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US-Taliban deal could see US pullout in 14 months

No one needs to be money champion. Well yes US and WB, will do their job. And so will India, which has already been doing the same. And once Chabahar is fully operational, the trade volumes will speak.
There was a time that Taliban had to give a clarification regarding kashmir position because of rumours from Pakistan.
Of cuz, you facilitated. Who else would have, being funded by US since 2 decades and only non-hostile neighbour of Afg. No one is denying that.

Aha clarification from Taliban because of rumors from Pakistan... well, you sound like they will have any issue while they fought the whole NATO and then this agreement. Actually, they didn't need any statement for Kashmir at all... but you must keep repeating something like Taliban ain't against India... why is that even necessary in this argument? Relax... until further news.

Pakistan will keep working for stability & peace in Afghanistan while making sure that there is no hostility rising and to have a peaceful Border which was unstable & threatening since long. The thing is, it was Pakistan that dedicated itself only for the peace in Afghanistan hence, all the acknowledgment & praise by everyone. In-fact we worked and will keep working for stability of Afghanistan which is totally in favour of Pakistan and that is the same reason why that land has been used for instability at first and then hit Pakistan at most.... that cost us more than 700000 lives due to terrorism which was mostly originated from Afghanistan land and supported/sponsored by the enemies of Pakistan at large.

Speaking of Chahbahar in short, Kulbhushan is living example of India's investment in Iran. No doubt India did help Iran to build Chahbahar port but that wasn't merely for money or economy but in-fact to circle Pakistan from everywhere... point proven and period.

What at most we are expecting and that is in-fact a suspicion given the nature of hostile elements that keep trying to sabotage any process benefiting Pakistan; there will be some kind of attempt.... a huge and forced attempt to sabotage those agreements, manipulate the process, harm the benefit of peace so that Afghanistan may remain unstable and hostile breeding ground. Mind you, Pakistan is the most affected country due to Afghanistan instability.
Firmly in Pakistan pocket ? I mean , what do you provide them ? - Security ? Funds ? Soft power ?
The Taliban and Pakistan provide to each other one thing that no one else can.
Strategic depth.
Do you think that the Taliban would have been in the position they are in today if it hadn't been for the support they received from Pakistan?
Do you think they don't know who was doing what for the last 18 years?
They know what the Americans in league with their pro India warlords will do to them if they turn their backs on Pakistan.
Pakistan has played a very bad hand very well against all odds.
Pakistan will ensure it's interests in Afghanistan come what may.
Unless Pakistan has money to fund the new Afghanistan. Its story ends there. There was always huge paranoia about India in Afg from Pakistan only. And that is why Taliban has never been against India, but actively asks to recognize and cooperate with them. We will see more in coming days.
We will find our way to have good relations, as we have demonstrated with Arabs. I have personally studied with Afg students in my university and there were plenty. And I know exactly how much they like India and Pakistan. You might gloat about all your influence in Taliban, but the majority public has love for Pakistan. Everyone knows. If there is peace, India can have a better role.

Sure sure. Just like how indians claimed that the americans would EVER NEVER sign a peace deal with the Taliban and leave Afghanistan.........:azn:.........:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
May be, he meant pissfull nature.:lol:
Damn, must be auto correct then...It makes much more sense. Because otherwise it would not even be a funny joke. After all the lynching of muslims in India, riots, massacres of different minorties over the last few decades, funding and spreading of terrorism through out Pakistan, having the largest open air prision for Kashmiris and etc, how could one call such a thing peaceful... then again a rabbid nation would consider that peaceful.

Wow, I like your confidence in that statement. :rofl: Especially when you guys have posted fake pictures in UN.
Posting fake pictures is shameful, but we don't have networks of fake news like you:
Firmly in Pakistan pocket ? I mean , what do you provide them ? - Security ? Funds ? Soft power ?

What you don't realise is that the Taliban are the SAME race, religion and culture as are Pakistani people. We even share the same heritage and speak the same language........:azn:......:lol:....The Taliban are essentially Orthodox, Sunni Muslim Pakistanis under a different nationality.......you honestly think they like indians???????...........:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Wow, I like your confidence in that statement. :rofl: Especially when you guys have posted fake pictures in UN.

When with North Koreans claim that the iaf killed exactly 350 terrorists in Balakot and shot down an F-16..........:azn:.........:lol:
Damn, must be auto correct then...It makes much more sense. Because otherwise it would not even be a funny joke. After all the lynching of muslims in India, riots, massacres of different minorties over the last few decades, funding and spreading of terrorism through out Pakistan, having the largest open air prision for Kashmiris and etc, how could one call such a thing peaceful... then again a rabbid nation would consider that peaceful.

Posting fake pictures is shameful, but we don't have networks of fake news like you:
If you read from shady websites, its your fault and lac of discerning ability. Every country has such fake news outlets. Nothing can be done about it.
If you cant differentiate between mainstream media from a clearly suspicious site, you shouldnt be using internet.

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