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IRGC releases more videos of US backdown

There is no such thing as iranic pashtun. Its either pashtun or not. I am saying this because i am pashtun. And if u r oashtin then u misy know pashto right? Darzi ka na? Ao kam khel ye? Ka asi da zan na ligya ye.
yo TNT or whoever u are. I know more hebrew and german than I know Pashto or Farsi. I was born and brought up in BD, how wud I know these languages. Blood has nothing to do with these things cuz people learn them thru culture and while growing up. Whats ur nonsensical point? U say a few Arzi Sabzi Gabzi and try to prove ur Pathanness? As I said, make a trip to BD ill show u what Pathan is. PAshtuns are an Iranic ethnic group and my ancestors always mention coming from Iran itself. If u are pathan u shud immediately take an oath of loyalty to Iran. Do it. Take the oath for me. start Like this brother.... "i vow on this holy evening to be a loyal servant of Persia....."
here is footage of Iranian suicide drone over a u.s. carrier. their sytsems didn't even track the drone in this close range.
how they want to track 10 of anti ship missile coming with the speed of mach xx.

You think the US military is not capable of doing what Pakistan military can do?

You probably also think US drones are not flying over civilian and military assets all over Iran?

... and here is a footage of your "empty military base in iraq" while Iranian missiles where hitting the base and the mighty u.s. soldiers where crying. ...

Okay, okay, the Iraqi base was not empty... It's just that Iran decided to inform Iraq 8 hours before the missile barrage so US forces could find a safe place to sit this one out.

Was Iran too scared of killing US soldiers considering that if US could take out General Soleimani without any hesitation, then it wouldn't have any problem taking out Ali Khamanei next?

... nearly every think tank and nearly every pentagon general and military expert since george w. bush saying that Iran will defeat the u.s. navy in the Persian Gulf. ...

The US has around 1,000 military bases all over the planet. They're not all in the Persian Gulf.

The US can also trigger Article 5 of NATO, meaning 30 countries in the world can simultanwouly declare war on Iran.

... the u.s. navy went out of the Persian Gulf before they assassination of general Sulaimani because they feard a retaliation in the Persian Gulf. why they should do that if they can protect themself from retaliation?
Why do the Iranians see the US carriers as the only target? Why not US military bases in Afghanistan and Qatar? Why was Iran too scared to target them? What's your logic?

... the u.s. navy ships specially the carriers don't have good manoeuvrability due to the huge size in the Strait of Hormuz and the Persian Gulf. they are like sitting ducks.
Why does the US need to use only aircraft carriers against Iran when they have a large array of weaponary at their disposal?

I mean, USAF alone has around 5,000 aircraft and over 400 Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles.

... Iran: u.s. never went for a direct confrontation. some terrorist attacks at the borders and some sabotage in different areas. ...

Operation Praying Mantis, April 1988. Aerial view of the Iranian frigate IS Alvand (71) burning after being attacked by aircraft of Carrier Air Wing 11 from USS Enterprise (CVN-65). IS Alvand was hit by three Harpoon Missiles plus cluster munitions. Official U.S. Navy photograph. (Catalog #: 880418-N-ZZ999-005)

Operation Praying Mantis, April 1988. An aerial view of the Iranian frigate IS Sahand burning after being attacked by aircraft of Carrier Air Wing 11 from the aircraft carrier USS Enterprise (CVN-65) in retaliation for the mining of the guided missile frigate USS Samuel B. Roberts (FFG-58) in the Persian Gulf, 18 April 1988. U.S. Navy Photograph, now in the collections of the U.S. National Archives: Online Public Access. (Catalog #: 330-CFD-DN-SN-89-03125)

... the u.s. will never go that far with Iran and few other countries cause it would cost too much blood and money to get the output they want and that is what Iran realized in the last 40 years. ...
The US thinks Iranians are brain-dead vegetables living in some Lala land and sanctions alone are enough to torture this country into making sure it does not acquire nukes.

The only reason Iran has not been destroyed already by the US is to scare the little Arab Kingdoms into recognising and forming alliances with Israel.
the 2nd video you have posted is not from the attack on Ain al Assad. It is an older video I think from Afghanistan or possibly Iraq and those troops are under attack from either mortars or 107mm Rocket artillery's. the SSM strikes on Ain al Assad were so powerful that over a 130 U.S personnel received concussions and more severe brain injuries while taking refuge in Bunkers!

my bad.
either we believe Hajizadeh, who said that iraqi forces who are deployd in ain al assad before they got kicked out witnessed that the u.s. soldiers dragged out dead bodies from buildings, which where destroyed by the missiles.
or we believe that the soldiers only had brain concussion like trump said. first it there where 20 than 50 the final number if ei remember correct was 110. 11 soldiers where send to ramstein germany for treatment ( i will try to find the artical and post it here ) and the others to qatar and bahrain. my point is you don't send soldiers to ramstein where the u.s. operates the largest u.s. military hospital outside of the u.s. because of some scratches here and there.

yes that was a wrong video i didn't know.
but how the base was empty, when donald trump admited that there where 110 soldiers

