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US-Taliban deal could see US pullout in 14 months

Contract says otherwise! 14 months full military exit.

But Americans will breach this contract sooner later, after US elections.
Pak should completely shut down the NATO supply lines.
This clause is subject to fulfillment of all commitments from Afghan Taliban to American interests during the 14 month period.

Interestingly, clause # 3 of PART ONE set of agreements leave the door open for American military to continue to work in Afghanistan in pursuit of COIN objectives with understanding of whomsoever is ruling Afghanistan at any point in time. Special Forces and CIA do not count as regular troop deployments (flexible). Therefore, this level of commitment is not going anywhere. Just that Afghanistan will no longer give the vibe of being under foreign occupation.

US will not give up on Afghanistan after investing so much in the country. Americans have an eye for scoring lucrative business deals in Afghanistan in particular and Afghan Taliban have consented to these considerations. There is TAPI in the picture for instance (American proposal to address Pakistani shortage in gas supply).
well who ever thought USofA will be completely out. is living in fools paradise.(ahmakon ke janat main rehty hian)
Firmly in Pakistan pocket ? I mean , what do you provide them ? - Security ? Funds ? Soft power ?


If US troops exit Kabul, and the Taliban holds sway, Pakistan could unleash ‘Ghazwa-e-Hind’ against India
29 December 2018

We could soon see America leave Afghanistan's brutal war half-finished. The implications of this will be dreadful for ordinary Afghans. This is no good news for India either.

Enlighten us what is causing ex RAW chief the anxiety?
There are also people who worship.america and it's tech. Seems they have deletwd theirselves.
My thread has been locked which I started earlier today on same topic.EVERYTHING.apart from ALLAH , IS an Idol , including technology

Back in October 2001 when the Americans invaded Afghanistan, NO-ONE thought they would be humiliated and defeated like this. indians were all ready celebrating in 2001 claiming that America WOULD destroy Pakistan before the end of 2002.......:lol:
Refer to my post: https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/us-t...lout-in-14-months.655190/page-5#post-12119237

No such thing as FULL withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan. US retain much of its interests in the region. Current force posture of NATO will likely change (another major drawdown expected) but American special forces and CIA will continue to operate in Afghanistan for indefinite period.

This isn't 1970s; US will not yield.

Sure sure. The neo-cons also said that they would NEVER EVER negotiate with the Taliban or any other terrorists. So what happened now?..........:azn:
We need a dedicated thread on IndianMedia reaction on PeaceDeal!

@BHarwana and others... let us hear what the great Indians are saying about IndiaPhrand on their TeeVee/Print!
one better, the rent a comrade communist and their various gamashete especially pisteenies have this to say

I like the mood too.

Sure sure. The neo-cons also said that they would NEVER EVER negotiate with the Taliban or any other terrorists. So what happened now?..........:azn:
They do not negotiate with Al-Qaida Networks and ISIS groups, do they?

Afghan Taliban were never declared terrorists on the whole at any point in time by the US Department of State. Only Sirajuddin Haqqani is in the FBI Wanted List but he reached out to the New York Times recently and committed to peace and dialogue in his OP-ED at personal capacity; he might be given the benefit of doubt now.

I have obtained a copy of the full transcript of deal between Afghan Taliban and Trump administration and I can assure you that there is no tolerance for the Al-Qaeda Networks and ISIS groups in the deal. American security considerations vis-a-vis Afghanistan are covered in PART TWO of the deal and Afghan Taliban have officially committed to these considerations. American military withdrawal from Afghanistan is subject to commitment from Afghan Taliban to (American) War On Terror in full capacity.
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Peace in Afghanistan with growing trade in conjunction with the above mentioned objectives is an ideal situation for Pakistan, regardless of whether the average Afghan ‘likes’ India more than Pakistan and regardless of how much investment India pumps into Afghanistan.

If the Afghans refuse to mend their ways, they know what Pakistan can do to them.

And BTW, this ill-will against Pakistan is to be expected: A whole generation of Afghans since October 2001 has been fed anti-Pakistan propaganda. Pakistan could not much against that kind propaganda when Pakistan couldn't even own supporting the Talibans publicly and neither would the Talibans support Pakistan publicly.

But the geographical reality is still an over-riding factor: Pakistan borders Afghanistan and India doesn't. Cement or textile exported from Pakistan will be quicker to deliver and more affordable for the Afghans. Look at how Americans hate Chinese tariffs and China this and that but are pretty comfortable buying billions of dollars of Chinese goods from Walmart--heck, even some July 4 Independence Day Flags also come from China!!

The negative perception about Pakistan can and will change--after all, Pakistan was not so negatively looked upon by Afghans not so long ago.

The Taliban and Pakistan provide to each other one thing that no one else can.
Strategic depth.
Do you think that the Taliban would have been in the position they are in today if it hadn't been for the support they received from Pakistan?
Do you think they don't know who was doing what for the last 18 years?
They know what the Americans in league with their pro India warlords will do to them if they turn their backs on Pakistan.

That is correct. Afghan Talibans know that Pakistan has taken a huge beating to support them. It is a symbiotic relationship where the benefits for both are inseparable into the foreseeable future.
They do not negotiate with Al-Qaida Networks and ISIS groups, do they?

Afghan Taliban were never declared terrorists on the whole at any point in time by the US Department of State. Only Sirajuddin Haqqani is in the FBI Wanted List but he reached out to the New York Times recently and committed to peace and dialogue in his OP-ED at personal capacity; he might be given the benefit of doubt now.

I have obtained a copy of the full transcript of deal between Afghan Taliban and Trump administration and I can assure you that there is no tolerance for the Al-Qaeda Networks and ISIS groups in the deal. American security considerations vis-a-vis Afghanistan are covered in PART TWO of the deal and Afghan Taliban have officially committed to these considerations. American military withdrawal from Afghanistan is subject to commitment from Afghan Taliban to (American) War On Terror in full capacity.

If they weren't terrorists, why did the americans go after them?......:azn:
If they weren't terrorists, why did the americans go after them?......:azn:
Because Taliban-led government under late Mullah Omar had close ties with the original Al-Qaeda Network under Osama Bin Laden. This is why Bush administration directed American troops to topple Taliban-led government in Afghanistan in 2001.

Both of those leaders are dead (Osama Bin Laden was assassinated by American Special Forces in 2011; Mullah Omar passed away in 2013), and Afghan Taliban are no longer close to the original Al-Qaeda Network as well as ISIS-K offshoot.

Afghan Taliban reached out to Americans in 2018 to commence talks for resolution of conflict between them. This deal is 2 years in the making, thanks in part to facilitation from Pakistan and Qatar respectively. Afghan Taliban have acknowledged these contributions in the signing ceremony.

US Department of State did not declare Afghan Taliban a terrorist organization at any point in time - door for negotiations with this group was left open throughout.
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@Foxtrot Alpha our long struggle & serious approach in regard to peace & stability in the region, is finally paying. Pakistan has been in favour of dialogue since Afghan conflict and finally, this is how Pakistan is proven right. We can see that how proxies been eliminated in Afghanistan in past few weeks and their lovers/handlers now have to either save them or only can pray but, there is no safety guaranteed neither any of exception awarded.

Can this also mean Afghanistan will formally recognize Pakistan and the Durand Line as it states “from the territory of the other side”?

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