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IRGC releases more videos of US backdown

What did Iran achieve during that time?
Kowtowed the white man for civilian nuclear biscuits and got it's Army Chief droned like garbage.

Army chief? Perhaps you would want to research some basic facts first, besides issuing apologetic comments on US drone attacks with notoriously appalling "collateral damage" rates. Iran is proud of general Soleimani's martyrdom. In itself a testament to how he neutralized zio-American plans for the region and damaged their interests. There isn't a more honorable way of leaving this earthly existence than martyrdom at the hands of the wicked, criminal powers to be. An honor which not everyone is granted.

Iran kowtowed no one. It's been in an existential conflict against western imperialists ever since the Iranian people kicked these out of their country in a popular revolution and shut down the spy den known as US "embassy" in 1979. Which isn't exactly the case of Pakistan, so the two situations are hardly comparable to begin with. I don't know where this need to compare them stems from, especially since it's not so much on topic.

Iran preserved the bulk of its civilian nuclear infrastructure and still operates the nuclear fuel cycle domestically, something western powers and zionist were desperate to prevent, but they failed miserably. Iran never intended to rush for nuclear weapons but basically to acquire the know how and become a threshold state, which it also achieved hands down, with the enemy not being able to do a damn thing about it.

How would Pakistan have fared if subjected to the sort of sanctions imposed on Iran as a result of the latter's active military-level support for about every resistance movement fighting zionist occupiers since Camp David, in addition to its continuous challenging of US interests across the region?

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Every country has its shortcomings, i don't get why you are here jumping up and down. You are trying to prove what exactly? You were being told that Iran is no superpower and can not challenge the US on equal terms. What part don't you understand?

This thread has nothing to do with Pakistan, nobody mentioned Pakistan let alone in a negative way, yet some seem to have an urge to jump in and belittle or deny Iran's achievements in its struggle against imperial powers. Kind of hints to a feeling of insecurity and a need to reassure themselves that this is all a mirage, that Iran's Resistance is either insignificantly weak or a conspiratorial hoax meant to fool the masses (depending on which version they adhere to)... Because reality isn't always easy to accept when it sets in, when one is influence by certain media to have contempt for Iran.
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Army chief? Perhaps you would want to research the basic facts first, besides issuing apologetic comments on US drone attacks with notoriously appalling "collateral damage" rates. Iran is proud of general Soleimani's martyrdom. In itself a testament to how he neutralized zio-American plans for the region and damaged their interests. There isn't a more honorable way of leaving this earthly existence than martyrdom at the hands of the wicked, criminal powers to be. An honor which not everyone is granted.

Iran kowtowed no one. It's been in an existential conflict against western imperialists ever since the Iranian people kicked these out of their country in a popular revolution and shut down the spy den known as US "embassy" in 1979. Which isn't exactly the case of Pakistan, so the two situations are hardly comparable to begin with. I don't know where this need to compare them stems from, especially since it's not fully on topic.

Iran preserved the bulk of its civilian nuclear infrastructure and still operates the nuclear fuel cycle domestically, something western powers and zionist were desperate to prevent, but they failed miserably. Iran never intended to rush for nuclear weapons but basically to acquire the know how and become a threshold state, which it also achieved hands down, with the enemy not being able to do a damn thing about it.

How would Pakistan have fared if subjected to the sort of sanctions imposed on Iran as a result of the latter's active support and its arming of about every resistance movement fighting zionist occupiers since Camp David, in addition to its continuous challenging of US interests across the region?

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This thread has nothing to do with Pakistan, nobody mentioned Pakistan let alone in a negative way, yet some seem to have an urge to jump in and belittle or deny Iran's achievements in its struggle against imperial powers. Kind of hints to a feeling of insecurity and a need to reassure themselves that this is all a mirage, that Iran's Resistance is either insignificantly weak or a conspiratorial hoax meant to fool the masses (depending on which version they adhere to)... Because reality isn't always easy to accept when it sets in, when one is conditioned by certain media to dislike Iran.
I find quite bizarrely entertaining that some of these kids have an acute inferiority complex vis a vis Iran and more than likely can't find it on a map but have to make some sort of ignorant comment. This thread quite rightly is about Iranian issues and how well Iran has handled its independence despite 41 years of relentless US, European and Zionist pressure, war, economic sanctions and terrorism. Iran is still the most developed, educated and stable of the whole sh1tty neighborhood.

