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IRGC releases more videos of US backdown

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Didn't enter Syria untill some of those groups tried to export their unrest into Lebanon and they left after Lebanon border become secure.

Where, when ? I don't recall such incident.
He means they assassinated solaimani..I had to think twice also...lol
What makes you think Iranian missiles can hit US aircraft carriers? It's not like they don't know how to defend against incoming missiles.

Did Iran dare to fire missiles on US warships after Iran's Army Chief Soleimani was taken out? Oh yeah, they did fire some on some empty military base in Iraq and said we don't want to escalate anymore.

How many ballistic missiles and cruise missiles do you think the US has?

In modern warfare, not a single military that has fought directly with the US military has survived, from Iraq to Yugoslavia all were decimated.

here is footage of Iranian suicide drone over a u.s. carrier. their sytsems didn't even track the drone in this close range.
how they want to track 10 of anti ship missile coming with the speed of mach xx.

and here is a footage of your "empty military base in iraq" while Iranian missiles where hitting the base and the mighty u.s. soldiers where crying.

nearly every think tank and nearly every pentagon general and military expert since george w. bush saying that Iran will defeat the u.s. navy in the Persian Gulf. the u.s. navy went out of the Persian Gulf before they assassination of general Sulaimani because they feard a retaliation in the Persian Gulf. why they should do that if they can protect themself from retaliation?
the u.s. navy ships specially the carriers don't have good manoeuvrability due to the huge size in the Strait of Hormuz and the Persian Gulf. they are like sitting ducks.

and please don't forget the memo which general wesley clark (a 4* general) got after 9/11 said that the u.s. want to attack 7 countries within 5 years.
iraq: they attacked in 2003. left a mess and over 1mio dead. they tried to change the pro Iranian goverment in iraq (with isis & co.)and failed to do so.
syria: they destroyed the country with the help of their alliace isis funded by the cia, saudi, qatar and logistical help from turkey. assad is still there and they start tp rebuild the country.
lebanon: should be after bashar assad fail to defeat isis & co. isis should enter lebanon after syria. it didn't happen so they sanctioned lebanon (no petrol for the country) to start a uprising which should lead into a civil war. but Hezbollah and Iran managed to break the sanctions. still standing.
lybia: civil war gaddafi is gone. the country is a mess and different parties with supports of foreign countries fighting each other.
somalia: the country is a mess. anytime a new civil can start or a war with a neighbouring country like ethiopia.
sudan: the country got officialy divided into 2 countries north and the oil rich south of sudan after a refrendom in 2011 after u.s.
Iran: u.s. never went for a direct confrontation. some terrorist attacks at the borders and some sabotage in different areas. and sanctions that no country on earth ever have faced. still standing and progressing in society and technology.

i only want to show you that everyone standing with Iran are still on their place.
in a all out war the u.s. can defeat i think every country on the planet. but the u.s. will never go that far with Iran and few other countries cause it would cost too much blood and money to get the output they want and that is what Iran realized in the last 40 years. so Iran's defence strategy is based on make it very expensive for them. if it wouldn't be the case they could attack Iran after iraq in 2003. and Irans capabilities at that time wasn't even close to what they are now.
and i also think that the people in the u.s. are tired of this useless and endless wars, so the political will is not there also.
thats why the u.s. intelligence agencies and their allies created isis & co. they need far less money and there are no american soldiers diying.
and this is what they are trying with Iran since 2003. supporting separatit groups in south, west and north west to try to destabalize and creating a civil war. simply because it would cost too much to attack Iran directly.
Interesting that a lot of discomfort from hasbara trolls whose only claim to fame is the land theft of Palestine and killing school kids and ripping off the US taxpayers. Ain't that the TRUTH!
Imagine living in Australia, a country who's ideology is opposed to Iran, and still advocating for Iran.

