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IRGC releases more videos of US backdown

TNT clearly has Iran's best interest in mind still but with expressions of doubt. It is important not to underestimate the US and combined allied western nations. They don't attack for concern of huge losses and political damages. Iran needs to make it increasingly more expensive for US to consider attacks which they still perform but Iran hits back.

Next is to make it unthinkable to attack Iran and interests or influence. This requires much more time and progress as it is also economic. The US has no economic price to pay for attacking Iran, only military price. Economic development is a two aspect question. Internal economic developments and external capitalist model where capital goes into the country in various investment types. Iran is sanctioned by the Western led global empire so the external one is extremely limited. Chinese CFO get kidnapped in Canada for allegedly doing some business with Iran even though that rule is unilaterally announced by USA. I can understand them performing legal action against Huawei for doing business with Iran but not kidnapping a CFO. But such is the stretch of their hegemony.

So what is left is internal development which is slow. So many western nations are filled with Iranian academics and industry experts. Still too many leave Iran for the West and others. Working in two different western nations showed me just how many Iranian engineers are in the west and also in universities in the west. Some I know want citizenship but also do have lots of love for Iran too. It is a difficult struggle between these two forces. No one really helps unless there is something to also gain. As for weapons and military security, at best there is some words of support from countries like China and Russia who do not wish for Iran to become controlled by western money and politicians.
You dont know him. He's posting negative trash abt Iran in other theads, blaming iran of fostering terrorists. He doesnt have Iran's best interest in mind.
One single missile can take care of those floating targets, just one. Iran has thousands of such missiles. current range of our anti ship ballistic missiles is 2000 kilometers. a combination of swarm of drones and missiles guarantees a smooth victory against those floating targets.
What makes you think Iranian missiles can hit US aircraft carriers? It's not like they don't know how to defend against incoming missiles.

Did Iran dare to fire missiles on US warships after Iran's Army Chief Soleimani was taken out? Oh yeah, they did fire some on some empty military base in Iraq and said we don't want to escalate anymore.

How many ballistic missiles and cruise missiles do you think the US has?

In modern warfare, not a single military that has fought directly with the US military has survived, from Iraq to Yugoslavia all were decimated.
What makes you think Iranian missiles can hit US aircraft carriers? It's not like they don't know how to defend against incoming missiles.

Did Iran dare to fire missiles on US warships after Iran's Army Chief Soleimani was taken out? Oh yeah, they did fire some on some empty military base in Iraq and said we don't want to escalate anymore.

How many ballistic missiles and cruise missiles do you think the US has?

In modern warfare, not a single military that has fought directly with the US military has survived, from Iraq to Yugoslavia all were decimated.
stop trolling on Iran when u guys have complied to everything America asked of u untill now. I mean u guys get accused and humilated by Americans unfairly and still stay quiet and comply. look urself in the mirror first before taking a dig at Iran.
why replace USA with china ?
all we say is that the security of the region must be the responsibility of the people who live here not some people several thousands of kilometer away

I supports Iranian Shia militia who kicked Wahhabi ISIS and similar groups to save Shia civilians in Iraq and Syria.
But my question is, Was Iranians or their affiliated Shia militia away from Iran? If you claim those Shia militia are local Iraqi or Syrians, then i will too agree, but problem again is qasem soleimani was not Irani? Was he from Iraq or Syria? Lol
There are 30 million Muslims in China, including Shiites and Sunnis. If China is too deeply involved in the Middle East, it is likely to be forced to choose one side. Whichever side is chosen, it may lead to chaos in China. So for a long time, China has been trying not to intervene in the Middle East.
Of course, China has always supported Palestine.
There are 30 million Muslims in China, including Shiites and Sunnis. If China is too deeply involved in the Middle East, it is likely to be forced to choose one side. Whichever side is chosen, it may lead to chaos in China. So for a long time, China has been trying not to intervene in the Middle East.
Of course, China has always supported Palestine.

