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US Thwarted $1.5mil Iranian plot to kill Saudi ambassador

The Young Turk dude is funny but logical. Although I don't buy his assertion that high-ranking Saudi officials funded the 9/11 terrorists.

Anyway, one thing I am certain of: Obama's Nobel Peace Prize should be taken back! Why give to another same-old, same-old war-monger when the world is full of the likes of Pakistan's Abdul Sattar Edhi? Shame on the Nobel committee!

@Unbeliever, you are right. People are not buying this bizarre theory of official Iranian involvement. Let's see what the official Saudi position is going to be. May be this is another pawn in the chess-game to isolate Iran: Neutralize the threat to Israel from Assad/Hezbollah (note, the 'moderate' Arab regimes strongly condemned Assad), implicate Iran in a False-flag to create grounds for a war. I hope Pakistan does not help the plot--the thickening and sickening plot.
the young Turk really said it very well
but when you have the thick heads at the helm of the US govt who are hell bent to invade another country just because its been a while then who is to stop them?

Nobel prize? they give it as much importance as much any Texan will give to the Saudi National day.

just watch with horrer that they will still go ahead with it. (it being more sancations and even armed assault)
Iranians are really nice people , but their government is just plain stupid and immature.
From the comments of an article on Aljazeera on why this plot is a bogus one trying to corner off Iran:

This plot is a propaganda concocted by Obama's administration to make a coalition against Iran both internationally and regionally. Any sane mind who thinks for himself can see that the US officials are lying with straight faces, only some of the reasons are below:

1-. US government has not released any useful information on the case whatsoever. No transparency exists at all. All they have shown us is a bizarre third rate flop movie script and the 1992 picture of a 56 year old supposed assassin in 2011. This does not stand a chance in a respectable court of law, but might ofcourse make it through US system of injustice.

2- 1.5 million dollars is the claimed price for killing the ambassador of the biggest petroleum reserve on planet in the capital of the world's largest weapons manufacturer along with ubiquitous and innocent doll faced Americans in a "fictional restaurant" serving pork chops with freedom fries. But wait a minute what else 1.5 million dollar can buy? Well it can buy you a medium sized apartment in Tehran or a Bugatti supercar the kind that drug dealers buy for their girl friends or perhaps a good nice European painting by an obscure artist. Seems like 1.5 million is not much in the world anymore besides its utility to be used in killing ambassadors.

3- Any self respecting drug dealing gang makes more than a million dollars a week on any busy street in a big city. The gang at the center of this controversy the Zetas are estimated to have an annual revenue of over 40 billion dollars. That is something like 800 million dollars a week or roughly 5.2 million dollars each hour. This means 1.5 million dollars would mean just about 15 minutes worth of their usual time. And the 100 thousand dollar down payment means just worth one minute of their usual time. One wonders why would these guys even talk to an Iranian moron who can not wear matching socks, loses his cellphone in public toilets, is high on whiskey all the time, smokes cheap pot, and is basically a fat 56 year old guy who is broke and has not killed anyone in his life and has no useful skill set.

4- Iran is living next to Afghanistan a country that produces 95% of the world's heroine and opium under watchful eyes of US military as well being the largest hashish producer. Iran also is intercepting over half of all the drugs in the world as per United Nations report and executing more drug smugglers in the world than any one else. This makes Iran know the intricacies of drug smuggling full well. This means they know 1.5 million dollars for a drug gang is pocket change and amounts to nothing. They also know fully well that any drug business is peppered with intelligence moles of the resident country. These are basic things that even a team of teenage girls who have watched enough movies know about. So why would Iran send 100 thousand dollars to a drunkard to be given to a drug dealer working for a multi-billion dollar drug industry in a country where DEA and ATF is sitting every where. This does not make sense.

5- We have been said times and again by US government that Iranian intelligence is very good, possibly better than US intelligence. US claims that only afew Iranian intel officers in Iraq were holding off the 150,000 strong US military there for years. They also tell us these same Iranians were commanding Hizbullah in 2006, sinking Israeli and Egyptian ships using smart thermal guided Iranian anti-ship missiles and blowing up sophisticated IDF tanks. How come then this time they failed? When was the last time Iranians had failed in a mission of such importance?

