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IRGC releases more videos of US backdown

So Sheikh Mujib won the election in 1970 yet he was denied by the racist Pakistanis to run the government,.. yet East Pakistanis(Bangladeshis) are traitor. West Pakistan used money earned by East Pakistan to improve their end while ignoring East Pakistan, nearly 3 million killed and 2 lakhs women raped in 1971... yet East Pakistanis are traitor. Thank God Bangladesh got liberated from racist country and now their economy is much better than Pakistan.
And now Indians kill and butcher while you can do nothing to counter, even Burma army used to bully and around, called you literal termites while you make up fake numbers to make yourself feel good in delusions - around 6000 cars sold yearly for a country of 165 mill people
Yeah lol
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Every nation reserves the right to use their own military against thugs, rioters and terrorists.

Some examples for you.

But the protestors and rioters don't run to the enemy countries, get financed, trained and fight their own army like what the genocidal Indian funded and trained Mukti Bahini terrorists did.

Today, this is your auqaat due to your cheap blood:

India has killed thousands of Bangladeshi civilians at the border and the cheap Bangladeshi leadership can't even muster enough courage to condemn the killings.

Where is your ghairat?

On the other hand, Pakistan has killed thousands of oppressive Indian soldiers in Kashmir since 1989.

You're not only descendents of traitors but total cowards as well and you keep trying to compare your treacherous blood with ours?

No wonder Allah Almighty made Bangladehs's destiny as such, that your founder was hanged by his own military as a punishments for his people's treachery.
I didn’t speak for any of these ppl or ideologies. I myself am very fundamental in my religious beliefs. I spoke for those ppl who did not understand why nd from who they had to duck under their bed at midnight. And the children who had to ask why to understand the reason their loved ones acted scared and terrified
Nah it's good just off-time that Bangladeshi guy is a total weirdo pretending to be some weird Iranian or something
@TNT was he supposed to be a Pashtun or Iranian, I don't know which part was he making up?
Deserves it, I say carry on with this teenager good fun
@Pakistan Space Agency
How about you try it and see who the teenager is by the end.
Why do some of you Pakistanis have to show up and derail every thread in the Iran section that is meant to show the weakness of the U.S forces in the region in relations to Iran. Are you jealous or are you just sad that we embarrassed your beloved Americans?
Why do some of you Pakistanis have to show up and derail every thread in the Iran section that is meant to show the weakness of the U.S forces in the region in relations to Iran. Are you jealous or are you just sad that we embarrassed your beloved Americans?
You have to feel sad in some ways...
Shouldn't we
Everyone seems to be bitch slapping them like a 2$ whore
China trade war- Bitch slapped
Afghanistan -bitch slapped
Persian gulf- bitch slapped
Syria- no role left - bitch slapped
Even the French are kicking out there ambassadors

Waiting for a taiwanese bitch slap this decade finger's crossed 🤞🏼

On an humanitarian basis I am sad 😢, shouldn't we all be sad?
You have to feel sad in some ways...
Shouldn't we
Everyone seems to be bitch slapping them like a 2$ whore
China trade war- Bitch slapped
Afghanistan -bitch slapped
Persian gulf- bitch slapped
Syria- no role left - bitch slapped
Even the French are kicking out there ambassadors

Waiting for a taiwanese bitch slap this decade finger's crossed 🤞🏼

On an humanitarian basis I am sad 😢, shouldn't we all be sad?
That is a very simplistic assumption. Never underestimate the destructive capability of US as a very sore loser. When all empires die, they lash out. There is no question that the US is on a irreversible downward spiral, largely thanks to the Jew fanned wars and delusional goal of "full spectrum global domination".

1. The US wars and defence budget not to mention the police state and "homeland" insecurity is well over $2 trillion. The US outspends more on wars, weapons, proxy terrorism, CIA, DIA and other alphabet soup "intelligence agencies" than rest of the world combined, at time its economy is dismal and national debt exceeds $34 trillion and counting. The US is losing the economic and trade war to China as well and its diminishing economy is hollowing out and is not in a position to outspend China, like it did with the weak USSR.

