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IRGC releases more videos of US backdown

No, it wont be one sided, but US has no chance in achieving any meaningful achievement, specially against Iran which has been prepared for an asymmetric warfare, hundreds of kilometers of underground bases.
and no it wont be a few ship, it will be all the ships in the range.

Look at their missile raid against Syria a few years back, they fired tens of missiles to destroy a building. compared to unites distributed and hided on the ground or underground, ships are much much more vulnerable, billions of dollars of assets packed in one vulnerable location.

The moment you fire a single missile from the underground bases, it would be exposed. Americans have space based sensors that cn detect launch all over the globe. Americans can also fire missiles from their bases in arab countries. Those destroys can fire allt if missiles and have missile defense syatems as well. They can fore from their submarines as well. Even if they lose 100 billion dollars worth ships, its not much for them. The losses on iranian side would be significant and mostly civilians and infrastructure. Its a trade off.
IRGC Shares Footage Of Its Personnel Boarding Oil Tanker Meters Always From US Warships

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IRGC Shares Footage Of Its Personnel Boarding Oil Tanker Meters Always From US Warships
Speedboats of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) are seen during major drills in the Strait of Hormuz in the Persian Gulf code-named the Great Prophet 9 on February 25, 2015.
The Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) has shared footage showing its personnel boarding an oil tanker in the Sea of Oman a few hundred meters away from US Navy warships.
In a statement released on November 3 morning, the revolutionary guards claimed that its Navy Force thwarted an attempt by the US Navy to steal an Iranian oil shipment.
According to the statement, the US confiscated a tanker carrying Iranian oil in the Sea of Oman and unloaded the oil to another tanker and direct it to an unknown destination. The IRGC Navy reacted quickly and managed to land special forces aboard the tanker, the Vietnamese-flagged tanker Sothys, which was moved to Iranian waters.
The footage released by the IRGC shows Iranian personnel boarding the oil tanker right in front of two US Navy destroyers, USS Michael Murphy and USS Michael Murphy.

A US defense official confirmed to Newsweek that Iran seized an oil tanker in the Sea of Oman last week. However, he dismissed the IRGC’s story.

According to the official, the US Navy didn’t intervene and take action against the IRGC’s naval forces “due to a number of sensitivities.”
The incident demonstrates Iran’s growing influence in the Persian Gulf and the Sea of Oman. It also raises some serious questions about US Navy operations in the region.

Despite Washington’s decision to ignore the incident, the upcoming talks on Tehran’s nuclear program in Vienna will likely be affected by it.

Good job Eyran, well done... I have said from day one just sit tight and listen to amreekan denials and spin doctors working overtime....
No, it wont be one sided, but US has no chance in achieving any meaningful achievement, specially against Iran

Exactly the reason the US has not attacked Eyran, same for NoKo which is a far bigger threat with ICBMs that can reach US...

Amreekas best tool is proxies and terrorists.. PERIOD.... It only attacks helpless countries that cannot hit back.
The moment you fire a single missile from the underground bases, it would be exposed. Americans have space based sensors that cn detect launch all over the globe. Americans can also fire missiles from their bases in arab countries. Those destroys can fire allt if missiles and have missile defense syatems as well. They can fore from their submarines as well. Even if they lose 100 billion dollars worth ships, its not much for them. The losses on iranian side would be significant and mostly civilians and infrastructure. Its a trade off.
One of our think tanks has estimated $50 trillion the cost of such a war for US. It's not a coincidence that US has placed it's central command in middle east. The moment energy supply in middle east is cut and the following sky rocket of energy prices, the whole US economy will collapse. US has a rusty infrastructure already, their people are at their limit and that's why desperate people voted to a clown like Trump.

On military level, US can't keep the energy lines open from remote distances, they have to get close to our borders which will place them in our fire range. on the ground Iran has multi layer of proxy forces which will effectively cut their supply lines. and regarding their crappy air defenses, just remember how the missile which was fired from Syria and landed near dimona passed through all of Israel's multi layer air defenses, how our missiles humiliated all air defenses around Aramco, and how biggest US base in Iraq couldn't defend itself against barge of our missiles. there is a big distance between what they claim and their reality.
Daring move from IRGC. Respect where due.

I am pretty sure and so the Americans (at least since Millennium Challenge 2002) that US navy has no chance near Iranian coasts. the only question today is how much that near is extended!
What you have build is to be respected and taken seriously but it would be a mistake to be in hubris like Iraq was.

