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This is article is the perfect topping to a text book psy-op that was carried out. Leave many dead ends, confusion and uncertainty and the people will just continue to believe the mainstream media disregarding the truth. Some points in the article I can agree with, while others I cannot.

All in all, this article is just as worthless as the crap CNN was airing.

I don't want to reveal to much about the inner workings of PA, so I will refrain from commenting further.

in a nutshell, yes...
the usual rant will be mr zaki is a conspiracy theorist because he doesnt goes with the flow, i-e what info uncle sam feeds, uncle sam is always right even if he says banana is corn
Exactly and that lie was exposed.

Big deal. It was a conspiracy theory until it was clearly exposed, and Americans believed it with open arms.

Its not a conspiracy theory, its basically lying to the American people to drum up support for a War which was the Neocons pet project in re-shaping the Middle East.

The conspiracy theory part is where Americans choose to believe in such non sense. I am not sure what is so different between WMD claims and, say, OBL's claims that are being made in this topic, to suggest one is much different than the other. Or are you suggesting that the difference is just small semantics? i.e. These Americans acting on a high moral ground should still take a hard look at themselves.

I don't think you know the difference.

Not really. A conspiracy theory is adding your own spin to something which has taken place. Such as 9/11, or OBL raid. Iran making nuclear weapons is a conclusion being drawn by USA. Similarly, Pakistan stating that USA is hostile to Pakistan. That is not a conspiracy theory but an observation. Different people will draw different conclusions.

No, no -- that isn't what a conspiracy theory is. You're changing the definition so that it suits your purpose, i.e. your conspiracy theories are not called conspiracy theories but someone else's alleged conspiracy theories are. Conspiracy theory, by definition, is the idea that there's a secret plot by a certain group/individual/state/etc against another certain group/individual/state. By definition, the claims of Iraq having WMDs and Iran making nukes are conspiracy theories.

If you're calling this an observation, and say that people will make up their own minds, well the same can be said about conspiracy theories.

I mean really, you're arguing on minor semantics to exonerate the American public from the conspiracy theories they believe yet have the audacity to call others conspiracy theorists.

Iran hates Al Qaeda so initially when the war in Afghanistan started, it openly backed the United States against the Al Qaeda and their Taliban allies. It was only later when Bush drummed up war support for Iran that Iran started giving shelter or passage way for Al Qaeda terrorists through Iran from Iraq to Afghanistan.

And again, no clear evidence of such. What about claims of Iran supporting Taliban?

Actually I don't believe in conspiracy theories. I believe in facts. Pakistan has a policy of good Taliban, those that fight NATO in Afghanistan and India in Kashmir and Bad Taliban, those that fight Pakistanis. And it has selectively cracked down on one segment of the Taliban and not both.

By that definition, US has similar policy, because it doesn't attack the TTP and BLA hiding in Afghanistan. Please stop being a hypocrite. You're starting to sound like bharatis -- a nation of hypocrites with no shame.

There's no solid evidence of Pakistan giving any support to Afghan Taliban. That's where your conspiracy theory ends.

Actually there is. Haqqanis are a tribe just like the Meshuds who Pakistan fought a bloody 3 year war with. The Haqqanis are openly attacking in Afghanistan but Pakistan does not want to start another war with a powerful tribe.

Please don't "add your own spin to something which has taken place". Pakistan fought against TTP, not any particular tribe. Pakistan has not attacked Haqqani because it has more pressing concerns. Again, by the same ballpark, US must be supporting TTP as well.

Well its either two things. Either Pakistan was complicit in hiding Bin Laden or it was incompetent in finding him.

Sure, and by the same ballpark, I can say the same about 9/11 attacks. Quit the nonsense, will ya?

the usual rant will be mr zaki is a conspiracy theorist because he doesnt goes with the flow, i-e what info uncle sam feeds, uncle sam is always right even if he says banana is corn

These guys seriously have the audacity to call others conspiracy theorists, given the numerous conspiracy theories they so firmly believe in themselves. Have some shame guys, have some shame. Surely I don't need to point out the top-grade hypocrites you are?
....but I still wanna know what happened to the Seal Team Six members who went down in Afghanistan......or Pakistan?

Someone needs to come forth here.

Seal Team Six has over a 1,000 Members. Its not the same Seals who killed Bin Laden.

Give the conspiracy nonsense a break.

