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US-Pakistan talks on military bases reach impasse: report

There is no "ghairat" in international geopolitics, only enduring national interests, always.
I know. This is the only reason that only one nuclear power has been bombed by another nuclear power with 430 drone strike and the victim took it lying down.

The Bureau of Investigative Journalists: Drone Warfare


Then again, a person needs to have ghairat in the first place to understand what ghairat is.
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Respectable stance. Pakistan should work with the USA on counter terrorism against AQ and OBL types. That does not require Obama era blanket permission to attack civilians.

That's what it will evolve into. Attacks on Pakistani tribal areas and more Swat type loss of territory
Nothing surprise..PMIk is totally different personality after becoming PM...Now he will handover bases too Mashallah ..IK is helping US now...while Foreign minister was lying at floor of assembly that no question of basis being handover ...
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That's what it will evolve into. Attacks on Pakistani tribal areas and more Swat type loss of territory
What we'll see is the US suddenly hitting Haqqanis and those type of Taliban in Khost. Then it inevitably will bomb civilians as well and suddenly might start pounding Waziristan too. TTP would make a rapid comeback. TLP might arm themselves as well as well as other Islamic parties. Pak army would lose all respect and standing and face attacks on 10 different fronts.
Ah; the national interest.... shall we read US interest or Pakistan's interest?

Both. Equally. Whatever arrangement there is, or not, must work for both sides.
I know. This is the only reason that only one nuclear power has been bombed by another nuclear power with 430 drone strike and victim took it lying down.

There was mutual consent, obviously.
What we'll see is the US suddenly hitting Haqqanis and those type of Taliban in Khost. Then it will bomb civilians as well and suddenly Waziristan too. TTP would make a rapid comeback.
Agreed. It will be the most stupid move by pak military to allow this. May even lead to the downfall big the civilian government and civil war
deal is almost done , our big tummy generals are waiting for high bid from US side , They will sell us again and IK will be there next scapegoat
Despite the prolonged war, Pakistan is still here and thriving, is it not? And definitely in the 21st century, to boot.

Pakistan is thriving due to resilience of it's people. The ones at realms didn't leave any stone unturned to bring this country down. This country is shadowing mediocre countries not without obvious reasons. It was brought down to where it is today by none other than her "well wishers"
The U.S interest is

a) De-nuclearize Pakistan.
b) Make Pakistan India's bitch.

While at the same time prevent the total collapse of the Pakistani state.

These American goals are shared by some in the Pakistani elite as well as some in the Pakistani diaspora abroad (Hussain Haqqani and Co.)
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