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US Thwarted $1.5mil Iranian plot to kill Saudi ambassador

No one ever lost money betting on the dull predictability of the US government. Just as Occupy Wall Street is firing imaginations all across the spectrum - piercing the noxious revolving door between government and casino capitalism - Washington brought us all down to earth, sensationally advertising an Iranian cum Mexican cartel terror plot straight out of The Fast and the Furious movie franchise. The potential victim: Adel al-Jubeir, the ambassador in the US of that lovely counter-revolutionary Mecca, Saudi Arabia.

FBI Director Robert Mueller insisted the Iran-masterminded terror plot "reads like the pages of a Hollywood script". It does. And quite a sloppy script at that. Fast and Furious duo Paul Walker/Vin Diesel wouldn't be caught dead near it.

The good guys in this Washington production are the FBI and the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA). In the words of Attorney General Eric Holder, they uncovered "a deadly plot directed by factions of the Iranian government to assassinate a foreign Ambassador on US soil with explosives."

Holder added that the bombing of the Saudi embassy in Washington was also part of the plan. Subsequent spinning amplified that to planned bombings of the Israeli embassy in Washington, as well as the Saudi and Israeli embassies in Buenos Aires.

The Justice Department has peddled quite a murky story - Operation Red Coalition (no, you can’t make that stuff up) - centred on one Manssor Arbabsiar, a 56-year-old holding both Iranian and US passports and an Iran-based co-conspirator, Gholam Shakuri, an alleged member of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps's (IRGC) Quds Force.

Arbabsiar allegedly had a series of encounters in Mexico with a DEA mole posing as a Mexican drug cartel heavy weight. The Iranian-American seems to have been convinced that the mole was a member of the hardcore Zetas Mexican cartel, and reportedly bragged he was being "directed by high-ranking members of the Iranian government", including a cousin who was "a member of the Iranian army but did not wear a uniform."

$1.5m 'murder-for-hire' plan

On top of it, he told the DEA mole that his Iranian government buddies could come up with "tons of opium" for the Mexican cartel (an Afghan connection, perhaps). Then they discussed a "number of violent missions" complete with Arbabsiar bragging about bombing a packed Washington restaurant used by the Saudi ambassador.

Holder characterised the whole thing as a $1.5m "murder-for-hire" plan. Arbabsiar was arrested only a few days ago, on September 29, at JFK airport in New York. He allegedly confessed, according to the Justice Department. Shakuri for his part is still at large.

Holder was adamant: "The United States is committed to hold Iran accountable for its actions." Yet he stopped short of stating the plot was approved by the highest levels of the Iranian government. So what next? War? Hold your horses; Washington should first think about asking the Chinese if they’re willing to foot the bill (the answer will be no).

Predictably, the proverbial torrent of US "officials" came out with guns blazing, spinning everything in sight. An alarmed Pentagon will be increasing surveillance over the Quds Force and "Iran’s actions" in Iraq, Afghanistan and the Persian Gulf. Former US ambassadors stated that, "it's an attack on the United States to attack this ambassador". Washington is about to impose even more sanctions against Iran; and Washington is urgently taking the matter to the UN Security Council.

What next? An R2P ("responsibility to protect") resolution ordering NATO to protect every House of Saud minion across the world by bombing Iran into regime change?

Ali Akbar Javanfekr, a spokesman for Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, at least introduced a little bit of common sense. "I think the US government is busy fabricating a new scenario and history has shown both the US government and the CIA have a lot of experience in fabricating these scenarios ... I think their goal is to reach the American public. They want to take the public's mind off the serious domestic problems they're facing these days and scare them with fabricated problems outside the country." Iran has not even established yet that these two characters are actually Iranian citizens.

The Iranian government - which prides itself on a logical approach to diplomacy - would have to have been inoculated with a terminal Stuxnet-style foolishness virus to behave in such a counterproductive manner, by targeting a high-profile foreign policy adviser to King Abdullah on American soil. The official Iranian news agency IRNA described the plot as "America's new propaganda scenario" against Iran.

