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US-Pakistan talks on military bases reach impasse: report

Maybe I might be wrong but what I think is that Pakistan is somewhere feeling uncomfortnes with china so Pakistan is making a balance? or yanks gave some lush offer which made khaki wardi Gernaaillll mouth full of water?
Any deal should be reciprocal if we offer a base I need a base in Florida for Pakistan Military
if USA refuses , then Pakistan also reserve the right to refuse any foreign military base

US needs to respect , the international Norm for peace

Pakistan - USA relation should only be at civilian level

a) Education
b) Music
c) Arts
d) Sports
e) Trade / Human Relations
f) Medicine and Hospitals

  • No military bases -----------"NO!!!"
  • No Blocs , No weird regional interference
  • No Time waste
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Nobody elected him to handle those "pressures". He was a coward who could point guns at his own civilian Government but surrendered to a foreign one claiming it to be in "national interests".

Pakistani Army Chiefs are not built to do international politics even though they like to think so.

Had there been a lalchi Pakistani Army Chief at the helm in 2015, he would've gone head first into Yemen all for "national interests".
Ans where is 3 time PM of pakistan??
Nothing surprise..PMIk is totally different personality after becoming PM...Now he will handover bases too Mashallah ..IK is helping US now...while Foreign minister was lying at floor of assembly that no question of basis being handover ...

Because Imran Khan has been told of the economic consequences for Pakistan should Pakistan not accommodate the American requests at least to some extent. Except for some level of assistance from China--which will be a paltry amount and I won't blame the Chinese for that--the richer countries of the world would punish Pakistan: From GCC to EU to the West to Japan/S. Korea.. etc etc.

The economy of Pakistan has been the Achilles Heel (or Achilles Hell!) for decades. Militarily, Pakistan is not as weak as it was on 9/11 when it had to kneel to America and America is a greatly depleted country anyone than those days. But Pakistan is on a path of a fragile economic recovery-- "fragile" is the right word. $issing off dozens of powerful and rich in an alliance with each other countries would be only possible IF/WHEN China had Pakistan's back to the fullest OR Pakistanis would be willing to eat the proverbial grass (a la North Korea).

I predict a secret deal with America to accommodate the American requests to some extent. No concessions like after 9/11 but something acceptable in a quid-pro-quo likely.

BTW, chest thumping will lead to another Qaddafi or Al-Assad or Saddam like fate for Pakistan. EVEN the Iranians don't do knee jerk reactions. Thank God the Pakistani planners are more pragmatic than this forum.
Because Imran Khan has been told of the economic consequences for Pakistan should Pakistan not accommodate the American requests at least to some extent. Except for some level of assistance from China--which will be a paltry amount and I won't blame the Chinese for that--the richer countries of the world would punish Pakistan: From GCC to EU to the West to Japan/S. Korea.. etc etc.

Plz tell me how to contact that angel who is giving you ALL these REVELATIONS...forget it you mentioned in your post it is your PREDICTION...

Believe me if it ALL comes true...I have so many things to ask you ... I mean job security?....should I invest in real estate etc etc
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Excellent idea, but does it really serve Pakistan's national interests the best?
Yeha but for humanity. People are getting killed in usa by wit suppermist. We should help the humanity. Do you think usa care about humanity. If you think yes then think about Palestinian Kashmir n people got killed in Iraq by black water. Tell me what kind of shit do you smoke. In 20 years they could not fix Afganistán. With one or 2 bases what they can achieve. One or two bases are needed to buy n sell people creating assets in Pakistan against China n Iran whom or our Neighbours. Famous saying you can change friend but you can not change neighbors. Pakistan wants it iran borders be kool with friends like China you don't need usa in Asia.
Use common sense considering its even being "negotiated".
Do you have common sense? It surprised me
USA is here to break Pakistan. CIA or any kind of base will be a suicide.
But yes, if you guys have already decided to settle down in Canada after retirement, as usual, then it's OK. Who cares for a country where you don't want to live in your retirement days.
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Nobody elected him to handle those "pressures". He was a coward who could point guns at his own civilian Government but surrendered to a foreign one claiming it to be in "national interests".