It is utterly hopeless to see people like you who have no understanding of the justice ..If they found OBL alive unarmed why the hell on earth would they kill him and not dig the secrets of the world's biggest terror org..Where will all yu guys fit it in the osama movie..why isnt there a single case against osama in any US court..

Why dint US showcased their trophy infront of public...Imagine OBL going to US courts for years and the effects it would have had on any terror loving chap but instead they chose to kill him unarmed...Reason there was no osama he died years ago...

why not a single true photograph...

Unless all these answers are thoroughly answered(which no one can) it would be viewed as an obama stunt to get public support..

People who think like you are utterly hopeless.

They found OBL reaching for a Gun, they shot him dead. If only he got down on his knees begged then they would have taken him alive. Otherwise it was a kill mission. They dug secrets from his hideout by taking the USB keys, and computer harddrives, etc.

There is a Osama case in US court, I think it was passed in 1998 when he was responsible for the Embassy bombings.

Obama has a different take on show casing war trophies than George W.Bush. Bush showed pics of Zarqawi when he got killed. Obama did not show pics of Osama or Al-Alawi who was killed in Yemen.

And besides would you have actually believed that it was Osama. Know you, you probably would have come up with another conspiracy theory of an Indian Actor with Hollywood make up playing Osama. :D

This is article is the perfect topping to a text book psy-op that was carried out. Leave many dead ends, confusion and uncertainty and the people will just continue to believe the mainstream media disregarding the truth. Some points in the article I can agree with, while others I cannot.

All in all, this article is just as worthless as the crap CNN was airing.

Don't want to get too much into the inner workings of PA, so I will refrain from commenting further.

You know the inner workings of PA? :rofl:
Seal Team Six has over a 1,000 Members. Its not the same Seals who killed Bin Laden.

Give the conspiracy nonsense a break.

People who think like you are utterly hopeless.

They found OBL reaching for a Gun, they shot him dead. If only he got down on his knees begged then they would have taken him alive. Otherwise it was a kill mission. They dug secrets from his hideout by taking the USB keys, and computer harddrives, etc.

There is a Osama case in US court, I think it was passed in 1998 when he was responsible for the Embassy bombings.

Obama has a different take on show casing war trophies than George W.Bush. Bush showed pics of Zarqawi when he got killed. Obama did not show pics of Osama or Al-Alawi who was killed in Yemen.

And besides would you have actually believed that it was Osama. Know you, you probably would have come up with another conspiracy theory of an Indian Actor with Hollywood make up playing Osama. :D

You know the inner workings of PA? :rofl:

After lying about PA driving Lambos, I think you should just log off.
Big deal. It was a conspiracy theory until it was clearly exposed, and Americans believed it with open arms.

I never believed it and neither did millions of other people who protested the war.

The conspiracy theory part is where Americans choose to believe in such non sense. I am not sure what is so different between WMD claims and, say, OBL's claims that are being made in this topic, to suggest one is much different than the other. Or are you suggesting that the difference is just small semantics? i.e. These Americans acting on a high moral ground should still take a hard look at themselves. I don't think you know the difference.

WMD claims has proven to be a total lie as I thought it would be. And you guys have no proof that OBL wasn't in that compound and you are desperate to find anything to cling to invent a loony conspiracy theory to prove your nonsensical claims.

The WMD Claims were a deception and not a conspiracy theory. In a similar fashion that Gulf of Tonkin Incident in 1965 to get US involved in Vietnam. Learn some histroy before talking kid.

No, no -- that isn't what a conspiracy theory is. You're changing the definition so that it suits your purpose, i.e. your conspiracy theories are not called conspiracy theories but someone else's alleged conspiracy theories are. Conspiracy theory, by definition, is the idea that there's a secret plot by a certain group/individual/state/etc against another certain group/individual/state. By definition, the claims of Iraq having WMDs and Iran making nukes are conspiracy theories.

If you're calling this an observation, and say that people will make up their own minds, well the same can be said about conspiracy theories.

I mean really, you're arguing on minor semantics to exonerate the American public from the conspiracy theories they believe yet have the audacity to call others conspiracy theorists.

Iraq's claims of WMD or Iran making nukes are lies and exaggeration. Its not a conspiracy theory.

A conspiracy theory is blaming Jews for 9/11. A conspiracy theory is blaming CIA and made up bogeymen for the bombing that has occurred in Pakistan. In both these examples the action has already taken place.

