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US-Taliban deal could see US pullout in 14 months

First of all, this is not defeat of USA in Afghanistan.

All should pay close attention to PART ONE set of clauses (primary) in the deal. US have secured all of its security-related interests in the region - no compromises in this matter.

Afghanistan at large will remain committed to War On Terror (COIN) agenda irrespective who sits on the throne in Kabul. Afghan Taliban have officially committed to this agenda as well. This deal allow US to carry out COIN operations in the region and Afghanistan will also commit manpower for the needful.

So what has changed?

This deal will facilitate Intra-Afghan dialogue between Afghan Taliban and opposition groups to iron out a mutually acceptable political roadmap for Afghanistan on the whole. Restructuring of Afghan politics might be on the cards with power-sharing arrangements in the mix. Democratic system will remain an important consideration nevertheless.

With Afghan Taliban fully committed to peace and dialogue, current force posture of NATO will no longer be necessary and another major drawdown is very likely. I think that American special forces and CIA will remain in Afghanistan for indefinite period. Although the threat of privatization of this war effort have diminished.

This is a WIN - WIN deal for both US and Afghan Taliban in the long term if followed to the letter.

This is also a victory for Afghan Taliban because they have become politically relevant in the region once again and are no longer tainted by their past because they have officially committed to War On Terror as well.

There are 3 power camps in Afghanistan now.

1. Ghani camp
2. Abdullah camp
3. Afghan Taliban

Abdullah camp have backing of one of the most powerful warlords in Afghanistan therefore its influence and stake cannot be underestimated. Pakistan should reach out to this camp in order to convince it to work with Afghan Taliban and Pakistan.

With Indian support axed, Ghani camp is rather pliable and will fall in line.
Well said. My only comment is that this deal is both a win and defeat the USA. Its a defeat for the Bush and Obama doctrines in the region. The USA is accomplishing its counter terrorism goals so its a win from that perspective.
Well said. My only comment is that this deal is both a win and defeat the USA. Its a defeat for the Bush and Obama doctrines in the region. The USA is accomplishing its counter terrorism goals so its a win from that perspective.
I would say that 19 years of hammering have made Afghan Taliban realize their own mistakes and they have now committed to (American) War On Terror regime without ifs and buts as a whole. This is exactly what US demanded from both Pakistan and Afghan Taliban back in 2001.

While Pakistan committed 100% to the cause, Afghan Taliban are like 17 years late to come to terms with American demands from them. This wasn't an easy change for Afghan Taliban though but a lengthy journey of soul-searching and coming to terms with new realities.

Therefore, my take is that this is not defeat of US but another accomplishment under its belt besides defeating Al-Qaeda Network in the region.

However, this is also a victory of sorts for Afghan Taliban for holding its own against overwhelming odds throughout and reclaiming their lost political legitimacy finally.
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Because Taliban-led government under late Mullah Omar had close ties with the original Al-Qaeda Network under Osama Bin Laden. This is why Bush administration directed American troops to topple Taliban-led government in Afghanistan in 2001.

Both of those leaders are dead (Osama Bin Laden was assassinated by American Special Forces in 2011; Mullah Omar passed away in 2013), and Afghan Taliban are no longer close to the original Al-Qaeda Network as well as ISIS-K offshoot.

Afghan Taliban reached out to Americans in 2018 to commence talks for resolution of conflict between them. This deal is 2 years in the making, thanks in part to facilitation from Pakistan and Qatar respectively. Afghan Taliban have acknowledged these contributions in the signing ceremony.

US Department of State did not declare Afghan Taliban a terrorist organization at any point in time - door for negotiations with this group was left open throughout.

So even when the Afghan Taliban were hiding Bin Laden, they were not terrorists?.........:azn:
I would say that 19 years of hammering have made Afghan Taliban realize their own mistakes and they have now committed to (American) War On Terror regime without ifs and buts. This is exactly what US demanded from both Pakistan and Afghan Taliban back in 2001.

While Pakistan committed 100% to the cause, Afghan Taliban are like 17 years late to come to terms with American demands.

Therefore, my take is that this is not defeat of US but another accomplishment under its belt besides defeating Al-Qaeda Network in the region by force.
What I heard was the Taliban would have surrendered OBL to a neutral third country. But the Bush administration was never going to deal with the Taliban. It didn't fit their regime change strategy. The Taliban were not suppose to have any role in there vision of Afghanistan. Signing this deal is a defeat for the neocons of the time.
So even when the Afghan Taliban were hiding Bin Laden, they were not terrorists?.........:azn:
Afghan Taliban were not involved in 9/11 as well as attacks on American interests elsewhere in any capacity (not declared a terrorist entity therefore). They were however guilty of sheltering Al-Qaeda Network in Afghanistan and refused to cooperate with Bush administration after 9/11 - this is why they were made to pay a heavy price during the course of US-led assault on Al-Qaeda Network in the region.

I am simply pointing out documented facts.
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Abdullah has support of son of Ahmed Shah Massoud. Pakistan should expand its reach to other ethnic groups in Afghanistan if it wants a stable Afghanistan.

Perhaps working with China which now has economic influence over central Asian nations (2020 really isn’t 2001) that have ties to these Afghan Factions.