Your judgement seems to be frozen in time. MC 2002 was a one-time simulation aimed to provide directions to USN to build capabilities to counter threat situations that could be presented by Iran near its coasts. MC 2002 achieved its purpose and USN addressed suggested shortcomings in subsequent years.

There were multiple simulations and live-fire events in which USN have hinted different assets and tactics to overcome Iranian assets and tactics over the course of years.

For perspective:

1. Airborne assets such as A-10 Warthog(s), AC-130W gunship(s), AH-1Z Viper gunship(s), jet fighters armed with cluster munitions, and/or loitering munitions can be used to engage IRGC boats from afar. These assets can be made to take-off from aircraft carriers and/or airbases across the Middle East.

Iran cannot risk attacking every airbase in the Middle East. When host countries will realize that USA is willing to disarm Iran, they will be willing to respond to potential Iranian strikes as well.

2. Big warships such as Arleigh Burke class are armed with an assortment of weapon systems and EW capabilities to intercept and/or defeat airborne threats, sea-skimming threats, and even ASBM.

Iran can deploy SAM systems near its coasts but this brings us to following:

3. Big warships such as Arleigh Burke class are equipped with long-range LACM to soften Iranian coastal defenses from afar.

American LACM have delivered results in every battlespace including in Syria where even Russian defenses could not stop them.

4. Jet fighters and bombers can also be used to soften Iranian coastal defenses and establish air superiority over Iranian airspace if necessary. American jet fighters and bombers are very difficult to engage due to being incredibly well-armed and technologically advanced on average. Expect these to be armed with standoff munitions to engage targets on the surface from afar.

Above all:

5. USN have CEC to establish excellent situational awareness and fight effectively.

Most of the above was not considered in MC 2002.

Yes, Iran is dangerous to fight near its coasts but USA can fight Iran on its terms. They have no need to park their assets very close to Iran while attacking it. This is important to understand.

And now that USA have discarded NTI with Russia, American ground forces are in the process of acquiring standoff munitions as well. These will include endo- atmospheric hypersonics. Much will change in coming years in fact.

Iran is a regional power but USA prepares itself for bigger threats. Whatever you will build will not be enough.

I hope people of peninsula Manage a Revolution of their own and help us kick Anglo bastards out of this region. Why should we invite an outside ideology to enter backyard of Islam? We have already had enough of western combination with brainless Arabs and Zionists which gave birth to ISIS. Why bring an other unknown entity to our holy land? Arabs have already proved us this harsh reality that anyone having money and weapons can buy Arabs by millions and abuse the religious differences of Middle eastern people paving the way for colonizing Islamic lands that are full of natural resources. At best Chinese can kick USA out of SCS and stay friendly with us.
Asian countries are split on geopolitical and ideological grounds. This dynamic makes it easy for distant powers like USA to exploit when the time comes.

Arabs are not the only ones to blame though. Iran is trying to do the right thing from its perspective but it is contributing to regional rivalries as well. This is a matter of perspective and realization.

China might not be willing to get involved in the Middle East to the point of picking sides. Time will tell.

Americans would have done it a Long time ago, if they actually could.

They need platforms to launch such a missile attack on Iran. Iranian cruise missiles can fly 2000 KM in sea skimming mode plus 2000+ KM anti ship ballistic missiles. Add thousands of small boats carrying anti ship cruise missiles to it. A great A2/AD capability which keeps USN at bay.

USN is too strong in the oceans but not in Persian Gulf.

They can't jam hundreds of missiles/drones in a short span of time.
But why would USA attack Iran just to prove a point? A war is not declared and launched on a country for bragging rights.

Soumar? How many in your inventory and how many launchers in your inventory? What is the kill chain in place to make sure that Soumar can score kills around 2000 KM mark? There is no guarantee that it will get through defenses of Arleigh Burke, for instance.

Thousands of boats equipped with ASCM? No proof of this. And how are these ASCM guided from boats in the first place?

Perhaps they can because USA have extensive amount of homework in the EW regime. There are things which will be apparent in conventional warfare of-course. For perspective, advances in American military hardware and doctrines in the 1980s were underestimated in theory and also in the simulations of the time but exceeded expectations in the Persian Gulf War.

No amount of A2/AD capability is sufficient for USN and USAF in combination. This was apparent in Iraq in 1991, Yugoslavia in 1999, and in Syria recently. Iran have build impressive defenses but see my pointers above.