2. US and its NATO vassals along with Zionist masters have invaded, destroyed and destabilized over 60 nations since WW2. They range from tiny Grenada, Dominican Republic to outright CIA led coups from Chile to Iran.

3. Since the so-called 911, the US and Its NATO vassals have attacked, destabilized and occupied various Muslim nations from Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Syria to Libya. US repeated drone strike and proxy attacks have killed thousands of Pakistanis as well. The Zionists since the parasites were planted by the British in 1948 have also destroyed and annexed parts of various Arab states including Egypt, Lebanon and Syria. They even attacked the PLO in far off lands like Tunisia.

4. Pakistan since the partition of British India in 1947 have been very much part of the Anglo-American camp and was a conduit for the CIA's war against the USSR and other US intrigues.

5. The mess the US has created in Afghanistan is far fro over and the US is intent of continuing proxy terrorism via alCIAda and ISIS-K, as Russia and Iran have warned will now destabilize the ex-Soviet Stans and try to create military bases there. The US has over 800 military bases around the world.

6. The US and NATO vassals biggest fear now is CHINA and they are doing everything (short of a hot war) so far to weaken or destabilize China. The so-called juvenile AUKUS, QUAD and other delusional military alliance are part of the strategy. They are also creating Islamophobia in India and other parts of the world to create hostilities. The revival of BJP and Hindu extremism in India did not develop in a vacuum. India has a history of being cannon fodder for the imperialists and has participated in all British Raj wars.

7. US hostility to Iran largely stems from it losing the oil resources and well as strategic basis there after the 1979 revolution. US has repeatedly attempted to undermine Iran though an imposed, sanctions, terrorism, and economic pressure, but has failed so far. I don't see the US or its Zionist masters easing the pressure on an independent Iran.

8. Russia is overall too weak and fragmented now and can not be counted on by anyone. There is very strong Jew and Zionist influence in Russia dating back to the Czarist era. Most of the Bolsheviks were Jews and now the oligarchs have a very strong influence on Putin and Russian policy. Russian weakness is on open display as US and NATO now are firmly entrenched in Ukraine, which is historical Russian heartland Kievan-Rus and birthplace of Russian Orthodox religion. It would like India occupying Sind and setting up bases there. US does not see Russia as threat and is counting on co-opting it. Russia has gone along with every western war and policy so far. The Soviets were superficially allied to Iraq but dumped Saddam in a New York minute and totally supported US destruction of Iraq. The Russians are in Syria not for Assad but to protect their only foreign bases in Tartus and Latakia and also protect the Zionists, who have attacked Syria over 1,000 times with full Russian acquiesce. Besides fighting Salafist terrorism, Russian and Iranian long term strategic goals in Syria are not simpatico.

So, it is best to take a cool rational look at US and NATO destructive policies and not make premature assumptions and declare "victory". It also helps to debate these issues on a coherent rational manner and not resort to childish and immature bouts of comparisons. There is nothing in common between Iranian situation or of Pakistan. Iran is a great ancient historical power and an illustrious empire that ruled the world and its foreign policy has not changed much. If you look at the Shah's last few interviews, he was quite scathing about western arrogance and meddling in the region. Iranian culture and language spans a wide region from India, Central Asia, Caucasus to Levant historically as historians dubbed Persia: An Empire of the Mind.

Unfortunately, the Middle East will always be a target for the west as long as they are dependent on fossil fuels and the Zionist cancer exists in Palestine. So to quote Mark Twain, the death of America is a bit premature. However, the US still has a lot of mischief making to do.
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Okay, okay, the Iraqi base was not empty... It's just that Iran decided to inform Iraq 8 hours before the missile barrage so US forces could find a safe place to sit this one out.