The Central Asian Nations and Afghan Factions will need a steady source of income now that NATO is going to drawdown and presumably cut funding as well. A stable Afghanistan built upon economic development, linked to China and Pakistan (CPEC) should convince these leaders to think about the future rather than dwell in the past.
Great success for Peace, Pakistan, PMIK Govt, Pakistan Army, Afghanistan Taliban, and for Trump election 2020.
Events will unfold and then it could be said a great victory for Pakistan and Pakistan Army. India is clean out from the political settlement. PTM and other fabricated provocateur elements are also much neutralized.
Slowly Afghanistan will get peace and will progress and region will benefit, Pakistan will be the greatest beneficiary.
Poor India will be licking its infectious wounds for decades.
India will have a lot of stake in rebuilding of Afghanistan. There is hardly any threat of taliban spillover as reiterated by their own leadership. And things go well, Afghanistan will need massive funds for infrastructure. And Indian contractors are already working in that area. We hardly have any influence in Taliban. But we have a lot of public goodwill and business presence.

amazing so Indian terrorism activities in Pakistan will finally stop, Baluchistan will become stable again, KP will stabilize, Indian investment will help Pakistan and Afghanistan peacefully prosper :pakistan:

I was young, a child but I remember when the last time foreign powers (USSR) left Afghanistan. Overnight Indian terrorism in Pakistan stoped - things like hatora group and others stoped. Bachoistan stabilizes and things become better. I remember Indian diplomats and raw agents were hunted down and extradited.

hope for a peaceful prosperous Pakistan

US is out because Trump said he is against US Iraq-Afghan invasion since the start. I just watched Trump press conference. Basically he wants Afghan to solve its own problem by themselves. It can lead to huge war once US troops is out of the Afghan. Muslim nations need to work hard to get peace deal and political solution between Afghan government and Taliban before next 14 months ended.
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We need a dedicated thread on IndianMedia reaction on PeaceDeal!

@BHarwana and others... let us hear what the great Indians are saying about IndiaPhrand on their TeeVee/Print!

Lol. Don't ask me today what India is saying but ask me today what trump is saying

Trump: I want to meet Taliban leadership and Taliban will be hunting terrorists. Do you know what it means when taliban are told to hunt terrorists? This means billions of dollars India invested on BLA Brass TTP JUA all gone down the drain. Jadav ended up in jail in vain.

Taliban will be killing some very bad people. Who are the bad people here any guess?
US is out because Trump said he is against it since the start. I just watched Trump press conference. Basically he wants Afghan to solve its own problem alone. It can lead to huge war once US troops is out of the Afghan. Muslim nations need to work hard to get peace deal and political solution between Afghan government and Taliban before next 14 months ended.

The world (international community, charities, private companies funded by their respective nations) needs to help Afghanistan’s economy rebuild.

Easy projects can be TAPI and transit trade fees from Central Asian Countries shipping through Afghanistan to Gwadar and Karachi.

The world can help build Dams, like the one on the Kabul River in Pakistan that will provide enough water to rebuild and stabilize agriculture.

The world can help build transmission wires so that excess electricity generate at times in neighboring countries can be used in Afghanistan.

The world can fund hospitals, schools, emergency food aid, so that refugees can return to a country and help to rebuild it.

This is the time for the world to commit. Otherwise They will get millions more refugees crossing national borders, probably on their way to Europe where the Syrian Refugees look to be going nowadays.

All of this should be done ASAP, while the peace is being made, so all factions have a more firm stake in finding a resolution.
Afghan Taliban were not involved in 9/11 as well as attacks on American interests elsewhere in any capacity (not declared a terrorist entity therefore). They were however guilty of sheltering Al-Qaeda Network in Afghanistan and refused to cooperate with Bush administration after 9/11 - this is why they were made to pay a heavy price during the course of US-led assault on Al-Qaeda Network in the region.

I am simply pointing out documented facts.

So it's okay to shelter terrorists then? It doesn't make you a terrorist?.........:azn:
The world (international community, charities, private companies funded by their respective nations) needs to help Afghanistan’s economy rebuild.

Easy projects can be TAPI and transit trade fees from Central Asian Countries shipping through Afghanistan to Gwadar and Karachi.

The world can help build Dams, like the one on the Kabul River in Pakistan that will provide enough water to rebuild and stabilize agriculture.

The world can help build transmission wires so that excess electricity generate at times in neighboring countries can be used in Afghanistan.

The world can fund hospitals, schools, emergency food aid, so that refugees can return to a country and help to rebuild it.

This is the time for the world to commit. Otherwise They will get millions more refugees crossing national borders, probably on their way to Europe where the Syrian Refugees look to be going nowadays.

All of this should be done ASAP, while the peace is being made, so all factions have a more firm stake in finding a resolution.

OIC must step in and bring rich Muslim nations to pledge to help Afghan financially once Afghan government and Taliban reach peace deal.

There should be thread on POTUS speech with title:
IndiaPhrand does a SurgicalStrike on ChooiWala!

This is truly SurpriseDayCeleberation by even the American!

Looks like NDS-RAW and its little terror-entrprises are going down..with full backing of Pakistan and US.

There are funerals today in RSS.

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