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US-Pakistan talks on military bases reach impasse: report

Give them a place but restrict them frm moving out 🤔

Please, be our guest, as Shiekh Rasheed rightly said;

Host: Sir before Pakistan was sitting inside US pocket & now we (India) are friends with US ..

SR: "For a long time we had been sitting in their (US) Lap, Suck gladly whatever we had been Sucking sitting in US Lap, What we sucked now you can Suck, have a Taste of what we Sucked" :rofl::omghaha:

Time Stamped: 18:50-19:32
Pakistani fabric is very strong.
no naming shaming morality grace or anything similar can push people to go on the roads and burn public private property.
Only the leaders of a political parties people associate themselves with can make them do all that.
Off topic: I don't know how good Pakistan is now in responding to emergencies like:

- Earthquakes
- Continuous Rains for days
- Severe Storm coming and hitting the Coastal areas of the Country

apart from that I believe Pakistan should be keeping a close eye on internal security as well.
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CIA will spy on pakistan .. lol 😂 and hire local agents. what a stupid govt and military of pakistan
the fact that pakistan is negotiating it..... tells you why we are called sell swords!

Who is telling you there is a negotiation?


Who is telling you that there will be no bases - your own government.

You choose who to believe.
Provide US bases for more and more anti Pakistani activities. Great going PM Khan and Gen Bajwa, seems like Pakistans leadership wants to keep Pakistan in an never ending destructive turmoil. Have we just missed the past 20 years of chaos?

Why are you taking the word of NYT over your own government?
Nothing surprise..PMIk is totally different personality after becoming PM...Now he will handover bases too Mashallah ..IK is helping US now...while Foreign minister was lying at floor of assembly that no question of basis being handover ...
Have you heard a change in his stance or know any facts which support your assumptions? Please provide them if you can.
Off topic: I don't know how good Pakistan is now in responding to emergencies like:

- Earthquakes
- Continuous Rains for days
- Severe Storm coming and hitting the Coastal areas of the Country

apart from that I believe Pakistan should be keeping a close eye on internal security as well.
Is that threat.. Then Bing it..
this is going to piss off:
afghan taliban
china cpec
plus give india chance to mess around and usa.
Pakistani fabric is very strong.
no naming shaming morality grace or anything similar can push people to go on the roads and burn public private property.

We always assume a country's fabric is strong. Iraq 14 July and Ramadan Revolution and reading about CIA activity shows they knew the local groups and collaborated with them as well to further their goals, to move events along a certain path. We have enough fault lines within our nation that can be easily exploited by individuals for their own selfish means.

Admittedly or not, India isn't a threat to Pakistan's existence it's more so U.S. that has perfected the art to exploit even a crevice of a nations issue and destroy it from within. As I said before you invite a snake into your house, don't expect it to change its nature.
You are forgetting something buddy..You are still in your old days. Time had changed alot.

I think you got a wrong perception of my post...kuch batein forum pe detail se karney ki nahi hoti ... Insha Allah things will be fine.
how is this "breaking" for goodness sakes? Pakistan MoFA said over a month ago that we're not gonna give any bases, period! 🤦‍♂️
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