I disagree. I think China and Russia would be able to defeat the USA in a defensive war. Maybe not Russia, but China can for sure beat the USA on vs one on its own turf...

in a defensive war you are right. but in a all out war i don't think so. it's not only about military hardware and man power but even the u.s. economy is really bad this mf still controll the world currency and they are oil independent (i mean they don't need to buy their oil from abroad ). china on the other hand has to buy oil gas from other countries. and i think this will the main reason why the u.s. has an upper hand. i would even say russia more likely will win a war against u.s. than china due to the points i mentioned.
You think the US military is not capable of doing what Pakistan military can do?

i am saiyng that there are drones in Iran that are capabel of doing so. even the u.s. condemned what Iran did over the carries as an dangerous and aggresiv act (so yes they can do it). pakistan shot down 1 drone. do you know how many drone types Iran got.
just logicaly imagine that 50 suicide drones and 50 anti ship ballistic missiles and a dozen of anti ship cruise missile are shot simultaneously at an aircraft carrier. do you really think that a carrier can defend it self against that many incoming threats.

here general mckenzie please listen to this

he is saying that sometimes they can not detect the drones
what about ur own response? When did u ever respond to anything? If they did the same to ur chief i think ud blame it on TTP instead. ...
Well, Pakistan has defeated two superpowers in Afghanistan. First one, when Iran was getting beaten up by little Iraq and second one while Iran was pleading for sanctions relief for two decades.

We're not cowards like you, having to negotiate civilian nuclear program which even African countries have to bending over backwards to convince the white man that you will never develop nuclear weapons.
...just logicaly imagine that 50 suicide drones and 50 anti ship ballistic missiles and a dozen of anti ship cruise missile are shot simultaneously at an aircraft carrier. do you really think that a carrier can defend it self against that many incoming threats....
But why aircraft carriers only? Do they scare the Iranian people? What's with the anti-carrier craze?

Just imagine thousands of US suicide drones and thousands of cruise missiles fired from hundreds of US military bases simultaneously on Iranian military bases. What will be the logical outcome?
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yo TNT or whoever u are. I know more hebrew and german than I know Pashto or Farsi. I was born and brought up in BD, how wud I know these languages. Blood has nothing to do with these things cuz people learn them thru culture and while growing up. Whats ur nonsensical point? U say a few Arzi Sabzi Gabzi and try to prove ur Pathanness? As I said, make a trip to BD ill show u what Pathan is. PAshtuns are an Iranic ethnic group and my ancestors always mention coming from Iran itself. If u are pathan u shud immediately take an oath of loyalty to Iran. Do it. Take the oath for me. start Like this brother.... "i vow on this holy evening to be a loyal servant of Persia....."

U want to show me pashtun while pashtun land is here? And a dumb bangali iranian bla bla mash will tell me who pashtuns are?😂😂😂. I didnt know shia bengalis associte themselves with iranans and pashtuns lolz. Is it this reason u r a loyal servant of kinf xerxes? 😂😂😂😂
Well, Pakistan has defeated two superpowers in Afghanistan. First one, when Iran was getting beaten up by little Iraq and second one while Iran was pleading for sanctions relief for two decades.

We're not cowards like you, having to negotiate civilian nuclear program which even African countries have to bending over backwards to convince the white man that you will never develop nuclear weapons.

But why aircraft carriers only? Do they scare the Iranian people? What's with the anti-carrier craze?

Just imagine thousands of US suicide drones and thousands of cruise missiles fired from hundreds of US military bases simultaneously on Iranian military bases. What will be the logical outcome?
"defeated two superpowers" that is sumway of steroiding ur achievement. what superpower did u defeat? u were allied with the Americans the whole time. Even now ur govt gives permissions to USAF to conduct operation in Afghanistan using ur Airspace. I can show u the article if u want. "Defetead two superpowers" what a way of falsely buffing up sumthing into a whole another thing. Did u fight soviets 1 on 1 ? If u call that defeating a superpower well then we can say IRAN defeated 28 superpowers in multiple conutries inclduing Syria, Yemen, lebanon or elsewhere. atleast like u Iran didnt surrender to Bangladesh or will u deny that now.

"We're not cowards like you"- did u just say this ?? you are not cowards like us ? Why did u surrender to Bangladesh then?

dont talk to us About America. I mean its u people who let ur own ppl in waziristan get bombed by US drones. You guys stay quiet whilst America bombed ppl in ur own country in waziristan. It got so bad Imran khan decided to do a march against it. dont tell us Jackshite about america. Just keep doing wat ur doing. This is a pakistani forum thats the only reason ur getting away saying nonsense like this. Otherwise u have no idea what truth people wud put in ur face.
U want to show me pashtun while pashtun land is here? And a dumb bangali iranian bla bla mash will tell me who pashtuns are?😂😂😂. I didnt know shia bengalis associte themselves with iranans and pashtuns lolz. Is it this reason u r a loyal servant of kinf xerxes? 😂😂😂😂
Always loyal , you shud follow my footsteps

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... Did u fight soviets 1 on 1 ? ...
Yes, we did.