Iran is dangerous near its coasts but USA can fight Iran on its terms. They have no need to park their assets very close to Iran while attacking it. This is important to understand.
One of our think tanks has estimated $50 trillion the cost of such a war for US. It's not a coincidence that US has placed it's central command in middle east. The moment energy supply in middle east is cut and the following sky rocket of energy prices, the whole US economy will collapse. US has a rusty infrastructure already, their people are at their limit and that's why desperate people voted to a clown like Trump.

On military level, US can't keep the energy lines open from remote distances, they have to get close to our borders which will place them in our fire range. on the ground Iran has multi layer of proxy forces which will effectively cut their supply lines. and regarding their crappy air defenses, just remember how the missile which was fired from Syria and landed near dimona passed through all of Israel's multi layer air defenses, how our missiles humiliated all air defenses around Aramco, and how biggest US base in Iraq couldn't defend itself against barge of our missiles. there is a big distance between what they claim and their reality.

I guess u forgot that US is biggest producer of oil, prices rocketing will benefit them. I also dont know where u get the figure of 50 trillion. Tell me what will u do if 3 aircraft carrier strike group comes with loads of F35s and F18s. Maybe F22s flying from qatar. You wont be even able to detect them untill they destroy all ur bases. Within a week all ur air defences will be destroyed and then bombers will come to wreck havoc. You wont be able to detect stealth bombers that will destroy ur missile sites. You wont be able to detect missiles coming from submarines either. The US not attacking iran has many other reasons and scared of getting beaten is the last one. Your professional military planners know this well. Fanboys ofcourse will think iran is super power.
Daring move from IRGC. Respect where due.

What you have build is to be respected and taken seriously but it would be a mistake to be in hubris like Iraq was.

Your judgement seems to be frozen in time. MC 2002 was a one-time simulation aimed to provide directions to USN to build capabilities to counter threat situations that could be presented by Iran near its coasts. MC 2002 achieved its purpose and USN addressed suggested shortcomings in subsequent years.

There were multiple simulations and live-fire events in which USN have hinted different assets and tactics to overcome Iranian assets and tactics over the course of years.

For perspective:

1. Airborne assets such as A-10 Warthog(s), AC-130W gunship(s), AH-1Z Viper gunship(s), jet fighters armed with cluster munitions, and/or loitering munitions can be used to engage IRGC boats from afar. These assets can be made to take-off from aircraft carriers and/or airbases across the Middle East.

Iran cannot risk attacking every airbase in the Middle East. When host countries will realize that USA is willing to disarm Iran, they will be willing to respond to potential Iranian strikes as well.

2. Big warships such as Arleigh Burke class are armed with an assortment of weapon systems and EW capabilities to intercept and/or defeat airborne threats, sea-skimming threats, and even ASBM.

Iran can deploy SAM systems near its coasts but this brings us to following:

3. Big warships such as Arleigh Burke class are equipped with long-range LACM to soften Iranian coastal defenses from afar.

American LACM have delivered results in every battlespace including in Syria where even Russian defenses could not stop them.

4. Jet fighters and bombers can also be used to soften Iranian coastal defenses and establish air superiority over Iranian airspace if necessary. American jet fighters and bombers are very difficult to engage due to being incredibly well-armed and technologically advanced on average. Expect these to be armed with standoff munitions to engage targets on the surface from afar.

Above all:

5. USN have CEC to establish excellent situational awareness and fight effectively.

Most of the above was not considered in MC 2002.

Yes, Iran is dangerous to fight near its coasts but USA can fight Iran on its terms. They have no need to park their assets very close to Iran while attacking it. This is important to understand.

And now that USA have discarded NTI with Russia, American ground forces are in the process of acquiring standoff munitions as well. These will include endo- atmospheric hypersonics. Much will change in coming years in fact.

Iran is a regional power but USA prepares itself for bigger threats. Whatever you will build will not be enough.

Asian countries are split on geopolitical and ideological grounds. This dynamic makes it easy for distant powers like USA to exploit when the time comes.

Arabs are not the only ones to blame though. Iran is trying to do the right thing from its perspective but it is contributing to regional rivalries as well. This is a matter of perspective and realization.

China might not be willing to get involved in the Middle East to the point of picking sides. Time will tell.

But why would USA attack Iran just to prove a point? A war is not declared and launched on a country for bragging rights.

Soumar? How many in your inventory and how many launchers in your inventory? What is the kill chain in place to make sure that Soumar can score kills around 2000 KM mark? There is no guarantee that it will get through defenses of Arleigh Burke, for instance.

Thousands of boats equipped with ASCM? No proof of this. And how are these ASCM guided from boats in the first place?

