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US Thwarted $1.5mil Iranian plot to kill Saudi ambassador

Assalam alaikum

it seems the saudi haters have gone to work and began the centuries old crying i don't say saudies funds have not come to pakistan but in the same token iranians and their slaves r also working in pakistan and if i put it iranians r more deadly then the saudies accept the minority sect cries a lot while we the largest sect just ignore it. the killing is from both sides and if the minority sects is getting killed it is obvious they r in minority they will loose more but to say they r very innocent and iranians r doing nothing in pakistan is unacceptable

btw the art of assassination was perfected by hasan bin sabah ( a shia ) and it was long before wahab and wahabies.
We know these criminals and harm they did to muslims at their time so dont play an innocent ( maskeen ) ppl


A leader of sect A goes to a religious gathering where there is also leader of sect B.

Leader of sect A: takes of his shoes and locks them.

Leader of sect B: Seeing this he says why are you locking your shoes.

Leader of sect A: During the time of the Prophet people of sect B used to steal shoes.

Leader of sect B: During the prophet's time there was no sect B so how come they could do this act.

Leader of sect A: So you agree that there was no sect B or any sect existing during the prophet's time, then, from where did you emerge?


I hope i don't get banned now. :D
A leader of sect A goes to a religious gathering where there is also leader of sect B.

Leader of sect A: takes of his shoes and locks them.

Leader of sect B: Seeing this he says why are you locking your shoes.

Leader of sect A: During the time of the Prophet people of sect B used to steal shoes.

Leader of sect B: During the prophet's time there was no sect B so how come they could do this act.

Leader of sect A: So you agree that there was no sect B or any sect existing during the prophet's time, then, from where did you emerge?


I hope i don't get banned now. :D


i also hope so

A leader of sect A goes to a religious gathering where there is also leader of sect B.

Leader of sect A: takes of his shoes and locks them.

Leader of sect B: Seeing this he says why are you locking your shoes.

Leader of sect A: During the time of the Prophet people of sect B used to steal shoes.

Leader of sect B: During the prophet's time there was no sect B so how come they could do this act.

Leader of sect A: So you agree that there was no sect B or any sect existing during the prophet's time, then, from where did you emerge?


I hope i don't get banned now. :D

Truth hurts :lol:

Iranians and their slaves and boot lickers are acting as victims again (Even earlier a virus released in Europe it was called "targeting Iran" because everyone know the greatness of Iran which makes the entire world jealous of their greatness that everything in this world is traced back into Iran somehow) LMAO

Ahhh Iranians and their slaves.... How do they work???
apparently, the Iranians are signalling that it was Mujahideen e Khalq....which is interesting.

on one hand, you could call it Iranian establishment killing 2 birds with one stone......on the other hand, MeK would have an interest to see the U.S. find a reason to try to topple the Iranian establishment (which I dont think would be easy at all, and very dangerous)

MeK is on State Department terrorist list, but it is known that there are countries that support MeK and other anti-Iran establishent groups like Jundollah which receive support from certain countries opposed to Iran regime
It doesnt take long for some of you to show their anti persian feelings lol

Abu > MeK is the worst group for Iranians.
They were using terrorism after revolution .they didnt have their own islamic theory. they were "following" Taleghani
1979 Taleghani warning about despots (English subs) - YouTube
Before they become a terrorist and sect group, they were in the same organization of resistance in Paris than Bani Sadr
the organization is NCRI
Bani Sadr was leaving it because he found they were doing all these murders
as well you can see that they have a cult of the leader Radjavi. here the wife of him who replaced him:
Sogand va Hazer Mojahedin (Zanan) September 2010 (11) - YouTube
they say that they will be martyr for Radjavi
the problem is that they play smart here: with the NCRI they say they are a laic group which pleased the communists in France and some of them are protecting this group
During the war with Iraq they were doing a deal with Saddam and they entered in Iraqi army agains tthe Iranian people, and they would have been place as the leader of Iran by Saddam (an Iran smaller since Saddam wanted to take some of our lands)

they are the most hatred group in Iran
that's why the regime when he wants to demonize someone he invents he is from this group
most of people who were executed for bing in this group during protests were not at all
i forgot an important point: after bombings Khomeiny asked to kill the prisonners but most of them were moudjahidins not related to assassination and as well many communists who had nothing to do with attentats: that's why Montazeri said he was not agree and from that time he was jailed at home

