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US-Pakistan talks on military bases reach impasse: report

Yes we are aware. It was Super Soldier Musharraf and a small group that made that decision. Not even the Corp Commanders were brought into that decision prior to it having been made.

I am confident that IK will come off better than our Super Solider.

The team that makes the decisions also bear the responsibility for the consequences, no doubt.
Keep repeating the same mantra and stay in these financial conditions forever......

Although I have no faith in army generals specially bajwa who is turning out to be even worse than kayani, the only iota of hope is IK, but as stated of "not acknowledging" he will be kept out of knowledge.
When have I said that I know everything or that I have com0lete control over the decisions that the government of Pakistan make. I ventured an opinion j7st like 99% of the posters who remain clueless about the inner wofkings of the government.
You have maligned Gen Bajwa. What is your source of information that he is the worst thing since General Kiyani. For that matter what do you know about what Gen Kiyani did that you consider him a bad General and bad for Pakistan.
Please share your information/reasoning so we can discuss matters further.As to US bases in Pakistan we had them during Ayub's time and during Musharraf's time. You have chosen to malign just Kiyani. Care to discuss why you do not paint Musharraf and Ayub with the same brush?
Bases per se do not matter! It is/what those bases are used for. The use of drones for elimination of TTP inside Pakistan were done with full cooperation of the basterds who sat at the helm of affairs(polity, beaurocracy and military) So why do you specifically blame Kiyani when there was a political government in place. Is it just because they jumped up and down denying they had nothing to do with the strikes while Kiyani kept quiet.
Raheel Shareef used boots to get rid of TTP from Tribal areas. So essentially he used his own army against its own people. ThenWhy is he good and Kiyani bad if the only parameter is use of force against own people?
So what I am trying to point out is there are no black and qhites in governance. There are many shades of gray and most governments utilize these to advance their interests. What Musharraf gave away in 2000 was necessary in his view g8ven the prevaling situation of Pakistan. People sitting in plush drawing rooms will dissect and analyze this decision without realizing the pressures on him and how he had to deal with them. What Imran does is going to be analyzed as well and people may still end up criticizing him for not having made the right decision
US once it decides to put pressure on Pakistan will make life difficult at multiple levels. At the moment it seems we are holding fine. At the end of the day it is/all about national interests. If Pakistan's nationql interests are served by the move it will be complied with.
At the end of the day it is/all about national interests. If Pakistan's nationql interests are served by the move it will be complied with.

Golden words, but need they be so hard for people to understand?
Again, it is only fair that each side is free to choose whatever team it wants to represent the country. One cannot blame anybody else for such choices.
totally agree with you, buts its better that we no longer give the US an opportunity to put their boots in
There is no desperation on either side, but a withdrawal by USA

lol thank you for making my day! :D

No desperation but withdrawal. :D she can stay a decade more for her liking; since there is no desperation.
lol thank you for making my day! :D

No desperation but withdrawal. :D she can stay a decade more for her liking; since there is no desperation.

A political decision, that is all. Policy by other means will continue.
US once it decides to put pressure on Pakistan will make life difficult at multiple levels
The alternative is even worse, considering how China will react should pakistan agrees to such a decision. Alienating china at this stage is not going to be even in thoughts.
Whatever US is going to throw, i think we are all aware and to some extend prepared, hence a clear snub.
The alternative is even worse, considering how China will react should pakistan agrees to such a decision. Alienating china at this stage is not going to be even in thoughts.
Whatever US is going to throw, i think we are all aware and to some extend prepared, hence a clear snub.

The old joke about eating a 100 raw onions or getting a 100 lashes as punishment comes to mind here. :D
A political decision, that is all. Policy by other means will continue.

haha sure! This is not 2001; Pakistan is not the same, china is not the same, russia is not the same. The geopolitics have changed. And US is stuck in the past, it's not working anymore; US is no longer what it used to be in 2001. The sooner our friends in Washington realize that the better. US' hegemony is over
haha sure! This is not 2001; Pakistan is not the same, china is not the same, russia is not the same. The geopolitics have changed. And US is stuck in the past, it's not working anymore; US is no longer what it used to be in 2001. The sooner our friends in Washington realize that the better. US' hegemony is over

I am sure Washington is aware that the world is ever-changing and it must adapt to any and all changes, as must everyone else, whatever those changes might be.
The alternative is even worse, considering how China will react should pakistan agrees to such a decision. Alienating china at this stage is not going to be even in thoughts.
Whatever US is going to throw, i think we are all aware and to some extend prepared, hence a clear snub.

Loosing Pakistan completely is not an option for US; no matter how much some here would like you to believe. This region is gone if US loose Pakistan completely. So it's US who has to make the best out of the worst situation not Pakistan.
Loosing Pakistan completely is not an option for US; no matter how much some here would like you to believe. This region is gone if US loose Pakistan completely. So it's US who has to make the best out of the worst situation not Pakistan.

Is losing USA completely an option for Pakistan?
Keep an eye on baradars. That's where the pressure will come
Is losing USA completely an option for Pakistan?

The stakes are different for both; for Pakistan it's financial; for US it's strategic and already rapidly declining power game. This region consolidating with her natural allies (neighbors) is a game over for US. So you tell me; who should be worried more?
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