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wow.. On one hand you have ISI asking for credit for helping CIA in taking out OBL... & here we have a senior intelligence (obviously anonymous) agent saying all this is hoax! God help those living in delusion...

Shooting in 2 directions in the dark.. Whichever turns out to be true, ISI can say "I TOLD YOU SO" :lol:

to be fair, its not ISI, but some conspiracy nuts who come up with such nonsense which not only embarrasses them but their country too
It is utterly hopeless to see people like you who have no understanding of the justice ..If they found OBL alive unarmed why the hell on earth would they kill him and not dig the secrets of the world's biggest terror org..Where will all yu guys fit it in the osama movie..why isnt there a single case against osama in any US court..

Why dint US showcased their trophy infront of public...Imagine OBL going to US courts for years and the effects it would have had on any terror loving chap but instead they chose to kill him unarmed...Reason there was no osama he died years ago...

why not a single true photograph...

Unless all these answers are thoroughly answered(which no one can) it would be viewed as an obama stunt to get public support..

You are seriously so dense you can't figure why we just killed him?

PS...has an official lie been issued, or are they all on the table?
Oh My God this is 21st century ..If man can fly why PIGS can't fly???.......:eek:


Indeed you are the shining star of your class---what a master piece----god bless the children of pakistan---when we have bright ones like you---.

I am sorry---I can't stop laughing at the silliness of this statement----I mean to say---actually I am speechless---. Son---you are the winner of this round---you got me grounded ---( charon shaney chit ).

I would urge the adminstrators of this board to make the above post by 'regular' the post of the decade---all in favour say ' yeah '.

They could have simply stated that he was killed in one of the numerous bombing raids in Afghanny, instead of going through all the trouble and putting their cream seal team at risk, while losing one of their secret helicopters.


Well---when you leave---you have to reward your host as well---so the chopper was a reward.
Mastan ji,

Meray sey zyada aap hamesha sey baat kartein hain. Lekin, idar jo app keh reh hain, bilcul sey ney hain.
Yes! U absolutely right ....Mr. Maulana Fazal-Ur -Rehman and his party are the paid agents of CIA.....do whatever the CIA wants them to do same like OBL...they don't have no jobs or nothing but living on the Mosaad and CIA money.Thats why they never were sincere in the implementation of Islamic laws within the country since 1947......:smokin:


Indeed you are the shining star of your class---what a master piece----god bless the children of pakistan---when we have bright ones like you---.

I am sorry---I can't stop laughing at the silliness of this statement----I mean to say---actually I am speechless---. Son---you are the winner of this round---you got me ground ---( charon shaney chit ).

I would urge the adminstrators of this board to make the above post by 'regular' the post of the decade---all in favour say ' yeah '.
Sir! I realli love ure answer.....U are absolutely right......:)
Mods, we should just delete these thread now, wherever an anniversary comes, thousands of BS articles come and multiple threads threads on the same subject are made. Join them all up together.

This ISI official had access to Osama wives, Why didn't Pakistan brought them in front of media and ask them to clarify how CIA executed the conspiracy???

His wives were in Paksitan , Pakistan simply would have produced tehm to media. Any media group can pay millions of dollar for her interview.

Point is simple, These kind of theories are good to listen. BiG foot, alien, and blah blah... Why tossing conspiracy when you have eye witness

This ISI official had access to Osama wives, Why didn't Pakistan brought them in front of media and ask them to clarify how CIA executed the conspiracy???

His wives were in Paksitan , Pakistan simply would have produced tehm to media. Any media group can pay millions of dollar for her interview.

Point is simple, These kind of theories are good to listen. BiG foot, alien, and blah blah... Why tossing conspiracy when you have eye witness
Cuz US paid Pakistan not to show his wives to the media because the truth will come out then....Its also possible that they were not even his real wives.....The whole drama was faked by US and Pakistani rulers/elites together cuz our elites are USA's paid agents .....and infact maligned the pplz of Pakistan and Pakistan itself......:coffee:
ZK: Did Pakistani officials gun down one of the Sikorsky choppers?

Official: Yes they did.

ZK: Then surely there must have been some dead bodies from their side as well?

Official: Yes there were. The exact figures cannot be disclosed. More than a dozen is what I can reveal for now.

ZK: Right. Strangely, a few weeks after this incident, other Navy SEALs who took part in this raid got killed in a mysterious crash. Do you see something here?