Nice try though.

And again, no clear evidence of such. What about claims of Iran supporting Taliban?

They found evidence that Iranian weapons in hands of Taliban. Although it still needs to be verified on how they acquired such weaponry as the Northern Alliance was backed by Iran before 9/11.

By that definition, US has similar policy, because it doesn't attack the TTP and BLA hiding in Afghanistan. Please stop being a hypocrite. You're starting to sound like bharatis -- a nation of hypocrites with no shame.

There's no solid evidence of Pakistan giving any support to Afghan Taliban. That's where your conspiracy theory ends.

See here is where my opinion of your intelligence totally degrades. TTP are Taliban terrorists based from Pakistan. Why would America not attack them or fight them in Afghanistan? How can America differentiate between TTP and Afghan Taliban? They are both Pashtuns. And besides didn't US drone strike take out the TTP head, Meshud. And I remember Zaid Hamid trying to spin this one as saying the drone missile accidentally killed Meshud. :rofl:

As for BLA, that issue has been going on since Pakistan was founded. Pakistan needs to address the greiveinces in Balochistan as it is the most under developed province in Pakistan.

You sound like a typical uneducated brainwashed Pakistani who cannot comprehend complex facts and needs conspiracy theories to explain them.

Please don't "add your own spin to something which has taken place". Pakistan fought against TTP, not any particular tribe. Pakistan has not attacked Haqqani because it has more pressing concerns. Again, by the same ballpark, US must be supporting TTP as well.

What other pressing concerns does Pakistan have? Haqqanis are sponsoring terrorists attacks in Afghanistan and Pakistan has taken no action against them. I think that makes Pakistan either passive or complicit in terrorist activities in Afghanistan. Or if Pakistan is unable to exercise sovereignty over its own territory then it has become a failed state. So which is it?

Sure, and by the same ballpark, I can say the same about 9/11 attacks. Quit the nonsense, will ya?
Absolutely. CIA was caught with its pants down when 9/11 happened. So by this I am assuming you are saying that ISI was totally incompetent in being unable to locate Bin Laden.

After lying about PA driving Lambos, I think you should just log off.

Not lying. They drive in expensive cars. I guess you are just a baby with those big glasses in your face that you can't see anything. But keep up with pretenses. I enjoy destroying your arguments. :D


What argument?

The PA driving around in Lambos?

I must be a baby.
Please don't generalise with ME/Muslims

Its specifically a section of Pakistanis who believe this conspiracy theories

So you're saying they're not popular in middle east? :lol:
All of you Geniuses who are Fighting here over the Working of ISI & Army have Absolutely No idea how the system works here , most of your info is from the Paid Media & Anonymous sources, Instead of thinking yourself you like to believe what others say .

Well Gentlemen carry on ....
All of you Geniuses who are Fighting here over the Working of ISI & Army have Absolutely No idea how the system works here , most of your info is from the Paid Media & Anonymous sources, Instead of thinking yourself you like to believe what others say .

Well Gentlemen carry on ....

Apka hazar shukria ji.
IMO this thread should be deleted.

Terminal X is a **** source and Anonymous "officials"
Osama is sleeping with the fishes as they say and his right hand man will be on his way out soon enough

Sorry to say but havnet u read ? Osama wasnt dumped in sea ? It was in Norwegain newspapir.

But i have few question on this article. Like why he does not answer about Osama wifes ? Who in Pakistani site is giving cover to USA ? Why could not Pakistan attack american heli ? If Army cant defend Pakistan put down gun, use all budget on Pakistan. And only have nukes as defence.

Please don't generalise with ME/Muslims

Its specifically a section of Pakistanis who believe this conspiracy theories

Indians does not ?
ISI is already trying to take credit for Osama's death by saying it passed intel. Now you're questioning the fake operation??? Osama's entire family got deported. Before this operation did anybody know where Osama and his family was????
Sorry to say but havnet u read ? Osama wasnt dumped in sea ? It was in Norwegain newspapir.

But i have few question on this article. Like why he does not answer about Osama wifes ? Who in Pakistani site is giving cover to USA ? Why could not Pakistan attack american heli ? If Army cant defend Pakistan put down gun, use all budget on Pakistan. And only have nukes as defence.

Indians does not ?
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