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US-Taliban deal could see US pullout in 14 months

The US and its allies will withdraw all their troops from Afghanistan in 14 months if the Taliban uphold their commitments under a deal to be signed shortly, officials say.

The announcement came in a joint US-Afghan declaration issued in Kabul.

The agreement, to be signed in Qatar later on Saturday, is aimed at paving the way towards peace in Afghanistan after more than 18 years of conflict.

Talks between the Afghan government and the Taliban are to follow.

"The coalition will complete the withdrawal of their remaining forces from Afghanistan within 14 months following the announcement of this joint declaration and the US-Taliban agreement... subject to the Taliban's fulfilment of its commitments," the statement released by the US and Afghan governments said.

The US invaded the country weeks after the September 2001 attacks by the Afghanistan-based al-Qaeda group.

More than 2,400 US troops have been killed during the conflict. About 12,000 are still stationed in the country.

So the entire agreement hangs on a knife's edge. Time to observe the longevity and validity of this. I would think this will bring all the Taliban and their supporter in the visible and then it would be time to reap.
So the entire agreement hangs on a knife's edge. Time to observe the longevity and validity of this. I would think this will bring all the Taliban and their supporter in the visible and then it would be time to reap.
Yeah US doesn't knows about their supporters,after spending billion and wasting 19 years they have come up with this plan.
Yeah US doesn't knows about their supporters,after spending billion and wasting 19 years they have come up with this plan.
Its actually funny to see US supporters potraying the peace deal as some sort of great American victory.

They clearly forget those American demands which the Taliban rejected and America acquiesced.
Its actually funny to see US supporters potraying the peace deal as some sort of great American victory.

They clearly forget those American demands which the Taliban rejected and America acquiesced.
Feb ka maheena Bharat par kafi bhari hai.
P.S:-I am still skeptical about this deal,social fabric of Afghanistan has been destroyed beyond internal repairs to be carried out by fabric itself.
Feb ka maheena Bharat par kafi bhari hai.
P.S:-I am still skeptical about this deal,social fabric of Afghanistan has been destroyed beyond internal repairs to be carried out by fabric itself.
It would be wise to stay skeptical...
Have some long term popcorn subscription.
Was just checking out some pro India sites. There is a sense of gloom and doom there. Anger at the Indian Foreign Ministry for buckling under American pressure to not buy Iranian oil, thus pushing Iran a bit closer to Pakistan; anger at Americans for sacrificing Afghan 'democracy' by letting in Taliban, which would be harmful to India in any degree of participation. And fears that a Pakistan, China, Russia, Iran, Turkey and Taliban understanding in Afghanistan is going to undo India's hardwork and billions of investment in Afghanistan while Pakistan becomes American 'blue eyed boy' again by providing not only a security umbrella to America's few remaining outposts in Afghanistan but also by Pakistan/Taliban taking out ISIS and Al Qaida in Afghanistan. But there are hopes that India is able to use elements inside Afghanistan to sabotage the agreement with America and Talibans.
Tut. Tut. Tut!
IndiaPhrand Ghani sad..sad.. sad...

Just to remain in headlines for a few days more... IndiaPhrand can even ask ChooiWala to send brave Indian troops to protect the Mayorocracy of Kabul...

Now let us see if the Hindutva is strong enough to start the AkhandBharat from Kabulistan...or it is only good at lynching, raping, burning alive and looting the weak and dispossessed.

IndiaPhrand Ghani going to Indianness....

One IndiaPhrand Dolaan Trum has deceived Cheewaala by depowering another IndiaPhrand Ghani, the Mayor.:lol:
IndiaPhrand DoolanTrum does SurgicalStrikes on to DoolanPhrands ... who are also ShpecialPhrandz


I would like yo hear your analysis on this development, definitely you can take time to write a beautiful peace, future prospects, possible problems to the Contract in the next 14 months and overall regional transformation.

Feb ka maheena Bharat par kafi bhari hai.
P.S:-I am still skeptical about this deal,social fabric of Afghanistan has been destroyed beyond internal repairs to be carried out by fabric itself.
Peace talks between USA and Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan

And the leader of the most dangerous "terror" group in the region Sirajuddin Haqqani writing op-eds for NYT.

To top it off, the Taliban will remain armed to teeth including Haqqani network which Mullen called a veritable arm of the ISI.

Now, back in 01, they were willing to do something about Bin Laden other than unconditionally handing him over but taqat ka nasha sar charh kar bol raha tha amreeka mein oss waqt...Now, they are back to 1988 situation with only a gaurantee of Taliban to show to the world as their "achievement".

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