Lt. Col. Tim Garland said two soldiers who had been in guard towers at Ayn Al Asad airbase were blown from their posts during the missile attacks, suffering concussions.[53]

On 16 January, over a week after the attack, several U.S. defense officials confirmed that "out of an abundance of caution" 11 U.S. troops were medically evacuated to military hospitals—three to Camp Arifjan in Ahmad al-Jaber Air Base, Kuwait and eight to Landstuhl Regional Medical Center in Landstuhl, Germany—to be treated for traumatic brain injury and to undergo further evaluations. The first service member was flown out of Iraq on 10 January, while others were evacuated on 15 January.[61] According to a senior defense official, "About a week after the attack some service members were still experiencing some symptoms of concussion," adding that "We only got wind of this in the last 24 hours." Another official said that it was standard procedure for all personnel in the vicinity of a blast to be screened for TBI.[62]

In contrast to the U.S. reports, Alqabas, a Kuwaiti newspaper, wrote on 18 January that 16, not 11, U.S. service members were transferred to Camp Arifjan, some of whom were treated for severe burns and shrapnel wounds as well as TBI.[63][64]

The injury reports raised questions about initial U.S. assessments that there were no casualties and ignited debate over the Pentagon's longstanding treatment of brain injuries as a different class of wounds that, it says, do not require them to be regarded as "casualties". The Pentagon sharply denied that it attempted to underplay injuries from the attack, with a spokesman saying that the secretary of defense himself only learned of the medevacs a few hours before the general public did, and that brain injuries often take time to manifest and diagnose.[9][61]

On 24 January a Pentagon spokesman said that 34 service members had traumatic brain injuries from the attack. 18 of them were evacuated to Landstuhl Regional Medical Center in Germany, and eight of those were subsequently sent to the U.S. for treatment at Walter Reed Army Medical Center.[65] Another was evacuated to Kuwait. 16 service members were treated in Iraq and had returned to duty.[66]

On 28 January, according to several Pentagon officials, around "200 people who were in the blast zone at the time of the attack have been screened for symptoms." As a result, "50 U.S. service members have been diagnosed with TBI." It was said that the number of diagnosed may change,[67][68] as the new information was that 31 of them had been treated in Iraq, while 18 (up from the previous figure of 17) were treated in Germany.[67] By 22 February, the official count of troops injured had risen to 110.[12] The Pentagon said that all were diagnosed with mild traumatic brain injury and 77 had already returned to duty.[12]

In May 2020, 29 soldiers injured in the attack were awarded the Purple Heart

please read this.

i mistakenly wrote ramstein but it was in ladnstuhl. ramstein is the biggest operates the biggest drone base outside the u.s. and landstuhl the biggest military hospital outside the u.s.

yes unlike the u.s. we respect the souvernty of other nations and before make such a move we informed the giverment of iraq which due international has the right to get informed.

You are aware that if a US aircraft carrier is sunk by any nation, the United States will retaliate with nuking that country?

They have far more nuclear weapons than any other country and they are the only country to have nuked another country. To be exact, they nuked a war-mongering, expansionist, die-hard, kamikaze loving Empire into submission.

You guys also keep mentioning the cost will be too high for the US. Not sure why?

First, the US is thousands of miles away from Iran, in fact its located in another continent that Iran can't reach militarily.

Second, they've just finished spending $2 trillion in Afghanistan and it hasn't phased the Americans. It's business as usual for them.

i think you don't get what i am saying. because we can sink a carrier a war won't happen.
if you read economic news regarding the spending on war on terror since 9/11 you will see that is not that simple what you think.

one example is that the u.s. infrastucture is getting worse by every year. all the money to keep their military intact hurt the infrastucture in the u.s.
so your saying that it's business as usual is not right. maybe for people looking from outside yes but people who live in the u.s. can feel the cuts.

here are 2 articals:

you can find alot more if search in google.