The Shiites are insignificiant on the grand scale of things both now and historically they won't see the day of light post WW3 they don't have what it takes to survive. However the Sunnis are powerful will prevail and they were the world hegemony for over 1200 years before WW1. The choice should be easy. 43 countries vs 2 and half country... There is no such rivalry the Sunnis could decimate the Shia's at will hence there is no technical rivalry and never actully was. The Sunnis are just more numerous and most powerful countries while Shia is only Iran. The expansionists were Sunnis all of them. The Sunnis could form into an alliance stronger than NATO
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I supports Iranian Shia militia who kicked Wahhabi ISIS and similar groups to save Shia civilians in Iraq and Syria.
But my question is, Was Iranians or their affiliated Shia militia away from Iran? If you claim those Shia militia are local Iraqi or Syrians, then i will too agree, but problem again is qasem soleimani was not Irani? Was he from Iraq or Syria? Lol
The trainer was irani the bulk of fighting force were localsif you want to talk about non local then you must mention fatemyoun and zeynabioun which I consider mercenaries . You can call them Iranian equal to western countries security companies . On other hand you must ask yourself who they were fighting . We send them to fight a qualities of more than 90 countries . Did we ever send them to fight locals for example have you ever saw them fighting Taliban which are afghan locals.
You dont know him. He's posting negative trash abt Iran in other theads, blaming iran of fostering terrorists. He doesnt have Iran's best interest in mind.

Oh okay. From some posts here I thought he was but I didn't read everything and just assumed TNT was overall still a supporter of Iran.

What makes you think Iranian missiles can hit US aircraft carriers? It's not like they don't know how to defend against incoming missiles.

Did Iran dare to fire missiles on US warships after Iran's Army Chief Soleimani was taken out? Oh yeah, they did fire some on some empty military base in Iraq and said we don't want to escalate anymore.

How many ballistic missiles and cruise missiles do you think the US has?

In modern warfare, not a single military that has fought directly with the US military has survived, from Iraq to Yugoslavia all were decimated.

I think if it escalates to war, then Iran would launch on the US ships and because the Iranians didn't want to escalate to that level and prepared to also deal with US all out war, so they didn't make that step. But neither did US retaliate against Iran's response which was to attack US base and then also attacks on Saudi refinery. Overall Iran definitely has balls for the strength they have against US.

The Iranian ASBM is unknown and unknown if US would want to take a chance. What Iran needs to do is keep up its ability to defend itself which currently it seems to have above the required ability. The west is eager to attack and use cyberwarfare a lot on Iran.

There are 30 million Muslims in China, including Shiites and Sunnis. If China is too deeply involved in the Middle East, it is likely to be forced to choose one side. Whichever side is chosen, it may lead to chaos in China. So for a long time, China has been trying not to intervene in the Middle East.
Of course, China has always supported Palestine.
What? Shiites are insignificiant on the ground scale of things both now and historically they won't see the day of light post WW3 they don't have what it takes to survive. However the Sunnis are powerful will prevail. THey were the world hegemony for over 1200 years before WW1. The choice should be easy. 43 countries vs 2 and half country... There is no such large rivalry the Sunnis could decimate the Shia's at will but they don't want to for political they serve purpose

This is your sectarian disagreement resulting in long conflicts. Conflict is not the only solution to this problem but such is human nature when these things fester and begin cycles. Iran being Shia is not insignificant. Is it also appropriate to talk this way about decimating Shias? I didn't know the status was mortal enemy! Ideally middle east region becomes stable and peaceful then stronger and wealthier into multipolar world or at least one where the western empire doesn't control everything and everyone (except like 5 countries) and all money basically.

China definitely does not and should not get involved into middle eastern conflicts and sectarian disagreements like Yang said. Just trade and talks and agreements on trade matters and relations staying neutral or positive. China has Sunni and Shia citizens. It also has Shia and Sunni nations that are partners.
What? Shiites are insignificiant on the ground scale of things both now and historically they won't see the day of light post WW3 they don't have what it takes to survive. However the Sunnis are powerful will prevail and they were the world hegemony for over 1200 years before WW1. The choice should be easy. 43 countries vs 2 and half country... There is no such large rivalry the Sunnis could decimate the Shia's hence there is no technical rivalry..
Sunni fight each other . Shia people tends to put all on the table. Just look at middle east conflict of recent year . Who commit all to their cause ? Shia or Sunni ?
What? Shiites are insignificiant on the ground scale of things both now and historically they won't see the day of light post WW3 they don't have what it takes to survive. However the Sunnis are powerful will prevail and they were the world hegemony for over 1200 years before WW1. The choice should be easy. 43 countries vs 2 and half country... There is no such large rivalry the Sunnis could decimate the Shia's hence there is no technical rivalry and never actully was. The Sunnis are just more numerous and most powerful countries while Shia is only Iran. The expansionists were Sunnis all of them
we do see how mighty they are. They are so mighty and powerful that the Shias are taking over everything. Good for me. 10 more years and we'd totally ssubjugate them all.
we do see how mighty they are. They are so mighty and powerful that the Shias are taking over everything. Good for me. 10 more years and we'd totally ssubjugate them all.