Official: What can I say? They might have been 'sacrificed'.

Well,Could it be that the Navy seals were killed by Pakistan ground troops when they opened fire and brought down the American chopper during the operation and then shown as they were killed in Afghanistan?

Possible, but the alibi that they were shot down in Afghanistan is intriguing, as it is too much of a coincidence that the same SEALS who took part in Op Neptune Spear were shown as killed in Afghanistan!! Can anyone hazard a guess?
The best part was that they are making Osama clones ...!!!

he didnt use the word clone, or did he??, he said copies, which means look alikes

If the ISI knew what happened, if PAF or PA shot down the chopper, there must be evidence. Pakistan must throw this evidence out in the open media to embarrass US. But instead, Pakistan was embarrassed. So it seems this is a fake interview................

do you really think pakistan army would embarrass US, have you not learnt anything from salala attack, US still think that US was right, no apology proves that, while the world knows US lies and it attacked salala intentionally

why would US attack salala intentionally, isnt pakistan US ally?

Well,Could it be that the Navy seals were killed by Pakistan ground troops when they opened fire and brought down the American chopper during the operation and then shown as they were killed in Afghanistan?

Possible, but the alibi that they were shot down in Afghanistan is intriguing, as it is too much of a coincidence that the same SEALS who took part in Op Neptune Spear were shown as killed in Afghanistan!! Can anyone hazard a guess?

one guy whogave interview to pak media after abott op, said the chopper which contained seals who did the OP was killed in chopper plus the body of supposedly osama they were carrying, the another chopper which never landed and observed the OP from the air returned, so it was misinformed that osama has been dumpedin the ocean because they didnt have any body as a proof
Cuz US paid Pakistan not to show his wives to the media because the truth will come out then....Its also possible that they were not even his real wives.....The whole drama was faked by US and Pakistani rulers/elites together cuz our elites are USA's paid agents .....and infact maligned the pplz of Pakistan and Pakistan itself......:coffee:

U U have just 1800 post under ur belt, I will suggest you to spend more time with correct frnds, who will not mislead you. Are u aware what you are saying????

It is well known that Pakistan is run by Army and ISI, If your statement is correct, I can assume that you are saying tht most of the ISI and Army is American dalal and very few (who run consp theories) are honest...

Kid think before posting.. Pakistan didn't produce them coz they could have spilled the bean. They could have given the name who sheltered them near Islamabad.

.Its also possible that they were not even his real wives

You know what , it is also possible that dogs are flying... When Aircraft carrier can why not Dogs???? It is also possible that English never ruled India, It is also possible that Osama was an alien sent by Thor to destroy America... and it is also posible that I am OBL and typing from abyss of caspian sea... Stop questioning everything.
wow.. On one hand you have ISI asking for credit for helping CIA in taking out OBL... & here we have a senior intelligence (obviously anonymous) agent saying all this is hoax! God help those living in delusion...

This is same Delusion........you beleived on 9/11 that it was really happened............the plane which were crashed were seen few days before in US Airforce bases.....check youtube videos.
Cuz US paid Pakistan not to show his wives to the media because the truth will come out then....Its also possible that they were not even his real wives.....The whole drama was faked by US and Pakistani rulers/elites together cuz our elites are USA's paid agents .....and infact maligned the pplz of Pakistan and Pakistan itself......:coffee:

A helicopter crashed in Abbotabad mysteriously no one was killed but some time later an RPG hit killed same Navy SEAL 6 who took part in OBL operation. Perhaps they were covering up the earlier deaths in OBL OP?
A helicopter crashed in Abbotabad mysteriously no one was killed but some time later an RPG hit killed same Navy SEAL 6 who took part in OBL operation. Perhaps they were covering up the earlier deaths in OBL OP?

Hey, come now, no chopper crashed in Abbottabad, because there was no Osama Bin Laden OP there, because Osama Bin Laden was not there! :D

Of course Abbottabad is there. Or is it? :P

Why not go along with the myths that Al-Batroos is trying so hard to sell?

.Its also possible that they were not even his real wives

You know what , it is also possible that dogs are flying... When Aircraft carrier can why not Dogs???? It is also possible that English never ruled India, It is also possible that Osama was an alien sent by Thor to destroy America... and it is also posible that I am OBL and typing from abyss of caspian sea... Stop questioning everything.

Well they may not have been his wives. Maybe clones.
Or more probably "inflatable rubber dolls"!
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