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US-Pakistan talks on military bases reach impasse: report

There will be no bases for the Americans. Not today nor in the future.
Nothing will be suicidal. Pakistan cannot resist pressure from the US in its current financial situation.

Keep repeating the same mantra and stay in these financial conditions forever......

Although I have no faith in army generals specially bajwa who is turning out to be even worse than kayani, the only iota of hope is IK, but as stated of "not acknowledging" he will be kept out of knowledge.
Signing such a deal would be disastrous for any govt. IK and Army chief will face a s.. storm.
Apart from the shit storm. China is another player.
Not ro forget how Pak has been trying to forge relations with Russia.
We always assume a country's fabric is strong. Iraq 14 July and Ramadan Revolution and reading about CIA activity shows they knew the local groups and collaborated with them as well to further their goals, to move events along a certain path. We have enough fault lines within our nation that can be easily exploited by individuals for their own selfish means.

Admittedly or not, India isn't a threat to Pakistan's existence it's more so U.S. that has perfected the art to exploit even a crevice of a nations issue and destroy it from within. As I said before you invite a snake into your house, don't expect it to change its nature.
Thousands fault line Pakistan has but one thing united them is their religion. As a historian I can predict Pakistan's rise as a strong nation n rising star of the world. Mark my words.if khan is in office for next 10 years. You will be decision maker n Opinion maker of the world
US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan on Monday confirmed that the United States had discussions with Pakistan in the military, intelligence and diplomatic channels to make sure that Afghanistan never again becomes a base from which terrorist groups would attack the US – but he did not go into details about it.
Sullivan made the remarks at a press briefing on Monday in response to a question on US’s willingness to have a drone base in Pakistan.
As the United States prepares to end its longest foreign war in history, it is exploring options to maintain military and intelligence footprint in the region as part of its contingency plan to deal with the possible resurgence of terrorist groups.
One of the options is to seek bases in the neighbouring countries of Afghanistan where it can ensure surveillance through the skies and even use drones to take out targets.
It is, however, facing a tough situation as central Asian states bordering Afghanistan are reluctant to station American assets in their backyard because of the Russian influence while Pakistan is also not keen to extend such a facility.
Since the reports surfaced in the US media about the possible deal between Pakistan and the US, Islamabad has repeatedly denied such reports. Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi on the floor of parliament and media interviews as well as Foreign Office spokesperson in his weekly briefings made abundantly clear that there was no proposal on the table to allow the US to set up bases in Pakistan.
But despite these denials, there is no let-up in reports talking about the possibility of having some kind of arrangement between Pakistan and the US. The New York Times this week quoting unnamed officials claiming that the Biden Administration was talking to Pakistan on the issue.
The newspaper also talked about the previously unannounced visit of the CIA chief to Pakistan and Afghanistan. The paper, nevertheless, said talks appeared to have met an impasse as Pakistan was not inclined to such an idea.

But on Monday US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan told reporters that they had been discussing this issue “privately” with Pakistan when asked whether Washington was seeking a drone base in Pakistan.
“We’ve had constructive discussions in military, intelligence, diplomatic channels with Pakistan about the future of America’s capabilities to ensure that Afghanistan never again becomes a base from which al-Qaeda, ISIS or any other terrorist group can attack the United States. But in terms of the specifics, what that would look like will have to remain in those private channels as we work through them.”
However, he added that the US had been talking to a number of countries for the purpose.
“What I will say we are talking to a wide range of countries about how we build effective over the horizon capacity both from intelligence and from defence prospective to be able to suppress terrorism threat in Afghanistan,” he said.
Sullivan's statement yet again ignited debate in Pakistan as to whether the country would reach any understanding with Washington.
A senior government official while requesting anonymity told The Express Tribune that there was no question of allowing the US to set up any bases in Pakistan.
“We are absolutely clear … ‘NO’ US bases on our soil,” the official added.
When asked whether the US could use any pressure tactics to convince Pakistan, the official explained that Washington had no more enjoyed “the kind of leverage” it had in the past.
He said the US had long suspended the military and security assistance as well as Coalition Support Fund (CSF). In the past, the US did use this as a bargaining chip. “Now, the US is left with fewer options such as keeping Pakistan in the FATF grey list. Rest, it has no more options,” the official explained.

The reason Pakistan is opposed to allowing any US military footprint on its soil stemmed from both domestic backlash as well as for strategic reasons.
At a recent briefing, Foreign Office spokesperson Zahid Hafeez Chaudhri made it clear that there was no US air or military base in Pakistan; nor was any such proposal envisaged.
“Pakistan and the US have the framework of cooperation in terms of Air Lines of Communication (ALOC) and Ground Lines of Communication (GLOC) in place since 2001. No new agreement has been made in this regard,” he clarified.

Pakistani fabric is very strong.
no naming shaming morality grace or anything similar can push people to go on the roads and burn public private property.
Pakistan is not without its people. People (a whole lot) lost their lives and more so were displaced, because Pakistan decided to engage and cooperate. No matter what deal Pakistan makes now, rest assured when USA has planted its feet it will change the rules of engagement and Pakistan will be in no position dis engage unless something significant happens. At the end of the day people of Pakistan will suffer again.

Now, is there a Pakistan without its people?
Thousands fault line Pakistan has but one thing united them is their religion. As a historian I can predict Pakistan's rise as a strong nation n rising star of the world. Mark my words.if khan is in office for next 10 years. You will be decision maker n Opinion maker of the world
Wow we just don't change. Why rely on just one man. Let the system get better so that better people get elected. Goodness! Listen to yourself One man rule of 15 years!
For the betterment of count IK should himself take key steps and then step aside if he is really truly wants betterment of the nation.
Only hurdle for American Military bases on pakistani soil is Imran khan . COAS Gen bajwa and Co has already decided and already finalize dthe comittiment to hand over bases to Americans . Arm twisting tactics on IK is on peak but he would leave Gov but not going to say " Yes "
China is warning Pakistan , Afghan Taliban ( rulers on ground ) are warning Pakistan . But our few Generals are hell bound to provide services to US . If it happens again it would bring real threat to Pakistan as a state
Only hurdle for American Military bases on pakistani soil is Imran khan . COAS Gen bajwa and Co has already decided and already finalize dthe comittiment to hand over bases to Americans . Arm twisting tactics on IK is on peak but he would leave Gov but not going to say " Yes "
China is warning Pakistan , Afghan Taliban ( rulers on ground ) are warning Pakistan . But our few Generals are hell bound to provide services to US . If it happens again it would bring real threat to Pakistan as a state
is this coming out of a fantasy in your head or is there something to back this up.
I know. This is the only reason that only one nuclear power has been bombed by another nuclear power with 430 drone strike and the victim took it lying down.

The Bureau of Investigative Journalists: Drone Warfare

Then again, a person needs to have ghairat in the first place to understand what ghairat is.
Are you suggesting that most of pakistanis (PML PPPP supporters) have no ghariat

Since almost all strikes happened between 2008 and 2018
With peaks in 2010(PPP era) and another peak in 2015(PMLN era)
On the topic..
Smart move will be to discuss it and then politely say no..

Last thing pakistan needs is getting bankrupted with IMF AB WB suddenly pulling out

Remeber pakistanis started to cry when dollars is 150rd imagine if its at 300rs..they will go out ans beg USA to come and have a base..this is our reality we may deny it but its true..

Regardless if history suggest anything we should have a new govt and hopefully 10 bases by 2023

Beggers cant be choosers..especially if they are proud beggers who think 2018 wad proud year with 24 billion dollar deficit
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