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US-Pakistan talks on military bases reach impasse: report

Remind those sons of whores that they attacked Salalah and refused to apologize.
Remind them their Randi Rona of "Do more" of two decades.
Remind them of all their snubs and sanctions
flip them a birdy and show them the door
Why negotiate or even discuss, let the assembly vote on it like they did on the question of "Yemen"
Mate .. i don't live in fantasy world
You will start seeing what i am saying in coming few days ...
There is a potential. The details you are giving seems so vivid as if you have the front seat to everything that happens...
Saying that Pakistan will sign off on any target is effectively denying the base.
I’m really surprise that the Biden administration would even make such a stupid request, what the hell are they smoking. There is no way that is going to happen.

It would be little costly but US already has Reaper drones in the Gulf region that can be used by the CIA for intelligence collection and strikes.
usa bases in pakistan
kiss goodbye to.hi tech chinease weapons in future like j35 or hq16
there is a cold war between China and usa
at least China backs you to the hilt
usa is a indian ally
giving usa access to pak bases they will.spy on you everywhere including your nuke programme and chinease involvement
give them inch ...
if you refuse,kiss goodbye to any usa support in future
China is building CPEC infrastructure to help the economy and US is building killing base to help "who knows who". Nice !
Considering our interests in Afghanistan (preventing anti-Pakistan groups from basing themselves there), what can be/is our (realistic) counter offer?

I have been saying this for a while: Pakistan probably has a plan to knock out a lot of folks using drones once the pullout happens.

Who do the Americans want to take out? Is the peace deal valid until NATO forces pull out and then all gloves off? Or will USA only attack Taliban under certain cases?

These are all questions, answers to which are unclear. There is a certain alignment of interests that we can use to make a counter offer. Perhaps our drones only: they pay us for costs incurred for each strike and we approve of it. I'm guessing that's what were currently arguing. The Americans are unlikely to agree. Unless of course it's a low enough priority for them that they're like fine you do you boo. This might be the case. We should stick to our guns.
Are you suggesting that most of pakistanis (PML PPPP supporters) have no ghariat ...
No, I was talking about Pakistan Army Generals only since these unelectable individuals are obsessed with controlling the Foreign and Defence policy.

They'll even kill Prime Ministers, allow siege of the Capital or make arrangements for setting up IJT courts to do that. It's a shame really.
the fact that pakistan is negotiating it..... tells you why we are called sell swords!


  1. a situation in which no progress is possible, especially because of disagreement; a deadlock.

There is no negotiation going on for bases demand.
Wow we just don't change. Why rely on just one man. Let the system get better so that better people get elected. Goodness! Listen to yourself One man rule of 15 years!
For the betterment of count IK should himself take key steps and then step aside if he is really truly wants betterment of the nation.
Muhammed bin Qasim was Salah Din was one.. Muhammad ali jinha was one and ik is one..where i live here in spain we have institutions which were built in 100 years. Where you are you need man with power. Becauseyou are a nation which is wild nature..what you asking . It is like asking kid to build jet fighter.. Pakistan needs time to build its institutions. There are men who change the history. Ik is one of them.. I don't care what you think..
US will soon do drone strikes in the border region, they will do it regardless Pakistan gives bases or not.They have a base in Tajikistan to do it from. They will recklessly or knowingly hit a madarasa as well basically kicking the hornets nest. Pakistan Army knows its inevitable unless they make US fall for a base and have them restricted. The restricted part is 'impasse' till Pakistan gets duped into believing a lie that US will not go outside the rules of engagement something they have violated several times in past.

Americans are again trying to use Pakistan as a shield for its actions supposedly stopping Afghanistan from being used to make troubles around the world.
Do our generals really perceive daish/bla as a threat as big to seek US UCAV help.. and what do they lose in return and thats the question.
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The story of this incident (by the Australians) from 2012 is coming to light today. These are what CT operations could become if allowed to be conducted from Pakistan. Leading to blowback against Pakistan.

If the last 20 years have shown anything, it’s that these types of operations are bound to fail for a number of reasons, not the least of which is poor intelligence and covering up when a mistake has been made. Pakistan is risking its reputation and relations with each tribe should these types of incidents happen.

At some point the international community will have to accept whomever becomes the final government in Afghanistan, in order for it to have a realistic CT partner. A final Afghan government is the only entity (considering the risk of Afghan blowback) that can capture, try, and imprison anyone in their country themselves. They could also be the only ones to send a convicted person to their home country without facing blowback from their fellow countrymen. Remember a lot of foreigners have intermarried in the past few decades into Afghan tribes and now even their children are marrying other members of tribes. Attack these people would akin to going to war with that tribe. Only an accepted Afghan government could negotiate those tribal considerations. Looking at the Taliban now going through the tribal elders when seeking ANA surrenders proves this concept. Also, it would not be the Talibs interest to allow groups to knowingly operate in their territory, that they could not police.

For Pakistan, it should be focused on law and order within its borders. If the US wants to do anything, it should support building up Pakistani capacity to deal with suspects within our own borders. The engines for the T-129, selling transport helicopters, MRAPS, intelligence/sigint equipment, etc.. The US can also use its diplomatic leverage to prevent other countries from supporting groups in Pakistan, allowing Pakistani security forces to dedicate more resources towards other foreign miscreants.

Besides, according to Pompeo, AQ new home base is Iran. So no matter what is done in Afghanistan, it won’t effect AQ significantly. On the contrary, a sustainable Afghan government will be the only real CT partner, and as much as a bitter pill that will be to accept, it’s the only group that can effective do CT. Now some will ask what will the final Afghan government get out of sticking to a CT agreement, international recognition as the legitimate government as well as aid and trade to support social services (hospitals, schools, water, electricity, etc.) as they rebuild their war torn country.

For Pakistan to host bases would be to take over a 20 year failed war, siding with kabuli elites against the rural tribes, which is itself is a 300 year civil war that has never been resolved. Pakistan should stick to policing within its borders and EEZ, and not allow itself to get involved in other’s blunders.
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To host bases - we will have full access,

cancel all our debts - All disputed areas like Junagadh and Kashmir to be done through proper UN resolutions - pay us in hardcash for CSF -
To host bases - we will have full access,

cancel all our debts - All disputed areas like Junagadh and Kashmir to be done through proper UN resolutions - pay us in hardcash for CSF -

The Americans want free lunch. They want military bases in Pakistan, but they also want to impose their own conditions. Impossible.
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