As for the Washington mantra that "Iran has been insinuating itself into many of the struggles in the Middle East", that's undiluted Saudi propaganda. In fact it's the House of Saud who's been conducting the fierce counter-revolution that has smashed any possibility of an Arab Spring in the Persian Gulf - from the invasion and repression of Bahrain to the rash pre-emption of protests inside Saudi Arabia's Shia-dominated eastern provinces.

The whole thing smells like a flimsy pretext for a casus belli. The timing of the announcement couldn't be more suspicious. White House national security advisor Thomas E Donilon briefed King Abdullah of the plot no less than two weeks ago, in a three-hour meeting in Riyadh. Meanwhile the US government has been carrying not plots, but targeted assassinations of US citizens, as in the Anwar al-Awlaki case.

So why now? Holder is caught in yet another scandal - on whether he told lies regarding Operation Fast and Furious (no, you can't make this stuff up), a federal gun sting through which scores of US weapons ended up in the hands of - here they come again - Mexican drug cartels.

So how to bury Fast and Furious, the economic abyss, the 10 years of war in Afghanistan, the increasing allure of Occupy Wall Street - not to mention the Saudi role in smashing the spirit of the Arab Spring? By uncovering a good ol' al-Qaeda style plot on US soil, on top of it conducted by "evil" Iran.

Al-Qaeda and Tehran sharing top billing; not even Cheney and Rumsfeld in their heyday could come up with something like this. Long live GWOT (the global war on terror). And long live the neo-con spirit; remember, real men go to Tehran - and the road starts now.
Then keep them on a leash. They are not improving relations between the two countries. You don't see Saudis fire bombing the Iranian embassy now do you?
in Iran they are named "the pressure group"
they are in sepah army but they are not really army men as you can expect
these guys are there for the purpose of not official actions : from killing opposants , from beating to death the protesters in the street or attacking in that time Khatami during his speech, to the burning of flag and so
these guys are dangerous
and their chief is Khamenei as the chief of the army

as i said you many times, we , people of Iran, have no control on anything
and nobody is crazy enough to touch one of these guys
in Iran they are named "the pressure group"
they are in sepah army but they are not really army men as you can expect
these guys are there for the purpose of not official actions : from killing opposants , from beating to death the protesters in the street or attacking in that time Khatami during his speech, to the burning of flag and so
these guys are dangerous
and their chief is Khamenei as the chief of the army

as i said you many times, we , people of Iran, have no control on anything
and nobody is crazy enough to touch one of these guys

WoW... Iran must be nightmarish to the people living there.. May God help you Iranians Shais Sunnis and Zerostanians on getting your rights you originally revolted for.
Maybe but a local newspaper has interviewed a senior official. Maybe they are breaking the rule just to show their power to US specially since recently Pakistan was being accused of assassinations too in Afghanistan.

Me personally -- I highly doubt it
Then keep them on a leash. They are not improving relations between the two countries. You don't see Saudis fire bombing the Iranian embassy now do you?

like how you keep your 1000000000000000 suicide bombers on a leash? Maybe we should just export them to Iraq, Pakistan, Africa and Afghanistan like you do with your suicide bombers. Good plan?
like how you keep your 1000000000000000 suicide bombers on a leash? Maybe we should just export them to Iraq, Pakistan, Africa and Afghanistan like you do with your suicide bombers. Good plan?

spare Pakistan at least!
like how you keep your 1000000000000000 suicide bombers on a leash? Maybe we should just export them to Iraq, Pakistan, Africa and Afghanistan like you do with your suicide bombers. Good plan?