Well, as soon as the US got involved sinking Iranian warships during Operation Praying Mantis, Iran sued for peace.

the u.s. was involved all the time 42 countries direct or indirect supported saddam against Iran. saddam even had to recruit foreign foghter pilots cause he didn't had enough trained pilots anymore.
the ceasfire had nothing to do with the u.s. attacking Iranian warships. there are diefferent rumours why khomeini signed the ceasfire.
and one which i believe is when saddam started the 5th battle of the cities he used chemical weapons against Iranian civilians in 1988. if i am not wrong he killed nearly 2000 civilians in oshnavieh a city northe west of Iran. so i don't think it was the u.s. involvement at all.

Why does the US need to use only aircraft carriers against Iran when they have a large array of weaponary at their disposal?

I mean, USAF alone has around 5,000 aircraft and over 400 Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles.

we talked about the navy thats why i was only writing about the carries. of course in a war there will be more than few ships to consider. u.s. bases in the region, nato, israel and the arab vessel states etc.
but later to that.

i hope i could give you some usefull information.
You think the US military is not capable of doing what Pakistan military can do?

You probably also think US drones are not flying over civilian and military assets all over Iran?

Okay, okay, the Iraqi base was not empty... It's just that Iran decided to inform Iraq 8 hours before the missile barrage so US forces could find a safe place to sit this one out.

Was Iran too scared of killing US soldiers considering that if US could take out General Soleimani without any hesitation, then it wouldn't have any problem taking out Ali Khamanei next?

The US has around 1,000 military bases all over the planet. They're not all in the Persian Gulf.

The US can also trigger Article 5 of NATO, meaning 30 countries in the world can simultanwouly declare war on Iran.

Why do the Iranians see the US carriers as the only target? Why not US military bases in Afghanistan and Qatar? Why was Iran too scared to target them? What's your logic?

Why does the US need to use only aircraft carriers against Iran when they have a large array of weaponary at their disposal?

I mean, USAF alone has around 5,000 aircraft and over 400 Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles.

Operation Praying Mantis, April 1988. Aerial view of the Iranian frigate IS Alvand (71) burning after being attacked by aircraft of Carrier Air Wing 11 from USS Enterprise (CVN-65). IS Alvand was hit by three Harpoon Missiles plus cluster munitions. Official U.S. Navy photograph. (Catalog #: 880418-N-ZZ999-005)
Operation Praying Mantis, April 1988. An aerial view of the Iranian frigate IS Sahand burning after being attacked by aircraft of Carrier Air Wing 11 from the aircraft carrier USS Enterprise (CVN-65) in retaliation for the mining of the guided missile frigate USS Samuel B. Roberts (FFG-58) in the Persian Gulf, 18 April 1988. U.S. Navy Photograph, now in the collections of the U.S. National Archives: Online Public Access. (Catalog #: 330-CFD-DN-SN-89-03125)

The US thinks Iranians are brain-dead vegetables living in some Lala land and sanctions alone are enough to torture this country into making sure it does not acquire nukes.

The only reason Iran has not been destroyed already by the US is to scare the little Arab Kingdoms into recognising and forming alliances with Israel.
I see many trolls here posting the same nonsense all the time about General Soleimani and the events that happened.
Why didn't Iran retaliate more harshly? Well, i guess it is the same reason why Pakistan was unable to prevent the US from droning its civilians for many years. Or same reason that they conducted a military operation with boots on the ground to take out the famous terrorist hiding in abotabad. Sometimes you have to adopt a less costly strategy. You talk as if Iran is some kind of superpower, what is your expectation exactly? Iran has always been (excluding the ancient times) a regional powerhouse together with the Turks. What you are expecting from Iran is not realistic at all. Iran could have easily killed hundreds of Americans in a direct attack and in turn the Americans would have unleashed a devastating bombing campaign that would have set back the pillars and foundation of the nation for several decades. Iran can not fight on equal terms with the United States and its strategy of outlasting the US in the region has been pretty successful.