6- The US administration claim that Iran was responsible for Argentina bombings so is responsible here too, does not make sense either. First of all the proof for Argentina bombings were no better than the proof in this case. At the time of the bombing in Argentina, Iran had a very good relationship with them. Despite severe US objections, Argentina rebuilt Tehran nuclear reactor which had been expired and provided Iran with enriched uranium fuel something which had made Americans very unhappy to say the least, since no other country was willing to give Iran enriched Uranium or refurbish their 1950's reactor and Iranians at the time could not produce even a milligram of enriched Uranium themselves. But Iran was interested in more, so they signed an agreement with Argentina to build more reactors and for Argentina to transfer reactor building technology to Iran which Iran to this day does not have. Then came the bombings. A Jewish cultural center. The funny thing was there are synagogues, Jewish hospitals and clinics as well Jewish schools and cultural centers in Iran most of them funded by Iranian government so why would Iran go to the other side of the world to bomb a Jewish cultural center in exactly the same country that is providing it with a technology that Iran so desperately needs and no one else is ready to share with it? After the bombing, US cried wolf, provided intelligence to Argentina implicating Iran and diplomatic relations as well as all economic and technologic deals between Iran and Argentina died. Who benefited? Certainly not Iran and not Argentina.

7- The moron, low IQ and mentally ill accused in this case is claimed to have been in touch with his "masters" in Iran through his house phone calling the intelligence headquarter in Iran. They discussed the whole plan on the phone and exchanged views about it as well as money matters, it is claimed. This is all happening in a country that has a ministry of love by the name of NSA. Don't Iranians know this? They must be at least suspicious that being an enemy of US every single call to and from Iran with US is being monitored. How come then they were talking it on the phone?

8- It is claimed the guy received a 100 thousand dollars from Iran in a wire transfer. Has Mr. Obama forgotten that it was a recent black skinned winner of nobel prize who happens to be US president has imposed severe banking sanctions on Iran and wire transfers from Iran to US are impossible? Or did this guy had a special permit from US treasury allowing him to do just that? Ok supposing he did bribe a few big heads in FED to get this illegal permit, how did he convince Iranian intelligence that it was safe to wire the money from the personal account of Iranian intelligence directly to US using the permit of a drunkard clown? Did they not get suspicious assuming the Iranian intelligence know that their banks are under sanctions and even Indians had trouble wiring money to them for all the oil they get from Iran and with China, the Iranian government is essentially down to a barter system with no wire transfer because of the same reason?

9- And why would an ideological state such as Iran which basically thrives on martyrdom and ideological glory would hire non-Muslim Mexican drug gangs? Is that even allowed in Islam? To teem up with those selling drugs, alcohol or running prostitution rings to run a Jihad? What are the views of Ayatollah on this one?

10- True, Iranians have hit some precise targets and assassinated their opponents in Europe, but those were all Iranians who were viewed by Iranian state as traitors, much like how Russia treats its traitors in London or Kiev. But in this case, there is no such connections at all. Infact this whole thing could be an internal rivalry between two competing princes among over 15000 princes in Saudi Arabia. Or it could be an MEK/PJAK operation trying to achieve their objective with or without help from some war mongering factions within US power structure. Or equally it could be the job of the same people who made the first cyber war attack in history of mankind on Iran and killing Iran's scientists along with their wives infront of their 4 year old daughter's kindergarten. There are just too many variables, and too many beneficiaries. But Iran is not among those beneficiaries that is for sure.

11- Ever since Saudis and US who supported the loyal canine Saddam against Iran, lost him when he went rabid somewhere along the line as the poor creature was not vaccinated properly, Saudis specially are after bringing down Iran. But they know full well that Saudis are not Iraqis and will not be able to fight in a real war even if supported by US. So they are trying to get US to attack Iran, same is with Israel. But even US is not sure it can win a war against Iran clean and fast, so they have to choke Iran economically and technologically first in order weaken the resolve of the people so that the invasion is going to be easier. This plot could be just a step in that direction by putting more sanctions on Iran in addition to nuclear sanctions.

12- With track record of US in lying all the time, whether it was in 1953, when US had claimed that pro-freedom people in Tehran had overthrown dictator Mossadeq (official US statement of the time) or when US was claiming that it was Iran that was using chemical weapons against Kurds and Iraq and Saddam did not use them in 1980's (official US statement of the time) or when they lied about WMD's in Iraq later on when UN had cleared them up, or when just weeks ago it emerged that those US officials who have brought this new case against Iran were actually selling weapons to Mexican drug gangs and Zetas (proceedings and investigations on Eric Holder the US attoney General who was implicated in gun trafficking with cocaine Mexico cartels, have stopped since this new case came to light).... one can not simply trust what US says. Even the timing and so many co-incidents make it suspicious. American hikers/spies were freed at same time this guy is arrested, Israeli POW is being freed in a rare Hamas deal, situation in Syria and Bahrain, propping up of Turkey and Saudi to counter Iran's influence, the US official involved in negotiation with Iran over US hiker/spy case as well as an Iran adviser to US government is found dead now in his house, Rabbani a pro-Iranian is killed in Afghanistan few meters away from US embassy in Kabul while he had just returned from Iran, US is about to leave Iraq in December forever, Russia and China use the veto power at UN to save Syria, despite sanctions IMF praises Iranian economy and curses US economy, etc, etc. There are so many things connected with each other, or it seems.
Legal questions follow Iran's 'bizarre plot' - Opinion - Al Jazeera English
Iran’s supreme leader calls US accusations 'meaningless'