You're a leech
and here is a footage of your "empty military base in iraq" while Iranian missiles where hitting the base and the mighty u.s. soldiers where crying.
The attack was made at night, footage is clearly at day, also ballistic missiles hitting would be louder.
This footage is from a mortar attack, not Iran.

All Iran managed to do was miss more than half of its missiles, and with the rest cause nothing but damage to equipment.
Rest assured, if even one American soldier was dead in that attack, Iran wouldn't exist anymore.

Iran's only capability is killing civilians that fly in an airliner in their airspace.
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in a all out war the u.s. can defeat i think every country on the planet.
I disagree. I think China and Russia would be able to defeat the USA in a defensive war. Maybe not Russia, but China can for sure beat the USA on vs one on its own turf...
Exactly over where. Nowhere exactly. Maybe in your fantasy you can't even have Iraq or Azerbaijan.. bizz GO AWAY. I am an empire or I were an empire I spread my wings... I use to expand tirelessly while you were looking for hidden imams and busy building shrines I was waging Jihad nonestop creating empires and legacies.. I have even left many out.. Just one Sunni country can vanquish all shia. We are still no rivals so people don't get it wrong just hypothetically speaking here..

Saudi Arabia
Lol what a list of mighty countries. Followers of suleimani will piss their pants. Ohh Muh Gawd
And im telling him that he is a stupid moron for thinking we or i am beta mentality. Being realistic does not mean beta mentality just like being dumb delusional doesnt make u alphas. And i think ur a bigger moron for not getting what the discussion is about. U stupid morons think ur better than US, militarily, its u donkeys that are embarrassing urself. Go get educated, this @zartosht moron is a typical arrogant for nothing iranian. Trying to look down on indians and Pakistanis as being slaves of brits, while u morons are the most enslaved nation. Waves and waves of arabs annihilated u, you have to go back thousands of years and find kings to give urself that fake sense of pride. Its evident from u ppl's profile names lolz. Inferiority complex stricken little morons.
reported brother, lets see what ur own moderator think abt this. nothing at all most probably.
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Imagine living in Australia, a country who's ideology is opposed to Iran, and still advocating for Iran.

You're a leech

The attack was made at night, footage is clearly at day, also ballistic missiles hitting would be louder.
This footage is from a mortar attack, not Iran.

All Iran managed to do was miss more than half of its missiles, and with the rest cause nothing but damage to equipment.
Rest assured, if even one American soldier was dead in that attack, Iran wouldn't exist anymore.

Iran's only capability is killing civilians that fly in an airliner in their airspace.
well yes Iran missed with half of its missile , you knew why. because you guys still cant understand that Iranian missiles have a booster phase that separate midflight and fall several kilometer short of target.
And im telling him that he is a stupid moron for thinking we or i am beta mentality. Being realistic does not mean beta mentality just like being dumb delusional doesnt make u alphas. And i think ur a bigger moron for not getting what the discussion is about. U stupid morons think ur better than US, militarily, its u donkeys that are embarrassing urself. Go get educated, this @zartosht moron is a typical arrogant for nothing iranian. Trying to look down on indians and Pakistanis as being slaves of brits, while u morons are the most enslaved nation. Waves and waves of arabs annihilated u, you have to go back thousands of years and find kings to give urself that fake sense of pride. Its evident from u ppl's profile names lolz. Inferiority complex stricken little morons.
you come here on our threads and spread ur hate and use abusive words against us and then say WE have inferiority complex? No brother Its obvious to me whos the one with the INFERIORITY COMPLEX.
here is footage of Iranian suicide drone over a u.s. carrier. their sytsems didn't even track the drone in this close range.
how they want to track 10 of anti ship missile coming with the speed of mach xx.

and here is a footage of your "empty military base in iraq" while Iranian missiles where hitting the base and the mighty u.s. soldiers where crying.

