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Hey, come now, no chopper crashed in Abbottabad, because there was no Osama Bin Laden OP there, because Osama Bin Laden was not there! :D

Of course Abbottabad is there. Or is it? :P

Why not go along with the myths that Al-Batroos is trying so hard to sell?

Well they may not have been his wives. Maybe clones.
Or more probably "inflatable rubber dolls"!

Leaving aside all conspiracy theories, how some one can believe a helicopter which was trying to land to land in OBL compound to be empty?
Well,Could it be that the Navy seals were killed by Pakistan ground troops when they opened fire and brought down the American chopper during the operation and then shown as they were killed in Afghanistan?

Possible, but the alibi that they were shot down in Afghanistan is intriguing, as it is too much of a coincidence that the same SEALS who took part in Op Neptune Spear were shown as killed in Afghanistan!! Can anyone hazard a guess?
None of the US troops were gunned down within the Chopper in OBL raid. the chopper was destroyed by US troops themselves cuz it malfunctioned and hit the house wall and wasn't able to fly back.
the navy seals got killed within Afghanistan were because US feared that they might leakout the OBL drama in near future. The the US CIA shot them down and made them quiet for good so nobody be able to know the truth cuz these Navy seals were the real witness of the OBL Drama game.....poor navy seals.....:smokin:
and the conspiracy theories never seem to end.:rolleyes:

seriously what the fascination ?
and the conspiracy theories never seem to end.:rolleyes:

seriously what the fascination ?

Because Pakistan was humiliated.

And instead of asking hard questions as to why this was allowed to happen. The easier and cowardly way is to invent conspiracy theories to explain away failures.

Its like when you have a child going to school and he repeatedly keeps getting failing grades. Instead of working with the child to develop a better study habit, helping him with his homework, getting tutors to help him improve his grades. The Parents invent conspiracy theories that the entire school on purpose is failing the child, or the teacher is giving the child different and more harder tests than other children or the child answers the test question correctly but someone takes the test and changes his answers and thats why he is getting failing marks.

The only thing the parents are doing is destroying the child's future. And thats the same way the people in Pakistan are doing to the future of Pakistan.
No evidence of Osama being killed. No evidence of Osama not being killed.

A rational person will need evidence to make a decision.

Imbeciles will follow CNN, FOX news, and mainstream propaganda.

Case and point.
None of the US troops were gunned down within the Chopper in OBL raid. the chopper was destroyed by US troops themselves cuz it malfunctioned and hit the house wall and wasn't able to fly back.
the navy seals got killed within Afghanistan were because US feared that they might leakout the OBL drama in near future. The the US CIA shot them down and made them quiet for good so nobody be able to know the truth cuz these Navy seals were the real witness of the OBL Drama game.....poor navy seals.....:smokin:

Ummm yea....and how do you know the same navy seals who killed bin laden were the same ones killed in aug 30th?

someone switched your cigarette with a joint :D

No evidence of Osama being killed. No evidence of Osama not being killed.

A rational person will need evidence to make a decision.

Imbeciles will follow CNN, FOX news, and mainstream propaganda.

Case and point.

Taliban terrorists holding rallies to condemn Osama being killed and then launching terrorist attacks.
His wives confessing that Osama was executed.
No Bin Laden tapes have surfaced since he died claiming that he is alive.
Zawahiri, Al Qaeda's 2nd in command has stated he died.

And I am suppose to believe you? :rofl:

And what evidence do you need? Even if they release a Video of Osama bin Laden being shot by Navy Seals, you will come up with a conspiracy theory that an Indian Actor disguised with Hollywood Make up was killed as its all fake. There is no proof what so ever prevent you from not inventing conspiracy theories.

Heck, I wouldn't be surprised if you believed the Twin Towers never existed but were Hollywood special effects and David Copperfield Magic :rofl:
Ummm yea....and how do you know the same navy seals who killed bin laden were the same ones killed in aug 30th?

someone switched your cigarette with a joint :D

Taliban terrorists holding rallies to condemn Osama being killed and then launching terrorist attacks.
His wives confessing that Osama was executed.
No Bin Laden tapes have surfaced since he died claiming that he is alive.
Zawahiri, Al Qaeda's 2nd in command has stated he died.