I am not a big fan of the Akhoond regime, but the cleanliness, discipline and hard work of Iranians makes most Iranian cities far better than many European cities, especially in the old Soviet block. Despite sanctions the stores are full, Iran enjoys the highest security and very low crime. There are no filthy uneducated poverty stricken teeming masses you find in South Asia. It is best to educate these ignorant envious idiots, however it gets trying sometimes :-)
this is a strawman fallacy. WHat is the proof that US hasnt failed? If Iran is too weak why couldnt US keep the Iranian oil it forced that oil tanker to transfer to one of its own oil tanker? you talk out of your but.

So who is Iran dependent on strategically? this is gonna be fun @Bahram Esfandiari to understand this man's logic.

Um... not oil? not control of the PErsian GUlf? Not control of the MIddle East politics and corridors? oh yea..you're damn right!

You Jackass ! Check Iranian Currency..

You Jackass ! Check Iranian Currency..

View attachment 792856

WHere's the data after 2019? ALso, why is Iran's GDP growing DESPITE US sanctions? Did you also see that report that said IRan recently has more new millionaires in USD than other countries combined? obv you just wish Iran was as broke as your hate for Iran, but Iran is THRIVING, you should check out some of the amazing national progress @aryobarzan reports on PDF.

Iran-haters opinion - Iran is weak now like an ant
Reality and truth - Iran is confident, bold, and expanding.
I am not a big fan of the Akhoond regime, but the cleanliness, discipline and hard work of Iranians makes most Iranian cities far better than many European cities, especially in the old Soviet block.
WOW, this makes me shake a bit on the inside. THis is hard for anybody who hasnt visited Iran to read and accept, even those who like Iran. lol. impressive.

Despite sanctions the stores are full, Iran enjoys the highest security and very low crime.
There is a PDF Iranian member who says often that Iran has all it needs to be self sufficient, and this supports that guy's comments as true. Now, we are in an interconnected world alright, but it seems national Iranian potential is limitless. Between the resources, geography and people, no wonder nobody has attacked in over 40 years...the only real attacks Iran ever faced came from PDF haters.
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Approximately 56,661 Pakistanis – civilians and opposition fighters – have been killed since 2001. Of these, about 23,300 are civilians. ...
You're stupid like most typical brainwashed Iranians.

Nearly 65,000 people have died so far. Between 2002 and 2018, at least 479 suicide bombings happened all over Pakistan that martyred thousands of Pakistanis.


Drone strikes happened in the semi-autonomous tribal region.

Get your facts right before you come up with your gibberish rubbish. If you still haven't worked it out yet, let me educate you:

Pakistan used the War on Terror as an opportunity to invade the semi-autonomous tribal region. The Pakistani military had never set foot in this part of the land for 50-years since independence. It was infamously known as the "Ghair Alaqa (No Go Area)" in Pakistan.

Pakistani military went in head first, no planing and ended up fighting a vicious war of attrition with the tribals who were so heavily armed that they could effectively put up a stiff resistance against Pakistani invasion. It was brutal, violent and very bloody like wars are but most Pakistanis to this day do not feel any remorse for how it was fought.

At the same time, the US war objectives in Afghanistan had pretty much been accomplished but Pakistan (a newly declared nuclear power) had started another war it's own land which looked impossible for Pakistani military to win. Thus Pakistan ended up shifting 280,000 troops from its eastern front with India to its Western Front with Afghanistan.

You have to remember that before 2002, Pakistan was under severe US economic and military sanctions and much of Pakistan's military hardware was obsolete. It eventually ended up relying on the US military for help because Pakistan did not have the ability or the capability to fight a full blown insurgency.