nearly every think tank and nearly every pentagon general and military expert since george w. bush saying that Iran will defeat the u.s. navy in the Persian Gulf. the u.s. navy went out of the Persian Gulf before they assassination of general Sulaimani because they feard a retaliation in the Persian Gulf. why they should do that if they can protect themself from retaliation?
the u.s. navy ships specially the carriers don't have good manoeuvrability due to the huge size in the Strait of Hormuz and the Persian Gulf. they are like sitting ducks.

and please don't forget the memo which general wesley clark (a 4* general) got after 9/11 said that the u.s. want to attack 7 countries within 5 years.
iraq: they attacked in 2003. left a mess and over 1mio dead. they tried to change the pro Iranian goverment in iraq (with isis & co.)and failed to do so.
syria: they destroyed the country with the help of their alliace isis funded by the cia, saudi, qatar and logistical help from turkey. assad is still there and they start tp rebuild the country.
lebanon: should be after bashar assad fail to defeat isis & co. isis should enter lebanon after syria. it didn't happen so they sanctioned lebanon (no petrol for the country) to start a uprising which should lead into a civil war. but Hezbollah and Iran managed to break the sanctions. still standing.
lybia: civil war gaddafi is gone. the country is a mess and different parties with supports of foreign countries fighting each other.
somalia: the country is a mess. anytime a new civil can start or a war with a neighbouring country like ethiopia.
sudan: the country got officialy divided into 2 countries north and the oil rich south of sudan after a refrendom in 2011 after u.s.
Iran: u.s. never went for a direct confrontation. some terrorist attacks at the borders and some sabotage in different areas. and sanctions that no country on earth ever have faced. still standing and progressing in society and technology.

i only want to show you that everyone standing with Iran are still on their place.
in a all out war the u.s. can defeat i think every country on the planet. but the u.s. will never go that far with Iran and few other countries cause it would cost too much blood and money to get the output they want and that is what Iran realized in the last 40 years. so Iran's defence strategy is based on make it very expensive for them. if it wouldn't be the case they could attack Iran after iraq in 2003. and Irans capabilities at that time wasn't even close to what they are now.
and i also think that the people in the u.s. are tired of this useless and endless wars, so the political will is not there also.
thats why the u.s. intelligence agencies and their allies created isis & co. they need far less money and there are no american soldiers diying.
and this is what they are trying with Iran since 2003. supporting separatit groups in south, west and north west to try to destabalize and creating a civil war. simply because it would cost too much to attack Iran directly.

the 2nd video you have posted is not from the attack on Ain al Assad. It is an older video I think from Afghanistan or possibly Iraq and those troops are under attack from either mortars or 107mm Rocket artillery's. the SSM strikes on Ain al Assad were so powerful that over a 130 U.S personnel received concussions and more severe brain injuries while taking refuge in Bunkers!
Imagine living in Australia, a country who's ideology is opposed to Iran, and still advocating for Iran.

You're a leech

The attack was made at night, footage is clearly at day, also ballistic missiles hitting would be louder.
This footage is from a mortar attack, not Iran.

All Iran managed to do was miss more than half of its missiles, and with the rest cause nothing but damage to equipment.
Rest assured, if even one American soldier was dead in that attack, Iran wouldn't exist anymore.

Iran's only capability is killing civilians that fly in an airliner in their airspace.
Learn to swim, you are gonna need it!
you come here on our threads and spread ur hate and use abusive words against us and then say WE have inferiority complex? No brother Its obvious to me whos the one with the INFERIORITY COMPLEX.
You're Bangladeshi dude, if anything he is more iranic I guess as he is Pashtun
So I don't know where you're coming up with "our"...
Imagine living in Australia, a country who's ideology is opposed to Iran, and still advocating for Iran.

You're a leech

The attack was made at night, footage is clearly at day, also ballistic missiles hitting would be louder.
This footage is from a mortar attack, not Iran.

All Iran managed to do was miss more than half of its missiles, and with the rest cause nothing but damage to equipment.
Rest assured, if even one American soldier was dead in that attack, Iran wouldn't exist anymore.

