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US May designate IRGC as a terrorist organization soon.

Just because US designated IRGC a terrorist organization doesn’t mean that the UN did. Thus US cannot cause kinetic damage to IRGC without risking war crimes/tribunal charges.

This is a move ment to reduce IRGC clout and pressure them economically as an organization. Also mostly symbolic as many IRGC companies were already blacklisted.

Iran won’t do anything much either as it cannot afford to escalate the situation. It will continue to wait and see what happens after 2020.

Sooner or later, Iran will have to negotiate. It cant remain under these sanctions forever.

Whether it is "symbolic" or not is irrelevant,the us government has designated a legitimate branch of another nations armed forces as a "terrorist organization".This is an act almost without any precedent in international relations,at least that I can remember,and needs to be responded to in a forceful manner even if it is just with reciprocity.
Its funny,but I do seem to recall that iran did try to "negotiate",that was the jcpoa remember?,and we all saw just how successful that ultimately was...or wasnt in fact.The current us regimes idea of negotiating is nothing short of demanding total iranian capitulation and they have made this utterly crystal clear beyond any doubt.

Here we gooo :-)

Iran’s Supreme Security Council puts US troops on its terrorist groups list

Well that was quick...thank god.:sniper:
In my opinion this could be changing point for Iran to at least do some thing to come out from this pressure.
IRGC is fully sanctioned , this act won't change their situation unless US directly attack them. But for Americans this move hugely increase their cost to operate in west Asia. As result this action have more impact on Americans than Iranian unless direct conflict happen which is different scenario.
And that scenario concern me that real purpose of this action is starting war with Iran.
Here we gooo :-)

Iran’s Supreme Security Council puts US troops on its terrorist groups list

Whether it is "symbolic" or not is irrelevant,the us government has designated a legitimate branch of another nations armed forces as a "terrorist organization".This is an act almost without any precedent in international relations,at least that I can remember,and needs to be responded to in a forceful manner even if it is just with reciprocity.
Its funny,but I do seem to recall that iran did try to "negotiate",that was the jcpoa remember?,and we all saw just how successful that ultimately was...or wasnt in fact.The current us regimes idea of negotiating is nothing short of demanding total iranian capitulation and they have made this utterly crystal clear beyond any doubt.

Well that was quick...thank god.:sniper:
well that made any USA soldier who serve in countries from Egypt to Afghanistan as a terrorist and this is the head terrorist

General Kenneth F. McKenzie, Jr
well that made any USA soldier who serve in countries from Egypt to Afghanistan as a terrorist and this is the head terrorist

General Kenneth F. McKenzie, Jr
Yes,you could say hes a four star [****] terrorist[lol!].
Hopefully even if the chumpster himself were not fully cognizant of all of the many possible unpleasant ramifications for serving us military personnel under an iranian governmental terrorism designation of the us military,you would`ve at least expected the various legal branches of the us military to have appraised their higher ups in the pentagon on these potentially rather unpleasant hypothetical legal possibilities and their real world ramifications.
I guess we`ll just have to wait and see whether the us military leadership has a few more functioning brain cells than its nations political leadership,tho I have to say that based on the past history of both that I`m not particularly confident of this sadly......oh well.
What people don’t understand is IRGC leadership has benefited ENORMOUSLY from sanctions. They have made a HEFTY sum of money from being tasked to bust sanctions and usually charging a major mark up to do so. Who do you think Babak zanjani answered too?

This move aims to punish IRGC directly by making any IRGC or their family member linked to terrorism. This means any IRGC assets can potentially now be frozen. Any IRGC traveling in a foreign country with extradition to the US can be taken into custody.

While Iranians starve and struggle under the weight of high inflation, IRGC relatives are living luxury lifestyles many abroad like Qassem Solemani’s daughter.

So far IRGC haven’t felt sanctions against them. This aims to change that. Though wether it will work is much debated.

Obama also considered this, but ultimately passed on it because it is doubtful you can bring cause pain to a mafia paramilitary organization like IRGC, they are simply too embedded and too powerful to be dismantled via sanctions.
This move is designed for one thing, at the behest of the Zionist in Washington (Sadly Pompeo has become a useful idiot to the Israelis), this give the zionists and Neocons options to further deprive Iran of funds and commerce. Otherwise it doesn't do anything. I have no idea how hard it will become to do business abroad now for companies owned by the IRGC but this is what this move is designed to do. As far as IRGC in Syria, they've been attacking our forces there for a while now, so this move doesn't change or enhance anything there.
we shouldn't allow any terrorist to pass through Iranian waters, including the strait of Hormuz.
This is what Imam Khomaini stated from first day of revolution but cowards around him especially Hashemi rafsanjani didn’t listen to him.
Neo Cons (aka Canaan) believe Palestine and areas around Palestine is new Canaan and they should genocide their residents to establish greater i$rael.

