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US violates int’l laws; moves USS Enterprise into Pakistani water.

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Hill billys were people in the foot-hills of Apalachia, rural, often uneducated. Redneck was also a rural worker (sun-burned on the neck from outdoors work), but has come to have its own meaning. Not simpleton, more a conservative jingoistic person of middling wealth, every country has rednecks, many of my German friends consider Bavarians or Westphalians as rednecks.

(oh, and while I'm here, as far as "black," many Americans would consider both Pakistanis and Indians as "black" (and yes I know they are more "brown," just sayin, and don't get in a bunch that I'm racist, most of my girlfriends have been Mexican, also "brown")

Who doesnt like latinas?
Been to mexico,venzuela and belize when i was still unmarried....
Who doesnt like latinas?
Been to mexico,venzuela and belize when i was still unmarried....

Lived many places, among them Texas, SoCal, Florida. Lots of lovely Latina girls. Went to high School in El Paso, if you weren't into Mexican girls, you were a lonely guy.
Any regionally co-operative arrangement would do well to have India on board, don't you think?

Actually it will do well without India being on board. With India you never know, who's side the bunya is going to be. India would do the same w.r.t Pakistan.
We need to make sure that India stays out.
Actually it will do well without India being on board. With India you never know, who's side the bunya is going to be. India would do the same w.r.t Pakistan.
We need to make sure that India stays out.

There will be no South Asian group with out India, unless you are talking for containment. While Pakistan would be for this, few others would (and I include China). Work out your troubles, get rid of the persecution complex and realise you will both benefit from regional cooperation.
Actually it will do well without India being on board. With India you never know, who's side the bunya is going to be. India would do the same w.r.t Pakistan.
We need to make sure that India stays out.
what the hell is bunya
Good news now we can try babur cruise missile on some live :D target =))
There will be no South Asian group with out India, unless you are talking for containment. While Pakistan would be for this, few others would (and I include China). Work out your troubles, get rid of the persecution complex and realise you will both benefit from regional cooperation.

I never said there will be one for now, all i said is we need to work to make sure that this gets achievable. This isnt going to happen in a single day, i mean containing India is no joke but there is no issue of complexity here. We are both rivals and hence we try to out maneuver or contain each other. India does the same all the time when ever it gets the chance. US and Russia did the same. Suddenly the whole meaning changes when it comes to Pakistan.....why?
Good news now we can try babur cruise missile on some live :D target =))

You can try but you have a hard time sinking something of that size.

U.S. military sinking the USS Cushing.

The sinking of USS CUSHING (DD 985) - YouTube

Now you may not know it but it took weeks firing missiles and torpedoes to sink the USS America and it finally sank when they used explosives to demo it to get it to sink. And it was just sitting there.
you dont sink an ACC.
You disable it.
Damage the propeller,damage flight deck.

And it gets repaired and comes back to fight again. The Japanese have claimed to sink the Enterprise in previous engagements only to come back out fighting again and killing more Japanese. So...
They don't cause near the same amount of damage genius. study up.

Are you retarded? You are arguing with me over the destruction capacity of WMD's instead of telling me how crazy I am to be considering a Nuclear War!!

Our Plutonium weapons are tritium tipped and we most likely have thermonuclear weapons as well. Besides, would it matter what sort of WMD was used to completely annihilated a city?? Even Benazir Bhutto had no idea about our capability when she was Prime Minister for the second time, you think you would know our capability? If India had even a hint of our ability, would they have tested a Nuclear device in 1998 and essentially prompt us to do the same?

Similarly, in 2005 Qadeer Khan wanted to test a 4,500 - 7,000km ICBM (Taimur/Tipu) but permission was denied by Musharraf when he said "What do you want to hit, Israel? In 2002, it was common knowledge that our scientists were in advanced stages of MIRV'ing our longer range BM's. Put 2 & 2 together and you may realize we are not as pushover a nation as you think, especially when the $$$ stop flowing which continue to buy my politicians and military elites even yet.
btw,the thread is for fun only. We all know that enterprise is far from pakistanls coast.
Are you guys seriously thinking of Damaging and Sinking a US Aircraft Carrier? :lol:
Are you guys seriously thinking of Damaging and Sinking a US Aircraft Carrier? :lol:

Yes why?
I for myself was stood on the jetty making rude gestures at the hot chicks stoid on the deck of USS independance when it was docking at port kelang in malaysia.
They didnt fire a cruise missile at me :lol:
"In 2004 China applied to join the MTCR, but members did not offer China membership because of concerns about China's export control standards"

So you see, they were REJECTED.

You forgot to post the source.

Regardless, China is not a signatory and neither are we. Furthermore, it is a safe assumption that China will provide us access to technology that we require for our existence, if not provided already. If China in the 60's could take on the US for Vietnam, I am sure our friends will not abandon us especially when all we need from them is technology and weapons to counter our enemies.
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