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anybody who thinks that osama was killed by navy seals is plain stupid, that picture that usa released after osamas "death" was Photoshoped.

Umm...USA never released a picture of Osama. The picture you are talking about was a fake picture made by a fan boy that got leaked.

And if you fell for that then I really have to question your credibility in other matters.

Thats unbelievable!

One side,ISI helped CIA in OBL raid,the other side,CIA faked OBL raid.
Does that mean ISI helped CIA fake OBL raid?:undecided:

But why would ISI help CIA fake OBL raid? ISI is smart enough to know all the bad press it got.

Maybe RAW pretended to be ISI to help CIA fake OBL raid so that real ISI will get bad press? :D

O rly? :lol: Muslims making conspiracy theories you say?

What about:

Iraq having WMDs
Iran making nukes
ISI or Iran supporting Taliban and/or Al Qaeda
The other conspiracy theoriy crap your media and people talk about Iran, North Korea, China, Pakistan

I am sure you're aware of what a 'hypocrite' is. :lol: Look in your mirror to find one.

Iraq having WMD was proven to be a lie and Bush Administration thoroughly condemned to lied to the American people to drag them into that stupid war. No evidence what so ever has been presented that OBL raid was staged.

Iran making nukes is conjecture. Its not a conspiracy theory but an observation. Learn the difference.

ISI or Iran supporting Taliban or Al Qaeda. Lets see, Osama bin laden's children are in Iran, ISI created the Taliban and helped them take over Afghanistan, ISI supports the Haqqani Network, OBL was found within 1 mile of Pakistani military academy.
What a theory?! The only take away from the 'interview' is this: The downing of Sikorsky with apparently zero casualities and the subsequent announcement of the death of US Navy seals in Afghanistan is shady. Everything else is rehashed grandmom's story with a cherry of KSM being a CIA asset and killing OBL himself. Too bad this story will have takers in Pakistan.
A loud bang was heard by all residents of Abbottabad and then the fire was seen.
But nobody is darn sure what was it all about.
Helicopters were heard before the Loud bang and then again helicopters weree heared flying out of the city jsut after the bang.
There was no sound of any gun battle...Just one loud bang.
The area was Plunged in total darkness due to loadshedding,and thats why nobody couuld see the helicopters.

Something did happen that day...but what happened is anybody's guess.
Death threats for bin Laden demolition man

ABBOTTABAD: Shakeel Ahmad Yusufzai cuts a defiant figure in the genteel Pakistani town of Abbottabad. He is the man who demolished Osama bin Laden’s house and despite Taliban death threats, says he is proud of what he did.

Yusufzai paid the government around 400,000 rupees ($4,500) for the contract to demolish the compound where the al Qaeda chief hid for around six years and to salvage building materials from it.

The high-walled three-storey house was flattened in February and now Yusufzai gives away bricks to curious souvenir-hunters from all over Pakistan.

A year after the US Special Forces raid which found the world’s most wanted man living on the doorstep of the country’s elite military academy, Pakistan is keen to turn the page on one of the most humiliating episodes in its history.

The 47-year-old Yusufzai, tall, mustachioed and confident, told AFP the Pakistani Taliban had sent him threatening letters, but he was pleased to have erased some of the physical traces of his country’s shame.

“I am not scared at all but sometimes I think I have put my family in danger,” said Yusufzai, who has a seven-year-old daughter.

“My wife feels scared and whenever I come home late she thinks that either I have been killed or kidnapped.

“But I believe that whatever I did was in the national interest. We conveyed a message to the world by demolishing this compound that we are against terrorism, which harmed our province and the country.”

Yusufzai hoped to make a profit on material recovered from the site but said he lost money despite taking away 12 tonnes of scrap metal from the buildings.

Conspiracy theories about what “really” happened to Bin Laden are rife in Pakistan, and many in Abbottabad are not convinced he was ever there. Even Yusufzai is prepared to accept the doubts.

“I am not sure whether Bin Laden actually lived there but my feeling after seeing the building and its design was that it might have hosted him,” he said.

Six dumper trucks were needed to clear the building scrap from the Bin Laden house, Yusufzai said, and now the salvageable material is held in a storeroom in a girls’ hostel at a local college.

Two bathtubs were stacked in the storeroom along with dozens of bricks, floor tiles, water pipes and cables. An Arab-style black and white scarf lay on the floor.

Yusufzai said he would donate an orange tree and an olive tree he took from the compound to the college.

Twelve months ago the air of Abbottabad rang with the deafening sound of gunfire and explosions as two Black Hawk helicopters full of US Navy SEALs stormed the house in the dead of night.

Now there is birdsong at the site and the sound of boys playing cricket.

A smooth patch of concrete, once part of the foundations of the buildings which hid Bin Laden, his three wives and their 10 children, now makes a perfect pitch for young cricketers.

The boys say they know little about the 9/11 mastermind who lived there, but they are clear about what should happen to the site.

“Everybody in this area wants this place to become a playground. We like playing cricket here and we want the government to build a playground,” said 12-year-old Jamal-ud-Din.

