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US-Taliban deal could see US pullout in 14 months

What you don't realise is that the Taliban are the SAME race, religion and culture as are Pakistani people. We even share the same heritage and speak the same language........:azn:......:lol:....The Taliban are essentially Orthodox, Sunni Muslim Pakistanis under a different nationality.......you honestly think they like indians???????...........:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

When with North Koreans claim that the iaf killed exactly 350 terrorists in Balakot and shot down an F-16..........:azn:.........:lol:
Their media claims Kim jong un doesnt poop. Is that your level ? Its my fault replying to troll account.
Taliban has won the war, we all know it , but the US is a treasonous country , they will betray the deal .
If you really won the war you would declare victory instead of signing a deal WITH your enemy you were unable to kick out physically.
Damn, must be auto correct then...It makes much more sense. Because otherwise it would not even be a funny joke. After all the lynching of muslims in India, riots, massacres of different minorties over the last few decades, funding and spreading of terrorism through out Pakistan, having the largest open air prision for Kashmiris and etc, how could one call such a thing peaceful... then again a rabbid nation would consider that peaceful.

Posting fake pictures is shameful, but we don't have networks of fake news like you:

I'm sure you were on PDF a few months ago when indians were CLAIMING that the americans would NEVER EVER sign a peace deal with the Taliban and leave Afghanistan............:lol:
Pompeo praised Pakistan.
The only country whose role is praised and gets a recognition.
Even Qatar was not mentioned. They too fcailitaed a lot by providing an atmosphere where everyone can talk.
But this time pakistan has really convinced the talibs that this is the only way to make Americans leave and gain power. I hope taliban remembers what we have suffered, and would pay back by eliminating ttp, bla and bra.
If you read from shady websites, its your fault and lac of discerning ability. Every country has such fake news outlets. Nothing can be done about it.
If you cant differentiate between mainstream media from a clearly suspicious site, you shouldnt be using internet.
When you prove Pakistan has them, then quote me, otherwise just accept that India is a dirty country, doing all it can to destabilise neighbouring countries and is furthest from what a peaceful nation is. But you love to pretend you are peaceful, you are not only dirty but deceptive to the core as well.

I'm sure you were on PDF a few months ago when indians were CLAIMING that the americans would NEVER EVER sign a peace deal with the Taliban and leave Afghanistan............:lol:
I can't remember, but Indians spew so much shit out of their mouth that sometimes it's hard to tell if it's their mouth or arse.
Money is not a whole package what India thought to have a base in Afghanistan. In-fact US will be taking care on that side or NATO or world bank etc but to say that India is some kind of money champion, is nothing more than satisfying oneself.

By the way, why to repeatedly say something like Taliban has nothing against India? kind of dosti offer in advance or what? in-fact nobody claims that Taliban is going to fight India after this or something like that... nobody pitched them against India at all.. relax till further news.

Pompeo exactly concluded everything for the readers of all kind from everywhere that....

When i said it on this forum a few days ago that Taliban couldnt have touched that signing pen without ISI and Pakistani govt approving it, many Pakistanis jumped on me. well here goes your further proof! some of u are really stubborn.
I can't remember, but Indians spew so much shit out of their mouth that sometimes it's hard to tell if it's their mouth or arse.

Often, it is both, simultaneously.:lol:
When i said it on this forum a few days ago that Taliban couldnt have touched that signing pen without ISI and Pakistani govt approving it, many Pakistanis jumped on me. well here goes your further proof! some of u are really stubborn.

You can call for some credit without calling others stubborn. In-fact US did praise Pakistan (ISI as well if you have to say) for helping in peace deal. There is no approval that too against a country like US.... a powerful country and you wouldn't disagree. A small country like Pakistan that is economically weak as well and cannot buy anything from the world cannot every influence or be an approving authority. We facilitated the bridge between Taliban & Washington and provided help so they can resolve an issue. So either you personally call it approving to touch that pen or whatever, Pompeo has already explained well.

When you prove Pakistan has them, then quote me, otherwise just accept that India is a dirty country, doing all it can to destabilise neighbouring countries and is furthest from what a peaceful nation is. But you love to pretend you are peaceful, you are not only dirty but deceptive to the core as well.

I can't remember, but Indians spew so much shit out of their mouth that sometimes it's hard to tell if it's their mouth or arse.

India will have a lot of stake in rebuilding of Afghanistan. There is hardly any threat of taliban spillover as reiterated by their own leadership. And things go well, Afghanistan will need massive funds for infrastructure. And Indian contractors are already working in that area. We hardly have any influence in Taliban. But we have a lot of public goodwill and business presence.

Big accomplishment for the Taliban and USA. The USA can finally put America first. The Taliban were left 4 dead and shunned by USA and friends. The USA is signing a deal that they could have signed 20 years ago. India is scrambling trying to show some sort of significance in whats going on...Its hilarious:omghaha::omghaha:.
If you really won the war you would declare victory instead of signing a deal WITH your enemy you were unable to kick out physically.
I still think it's a victory for Taliban because they physically forced the Greatest military power on earth to :
  • Negotiate a deal in which US troops withdraw from Afghanistan
and also it's not a complete victory because Taliban has more than 30% of the Afghani territory to control .
on the other hand it is a complete victory to Pakistan because Taliban is Sunni and a complete defeat for Iran because Taliban is an enemy of Iran .

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