Wow. I wish we had that much then we could take over the world one nutcase at a time :lol:

But no we are one of the leading countries in fighting terrorism and most our people just want to be doctors lawyers and engineers so tough luck. As I said you don;t see Saudis fire bombing the Iranian embassy now do you?? lol
one thing is proven on this thread for sure "the sectarian divide i,e shia / sunni is not going to go away ever , both religious leaders i.e saudia for sunnis and iran for shias have their interests in religion and these people will keep screwing brains of pakistani muslims forever ... proves one thing there is no 1 Ummah nor a state who involves religion in state matter can survive for long and WHY pakistan is in this state.
Wow. I wish we had that much then we could take over the world one nutcase at a time :lol:

But no we are one of the leading countries in fighting terrorism and most our people just want to be doctors lawyers and engineers so tough luck. As I said you don;t see Saudis fire bombing the Iranian embassy now do you?? lol

Your king abdulla counts as 90% of that figure on his own, anyway they did not mean to firebomb your embassy i am sure they though it some other countries embassy. also how are you one of the leading countries in fighting terrorism? are you talking about in Call of duty? because there is no evidence that you are doing that in real life.[ COLOR="Silver"]

---------- Post added at 12:49 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:48 AM ----------

spare Pakistan at least!
Pakistan is a good customer so no.
one thing is proven on this thread for sure "the sectarian divide i,e shia / sunni is not going to go away ever , both religious leaders i.e saudia for sunnis and iran for shias have their interests in religion and these people will keep screwing brains of pakistani muslims forever ... proves one thing there is no 1 Ummah nor a state who involves religion in state matter can survive for long and WHY pakistan is in this state.

it's more of a political issue; an age-old rivalry going back to Ottoman and Persian empire times (before that even)

and it's a real pity too that 2 large and influential Islamic nations can't pool their resources together and cooperate in civilized fashion --to be good role models

---------- Post added at 11:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:57 PM ----------

Pakistan is a good customer so no.

i seek your clarification
Your king abdulla counts as 90% of that figure on his own, anyway they did not mean to firebomb your embassy i am sure they though it some other countries embassy. also how are you one of the leading countries in fighting terrorism? are you talking about in Call of duty? because there is no evidence that you are doing that in real life.[ COLOR="Silver"]

---------- Post added at 12:49 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:48 AM ----------

Pakistan is a good customer so no.

haha. Go read about Saudi counter terrorism operations. They did not mean to fire bomb our embassy?? I am sure the hundreds must have missed the big green flag outside.
it's more of a political issue; an age-old rivalry going back to Ottoman and Persian empire times (before that even)

and it's a real pity too that 2 large and influential Islamic nations can't pool their resources together and cooperate in civilized fashion --to be good role models

---------- Post added at 11:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:57 PM ----------

i seek your clarification

Assalam alaikum

Brother at the time of othman empire there was no persian empire it was the safvees who never conquered a land of kuffar but when ever the othmans went to fight europeans they would attack othman khilafah from behind.

pak marine bhai u know more then anybody that saudi arabia have a humbali mazhab this is the smallest of the all other sunni mazahib. Pakistanies mostly r hanafi so there is no question of saudia leading the sunni world they might have political influence and due to the holy land they also have some respect though

Brother there was always concept of ummah only 10 percent of muslims have problem with it i hope Allah give us and them the wisdom to walk on the right path ameeen

Now i was trying to stay away from thread i have to read all the pages lol

in Iran they are named "the pressure group"
they are in sepah army but they are not really army men as you can expect
these guys are there for the purpose of not official actions : from killing opposants , from beating to death the protesters in the street or attacking in that time Khatami during his speech, to the burning of flag and so
these guys are dangerous
and their chief is Khamenei as the chief of the army

as i said you many times, we , people of Iran, have no control on anything
and nobody is crazy enough to touch one of these guys

Assalam alaikum

Ok these guys were called in egypt baltajiah , in syria they r called shabbee7ah . what name do u for them

Waleykum Salaam

Muslims are Muslims....if you believe in Allah SWT and follow Quran you are Muslim.

Don't buy into this Sunni-Shiia nonsense. That only leads to useless divisions; and these divisions suit the enemies only.

leave your beliefs in your heart only
Assalam alaikum

i agree with u but seems the others will not forget it but anyhow i agree with u and still shia r only 10 or 15 percent of muslims whatever bad in our countries is bcoz us ( sunnies ) i don't mind admitting it

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