And I am suppose to believe you? :rofl:

Where have you met his wives?

I'd like to meet them too?
Where have you met his wives?

I'd like to meet them too?

Ask the Pakistani Government. They were holding them. If his wives never existed, then why is Pakistan taking such bad press?

Why not expose this American Conspiracy?

Why did Saudi Arabia send a plane to carry his family back to Saudi?

Please tell me how you would spin that into a conspiracy theory? :D
Ask the Pakistani Government. They were holding them. If his wives never existed, then why is Pakistan taking such bad press?

Why not expose this American Conspiracy?

Why did Saudi Arabia send a plane to carry his family back to Saudi?

Please tell me how you would spin that into a conspiracy theory? :D

The fact that you're saying this means you have no understanding of what happened.
The fact that you're saying this means you have no understanding of what happened.

But make up a conspiracy theory. Come on. :D

Ok let me have a go at this: USA randomly chose children and women from Iraq and Saudi Arabia, drugged and brainwashed them into thinking they were married to Bin Laden.

Then they hired a 3rd party to build a house in Abbotabad where they will stage this whole drama. They chose Abbotabad because it was near Pakistan's Military academy and it will humiliate Pakistani Military.

Then they flew into Pakistan by bribing Pakistani Radar operators with American Visas and landed in Pakstan. But then a heroic Pakistani soldier saw the helicopters landing and fired a missile at it and shot it down killing all the navy seals. The other helicopter landed they did a few explosions and left the brainwashed women and children usa had kidnapped from iraq and saudi arabia so they will claim bin laden was here. and then they flew away.

And then radioed the Taliban to start rioting and blowing up stuff to condemn the bin laden attack. And not only that, CIA agents in Jamati-Islami also held rallies to condemn Bin Laden operation.

But make up a conspiracy theory. Come on. :D

Ok let me have a go at this: USA randomly chose children and women from Iraq and Saudi Arabia, drugged and brainwashed them into thinking they were married to Bin Laden.

Then they hired a 3rd party to build a house in Abbotabad where they will stage this whole drama. They chose Abbotabad because it was near Pakistan's Military academy and it will humiliate Pakistani Military.

Then they flew into Pakistan by bribing Pakistani Radar operators with American Visas and landed in Pakstan. But then a heroic Pakistani soldier saw the helicopters landing and fired a missile at it and shot it down killing all the navy seals. The other helicopter landed they did a few explosions and left the brainwashed women and children usa had kidnapped from iraq and saudi arabia so they will claim bin laden was here. and then they flew away.


Did you just have an orgasm?
Ummm yea....and how do you know the same navy seals who killed bin laden were the same ones killed in aug 30th?someone switched your cigarette with a joint :D
Zawahiri, Al Qaeda's 2nd in command has stated he died.
Man we got our own eyes watching everything...simple as that....:D
Zawahiri is gonna say what CIA want him to say when he will be of no use fro USA they will retire him too.......:smokin:
Man we got our own eyes watching everything...simple as that....:D
Zawahiri is gonna say what CIA want him to say when he will be of no use fro USA they will retire him too.......:smokin:

Although I disagree with you totally....I do enjoy reading your posts


Did you just have an orgasm?

So that's why you are obsessed with conspiracy theories. You can't get it on with the ladies and use conspiracy theories to relieve yourself.

Ok got it. :D
None of the US troops were gunned down within the Chopper in OBL raid. the chopper was destroyed by US troops themselves cuz it malfunctioned and hit the house wall and wasn't able to fly back.
the navy seals got killed within Afghanistan were because US feared that they might leakout the OBL drama in near future. The the US CIA shot them down and made them quiet for good so nobody be able to know the truth cuz these Navy seals were the real witness of the OBL Drama game.....poor navy seals.....:smokin:

I love your sarcasm, I thought to add some value to ur post. :)

Evil America , killed there own soldiers coz they were witness and left 4 babes (OBL wives) as witness. O wait they shot one lady in leg.... Truly Evil.. :sniper:
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