Published: Oct 15, 2011 15:58 Updated: Oct 15, 2011 15:58

TEHRAN: Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said on Saturday US accusations that two Iranians planned to assassinate the Saudi Arabian ambassador to Washington were “meaningless,” state TV reported.

“A meaningless and nonsensical accusation has been raised against a few Iranians in America, which was made into an excuse to present the Islamic Republic as a supporter of terrorism,” Khamenei told a crowd in the western province of Kermanshah.

“It didn’t work, it won’t work,” he said.

Khameni, who is on a nine-day tour of the province, said the west repeatedly made unfounded accusations against Iran.

“They undertake such conspiracies on a regular basis ... to no avail,” he said.

“They say we want to isolate Iran, (but) it’s they who have isolated themselves.”

Iran’s English-language Press TV quoted Foreign Ministry spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast as saying the US allegations were “untrue and baseless.”

“It is a comedy show fabricated by America,” he said. The relationship between Iran and Saudi Arabia was based on “mutual respect” and could not be harmed by “fabricating such baseless claims.”

US authorities say they broke up a plot to bomb the Israeli and Saudi Arabian embassies in Washington and assassinate the Saudi ambassador.

The alleged plotters were identified as Manssor Arbabsiar and Gholam Shakuri — both originally from Iran — in a criminal complaint unsealed in federal court in New York City.

The United States has said it held rare direct contacts with Iran over the allegations. An Iranian news agency quoted an Iranian official at the UN as denying that.

“I will again confirm that we did meet with the Iranians,” State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said on Friday.

“They know that very well, and any efforts on their part to deny it speaks again to how truthful they are about any of these sorts of matters.”

© 2010 Arab News
(AGI) Riad - Saudi Arabia asked Un General Secretary Ban Ki-moon, to report to the Security Council about the Iranian plot to kill Saudi ambassador in Washington Adel al Jubeir.
"The plot is a flagrant violation of international law and international conventions", the Saudi delegation at the Un commented in a note, asking that all those involved in the organization of the alleged plot "be handed over to the law

here it is
I hope Pakistan does not help the plot--the thickening and sickening plot.

Actually, Pakistan is going to be the biggest confused player here. Whom would it choose to align with? The neighbor Iran or the mentor Saudi?

It remains to be seen.
You do realize the most acceptable theory is that there is a renegade group within Iran who tried to do this. An opposition group within the Iranian regime seeking to Isolate Iran by doing this. And yes I agree the people responsible should be handed over to the law. Iran should deal with them or even better hand them over which will be a win-win situation.
the most acceptable fact is that the US cooked some **** up and your slave of a king was told to eat it up or else...

this fairy tale stinks to high heaven
You do realize the most acceptable theory is that there is a renegade group within Iran who tried to do this. An opposition group within the Iranian regime seeking to Isolate Iran by doing this. And yes I agree the people responsible should be handed over to the law. Iran should deal with them or even better hand them over which will be a win-win situation.
I believe more the fabricated story as well explained by asiatimes article
As well we know from Iranians in USA that the guy is stupid and the ex of him said he lost many times even the keys of his car. Plus he was already condamned in USA so well i didn't think it was linked to any official in Iran for sure.

If it was true... you ask me about renegades
Not really. Not in sepah. Khamenei is controlling this army and after thegreen protest he even changed officers and checked who could not obey him.
It is not because you are not a renegade that you are not doing at your own. For exemple making business with opium.
The country is very much corrupted everything is possible.
the most acceptable fact is that the US cooked some **** up and your slave of a king was told to eat it up or else...

this fairy tale stinks to high heaven

Why don't you take your facts and puts them somewhere else (You know where).
By Tariq A. Al Maeena, Special to Gulf News
October 16, 2011

When cooler heads should prevail

In the war of words between America and Iran over a plot to assassinate Saudi envoy, many wonder where the truth lies

In a scenario that could not have been better scripted by Hollywood, the US Justice Department last week revealed that it had uncovered an alleged plot sponsored by Iranian elements to assassinate the Saudi ambassador to Washington and blow up the Saudi and Israeli embassies in a series of terror attacks.

