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US-Pakistan talks on military bases reach impasse: report

Well, it is only fair that each side try to negotiate as best as they can.
our side will be negotiated by elites for self individual interest and another side will be for their national interest.

In any case, strictly no US presence other than commercial venture which is not forthcoming any war footing should not be accepted unless it has an offer of free debt and resolving the Kashmir case and now junagadh
our side will be negotiated by elites for self individual interest and another side will be for their national interest.

In any case, strictly no US presence other than commercial venture which is not forthcoming any war footing should not be accepted unless it has an offer of free debt and resolving the Kashmir case and now junagadh

Again, it is only fair that each side is free to choose whatever team it wants to represent the country. One cannot blame anybody else for such choices.
The point I am trying to make is that Cartoon-e-Azam PM Imran Khan is ready to accept American military prescence in the country in return for some regular American chanda.
Please disclose that angel to us on this forum which brings you this REVELATION...
Are you aware of the negotiations that handed over Shamsi Airbase to the US to bomb Pakistan with atleast 430 drone strikes?
I do not dwell in the past...I am more interested in knowing if you have solid reference of your claim that "Pakistan have decided to provide Airbases to US"....period.
I am sure that USA realizes the ground reality much more than you appreciate. Pakistan clearly holds all the aces in the present situation, and I am equally sure that it will use them wisely to serve its national interests.
If it did it would not have pushed pakistan for a base? I mean in what world, universe or alternate reality would you ask a country to host your military base who has been consistently been accused of playing a double game? Whose government is being ignored, whose arch rival is now your best strategic partner, whose own closet ally happens to be your rival.
The reason US decided to go on with these demands anyway is because it is far from reality. Your president is a guy who happened to hold our embarrassment of a PM by his neck, his president thought the most difficult call would be to president of Pakistan after obl raid. He in his mind and that of his government wants to believe this to be the same Pakistan. This is not reality but what you wish the reality to be. Unfortunately this is not going to work out, not anymore. This is not the same pakistan however i doubt if US will understand. In fact I believe US in its desperation is going to do something stupid, the consequences of which will be far reaching both in terms of the stability of the region and Pakistan.
Ah. You've not learnt anything from history. Shame.

When you're a little older, maturer, come back and ask questions.

I ONLY asked you to give me a solid reference (i.e. from a credible news source) to support your claim...is that too much to ask for? and BTW @IceCold have made some valid points in his post # 114 above...that would help too.
If it did it would not have pushed pakistan for a base? I mean in what world, universe or alternate reality would you ask a country to host your military base who has been consistently been accused of playing a double game? Whose government is being ignored, whose arch rival is now your best strategic partner, whose own closet ally happens to be your rival.
The reason US decided to go on with these demands anyway is because it is far from reality. Your president is a guy who happened to hold our embarrassment of a PM by his neck, his president thought the most difficult call would be to president of Pakistan after obl raid. He in his mind and that of his government wants to believe this to be the same Pakistan. This is not reality but what you wish the reality to be. Unfortunately this is not going to work out, not anymore. This is not the same pakistan however i doubt if US will understand. In fact I believe US in its desperation is going to do something stupid, the consequences of which will be far reaching both in terms of the stability of the region and Pakistan.

You are of course entitled to your views. I am sure both sides will think logically when it comes to making decisions in this matter. National interests reign supreme, not any misdirected sense of double-crossing or having been double-crossed, or relationships with other countries. There is no desperation on either side, but a withdrawal by USA, leaving the field clear for Pakistan to do whatever it can to further its own national interest as best as possible. If that means that USA can trust that there will be no more attacks emanating from there, and Pakistan can help ensure that future, all is well.
If we look at the problem at hand, US and Pakistan both wouldn't want Afghanistan to become a threat for their respective countries so there is a need for collaboration on that front. Even if Taliban take over all of Afghanistan, they would simply not be able to tackle ISIS,AQ and TTP due to their capacity issue. Pakistan cannot spare that much budget to target AQ factions and this is where US can be of great help.

I personally believe that Pakistan and US would devise and agree on a plan to tackle this threat. The trust deficit is something which they would need to work on before they reach any agreement.
Its Amazing how you try to emphasize on your fairy tale “middle-way” where clearly there isnt.

Please keep in mind that those who have the responsibility to make the decisions quite often find such as way that is not apparent to the rest of us.
Are you aware of the negotiations that handed over Shamsi Airbase to the US to bomb Pakistan with atleast 430 drone strikes?
Yes we are aware. It was Super Soldier Musharraf and a small group that made that decision. Not even the Corp Commanders were brought into that decision prior to it having been made.

I am confident that IK will come off better than our Super Solider.
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