterprise has been to those waters and it is not the last time.

The world cannot fight and afford a war with pakistan at this time---one major strike on the oil refineries and the world economy is doomed---one strike and sinking of a mega tanker in the straits causing a partial blockage of the shipping lanes---will break the back of the industry world over like never seen before..... Why would any one make any threats to pakistan or why would pakistan make any threats to anyone else.

Actually---the world's economy is so frail and fragile---it cannot afford any bad news----the u s economy is fluttering around---someone sneezes hard and the u s economy freezes over momentarily----pakistan's economy is in a terrible shape---europe is lost and cannot tell its head from its tail---why would anyone want a war---.

The variable is that there is a negro president in the white house---a negro secretary of state Powell during 2nd gulf war---a negro commander in chief Powell during first gulf war--a negress foreign secretary Rice during the second gulf war----all these people playing extremely important and crucial roles basically spear heading the campaign of war---those were and are a recipe of disaster---the last two being the reason for over a million deaths and counting in iraq.

That is what pakistan needs to be concerned about---the blackman in the white house---. Our interaction has always been with white men in power---we have not had the oppurtunity to understand the behaviour of blacks in power---the character traits are different as well as reaction and retaliation. Blacks have lived in a different world---we are not familiar with it at all---.

You must never appear meek and weak in front of a blackman---and don't be ignorant of his presence and what he can do---.

It is just like meeting a black man on adark street---you never know what to expect---same with Obama---and same with thopse before him---Powell and Rice.

The same post could be better put without using words that are totally racist.

Whats really appalling is how Indians are going all worked up for calling a black president black.......seriously third eye, how far are you Indians willing to go and raise your back side to appease people in the US. Don't get surprise when Sharukh Khan is still asked to take off his shoes every time he visits the US even though he is from India.

IceCold, why are trying to be blind here ? Negro is not the same as calling Obama a black president. nuf said.
But hillbilly means somebody who lives on the hills and redneck is a simpleton?

Hill billys were people in the foot-hills of Apalachia, rural, often uneducated. Redneck was also a rural worker (sun-burned on the neck from outdoors work), but has come to have its own meaning. Not simpleton, more a conservative jingoistic person of middling wealth, every country has rednecks, many of my German friends consider Bavarians or Westphalians as rednecks.

(oh, and while I'm here, as far as "black," many Americans would consider both Pakistanis and Indians as "black" (and yes I know they are more "brown," just sayin, and don't get in a bunch that I'm racist, most of my girlfriends have been Mexican, also "brown")

If the US does something stupid what would be China's role? Of course, many things depend on that. If Pakistan falls, China's southern border will become the point of entry into China for China's enemies. I hope the China's leadership understand that. The ultimate target is China, Pakistan is just a practice target.

If US does do something stupid, it would plan for the reaction and after effects. You can argue OBL raid was stupid but it was meticulously planned and executed.
China will be factored in when they plan to do something stupid.
I think sir MastanKhan knows what he is talking about, and especially him living in the U.S. and knowing what comes and goes around.

He is saying that Pakistan should be aware of the fact that we've always dealt with white men in power coming from the U.S. and now, times changed and we must be vigilant.

Some things MAY sound harsh, but I think it's an interesting analogy what sir MastanKhan has put forward.

It's a defence forum, he is saying things straightforward, you can either react to it, or ignore it, but don't brush it aside just because your feelings are "hurt".

Would it be acceptable if the same anology & generalisation were to be applied to Muslims -dont show yourself to be timid to a Negro ( read Muslim) or things like that ?

C'mon, we asians are possibly the most discriminated lot based on looks, colour etc. This is done by Non Asians & Asians too ( KSA) yet we we find it ' fashionable ' to call others names we know they wouldnt appreciate & outside the norms of civility.

An asian in the US calling coloured people Negroes ?? Pot calling the kettle black ..

Education is just not speaking english, its much more.

There is no " hurt', the word used was apalled.
India will pursue its own national interests, and is unlikely to act as a proxy for anyone, I think.

Backing out on Iran, bringing China into its range, talks of two front wars.........does not seem like India is pursing its own interest, rather somebodies else.
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