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US May designate IRGC as a terrorist organization soon.

pictures from other topic by @skyshadow


Guys, How much do you think same faith would happen for Rouhani which happened for Khatami.
remember that during Khatami time and after failure of Sa'adAbad agreement Iran reopen it's nuclear sites.
so same president fix its failure, However in my personal opinion Khatami was good president in General unlike Rouhani.

All Rouhani hope was on EU honoring the so called deal and now its gone , EU already said we can't oppose USA , so , he has no rational choice except putting foot in the path Khatemi already gone through it .... a pity that we are repeating ourselves ....
well well well just one night after the announcing US military an terrorist organization by Iran. Four US soldiers were killed in an explosion in Afghanistan.

and now Iran gave the IRGC the right to blow the covered of any US spy in Asia, and any country or organization that arrests US troops can now receive money as a bonus by handing these forces to Iran for trial in Iranian courts.

3 American soldiers, 1 US contractor killed in Afghanistan





pictures from other topic by @skyshadow


Guys, How much do you think same faith would happen for Rouhani which happened for Khatami.
remember that during Khatami time and after failure of Sa'adAbad agreement Iran reopen it's nuclear sites.
so same president fix its failure, However in my personal opinion Khatami was good president in General unlike Rouhani.

at least Khatami managed the economy better, but Rouhani can not manage anything and i mean annnything.
Trump got direct order from his Master, Bibi:


Alright, so:

-> USA left JCPOA
-> USA labaled IRGC as terrorist organisation

while Iran played the nice guy

I hope, from now on, Iran stops making friendly face to this evil game and realize that you cant stop a bully by playing friendly

Its time that Iran now shows its claws, because now its getting very dangerous

Putting the IRGC on the terror list is very serious, its very clear where this psychopats are heading to and what they goals are...

As Hassan Tehrani Moghaddam once sayd: Fire should be fought with fire
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All Rouhani hope was on EU honoring the so called deal and now its gone , EU already said we can't oppose USA , so , he has no rational choice except putting foot in the path Khatemi already gone through it .... a pity that we are repeating ourselves ....
Trump got direct order from his Master, Bibi:


Alright, so:

-> USA left JCPOA
-> USA labaled IRGC as terrorist organisation

while Iran played the nice guy

I hope, from now on, Iran stops making friendly face to this evil game and realize that you cant stop a bully by playing friendly

Its time that Iran now shows its claws, because now its getting very dangerous

As Hassan Tehrani Moghaddam once sayd: You fight fire with fire
Agreed!.Policies of appeasement and pacifism have no absolutely no place when one is dealing with the likes of the chumpists and boltonite filth.
There can be no detente,no dialogue of civilizations with ones such as these.
Agreed!.Policies of appeasement and pacifism have no absolutely no place when one is dealing with the likes of the chumpists and boltonite filth.
There can be no detente,no dialogue of civilizations with ones such as these.
Well chumpists and boltonite did it to make you angry to make wrong decisions, surly there would be no confrontation btw 2.
All Rouhani hope was on EU honoring the so called deal and now its gone , EU already said we can't oppose USA , so , he has no rational choice except putting foot in the path Khatemi already gone through it .... a pity that we are repeating ourselves ....
Barjam is better deal than Sa'sdAbad agreement which reached with Europe.
If you look it, at different way with end of Barjam, and coming the more aggressive president we would get better deal than Barjam. Barjam, is result of AhmadiNezhad policies not Rouhani.
Iran need time to be mature in the Nuclear science, remember nobody sell nuclear knowledge, Iran need time to progress at this technology.
The only problem is that Rouhani is unsuccessful in the economy managing unlike Khatami. But I still believe Iran has enough resources to closed its borders and do what need to do and stay alive, my teacher in highschool always spoke about Japan closeness period.
Nuclear Iran can use Nuclear capability as umbrella to blackmail USA and intervene more aggressively in region to get better deals, unlike N Korea which is different story. N Korea do not have such blackmail capabilities in east Asia.
Second, I think USA pressures will have opposite consequences than what USA administration expect.
USA expect this pressures end to civil war or at least big demonstrations against IRI.
But my expectation is more aggressive voters, and many nonvoters which will end to most aggressive IRI government in history which run by president with military background.