Exactly over where. Nowhere exactly. Maybe in your fantasy you can't even have Iraq or Azerbaijan.. bizz GO AWAY. I am an empire or I were an empire I spread my wings... I use to expand tirelessly while you were looking for hidden imams and busy building shrines I was waging Jihad nonestop creating empires and legacies.. I have even left many out.. Just one Sunni country can vanquish all shia. We are still no rivals so people don't get it wrong just hypothetically speaking here..

Saudi Arabia
What makes you think Iranian missiles can hit US aircraft carriers? It's not like they don't know how to defend against incoming missiles.

Did Iran dare to fire missiles on US warships after Iran's Army Chief Soleimani was taken out? Oh yeah, they did fire some on some empty military base in Iraq and said we don't want to escalate anymore.

How many ballistic missiles and cruise missiles do you think the US has?

In modern warfare, not a single military that has fought directly with the US military has survived, from Iraq to Yugoslavia all were decimated.
Any air defense system can be overwhelmed, it doesn't need a high intelligence to know that!

Aramco was under the protection of a multi layered air defense which included the patriot too. Israeli ship in 2006 is another example.

Americans didn't even show the real damages which were the destroyed aircrafts, but if you listen to the interview of Swedish forces in that base, they mentioned destroyed Helicopters even though for hours Americans didn't let them out as well. the coward Americans didn't even publicize their material damage and you expect them to publicize their death toll!!!

US base wasn't empty and Iraqi crew (aligned with Iran) had witnessed Americans putting their corpses in the body bag as well, but simply they didn't publicize their death toll, cause they wanted an excuse for not retaliating.
The trainer was irani the bulk of fighting force were localsif you want to talk about non local then you must mention fatemyoun and zeynabioun which I consider mercenaries . You can call them Iranian equal to western countries security companies . On other hand you must ask yourself who they were fighting . We send them to fight a qualities of more than 90 countries . Did we ever send them to fight locals for example have you ever saw them fighting Taliban which are afghan locals.

Hizbulah too from outside,

I have commented on a stupid post, still Iranis affiated militia were outsiders, i support them as they were fighting with isis or al qaeda butchers, i even support ypj/ypj and any one who is fighting against them and are not terrorist (at least who are not killing any civilians),

But again Shia militia, hizbullah are outsiders, as post were about Chinese who are mentioned as outsiders, problem is on great games by super powers, countries like Iran, Pakistan and India are not players, and they can be dragged into any war, you can see world wars, cold war, 9/11, syrian war..
What? Shiites are insignificiant on the ground scale of things both now and historically they won't see the day of light post WW3 they don't have what it takes to survive. However the Sunnis are powerful will prevail and they were the world hegemony for over 1200 years before WW1. The choice should be easy. 43 countries vs 2 and half country... There is no such large rivalry the Sunnis could decimate the Shia's at will but they don't want to for political they serve purpose
China has three factions of Muslims, Sunni, Shiite and Sufi.
For example, the Tajiks living in the Kush Tashkent region of China are Shiites. From the 1870s, the Tajik people in Kush Tashkent were the most loyal soldiers in the Chinese army. They never betrayed the central govt of China in 150 years, from helping Zuo Zongtang expel the Russians and recover Xinjiang to helping the CCP recover Xinjiang. Now almost all Tajik men are soldiers. PLA, armed police, militia, etc. they are guarding the border line of the Pamir Plateau.

Tajik soldier
In the 1962 war, 40000 Chinese took part in the war. Except for the regular PLA army of five regiments, the other troops are militia from Xinjiang. All Tajik militias took part in the war.

Now, Muslims of all factions in China are very friendly to each other. Please don't let them participate in the conflict in the Middle East.

No matter what faction, you are all Muslims. The world is moving towards a multipolar era. Why can't you unite to become a pole of the world?
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... But neither did US retaliate against Iran's response which was to attack US base ...
They executed Iran's Army Chief like as if he was garbage. What was Iran's response?
  1. Fire some missiles on some empty military base in Iraq and make sure no one is hurt. (There were thousands of US troops deployed next door in Afghanistan).
  2. Pay out $1 billion as compensation to survivers of the airliner Iran shot down because Iran's obsolete air defences couldn't tell the difference between an airliner and a fighter aircraft.
  3. We don't want to escalate any further, Sir.
  4. Iran has been remarkably quiet ever since then. No more daily ritual of mass organised chanting, death to America.
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