Perhaps they can because USA have extensive amount of homework in the EW regime. There are things which will be apparent in conventional warfare of-course. For perspective, advances in American military hardware and doctrines in the 1980s were underestimated in theory and also in the simulations of the time but exceeded expectations in the Persian Gulf War.

No amount of A2/AD capability is sufficient for USN and USAF in combination. This was apparent in Iraq in 1991, Yugoslavia in 1999, and in Syria recently. Iran have build impressive defenses but see my pointers above.

Iran is dangerous near its coasts but USA can fight Iran on its terms. They have no need to park their assets very close to Iran while attacking it. This is important to understand.
I do not intend to underestimate the US military power, but some of the points you have raised have been thought of and taken care of by the IRGC and the Army since long time ago.

First of all, I doubt that the US learned much from the MC02 because their arrogance did not allow it to happen. They manipulated the whole thing with predetermined rules and scripts to push their agenda that they were invincible instead of trying to learn from their weaknesses and mistakes. It's rather a trivial fact that Iran, or any enemy in a battle, will not act according to their predetermined rules or scripts. It was a huge waste of resources in the words of General Van Riper. $250M went poof over nothing.

Secondly, here are some thoughts about your other points:

1. That's where our regional proxies and sleeper cells will come into play. We will certainly not engage all of our neighbors that cooperate with the United States directly from our territory. Houthies of Yemen, just as an example, can be equipped to the point that they can take care of multiple Arab countries at once in case of a regional conflict. They have the potential to become one of the largest operators of ballistic missiles in the region in a not-too-distant future. All of these groups have common interests with Iran that will convince them to defend Iran for their own survival.

2. Nobody assumes that they are defenseless. It's not about having them. It's about how well they can operate when they are saturated. I know it's a big surprising claim, but the economy of war tends to favor Iran. Iran has a much smaller economy than the US, granted, but our weapons are way cheaper than the US made weapons. We brought down Global Hawk with a unit cost of nearly $200M with less than one-thousandth of its price.

3 & 4. It seems that your judgement is frozen in time. Things have changed greatly for Iran since 2011. Iran has invested hugely in air defense systems and radar technology. Just have a look at the thread about Iranian air-defense systems and you will realize that the USAF will not have an easy time penetrating our airspace. Are you seriously comparing Russian air defense assets in Syria operated by Russian soldiers with our AD prowess which is completely domestic from production to operation?

Your examples about Yugoslavia, Iraq or Syria are irrelevant to Iran because none of those countries had a military industry, let alone one that is comparable to Iran's. Syria does not even control most of its air defenses apparently. Not really relevant to Iran where we produce all types of air defense systems, OTH radars, loitering munitions, drones, submarines, speed boats and ballistic/cruise missiles. Right?
and regarding their crappy air defenses, just remember how the missile which was fired from Syria and landed near dimona passed through all of Israel's multi layer air defenses, how our missiles humiliated all air defenses around Aramco, and how biggest US base in Iraq couldn't defend itself against barge of our missiles. there is a big distance between what they claim and their reality.
That's a lot of talk about our air defenses coming from a man inside a nation whose greatest air defense interception was a civilian airliner.
That's a lot of talk about our air defenses coming from a man inside a nation whose greatest air defense interception was a civilian airliner.
Interesting that a lot of discomfort from hasbara trolls whose only claim to fame is the land theft of Palestine and killing school kids and ripping off the US taxpayers. Ain't that the TRUTH!
What you have build is to be respected and taken seriously but it would be a mistake to be in hubris like Iraq was.

Your judgement seems to be frozen in time. MC 2002 was a one-time simulation aimed to provide directions to USN to build capabilities to counter threat situations that could be presented by Iran near its coasts. MC 2002 achieved its purpose and USN addressed suggested shortcomings in subsequent years.

There were multiple simulations and live-fire events in which USN have hinted different assets and tactics to overcome Iranian assets and tactics over the course of years.

For perspective:

1. Airborne assets such as A-10 Warthog(s), AC-130W gunship(s), AH-1Z Viper gunship(s), jet fighters armed with cluster munitions, and/or loitering munitions can be used to engage IRGC boats from afar. These assets can be made to take-off from aircraft carriers and/or airbases across the Middle East.

Iran cannot risk attacking every airbase in the Middle East. When host countries will realize that USA is willing to disarm Iran, they will be willing to respond to potential Iranian strikes as well.