For Pakistan, it was looking like 1971 all over again with thousands of terrorist attacks emanating from the tribal area hitting civilian targetd all over the country. This is when the conniving Indian and the Afghan scum saw an opportunity to dismember Pakistan.

So yeah, the drones killed all those people that Pakistani military wanted to kill but could not. Ofcourse, the civilians got caught in it as well but that was the price Pakistani Governments and the military were willing to pay. At least one million civilians had been moved out of the area so Pakistani military could carry out a successful slaughter of the terrorists.

I don't know why the Pakistani military just doesn't admit that they got a good beating from the tribals (initially) and had to ask the US for help because that's what happened.

Anyway, Pakistan launched its major Operation Zarb-e-Azb between 2014-2016, successfully cleansed the region from terrorists, (those that survived, fled to Afghanistan) and in 2018, Pakistan officially annexed the region.

What happened next was that the Indian and the Afghan scum tried to keep the flame burning by sending terrorists across from Afghanistan into Pakistan. But even that chapter has closed.

The Taliban took over Afghanistan in August 2021, forced the terrorist leadership to end terrorism in Pakistan and just last week, they've agreed to a cease-fire.

2002: Pakistan invaded tribal area.
2004: Pakistani military turns to the US for help.
2006: Pakistan almost loses the War, withdraws from the region.
2007: Unrest between tribals and Uzbek terrorist breaks out.
2008: Pakistan heavily relies on US drones
2009-2013: Pakistan conquers one tribal valley at a time.
2014-2016: Pakistan launches it's largest Operation Zarb-e-Azb to conquer the entire tribal area.
2017: Pakistan launches a mop up Operation Radd-ul-Fasaad.
2018: Pakistan annexes the semi-autonomous region.

So yeah, you don't know what you're talking about. While Pakistan defeated the country's take over by religious nuts, Iranians are proudly being ruled by them.
You're stupid like most typical brainwashed Iranians.

Nearly 65,000 people have died so far. Between 2002 and 2018, at least 479 suicide bombings happened all over Pakistan that martyred thousands of Pakistanis.

View attachment 793010

Drone strikes happened in the semi-autonomous tribal region.

Get your facts right before you come up with your gibberish rubbish. If you still haven't worked it out yet, let me educate you:

Pakistan used the War on Terror as an opportunity to invade the semi-autonomous tribal region. The Pakistani military had never set foot in this part of the land for 50-years since independence. It was infamously known as the "Ghair Alaqa (No Go Area)" in Pakistan.

Pakistani military went in head first, no planing and ended up fighting a vicious war of attrition with the tribals who were so heavily armed that they could effectively put up a stiff resistance against Pakistani invasion. It was brutal, violent and very bloody like wars are but most Pakistanis to this day do not feel any remorse for how it was fought.

At the same time, the US war objectives in Afghanistan had pretty much been accomplished but Pakistan (a newly declared nuclear power) had started another war it's own land which looked impossible for Pakistani military to win. Thus Pakistan ended up shifting 280,000 troops from its eastern front with India to its Western Front with Afghanistan.

You have to remember that before 2002, Pakistan was under severe US economic and military sanctions and much of Pakistan's military hardware was obsolete. It eventually ended up relying on the US military for help because Pakistan did not have the ability or the capability to fight a full blown insurgency.

For Pakistan, it was looking like 1971 all over again with thousands of terrorist attacks emanating from the tribal area hitting civilian targetd all over the country. This is when the conniving Indian and the Afghan scum saw an opportunity to dismember Pakistan.

So yeah, the drones killed all those people that Pakistani military wanted to kill but could not. Ofcourse, the civilians got caught in it as well but that was the price Pakistani Governments and the military were willing to pay. At least one million civilians had been moved out of the area so Pakistani military could carry out a successful slaughter of the terrorists.

I don't know why the Pakistani military just doesn't admit that they got a good beating from the tribals (initially) and had to ask the US for help because that's what happened.