Iran's only capability is killing civilians that fly in an airliner in their airspace.
A true Patriot never changes his beliefs...
The Shiites are insignificiant on the grand scale of things both now and historically they won't see the day of light post WW3 they don't have what it takes to survive. However the Sunnis are powerful will prevail and they were the world hegemony for over 1200 years before WW1. The choice should be easy. 43 countries vs 2 and half country... There is no such rivalry the Sunnis could decimate the Shia's at will hence there is no technical rivalry and never actully was. The Sunnis are just more numerous and most powerful countries while Shia is only Iran. The expansionists were Sunnis all of them. The Sunnis could form into an alliance stronger than NATO
My young friend, you're sounding like a naive ISIS boy scout with this secretion crap...
You're Bangladeshi dude, if anything he is more iranic I guess as he is Pashtun
So I don't know where you're coming up with "our"...

A true Patriot never changes his beliefs...

My young friend, you're sounding like a naive ISIS boy scout with this secretion crap...
yo, who the hell told u that I myself am not an Iranic Pashtun? you know nothing abt my family so if im Iran lenient theres obviously a biological reason right? I dont like disclosing my family roots all the time so stop saying Im bangladeshi cuz this is irrelevant. Me being a Bangladeshi citizen has nothing to do with the Persian blood of my family.. Stop saying Pashtun Pashtun.. Call me wen u land in Bangladesh... Ill show u Pashtun... My family is probably the most well known Pashto family in Bangladesh...that is all ill say to u... stop offending me
They executed Iran's Army Chief like as if he was garbage. What was Iran's response?
  1. Fire some missiles on some empty military base in Iraq and make sure no one is hurt. (There were thousands of US troops deployed next door in Afghanistan).
  2. Pay out $1 billion as compensation to survivers of the airliner Iran shot down because Iran's obsolete air defences couldn't tell the difference between an airliner and a fighter aircraft.
  3. We don't want to escalate any further, Sir.
  4. Iran has been remarkably quiet ever since then. No more daily ritual of mass organised chanting, death to America.
what about ur own response? When did u ever respond to anything? If they did the same to ur chief i think ud blame it on TTP instead. and then the obvious cheerleaders in PDF wud clap their hands saying "what a tactical masterclass that is" That wud be ur response. So no need to lecture us. Look at ur own house nd stop making me laugh.
you come here on our threads and spread ur hate and use abusive words against us and then say WE have inferiority complex? No brother Its obvious to me whos the one with the INFERIORITY COMPLEX.

I was discussing a military scenario, if anything, i am anti american. But the arrogant dumb morons come in with condescending and taunting language, just like u jumped in with rude language. And then i have to switch to my harsh state to put u idiots in ur place. As i said, u guys have to go back thousands of years and find pagan kings for some pride, dariush, xerxes lolz seriously??? Iranians ruled by mullahs find pride in pagans. Go ask a psychologist, its typical of inferiority complex stricken ppl, another example is indian hindus, who have to go back thousands of years and use mythical stories and personalities to feel proud, because they too are suffering from inferiority complex. We dont do that and we dont need that, we live in the present and face reality.
yo, who the hell told u that I myself am not an Iranic Pashtun? you know nothing abt my family so if im Iran lenient theres obviously a biological reason right? I dont like disclosing my family roots all the time so stop saying Im bangladeshi cuz this is irrelevant. Me being a Bangladeshi citizen has nothing to do with the Persian blood of my family.. Stop saying Pashtun Pashtun.. Call me wen u land in Bangladesh... Ill show u Pashtun... My family is probably the most well known Pashto family in Bangladesh...that is all ill say to u... stop offending me

There is no such thing as iranic pashtun. Its either pashtun or not. I am saying this because i am pashtun. And if u r oashtin then u misy know pashto right? Darzi ka na? Ao kam khel ye? Ka asi da zan na ligya ye.
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