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US-Taliban deal could see US pullout in 14 months

Looking forward to the follow through in Afgh. Promise of pull-out hasn't happened yet in Iraq. But this time appears to be different as they seem to be listening to Pak suggestions which means peace there is a higher likelihood.
Indians ke tati nikli hoi hey social media he deekhlo aur andaza lagalo ye woh loog hian jo apnay gharoon may AC may sakoon say bhetay inke ***** jal rahe hey tu woh jo wahan majood hain aur jo Afghanistan may Strategic banatay arahya hain 20 saal say agianst Pakistan unke lungyaan may pampers he muk gaye hongay lol
@The Eagle Mike P. says that Pakistan is to be responsible for Peace in Afghanistan... Responsibility without Means we must reject... we don't wish to be sanctioned again... neither we must deliver anything for free.

Words are repeated to them that "There is no free lunch". I am sure these means are already decided and they know it well. We have already lost a lot of lives & economy, as you stated as well hence, these setups hopefully are already penned. I don't see US leaving Afghanistan without any means to us while Washington will not have any leverage or at-least diplomatic say in Afghanistan. Indeed, US will never let go its presence & influence but here in this case; clauses will be different and so the means in lieu of US interest. Furthermore, the most striking point is that Pakistan checkmate India again and we have a good reach which comes after impartial policies and long journey of sacrifices.

Our interests are acknowledged and so the benefits for Afghanistan as well. No one will take such a step without any mean of benefits and shall never do so. I agree. Pakistan been saying since long to resolve such issue with dialogue and military was never a solution that US now realized and paid heavily as wel. Trump has seen that trillions of dollars are gone in vane and a well designed propaganda against Pakistan has costed them more than what US owe to Pakistan in war on terrorism. The bargain is well discussed, reviewed hence, beneficial results for all the parties. Having said that, a free ride wouldn't last long and I am sure that US can calculate well as if what it takes for them to have their presence by force as compare to being just & honest in this policy... the mutual interests & beneficial bargain for everyone. We do have other parties in there including China, Russia & Iran in-fact. So all the concerns have agreed on a mutual point otherwise, there will be more of a loss for US as compare to anyone else because Washington cannot solely rely upon Indian strategy. Let's hope that this peace deal turns into beneficial for everyone and there shall be no bias among parties though, the possibility of sabotage & its negative impact raised more than before.
O PaJee,

Are you saying that ShoopPauer is manhoos?

Regardless, it is rather amusing that the brave Indians after calling Taliban Tarrorisht, Tarrorisht for more than two decades now want Taliban to become IndiaPhrandz!!!


May be, in not so distant future, there would be another gathering of Indians, in Ahmadabad, Gujrat, where Modi would invite IndiaPhrand Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, to address the great people of India.:lol:
The US and its allies will withdraw all their troops from Afghanistan in 14 months if the Taliban uphold their commitments under a deal to be signed shortly, officials say.

The announcement came in a joint US-Afghan declaration issued in Kabul.

The agreement, to be signed in Qatar later on Saturday, is aimed at paving the way towards peace in Afghanistan after more than 18 years of conflict.

Talks between the Afghan government and the Taliban are to follow.

"The coalition will complete the withdrawal of their remaining forces from Afghanistan within 14 months following the announcement of this joint declaration and the US-Taliban agreement... subject to the Taliban's fulfilment of its commitments," the statement released by the US and Afghan governments said.

The US invaded the country weeks after the September 2001 attacks by the Afghanistan-based al-Qaeda group.

More than 2,400 US troops have been killed during the conflict. About 12,000 are still stationed in the country.

First of all, this is not defeat of USA in Afghanistan.

All should pay close attention to PART ONE set of clauses (primary) in the deal. US have secured all of its security-related interests in the region - no compromises in this matter.

Afghanistan at large will remain committed to War On Terror (COIN) agenda irrespective who sits on the throne in Kabul. Afghan Taliban have officially committed to this agenda as well. This deal allow US to carry out COIN operations in the region and Afghanistan will also commit manpower for the needful.

So what has changed?

This deal will facilitate Intra-Afghan dialogue between Afghan Taliban and opposition groups to iron out a mutually acceptable political roadmap for Afghanistan on the whole. Restructuring of Afghan politics might be on the cards with power-sharing arrangements in the mix. Democratic system will remain an important consideration nevertheless.

With Afghan Taliban fully committed to peace and dialogue, current force posture of NATO will no longer be necessary and another major drawdown is very likely. I think that American special forces and CIA will remain in Afghanistan for indefinite period. Although the threat of privatization of this war effort have diminished.

This is a WIN - WIN deal for both US and Afghan Taliban in the long term if followed to the letter.

This is also a victory for Afghan Taliban because they have become politically relevant in the region once again and are no longer tainted by their past because they have officially committed to War On Terror as well.

There are 3 power camps in Afghanistan now.

1. Ghani camp
2. Abdullah camp
3. Afghan Taliban

Abdullah camp have backing of one of the most powerful warlords in Afghanistan therefore its influence and stake cannot be underestimated. Pakistan should reach out to this camp in order to convince it to work with Afghan Taliban and Pakistan.

With Indian support axed, Ghani camp is rather pliable and will fall in line.
There are 3 power camps in Afghanistan now.

1. Ghani camp
2. Abdullah camp
3. Afghan Taliban

Abdullah camp have backing of one of the most powerful warlords in Afghanistan therefore its influence and stake cannot be underestimated. Pakistan should reach out to this camp in order to convince it to work with Afghan Taliban and Pakistan.

Abdullah has support of son of Ahmed Shah Massoud. Pakistan should expand its reach to other ethnic groups in Afghanistan if it wants a stable Afghanistan.
India has invested upwards of $15 B and several projects are under construction in Afg. So we have private companies and govt. investing. Not hugely like Chinese do elsewhere, but to our best.

This contract doesn't mention anything in regards to protection of Indian investments.

It's sunk investment, cry a river and get over it.
No such thing as FULL withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan.

Contract says otherwise! 14 months full military exit.

But Americans will breach this contract sooner later, after US elections.
Contract says otherwise! 14 months full military exit.

But Americans will breach this contract sooner later, after US elections.
This clause is subject to fulfillment of all commitments from Afghan Taliban to American interests during the 14 month period.

Interestingly, clause # 3 of PART ONE set of agreements leave the door open for American military to continue to work in Afghanistan in pursuit of COIN objectives with understanding of whomsoever is ruling Afghanistan at any point in time. Special Forces and CIA do not count as regular troop deployments (flexible). Therefore, this level of commitment is not going anywhere. Just that Afghanistan will no longer give the vibe of being under foreign occupation.

US will not give up on Afghanistan after investing so much in the country. Americans have an eye for scoring lucrative business deals in Afghanistan in particular and Afghan Taliban have consented to these considerations. There is TAPI in the picture for instance (American proposal to address Pakistani shortage in gas supply).
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It means Pakistan and he Taliban have won the War........:chilli::chilli::pakistan::pakistan::pakistan::pakistan::pakistan::pakistan::pakistan:........we have defeated the Americans, kicked them out and now Afghanistan has been handed on a plate to Pakistan........:yahoo::yahoo:.......:pakistan::pakistan::pakistan:

Need to be careful because I have just come back from a lengthy ban, but WHERE are all those trolls on PDF who said that America WOULD NEVER EVER LEAVE Afghanistan.........:azn:........:devil:
There are also people who worship.america and it's tech. Seems they have deletwd theirselves.
My thread has been locked which I started earlier today on same topic.EVERYTHING.apart from ALLAH , IS an Idol , including technology

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