I would also suggest instead of defending the white man's agenda for the region to work together with regional countries to have some meaningful presence on the world stage in the future.
I see many trolls here posting the same nonsense all the time about General Soleimani and the events that happened.
Why didn't Iran retaliate more harshly? Well, i guess it is the same reason why Pakistan was unable to prevent the US from droning its civilians for many years. Or same reason that they conducted a military operation with boots on the ground to take out the famous terrorist hiding in abotabad. Sometimes you have to adopt a less costly strategy. You talk as if Iran is some kind of superpower, what is your expectation exactly? Iran has always been (excluding the ancient times) a regional powerhouse together with the Turks. What you are expecting from Iran is not realistic at all. Iran could have easily killed hundreds of Americans in a direct attack and in turn the Americans would have unleashed a devastating bombing campaign that would have set back the pillars and foundation of the nation for several decades. Iran can not fight on equal terms with the United States and its strategy of outlasting the US in the region has been pretty successful.

I would also suggest instead of defending the white man's agenda for the region to work together with regional countries to have some meaningful presence on the world stage in the future.
You're right, but somewhere don't you feel going the Chinese route would have worked best for Iran

Accepting the western hegemony for the time being, becoming powerful, getting involved in global power structure and than unleashing as a more powerful country?
I personally feel Iran got too involved with non-alliegned movement

Look at India for example, they got best of both worlds

This guy is a moron, his takes on Pak affairs are equally hilarious
You're right, but somewhere don't you feel going the Chinese route would have worked best for Iran

Accepting the western hegemony for the time being, becoming powerful, getting involved in global power structure and than unleashing as a more powerful country?
I personally feel Iran got too involved with non-alliegned movement

Look at India for example, they got best of both worlds

This guy is a moron, his takes on Pak affairs are equally hilarious
China route is the most intelligent one but in the case of Iran and the wider MENA region the religion also plays a huge role. I don't want to upset people here but the reason for China's progress is lack of religion (mind control). The whole society, standards and values must change in the ME in order to make some progress.
China route is the most intelligent one but in the case of Iran and the wider MENA region the religion also plays a huge role. I don't want to upset people here but the reason for China's progress is lack of religion (mind control). The whole society, standards and values must change in the ME in order to make some progress.
You guys are so so so lucky that compared to ME standards, you're still less religiously crazy
Which makes a stronger nation in all of ME and region (without sanctions that is)

People will never agree but in terms of pure nationhood, religion has and always will play a counterproductive role
I hope in political science courses they teach graduates on how to break the power of clergy in a nation
7. US hostility to Iran largely stems from it losing the oil resources and well as strategic basis there after the 1979 revolution. US has repeatedly attempted to undermine Iran though an imposed, sanctions, terrorism, and economic pressure, but has failed so far. I don't see the US or its Zionist masters easing the pressure on an independent Iran.

US has not failed, due to US sanctions Iran is too much weak, accept it or not, it does not matter.
Iran is not independent and even no one country is independent, they all have to depend each other.
US hostility to Iran is due to its proxies like Hizbullah against Israel and stupid statements (threats of war) by Iranian politicians against US and Israel.
You guys are so so so lucky that compared to ME standards, you're still less religiously crazy
Which makes a stronger nation in all of ME and region (without sanctions that is)