Pakistani Army Chiefs are not built to do international politics even though they like to think so.

Had there been a lalchi Pakistani Army Chief at the helm in 2015, he would've gone head first into Yemen all for "national interests".
Admin send this man to Mars.there they need idiots like him
Because Imran Khan has been told of the economic consequences for Pakistan should Pakistan not accommodate the American requests at least to some extent. Except for some level of assistance from China--which will be a paltry amount and I won't blame the Chinese for that--the richer countries of the world would punish Pakistan: From GCC to EU to the West to Japan/S. Korea.. etc etc.

The economy of Pakistan has been the Achilles Heel (or Achilles Hell!) for decades. Militarily, Pakistan is not as weak as it was on 9/11 when it had to kneel to America and America is a greatly depleted country anyone than those days. But Pakistan is on a path of a fragile economic recovery-- "fragile" is the right word. $issing off dozens of powerful and rich in an alliance with each other countries would be only possible IF/WHEN China had Pakistan's back to the fullest OR Pakistanis would be willing to eat the proverbial grass (a la North Korea).

I predict a secret deal with America to accommodate the American requests to some extent. No concessions like after 9/11 but something acceptable in a quid-pro-quo likely.

BTW, chest thumping will lead to another Qaddafi or Al-Assad or Saddam like fate for Pakistan. EVEN the Iranians don't do knee jerk reactions. Thank God the Pakistani planners are more pragmatic than this forum.
Pakistan have 300 nuks n well trained army 230 million population. You are insulting Pakistan when compare them with libiya Syria Iraq.. pak fought with soviet n India n fought many under covered wars. No one can suse roxy war then Pakistan. You need a break from social media.
Because Imran Khan has been told of the economic consequences for Pakistan should Pakistan not accommodate the American requests at least to some extent. Except for some level of assistance from China--which will be a paltry amount and I won't blame the Chinese for that--the richer countries of the world would punish Pakistan: From GCC to EU to the West to Japan/S. Korea.. etc etc.

The economy of Pakistan has been the Achilles Heel (or Achilles Hell!) for decades. Militarily, Pakistan is not as weak as it was on 9/11 when it had to kneel to America and America is a greatly depleted country anyone than those days. But Pakistan is on a path of a fragile economic recovery-- "fragile" is the right word. $issing off dozens of powerful and rich in an alliance with each other countries would be only possible IF/WHEN China had Pakistan's back to the fullest OR Pakistanis would be willing to eat the proverbial grass (a la North Korea).

I predict a secret deal with America to accommodate the American requests to some extent. No concessions like after 9/11 but something acceptable in a quid-pro-quo likely.

BTW, chest thumping will lead to another Qaddafi or Al-Assad or Saddam like fate for Pakistan. EVEN the Iranians don't do knee jerk reactions. Thank God the Pakistani planners are more pragmatic than this forum.
Spot on.
Ans where is 3 time PM of pakistan??

that brave man (opposite to coward)is eating dry fruit in the cold of London.

Pakistan have 300 nuks n well trained army 230 million population. You are insulting Pakistan when compare them with libiya Syria Iraq.. pak fought with soviet n India n fought many under covered wars. No one can suse roxy war then Pakistan. You need a break from social media.

don't mind but, this is what we are good at, counting nukes 123... Oh wow, super power...; trained army... **** power...: 220 million population... amazing .... we are what not ...

where are we going to use those nukes? (never oppose of keeping them)

what good are we of 220 million,
level of education: check check check... thush...
level of intellect: check check check... thush...
industrial expertise: check check check... thush...
research: check check check... thush...
health sector: check check check... thush...

this is what we have to count on.
There is no "ghairat" in international geopolitics, only enduring national interests, always.
Well, I'm sure your military and civilian leaders knows the security and strategic situation in your neighbourhood and country better than everyone on here. So for them to be considering a US military base means they still want the US to remain in the region as it serves their interests , else they will never even consider this . So many can whine on here all the want, however reality is usually always different from fantasy/wishes .
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