And, do you think Ali Khamenei was supporting the Taliban financially and militarily for the last two decades?

Well, the Americans appear to have admitted defeat to Pakistan, so I don't know what your problem is?

Maybe you need to pay less attention to the nonsense Iran's fanatical Government preaches.

Again, Iranian Governments are all cowards compared to Pakistani Governments. Iranians are so pathetic that they even have to negotiate their own civil nuclear program with tiny, tiny European countries.
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But why aircraft carriers only? Do they scare the Iranian people? What's with the anti-carrier craze?

Just imagine thousands of US suicide drones and thousands of cruise missiles fired from hundreds of US military bases simultaneously on Iranian military bases. What will be the logical outcome?

very simple they are very expensive and hard to replace. not only the carrier but you have to count all the weapons, the planes etc. so
due to it's size and maneuverability a easy target. just imagine how much a loss will cost them and thousand of troops lifes.
another reason is but thats my opinion it's a symbol of opression. imagine what would hapen to a fighting spirit of a u.s. soldier after you destroy it.

well thats what i am saying it won't happen. there will never be a direct conflict between the u.s. and Iran. yes the u.s. will respond with all they got but the cost of such a war will be too high for the u.s. to pay. and that is was Irans doctrin is. making the price so high that they won't be an agrression towards Iran. even the zionist could't push trump for a direct conflict and he and his cabinet where the biggest warmongers. he fired even that pig bolton cause he was afraid that bolton go too far.
the war we fight with the u.s. and the zionist regime is more a cover war. cyberwarfare, covered operations etc.

Well, Pakistan has defeated two superpowers in Afghanistan. First one, when Iran was getting beaten up by little Iraq and second one while Iran was pleading for sanctions relief for two decades.

bro are your serious little iraq...lol. iraq got billions of $ support from kuwait and saudi and had all the military equipment they wanted cause everyone gave them what they wanted. he used chemical weaopons which led to the death of thousand and thousand of Iranian soldiers. do you think some use such a weapon if he is winning the war.
did saddam achieved what he wanted NO. so how you say Iran got beaten?
Yes, we did.

And, do you think Ali Khamenei was supporting the Taliban financially and militarily for the last two decades?

Well, the Americans appear to have admitted defeat to Pakistan, so I don't know what your problem is?

Maybe you need to pay leds attention to the nonsense Iran's fanatical Government preaches.

Again, Iranian Governments are all cowards compared to Pakistani Governments. Iranians are so pathetic that they even have to negotiate their own civil nuclear program with tiny, tiny European countries.
nothing at all worth reading here.
well yes Iran missed with half of its missile , you knew why. because you guys still cant understand that Iranian missiles have a booster phase that separate midflight and fall several kilometer short of target.
We both know those weren't boosters.
Out of 17 missiles:
5 missiles failed to even reach their intended targets general area.
One missile simply did not explode.
The rest of the missiles did manage to hit their intended targets, or in some cases, miss by up to a few hundred meters.
... another reason is but thats my opinion it's a symbol of opression. imagine what would hapen to a fighting spirit of a u.s. soldier after you destroy it. ...

You are aware that if a US aircraft carrier is sunk by any nation, the United States will retaliate with nuking that country?

They have far more nuclear weapons than any other country and they are the only country to have nuked another country. To be exact, they nuked a war-mongering, expansionist, die-hard, kamikaze loving Empire into submission.

You guys also keep mentioning the cost will be too high for the US. Not sure why?

First, the US is thousands of miles away from Iran, in fact its located in another continent that Iran can't reach militarily.

Second, they've just finished spending $2 trillion in Afghanistan and it hasn't phased the Americans. It's business as usual for them.

...did saddam achieved what he wanted NO. so how you say Iran got beaten?
Well, as soon as the US got involved sinking Iranian warships during Operation Praying Mantis, Iran sued for peace.

The US achieved it's objective of depleting Iran's war fighting capability in a 10- year long war of attrition between Iraq and Iran. As a result, Iran has not dared to attack another country for 3 decades. In fact, Iranians have been reduced to bragging about their terrorism activities in the region. But even that chapter is fast closing after what the US did to Iranian Army Chief General Qassen Soleimani.

Also, what's with Iranians always yapping on about how Iranian military technology has advanced as if US military hasn't?
We both know those weren't boosters.
Out of 17 missiles:
5 missiles failed to even reach their intended targets general area.
One missile simply did not explode.
The rest of the missiles did manage to hit their intended targets, or in some cases, miss by up to a few hundred meters.
show me their warhead or the impact crater
The US achieved it's objective of depleting Iran's war fighting capability in a 10- year long war of attrition between Iraq and Iran. As a result, Iran has not dared to attack another country for 3 decades. In fact, Iranians have been reduced to bragging about their terrorism activities in the region. But even that chapter is fast closing after what the US did to Iranian Army Chief General Qassen Soleimani.

Also, what's with Iranians always yapping on about how Iranian military technology has advanced as if US military hasn't?
but in that war also Iran did not attacked any country.
what is terrorism and what is not?
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