In the Bible, the renaming of the Land of Canaan as the Land of Israel marks the Israelite conquest of the Promised Land.[60]


Canaanis are hardcore Jews and they believe in much superstitions.
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This move is designed for one thing, at the behest of the Zionist in Washington (Sadly Pompeo has become a useful idiot to the Israelis), this give the zionists and Neocons options to further deprive Iran of funds and commerce. Otherwise it doesn't do anything. I have no idea how hard it will become to do business abroad now for companies owned by the IRGC but this is what this move is designed to do. As far as IRGC in Syria, they've been attacking our forces there for a while now, so this move doesn't change or enhance anything there.

You're not wrong but I will just add to what you said by saying that the US with this ill-fated designation has made it overwhelming difficult for their to be peace between Iran and the US (once a terrorist organization, always a terrorist organization or something to that effect). This move also convinces those here in the United States who have thoughts on Iran to be more willing to believe in the 'enemy' narrative that Washington parrots daily no matter the political party holding power in the president's seat. A terrorist is no longer a human-being in the eyes of many Americans (many of who are really stupid anyways, we both know this first-hand), so US getting into a conflict with Iran will be easier now since, well, Iranians are terrorists so we gotta kill dem darn terrorists?!?

Sarcasm aside...This isn't good, even if its primary purpose was to bolster that inhuman creature's (Netanyahu) election bid, the longterm consequences will be severe: damningly so. Damn, man just holy shit...Israel greatest weapon is the US, and we can't do jack about it...

So I guess one would say this latest move does indeed do something, quite a few somethings actually when it comes to certain rules of engagement, legalities, future 'relations' and so on. US will be more willing to go after Iranian troops and generals operating on the field since they are terrorists, simple as that (that is one avenue of action US can take for example).

I get what TheImmortal is saying and what those who think this is just a pressure move (which is most certainly could be just that only) but the US has long-term plans for the Middle-East and NONE of them include Iran being strong or independent. This will lead to war/conflict in some form or another whether we accept it to be true or not.
I think the region is ramping up for more war. There will likely be a false flag akin to a US target being sunk in the Persian gulf with the US blaming it on Iran. Then it's hell all over again.
shadow of war are at sight and finally naive I.R understand the reality ...

Pres. Rouhani orders installation of 20 IR-6 centrifuges at Natanz site

In a ceremony held at Iran International Conference Center in capital Tehran on Tuesday to mark the country’s National Nuclear Technology Day, Rouhani ordered the launching of 4 new technologies via video conference, including the installation of a cascade of 20 centrifuges of IR-6 design at Natanz nuclear site.

Visiting the nuclear technology exhibition center, Rouhani also unveiled 110 new technologies in the fields of medicine and medical diagnosis, quantum technology, and an FTIR device.

According to the spokesman of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI), Behrouz Kamalvandi, the achievements cover various fields, including exploration, extraction, fuel cycle, power plants, science and technology as well as laser.
shadow of war are at sight and finally naive I.R understand the reality ...

Pres. Rouhani orders installation of 20 IR-6 centrifuges at Natanz site

In a ceremony held at Iran International Conference Center in capital Tehran on Tuesday to mark the country’s National Nuclear Technology Day, Rouhani ordered the launching of 4 new technologies via video conference, including the installation of a cascade of 20 centrifuges of IR-6 design at Natanz nuclear site.

Visiting the nuclear technology exhibition center, Rouhani also unveiled 110 new technologies in the fields of medicine and medical diagnosis, quantum technology, and an FTIR device.

According to the spokesman of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI), Behrouz Kamalvandi, the achievements cover various fields, including exploration, extraction, fuel cycle, power plants, science and technology as well as laser.
pictures from other topic by @skyshadow


Guys, How much do you think same faith would happen for Rouhani which happened for Khatami.
remember that during Khatami time and after failure of Sa'adAbad agreement Iran reopen it's nuclear sites.
so same president fix its failure, However in my personal opinion Khatami was good president in General unlike Rouhani.
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