Sadly this group having support in Europe and we know many Americans are supporting them
They are in the list of terrorist group but they plan to take them out
And even being in this list, the US trusted them when they gave "informations" about nuclear plants. it is funny that this group that having noone in position in Iran get some information. Everyone knows they lie and invent BUT IT PLEASES USA who want to see anything against IRI

Is USA wanting to be concerned about the Iranian people?
The people who suffer from the restrictions are the normal people. the people involved "in the power" they make a lot of money with sanctions more than without sanctions (marche noir).
Rafsandjani family > in Canada ! they invest a lot there. LOL
the guy who stole billions in Mehli bank, someone near of Khamenei, he was accepted to live in Canada and invest in business there. A lot of Iranians complain there about it. The Canada who is always criticizing Iran is no shame to invite the people they criticize.
you dont have to explain --i know their "story"

in fact it isnt even a secret that MeK figurehead shook hands with Saddam. I dont blame Iranians in combatting MeK in fact its justified. I'm sure they get outside support.

for example, i believe Mossad does provide some material support to groups like the PKK (of Turkiye) and Iranian PJAK/Peshmerga Kurdish rebel groups
What America and the Zionist empire wants..after failing in Iraq, a repeat of war engagement against Saudi Arabia!

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looks like the false plot had bad planning

Iran says US plot suspect is anti-Tehran militant

Published: Nov 5, 2011 21:28 Updated: Nov 5, 2011 21:28

TEHRAN: Iran has complained to the United Nations about a US accusation it tried to assassinate a Saudi diplomat, saying one of the alleged plotters Washington calls an Iranian military official is really a member of an anti-Tehran rebel group.

Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi said on Saturday the plot was part of a multi-pronged US strategy to smear Tehran, a process he said would continue next week when the UN nuclear agency publishes a report western diplomats say will contain new evidence about Iran’s nuclear program.

The complaint to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon turned the US accusation that Tehran supports terrorism back onto Washington, Salehi said.

“This letter contains our complaint about the plots of the United States, reliable information that we have of the US involvement in those plots,” he said in a news conference broadcast live on the English language channel Press TV.

On its website, Press TV reported the letter said a suspect who US prosecutors have identified as an Iranian military official is actually a member of the exiled Iranian rebel group Mujahideen Khalq Organization (MKO).

One of two men charged with plotting to kill the Saudi ambassador to Washington, 56-year-old Iranian-American Manssor Arbabsiar, pleaded not guilty at a court hearing in New York last month.

The second, Gholam Shakuri, is still at large and US officials say he is a member of the Quds Force, an arm of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards, who approved the plan to hire Mexican gangsters to murder Saudi Ambassador Adel Al-Jubeir.

The semi-official Mehr news agency reported on Oct. 17 that Shakuri was a member of the MKO, also known as the People’s Mujahideen Organization of Iran (PMOI), based in Iraq and listed as a terrorist group by the United States.

Citing “informed sources,” Mehr said Shakuri had traveled to Washington and to the MKO base at Camp Ashraf in Iraq.

Iranian officials did not initially comment on the report which said Interpol had discovered Shakuri’s true identity, but Press TV reported on Saturday it was now in the letter delivered to Ban.

Washington is using what it says was a foiled plot to help bolster international support to tighten sanctions on Iran which it accuses of developing nuclear weapons and sponsoring terrorism, charges denied by Tehran.

Israeli and western media have increased speculation in recent days that Israel might launch a strike on Iran’s nuclear sites. Some analysts say that, rather than any firm evidence military action is imminent, the chatter reflects efforts to increase diplomatic pressure on Tehran.

Salehi said Iran did not fear possible revelations in a report to be issued by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) on Wednesday that western diplomats say will make a “compelling case” the Iranian nuclear program is not entirely peaceful.

“They are claiming that they are going to publish new documents. We know what the truth is — let them publish them and we’ll see what happens. Will they not be called into question as an agency that is under pressure by foreign powers?” Salehi said.

The IAEA report, the assassination plot and accusations about human rights abuses were a “three-pronged attack from the West against Iran ... just an assault to pressure Iran into subjugation,” he said.

Salehi repeated the stance of Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei who has said Iran has 100 “undeniable documents” proving US involvement in terrorism.

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