In the following days, the alleged bombing plots of the embassies played second fiddle to the assassination attempt. Two people, including a member of Iran’s special operations unit known as the Quds Force, were charged in the New York federal court. US Attorney General Eric Holder stated that his country holds Iran accountable. Holder said the bomb plot was a flagrant violation of US and international law. “We will not let other countries use our soil as their battleground,” Preet Bharara, the US attorney in Manhattan, said at a news conference in Washington with Holder and FBI Director Robert Mueller.

President Barack Obama charged that the man accused of plotting to assassinate Saudi Arabia’s US ambassador had ‘direct links’ to Iran’s government, which must be held accountable for the plot. An ‘individual of Iranian-American descent was involved’ and ‘had direct links, was paid by, and directed by individuals in the Iranian government, Obama said. ‘This is part of a pattern of dangerous and reckless behaviour by the Iranian government. There are individuals in the Iranian government who are aware of this plot,” Obama said at a joint White House news conference with South Korean president Lee Myung-bak, who is on an official visit to Washington.
When questioned if there was evidence that Iran’s top leaders knew of the plan, Obama said that ‘even if, at the highest levels, there was not detailed operational knowledge, there has to be accountability with respect to anybody in the Iranian government engaging in this kind of activity.’

Following the disclosure of the alleged plot, Saudi Arabia understandably condemned the ‘sinful and abhorrent’ attempt to assassinate its ambassador to Washington. “The Saudi government appreciates the efforts exerted by the American authorities … in uncovering the plot,” the Saudi Press Agency quoted an official source as saying.

Former chief of Saudi intelligence Prince Turki Al Faisal added in an oil conference taking place in London last week that there was overwhelming evidence that Iran was behind a plot to kill the Saudi ambassador to Washington and must be held accountable.

"The burden of proof is overwhelming ... and clearly shows official Iranian responsibility for this. Somebody in Iran will have to pay the price, whatever the level of these persons is,” Prince Turki said. The prince, who had previously served as Saudi ambassador to the US and Britain, said the alleged plan to kill the kingdom’s current ambassador in Washington was “so criminal, it’s beyond description.”

The secretary-general of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) also last week condemned the alleged Iran plot, stating that such actions would severely harm relations. In an official statement, Abdul Latif Al Zayani said he considered the plot a ‘flagrant violation’ of all laws and international agreements. He suggested that Iran would do better to rebuild its current relationships with the GCC nations.

Iran’s response was to categorically reject the allegation, which it termed as an ‘evil plot.’ In their rebuttal, Ali Akbar Javanfekr, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s press adviser denied US allegations that the Islamic republic was involved in a plot to kill the Saudi envoy to Washington in a major terror attack. “This is a prefabricated scenario to turn public attention away from domestic problems within the US” he flatly stated.

Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast added, “Iran strongly denies the untrue and baseless allegations over a plan to assassinate the Saudi ambassador to Washington. Our relationship with Riyadh is based on mutual respect and such baseless claims will not succeed. It is a comedy show fabricated by America.”

Brigadier General Hussain Salami, commander of Iran’s elite Revolutionary Guards also denied any involvement of his force in the assassination plot. “America’s claims about the involvement of some members of the Guards in the fabricated terror plot targeting a diplomat from an Arab country in Washington are ridiculous and baseless,” he was quoted as saying on the state television website.

With these war of words coupled with allegations and counter allegations flying around, many wonder where the truth indeed lies. There still remain sceptics who were once led to believe that there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, a scenario engineered so skilfully that it later became known as the weapon of mass deception. Or the 1998 bombing of a factory in Khartoum which Washington claimed as being used by Al Qaida to manufacture chemical weapons but later proven to be involved in nothing more sinister than the manufacture of aspirin. Or the countless lies engineered by the CIA that were eventually exposed as tools of deception?

Then there are some who ask just exactly who would be the main beneficiaries of such a plot; The Saudis? The Iranians? Or would it be the Israelis, who have long been itching to strike Iran? In a region that does not need further bloodshed and conflict, it would be wise to take a deep breath and hope cooler heads prevail on all fronts.

Tariq A. Al Maeena is a Saudi socio-political commentator. He lives in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

gulfnews : When cooler heads should prevail
Aljazeera poll of Arabic speaking people on the subject:


---------- Post added at 06:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:53 PM ----------

Now the most accepted theory circulating the western world is that this is a false flag operation, conducted by a non-Iranian entity who will benefit from a US-Iran war. It is not difficult to see who these suspects are.
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