2. Big warships such as Arleigh Burke class are armed with an assortment of weapon systems and EW capabilities to intercept and/or defeat airborne threats, sea-skimming threats, and even ASBM.

Iran can deploy SAM systems near its coasts but this brings us to following:

3. Big warships such as Arleigh Burke class are equipped with long-range LACM to soften Iranian coastal defenses from afar.

American LACM have delivered results in every battlespace including in Syria where even Russian defenses could not stop them.

4. Jet fighters and bombers can also be used to soften Iranian coastal defenses and establish air superiority over Iranian airspace if necessary. American jet fighters and bombers are very difficult to engage due to being incredibly well-armed and technologically advanced on average. Expect these to be armed with standoff munitions to engage targets on the surface from afar.

Above all:

5. USN have CEC to establish excellent situational awareness and fight effectively.

Most of the above was not considered in MC 2002.

Yes, Iran is dangerous to fight near its coasts but USA can fight Iran on its terms. They have no need to park their assets very close to Iran while attacking it. This is important to understand.

And now that USA have discarded NTI with Russia, American ground forces are in the process of acquiring standoff munitions as well. These will include endo- atmospheric hypersonics. Much will change in coming years in fact.

Iran is a regional power but USA prepares itself for bigger threats. Whatever you will build will not be enough.
Actually major changes since 2002 has been in Iran's favor, whether in term of military gear or strategic advantages. some western think tanks even express allies (proxies) as the Iran's biggest weapon for defeating US. in any future war, US-backed dictatorships will face the resistance in their own soil. this is the first key difference between Iran who influences people and US which controls dictators.

Almost all new ships of US navy which were developed (against Iranian threat) since then has failed to prove their worthiness, we see brand new ships getting retired just few years after launch. we see minor improvement in their weapons which are not game changing.

on the other side, Iranian forces have been very active, innovative and adaptive in developing high tech weapons. Iran developed the world's first accurate (none-nuclear) anti ship ballistic missile, then extended it's range from 300km to 2000km, their radar signature has reduced rapidly to the extent which today we call them radar evading, smart navigation and maneuvering capabilities added, we already have the hypersoinc speed in our ballistic missiles. similar progress has occurred in cruise missiles, new air launched and submarine launched versions developed and the new mentioned range is 2000 km.

Our speed boats has reached the speed of 95knot, and can fire their missiles on the move from safe distance, their numbers has rapidly increased and as the latest development they are armed with suicide drones as well.

It was just a few weeks back when US military admitted they have no effective defense against Iranian drones, and that's while these have been the second and third tier classes exported to our allies. new versions are fully ECCM, have AI, can find the target themselves and link with each other.

There has been a revolution in Iran's air defenses since then, we have see successful samples against top US assets both in Iran and in the hand of our allies.
I love how pakistani's and the world make fun of India. where a few thousand white british troops managed to conquer, and enslave a billion people over vasssst terrain.

they call them beta people with a slave mentality... and yet here we have this proud son of pakistan putting all those indians to shame.

in boxing there is a saying. if you think your going to lose, you have already lost before you even entered the ring.

yet a few thousand angry afghans absolutly slaughtered and humiliated that exact same "invincible" british army. how that wasnt a wake up call for people to see how hollow these western imperialists are.... is beyond me..r

a defeatist, cowardice, beta mentality is what colonialist/imperialists depend on. 95% of their power is hot air and propaganda. defeatist/cowardice people like you are 100x times more detrimental to a country then any foreign force can ever hope to be.

You really need to shake off this slave mentality. these white colonizers are nothing. they were cavemen when we were building palaces, bridges, roads, currency, written language, government buaracracy etc..etc...

they industrialized first, and dominated the 19/20th century as a result. enslaving the entire earth to enrich themselves. that period is rapidly coming to an end. the "invincible west" is facing the full wrath of karma. not only is their technological /economic edge shrinking by the day. but their actual people are being mass replaced/ breed out of existence with mass migration.

I highly suggest you change that beta, 19th century slave mentality. and start to realize that the world is rapidly changing.

British india was controlled because hindus in majority supported whites and hated muslims. Most of the tribal areas of Pakistan and north were never fully controlled by brits. The last insurgent attacks on brits was 5 days before Independence. There were pashtun and muslim freedom fighters that kept fighting the brits, i suggest u read up abt fighters like haji turangzai and umrao khan, whom Churchill called napolean of the east.
Pakistani people mostly are warrior race, we fought brits and the helped defeat USSR. We have some experience fighting superpowers. Blind patriotism and superiority complex can destroy u too. I agree the fall of west is starting but its not down yet. Being realistic doesnt mean having beta mentality. The afghans defeated US by being realistic, withdrawing at times and being humble.
Actually major changes since 2002 has been in Iran's favor, whether in term of military gear or strategic advantages. some western think tanks even express allies (proxies) as the Iran's biggest weapon for defeating US. in any future war, US-backed dictatorships will face the resistance in their own soil. this is the first key difference between Iran who influences people and US which controls dictators.