Anyway, Pakistan launched its major Operation Zarb-e-Azb between 2014-2016, successfully cleansed the region from terrorists, (those that survived, fled to Afghanistan) and in 2018, Pakistan officially annexed the region.

What happened next was that the Indian and the Afghan scum tried to keep the flame burning by sending terrorists across from Afghanistan into Pakistan. But even that chapter has closed.

The Taliban took over Afghanistan in August 2021, forced the terrorist leadership to end terrorism in Pakistan and just last week, they've agreed to a cease-fire.

2002: Pakistan invaded tribal area.
2004: Pakistani military turns to the US for help.
2006: Pakistan almost loses the War, withdraws from the region.
2007: Unrest between tribals and Uzbek terrorist breaks out.
2008: Pakistan heavily relies on US drones
2009-2013: Pakistan conquers one tribal valley at a time.
2014-2016: Pakistan launches it's largest Operation Zarb-e-Azb to conquer the entire tribal area.
2017: Pakistan launches a mop up Operation Radd-ul-Fasaad.
2018: Pakistan annexes the semi-autonomous region.

So yeah, you don't know what you're talking about. While Pakistan defeated the country's take over by religious nuts, Iranians are proudly being ruled by them.
Are you one of those Pakistani radicals that got educated in a Saudi funded madrassah or something? What part don't you understand? I am sorry but stupid language will be replied in the same manner.

''It eventually ended up relying on the US military for help because Pakistan did not have the ability or the capability to fight a full blown insurgency.''

So you are admitting that the Pakistani military asked the white American men for droning its own civilians in order to capture some land that you always wanted under your control? How on earth can you not take your own land back anyway?

Read the Pakistani section of the article.

Pakistani civilians died in the hundreds because of the US drone program inside Pakistan.

So with that record above ^^ and many other weaknesses that your country has who on earth gives you the right to belittle another country? like user Salarhaqq pointed out, this thread has nothing to do with Pakistan. You jumped in uninvited and derailed the topic and as a result we are discussing Pakistan's weaknesses. Are you OK with this? You were also informed about Iran's capabilities, its weakness and strength yet you continue to troll and derail. If you have something useful to say about Iran then you are welcome.
Are you trying to say that people who ask "why replace USA with China?" are weak people with weak thoughts?
No, I am saying asking for military support is a weak and cheap way out. Pakistan should have the economic strength to persue regional peace through it's own resources and not through Chinese umbrella or handouts.
... Pakistani civilians died in the hundreds because of the US drone program inside Pakistan. ...
Yes and nobody in Pakistan cares because they shouldn't have given refuge to thousands of terrorists from abroad in the fiest placed who martyred thousands of Pakistanis all over Pakistan in thousands of attacks. The terrorists who were given refuge by the tribals included people from Russia, Central Asian nations and the Middle East.

They thought it was okay to punish the Pakistani population for joining the War on Terror. Who the heck they think they are?

They can go to Hell. In fact they can go to warrior nation of Iran and wage their anti-American war from there. As Iran loves fighting the Americans in other countries using foreign terrorists.

By the way, I don't understand your obsession with civilian deaths that occurred from US drone strikes (all of which were authorised by the Pakistani Governments and the military) and instead you seem to be ignoring thousands of deaths that occurred from terrorist attacks?

Yes, the Pakistani military asked for the US drones so they could carry out the same drone strikes themselves but the US was unwilling to sell such sensitive technology to Pakistan considering, previous history of Pakistan sharing F-16 technology with China to some extent.

Anyhow, at least this way, no one has accused Pakistan of war crimes. It is what it is and that was that. An end to Pakistan's most brutal, violent, bloody and vicious war.

Here's what the moronic Iranians are getting confused with:
Why was the US helping Pakistan take over the tribal region while it accused Pakistan of supporting the Afghan Taliban?​
Why did the 480 US drone strikes not target the Afghan Taliban in Pakistan?​
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