I still Rouhani sentence are in my mind about Hoghoghdan and sarhangs. He as diplomat failed lets try our first Sarhang president.

Trump got direct order from his Master, Bibi:


Alright, so:

-> USA left JCPOA
-> USA labaled IRGC as terrorist organisation

while Iran played the nice guy

I hope, from now on, Iran stops making friendly face to this evil game and realize that you cant stop a bully by playing friendly

Its time that Iran now shows its claws, because now its getting very dangerous

Putting the IRGC on the terror list is very serious, its very clear where this psychopats are heading to and what they goals are...

As Hassan Tehrani Moghaddam once sayd: Fire should be fought with fire

No he doesn't mean that

What he means is, IRGC will publicise the system that put U.S with reach.

He ( Gen Jafari ) even said and offered "they ( U.S military perfationals ) can come and have look at it If they want now" , mean now, today, meaning it is fully operational, meaning is on standby.

ما با قدرت اعلام می‌کنیم و حتی حاضریم این اطلاعات را در اختیار خود آن‌ها نیز قرار دهیم که سپاه در یک سال آینده به‌لطف خدا در سیستم دفاعی و تهاجمی خود باقدرت‌تر از قبل خواهد شد.

So he ( Gen Jafari ) is making it clear that any stupid move will come with response, meaning deterrence, meaning your enemy knows that what you are capable of.

Such systems has only one meaning And military professionals will fully understand what this system is
( meaning it will have nuclear components on it meaning it can only operate with nuclear warheads not TNT or conventional or chemical warheads) so it fully unnecessary to show case nuclear or thermonuclear or H...... warheads
No he doesn't mean that

What he means is, IRGC will publicise the system that put U.S with reach.

He ( Gen Jafari ) even said and offered "they ( U.S military perfationals ) can come and have look at it If they want now" , mean now, today, meaning it is fully operational, meaning is on standby.

ما با قدرت اعلام می‌کنیم و حتی حاضریم این اطلاعات را در اختیار خود آن‌ها نیز قرار دهیم که سپاه در یک سال آینده به‌لطف خدا در سیستم دفاعی و تهاجمی خود باقدرت‌تر از قبل خواهد شد.

So he ( Gen Jafari ) is making it clear that any stupid move will come with response, meaning deterrence, meaning your enemy knows that what you are capable of.

Such systems has only one meaning And military professionals will fully understand what this system is
( meaning it will have nuclear components on it meaning it can only operate with nuclear warheads not TNT or conventional or chemical warheads) so it fully unnecessary to show case nuclear or thermonuclear or H...... warheads
Probably nukes are only front matter and we have hidden something beyond nukes somewhere else.

Something like and advanced Cyber weapon .....

Or a system to jamming all American weapons .....

Prophet Muhammad (PBUT): If knowledge were hanging at Pleiades, men from Persia would reach it."
Barjam is better deal than Sa'sdAbad agreement which reached with Europe.

Second, I think USA pressures will have opposite consequences than what USA administration expect.
USA expect this pressures end to civil war or at least big demonstrations against IRI.
But my expectation is more aggressive voters, and many nonvoters which will end to most aggressive IRI government in history which run by president with military background.

As usual, yes, the Pentagon, State Dept and the CIA wrongly assumed the outcome is a revolt.....man, they just don't get it. They just juiced up all the hardliners in Iran they've been trying to hurt. I swear we need to send these idiots a guide. I can't believe how deep they are in the pocket of Israel. This is the most powerful nation in the world we're talking about and they are essentially controlled by a 3rd rate apartheid, racist country. LMAO
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