People will never agree but in terms of pure nationhood, religion has and always will play a counterproductive role
We have our own share of religious nutjobs. For example there are still some people genuinely offended at the sight of a female without hijab. I am not sure if this is the case in your country too. I guess you have a better tolerance towards these issues as your nation is secular in foundation. Anyway we look at it we must take China as a example. Hard work + no nonsense mentality leads to great heights.
Accepting the western hegemony for the time being, becoming powerful, getting involved in global power structure and than unleashing as a more powerful country?
If this is possible, why hasnt TUrkey done it? can you give us 1 example of a country that did this that the West didnt chase and end eventually? ONce they own you, only luck can help you break free, JUST TALKING FACTS.
US has not failed, due to US sanctions Iran is too much weak, accept it or not, it does not matter.
this is a strawman fallacy. WHat is the proof that US hasnt failed? If Iran is too weak why couldnt US keep the Iranian oil it forced that oil tanker to transfer to one of its own oil tanker? you talk out of your but.
Iran is not independent and even no one country is independent, they all have to depend each other.
So who is Iran dependent on strategically? this is gonna be fun @Bahram Esfandiari to understand this man's logic.
US hostility to Iran is due to its proxies like Hizbullah against Israel and stupid statements (threats of war) by Iranian politicians against US and Israel.
Um... not oil? not control of the PErsian GUlf? Not control of the MIddle East politics and corridors? oh yea..you're damn right!
... Well, i guess it is the same reason why Pakistan was unable to prevent the US from droning its civilians for many years. Or same reason that they conducted a military operation with boots on the ground to take out the famous terrorist hiding in abotabad. ...
Well, Pakistan didn't consider most of those people as civilians. Now here's a bit of rocket science for some of your still functioning brain cells.

Why were all these attacks done in the semi-autonomous tribal region of Pakistan only?​
Why did this region have no links with rest of the Pakistan?​
Why did the military enter this semi-autonomous region for the very first time in 2002?​
Why did the civilians carry out hundred of suicide attacks (76 in 2009 alone) all over Pakistan?​
Why did Pakistani military suffer such large casualties (8,000+) fighting in the semi-autonomous region?​
Why were all of the 480 drone strikes carried out from Pakistan's Shamsi Airfield?​
Why was this region officially annexed in 2018 (16 years after invasion)?​
Why did the US not carry out a drone strike on Osama's compound considering the US had access to 4 Pakistani Air bases?​

Hint. Drone strikes ensured that Pakistan did not suffer what it suffered in the 1971 war when Bangladesh was created 2,000 km away by Indian funded and trained genocidal terrorist outfit, the Mukti Bahini.

Guess what, Pakistan won. Annexed the semi-autonomous region in 2018 (71-years after independence) and got the Taliban back in Afghanistan (after 20 years of war with NATO).

What did Iran achieve during that time?
Kowtowed the white man for civilian nuclear biscuits and got it's Army Chief droned like garbage.
Well, Pakistan didn't consider most of those people as civilians. Now here's a bit of rocket science for some of your still functioning brain cells.

Why were all these attacks done in the semi-autonomous tribal region of Pakistan only?​
Why did this region have no links with rest of the Pakistan?​
Why did the military enter this semi-autonomous region for the very first time in 2002?​
Why did the civilians carry out hundred of suicide attacks (76 in 2009 alone) all over Pakistan?​
Why did Pakistani military suffer such large casualties (8,000+) fighting in the semi-autonomous region?​
Why were all of the 480 drone strikes carried out from Pakistan's Shamsi Airfield?​
Why was this region officially annexed in 2018 (16 years after invasion)?​
Why did the US not carry out a drone strike on Osama's compound considering the US had access to 4 Pakistani Air bases?​

Hint. Drone strikes ensured that Pakistan did not suffer what it suffered in the 1971 war when Bangladesh was created 2,000 km away by Indian funded and trained genocidal terrorist outfit, the Mukti Bahini.

Guess what, Pakistan won. Annexed the semi-autonomous region in 2018 (71-years after independence) and got the Taliban back in Afghanistan (after 20 years of war with NATO).

What did Iran achieve during that time?
Kowtowed the white man for civilian nuclear biscuits and got it's Army Chief droned like garbage.
That is very sad. You are denying that thousands of Pakistani civilians died due to American drone strikes. Just to score some points on a internet forum and to make snarky remarks against your neighboring country (Iran).

Approximately 56,661 Pakistanis – civilians and opposition fighters – have been killed since 2001. Of these, about 23,300 are civilians.

Every country has its shortcomings, i don't get why you are here jumping up and down. You are trying to prove what exactly? You were being told that Iran is no superpower and can not challenge the US on equal terms. What part don't you understand?
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