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So Obama's wives were living with a stranger? Yeah, pigs do fly!

anybody who thinks that osama was killed by navy seals is plain stupid, that picture that usa released after osamas "death" was Photoshoped.

What photograph? None were released by the U.S. administration. Those shown were internet creations alright but were not released by the government.
Why the surprise? The wives were still having kids long after "Osama" was supposedly dead, definitely CIA agents.
You guys have no ideas how 'hot' they are under all that wrapping...
Do not worry - Irving Wallaces and Robert Ludlums will come up with a better story than this.
They could have simply stated that he was killed in one of the numerous bombing raids in Afghanny, instead of going through all the trouble and putting their cream seal team at risk, while losing one of their secret helicopters.
They could have simply stated that he was killed in one of the numerous bombing raids in Afghanny, instead of going through all the trouble and putting their cream seal team at risk, while losing one of their secret helicopters.

If they had done that, they would have put a smart-a$$ blog-site out of business and left so many idiotic conspiracy theorists with nothing to do.

While this way, quite a few guys are being kept employed. More charitable.
DUH............ Any normal person, who hasn't been brainwashed by American media knows the reality that ''Abbotabad OP was all staged''.
Why do Middle Easterners/muslims always go in for the goofy conspiracy stuff ? They think EVERYTHING is a false flag op or some twisted, convoluted conspiracy.:girl_wacko:

DUH............ Any normal person, who hasn't been brainwashed by American media knows the reality that ''Abbotabad OP was all staged''.

Really ? We do ?
Why do Middle Easterners/muslims always go in for the goofy conspiracy stuff ? They think EVERYTHING is a false flag op or some twisted, convoluted conspiracy.:girl_wacko:

Really ? We do ?

O rly? :lol: Muslims making conspiracy theories you say?

What about:

Iraq having WMDs
Iran making nukes
ISI or Iran supporting Taliban and/or Al Qaeda
The other conspiracy theoriy crap your media and people talk about Iran, North Korea, China, Pakistan

I am sure you're aware of what a 'hypocrite' is. :lol: Look in your mirror to find one.
Why do Middle Easterners/muslims always go in for the goofy conspiracy stuff ? They think EVERYTHING is a false flag op or some twisted, convoluted conspiracy.:girl_wacko:
Really ? We do ?
O phuleazeeeeeee! Anything that invalidates the propaganda of you Westerners/Kaafirs, Its termed as a ''Conspiracy Theory''. :cheesy:
O rly? :lol: Muslims making conspiracy theories you say?

What about:

Iraq having WMDs
Iran making nukes
ISI or Iran supporting Taliban and/or Al Qaeda
The other conspiracy theoriy crap your media and people talk about Iran, North Korea, China, Pakistan

I am sure you're aware of what a 'hypocrite' is. :lol: Look in your mirror to find one.

"Bin laden is likely to be in pakistan"?
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