Death threats for bin Laden demolition man – The Express Tribune
A loud bang was heard by all residents of Abbottabad and then the fire was seen.
But nobody is darn sure what was it all about.
Helicopters were heard before the Loud bang and then again helicopters weree heared flying out of the city jsut after the bang.
There was no sound of any gun battle...Just one loud bang.
The area was Plunged in total darkness due to loadshedding,and thats why nobody couuld see the helicopters.

Something did happen that day...but what happened is anybody's guess.

1st Loud Bang - could be breaching explosives to blow open the doors to the compound. The fire could be residual fire from the breaching explosion.

2 - Helicopters were heard before the Loud Bang - Well Duh. :lol: The Helicopters ferried the Navy Seals, the Seals landed and used breaching explosives the blow open the door to the compound.

3 - No Gun battle sounds - Maybe because US Navy Seals had silencers on and the others living in the compound couldn't get out many shots before being taken out by the Seals.

4 - Leadshedding - It was the middle of the night, so most people were asleep.

It took me less than 1 minute to debunk your conspiracy nonsense.

Good day. :D
Only this part is new and also unverifiable

ZK: Did Pakistani officials gun down one of the Sikorsky choppers?

Official: Yes they did.
Iraq having WMD was proven to be a lie and Bush Administration thoroughly condemned to lied to the American people to drag them into that stupid war. No evidence what so ever has been presented that OBL raid was staged.

Umm.. hello, 85% of Americans believed this lie at the time and thought Iraq was making those WMDs and wanted to attack the US or another country. If that isn't a conspiracy theory, I don't what is.

Iran making nukes is conjecture. Its not a conspiracy theory but an observation. Learn the difference.

I know the difference. What makes it an "observation" but not a conspiracy theory? So now we're changing definitions to suit western purposes? What about the claims that Iran is making nukes for the sole purpose of attacking and destroying Israel as soon as it acquires those nukes. Again, if that isn't a conspiracy theory, I am not sure what is.

Lets see, Osama bin laden's children are in Iran,

Not sure how that means support for Al Qaeda.

ISI created the Taliban and helped them take over Afghanistan,

There's no solid evidnece of ISI supporting Taliban in the last 10 years. So you also believe in these conspiracy theories. :lol: No wonder you're trying so hard to defend them.

ISI supports the Haqqani Network,

Same as above. No evidence.

OBL was found within 1 mile of Pakistani military academy.

Again, no solid evidence as to how that translates into support. Again, making conspiracy theories and trying hard to defend them.
Umm.. hello, 85% of Americans believed this lie at the time and thought Iraq was making those WMDs and wanted to attack the US or another country. If that isn't a conspiracy theory, I don't what is.

Exactly and that lie was exposed. Its not a conspiracy theory, its basically lying to the American people to drum up support for a War which was the Neocons pet project in re-shaping the Middle East.

I know the difference. What makes it an "observation" but not a conspiracy theory? So now we're changing definitions to suit western purposes? What about the claims that Iran is making nukes for the sole purpose of attacking and destroying Israel as soon as it acquires those nukes. Again, if that isn't a conspiracy theory, I am not sure what is.

Not really. A conspiracy theory is adding your own spin to something which has taken place. Such as 9/11, or OBL raid. Iran making nuclear weapons is a conclusion being drawn by USA. Similarly, Pakistan stating that USA is hostile to Pakistan. That is not a conspiracy theory but an observation. Different people will draw different conclusions.

I don't think you know the difference.

Not sure how that means support for Al Qaeda.

Iran hates Al Qaeda so initially when the war in Afghanistan started, it openly backed the United States against the Al Qaeda and their Taliban allies. It was only later when Bush drummed up war support for Iran that Iran started giving shelter or passage way for Al Qaeda terrorists through Iran from Iraq to Afghanistan.

There's no solid evidnece of ISI supporting Taliban in the last 10 years. So you also believe in these conspiracy theories. :lol: No wonder you're trying so hard to defend them.

Actually I don't believe in conspiracy theories. I believe in facts. Pakistan has a policy of good Taliban, those that fight NATO in Afghanistan and India in Kashmir and Bad Taliban, those that fight Pakistanis. And it has selectively cracked down on one segment of the Taliban and not both.

Same as above. No evidence.
Actually there is. Haqqanis are a tribe just like the Meshuds who Pakistan fought a bloody 3 year war with. The Haqqanis are openly attacking in Afghanistan but Pakistan does not want to start another war with a powerful tribe.

Again, no solid evidence as to how that translates into support. Again, making conspiracy theories and trying hard to defend them.

Well its either two things. Either Pakistan was complicit in hiding Bin Laden or it was incompetent in finding him.
No, it means khisyani billi kamba noche

I knew it indians were gonna make their best attempt to distort truth but as it can only be disguised cant be eliminated and truth remains osama was not killed in pakistan..
I knew it indians were gonna make their best attempt to distort truth but as it can only be disguised cant be eliminated and truth remains osama was not killed in pakistan..


Osama was not killed in Pakistan, Osama did not live in Abbottabad, Osama never lived, Osama was never born.......................

And the Saga continues.............................
The next version of this story, coming soon to a blog near you.
Look out for Terminal X, the Terminal to Terminate and Exterminate everything. :rofl:
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