Almost all new ships of US navy which were developed (against Iranian threat) since then has failed to prove their worthiness, we see brand new ships getting retired just few years after launch. we see minor improvement in their weapons which are not game changing.

on the other side, Iranian forces have been very active, innovative and adaptive in developing high tech weapons. Iran developed the world's first accurate (none-nuclear) anti ship ballistic missile, then extended it's range from 300km to 2000km, their radar signature has reduced rapidly to the extent which today we call them radar evading, smart navigation and maneuvering capabilities added, we already have the hypersoinc speed in our ballistic missiles. similar progress has occurred in cruise missiles, new air launched and submarine launched versions developed and the new mentioned range is 2000 km.

Our speed boats has reached the speed of 95knot, and can fire their missiles on the move from safe distance, their numbers has rapidly increased and as the latest development they are armed with suicide drones as well.

It was just a few weeks back when US military admitted they have no effective defense against Iranian drones, and that's while these have been the second and third tier classes exported to our allies. new versions are fully ECCM, have AI, can find the target themselves and link with each other.

There has been a revolution in Iran's air defenses since then, we have see successful samples against top US assets both in Iran and in the hand of our allies.
That is a correct assessment, also Iran dominates the Persian Gulf with almost 1,000 kms of the most defensible bottled up body of water in the world. The Persian Gulf is dotted with coves, mountain ridges and natural defences and Iran with just one shore missile batteries can shut down the place and turn it into a free fire zone and hell. I had posted the entire US naval college report on robust Iranian asymmetrical warfare capabilities just a few days ago.

Iranian missile armed hovercraft in ambush position near Jask.
Iran Unveils New Hovercraft & Missile Systems | Al Defaiya800 × 666
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British india was controlled because hindus in majority supported whites and hated muslims. Most of the tribal areas of Pakistan and north were never fully controlled by brits. The last insurgent attacks on brits was 5 days before Independence. There were pashtun and muslim freedom fighters that kept fighting the brits, i suggest u read up abt fighters like haji turangzai and umrao khan, whom Churchill called napolean of the east.
Pakistani people mostly are warrior race, we fought brits and the helped defeat USSR. We have some experience fighting superpowers. Blind patriotism and superiority complex can destroy u too. I agree the fall of west is starting but its not down yet. Being realistic doesnt mean having beta mentality. The afghans defeated US by being realistic, withdrawing at times and being humble.
My brother ,you didnt understand anything @zartosht said. Lmao Please read what he said slowly. you are kinda embarrassing yourself. He istn talking abt all these history stuff. He's only callling you into question Personally, how the hell can u not see this?
New info emerged: beside 10 missile boats on the scene, 100 anti ship missiles on the coasts were ready to respond to any aggression from two US destroyers.

TNT clearly has Iran's best interest in mind still but with expressions of doubt. It is important not to underestimate the US and combined allied western nations. They don't attack for concern of huge losses and political damages. Iran needs to make it increasingly more expensive for US to consider attacks which they still perform but Iran hits back.

Next is to make it unthinkable to attack Iran and interests or influence. This requires much more time and progress as it is also economic. The US has no economic price to pay for attacking Iran, only military price. Economic development is a two aspect question. Internal economic developments and external capitalist model where capital goes into the country in various investment types. Iran is sanctioned by the Western led global empire so the external one is extremely limited. Chinese CFO get kidnapped in Canada for allegedly doing some business with Iran even though that rule is unilaterally announced by USA. I can understand them performing legal action against Huawei for doing business with Iran but not kidnapping a CFO. But such is the stretch of their hegemony.

So what is left is internal development which is slow. So many western nations are filled with Iranian academics and industry experts. Still too many leave Iran for the West and others. Working in two different western nations showed me just how many Iranian engineers are in the west and also in universities in the west. Some I know want citizenship but also do have lots of love for Iran too. It is a difficult struggle between these two forces. No one really helps unless there is something to also gain. As for weapons and military security, at best there is some words of support from countries like China and Russia who do not wish for Iran to become controlled by western money and politicians.
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