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US-Pakistan talks on military bases reach impasse: report

I don't know. You should ask his supporters and followers instead of anyone who questions Cartoon-e-Azam PM Imran Khan.

I am sure three-time democratically elected former PM Nawaz Sharif will have a Twitter handle and you can post your question there.

It's unfortunate that Cartoon-e-Azam PM Imran Khan could not be elected even once in 22-years of his failed political career. Heck, he's so pathetic he didn't even have the capacity to become a Chief Minister or a Governor of a province, so, he had to rely on Voodoo and IJT courts and a lot of backing from the unelectable ones to be installed as a muppet for others to laugh at.

So the only thing Ganja left behind working was Noora Space Agency. Tell us when will he enter the hospital for his 1 year "pending" check up for his clogged arteries, low blood pellets. You know low blood pellets are very dangerous below 10,000 it can cause internal bleeding last we heard it was 7,000.... and he's never gone to the hospital in over a YEAR.

Since your so close to N League mind helping us figure this whole thing out? Please ask Noora (aka Tano) for us.
...Since your so close to N League mind helping us figure this whole thing out? Please ask Noora (aka Tano) for us.

If you're really really desperate to hang some corrupt people, no one is stopping Pakistan Tehrik-e-Baqwas from hanging billionaire Cheeni Chor Jehangir Tareen and all the Atta Khors running around freely in the country.

Why not grab what's immediately in front of you instead of making excuses?

Mind telling me why doctors from Shaukat Khannum Hospital prepared the medical reports for former PM Nawaz Sharif's approval to leave the country?
If you're really really desperate to hang some corrupt people, no one is stopping Pakistan Tehrik-e-Baqwas from hanging billionaire Cheeni Chor Jehangir Tareen and all the Atta Khors running around freely in the country.

Why not grab what's immediately in front of you instead of making excuses?

Mind telling me why doctors from Shaukat Khannum Hospital prepared the medical reports for former PM Nawaz Sharif's approval to leave the country?

Love how you skipped the whole blood pellet count. Let’s not forget it was your “Bitches of The Riches” Judges who allowed him to flee. Who are all appointed by your dearest Ganja.

Before we go into all that, tell us how the fat lard *** keep’s resuscitating himself from apparent death on a daily basis. It’s a miracle, cause I’ve never seen someone with 15 ailments (according to N League Report) run up those stairs, stair way to heaven?
Tell this uk france isreal china they never used them as well..If yoy have gun robbery will not happen.mr genius

those you mentioned, yes they did not use and yes they count on them but they did not have to give language to it, nobody does.

i initially told you, not to mind. but you proved otherwise and you could not understand how to give a mature comment.

sorry if it hurt something in you.
those you mentioned, yes they did not use and yes they count on them but they did not have to give language to it, nobody does.

i initially told you, not to mind. but you proved otherwise and you could not understand how to give a mature comment.

sorry if it hurt something in you.
I don't mind but I know many people personally in Pakistan who don't want Pakistan to be atomic power..second Pakistani nation lost courage since 1980. They need courage. This nation has potential. This nation need to know what they can achieve. Mark my words no one can defeat them in battle but their inner enemy is destroying them. I tell you no one dear to do direct attack on atomic powers but proxy wars. But Pakistan will be under proxy attacks. Lebral with 5th generation likes of media and backwards with gun here n there in Pakistan. But both have aim to hurt Pakistan.

US might use Pakistani airspace to strike on Taliban, so far Pakistan stance is not to provide its airbases or airspace ... so let see what will happen IF an airstrike is carried out ...
What if they used stealth UCAVs to target Afghanistan using pak airspace?? Do we have radars that can detect F-22 or RQ-170 ??
If you're really really desperate to hang some corrupt people, no one is stopping Pakistan Tehrik-e-Baqwas from hanging billionaire Cheeni Chor Jehangir Tareen and all the Atta Khors running around freely in the country.

Why not grab what's immediately in front of you instead of making excuses?

Mind telling me why doctors from Shaukat Khannum Hospital prepared the medical reports for former PM Nawaz Sharif's approval to leave the country?
Just tell us how is khotaa today in london ?? Issue was not he is ill or not the main issue was he want to go aboard for treatment which was existing in pak hospitals , if court allowed him to get treatment abroad he should come back now for sack of pakistan and his multimillion donkeys
There is a clear NO for such kind of facilities :disagree: even USA is ready to offer F22 Raptors and and F35 along with Nuclear Civil agreement.
There is a clear NO for such kind of facilities :disagree: even USA is ready to offer F22 Raptors and and F35 along with Nuclear Civil agreement.

What about a squadron of Mark IV Colonial Vipers?
What if they used stealth UCAVs to target Afghanistan using pak airspace?? Do we have radars that can detect F-22 or RQ-170 ??

From where they they will operate this stealth planes. (International Oceans)If they really want to further fight then why they are destroying their facilities in Afghanistan and leaving excellent bases.

They just need a facility near by border where their Military is safe and they can launch drone strike on opponent elements in Afghanistan to help its allies and continue killing game in the region.

It would be too complicated for them once they are out of Afghanistan to carry such stealth strike on groups of fighter that doesn't make sense as such assets are used against strategic strikes.

By doing so, they will be taking risk of strong opposition from regional power including Pakistan, China, Russia and many more.

This is highly unlikely, USA will take such actions that is why they are trying to get safe heaven in neighboring countries.
Let see who is ready to become a LAMB.
I am very confidant that our CIVIL/MILITARY Leadership very well understand this and have surely REFUSED them.
... It’s a miracle, cause I’ve never seen someone with 15 ailments (according to N League Report) run up those stairs, stair way to heaven?
I know. Ask the doctors at the Shaukat Khannum Hospital how they managed to list 15 ailments. Crazy.

Shaikh Chillis may also want to check whether their medical degrees are genuine.

Once done and if Cartoon-e-Azam PM Imran Khan has any spare time left to fight corruption, he needs to arrest his best buddy billionaire Cheeni Chor Jehangir Tareen and seize all his assets. Or is the Great Cartoon waiting for him to follow ill too?
I know. Ask the doctors at the Shaukat Khannum Hospital how they managed to list 15 ailments. Crazy.

Shaikh Chillis may also want to check whether their medical degrees are genuine.

Once done and if Cartoon-e-Azam PM Imran Khan has any spare time left to fight corruption, he needs to arrest his best buddy billionaire Cheeni Chor Jehangir Tareen and seize all his assets. Or is the Great Cartoon waiting for him to follow ill too?

Nope ask you N-Leaguers cause it was on there report the 15 ailments.

Also, to bring to knowledge of a saying and I'll get you its reference as well:

When you pick Kami (low class) individuals in positions of power, it never bares any fruit. Individual's who upper class never allow them to sit next to them.

That is Nawaz Sharif whole family not just his current generation and future but those of his ancestral past.
The U.S interest is

a) De-nuclearize Pakistan.
b) Make Pakistan India's bitch.

While at the same time prevent the total collapse of the Pakistani state.

These American goals are shared by some in the Pakistani elite as well as some in the Pakistani diaspora abroad (Hussain Haqqani and Co.)

The US wants to dismember Pakistan and create an independent Baluchistan.
The US wants to dismember Pakistan and create an independent Baluchistan.

It certainly tried very hard to do this, in partnership with India - this is what has broken the relationship between the USA and Pakistan and why Pakistan is taking an independent stance on post-Afghanisatan...
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