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US forces leave ‘critical’ Iraqi base due to war of attrition


You are 'rationalizing' excesses of Saddam regime; I am sure American establishment have excuses for its excesses as well. Above all, this isn't a game of statistics in which a lower count imply less bad. BAD is BAD.

This is why Muslims are in deep shit, bro. Excuses for internal rot but convenient to blame others.

I have seen the list compiled by the other member above; utterly one-sided positions absolving other forces from their excesses.

You guys have no high moral ground.

LOL, what a fail LeGenD, I'll respond to you again just for shits and giggles (since I enjoy pushing your sensitive buttons ever since the last time you lashed out in a bigoted/racist tirade against Iranians and Persians) but man you're so wrong about what I said it's not even funny.

Dude...Just keep sucking that American juice LeGenD (you're truly moving up in the world). Nowhere did I "absolve" anyone of their crimes, (get your eyes checked, better yet brain). Also did you fail to see where I said Iran also sucks or is America just THAT near and dear to you? Do I have to name off every "BAD is BAD" transgression humans have done over the course of recorded history? You're smart enough to see the futility in such wasted time. The point (incase it went over your uber-sized head) was that the United States has objectively caused more death, mayhem and destruction than Iran. You can make a good argument about whose BAD is more BAD than the others BAD... ("BAD is BAD" man, look we don't like one another but this line is stupid).

I simply just made a cursory list of some of the mayhem the United States perpetrated over the years. If such a simple point cannot be ascertained by someone of such high mental acuity like yourself, then I wont really won't pry further since my words apparently are too crude for you. Furthermore I don't, and I mean do not, have to list off everything and try to make the playground equal when it comes to "BAD is BAD". Some BAD is more BAD than other BADS. Iran never committed even half of what the United States has done in its short but significant history (referring to USA here when it comes too "short and significant history" btw). But again "other member" you don't care do you? America is your darling until the end of time. Admit you exhibit undying bias/infatuation for America and spare us your inane ramblings. Don't you even dare try to act impartial, everyone and their mother knows where you stand when it comes to the States, or at-least if you're genuinely trying to be Mr.Fair, you're doing a bang-up job at it....what a failure you are "other member". In short, erudite on the matter of morality you clearly are not.

Screw it...Who am I kidding trying to rationalize with you, you're the biggest fanboy on this site who will come defend the States for whatever reason (military, geo-political, fucking-morally now). I'm coming around to the thought that I just might not like you whatsoever, you're just as reprehensible as any another American loving fanatic who refuses to see any sort of reason. Just keep on keeping on LeGenD....Idk maybe its some misguided acceptance, hmm....it's a mystery for sure.

Blue, you forgot the big one....the only nations to use Nukes against civilian population, not once but twice. They also almost eradicated the Native Americans, Eskimos, enslaved Africans and Chinese.....oh man, this is one ugly history.....I can't bear it, I live here and work here but the truth is what it is. Iran has a much cleaner, prouder history....

PS: I forgot they unleashed Stuxnet, experts say that ultimate plan was to have a Chernobyl kind of outcome....in other words, possibly millions infected with radiation poisoning....nevermind the environmental disaster that could have rendered major areas of our country unfit for humans...these guys are not the same liberators of WW2...this is a superpower that supposedly defeated the evil empire of the USSR only to become the defacto evil empire of the 21st century themselves......I find this incredibly sad because we both know Americans, true Americans are kind, hardworking, God fearing people with a incredible can do attitude....but these governmental institutions have morphed it to something terrible....I feel like Brutus, convincing himself why he has to kill his esteemed colleague Caesar

I fucking hate this place with a passion now....important Iranian contributors left for good reason and I'm coming around to it myself. Although I haven't really contributed much I didn't gain much either...

Kastor, I agree whole heartedly with everything you have wrote. The United States has the blood of tens of millions on its hands, sadly people pick and choose whose suffering is more worth grieving for.
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I think it's you that is living under a rock. The scale of damage inflicted by the US is far greater than any other country. A million killed in the sanctions on Iraq, not to mention the sanctions on North Korea and Venezuela. 500.000 Iraqis killed in the conflict after the invasions. Do the maths.

I simply cannot comprehend what possesses you to have such blinkers on regarding US behaviour.
Are you saying the US did these out of nothing? No cause at all?
LOL, what a fail LeGenD, I'll respond to you again just for shits and giggles (since I enjoy pushing your sensitive buttons ever since the last time you lashed out in a bigoted/racist tirade against Iranians and Persians) but man you're so wrong about what I said it's not even funny.

Dude...Just keep sucking that American juice LeGenD (you're truly moving up in the world). Nowhere did I "absolve" anyone of their crimes, (get your eyes checked, better yet brain). Also did you fail to see where I said Iran also sucks or is America just THAT near and dear to you? Do I have to name off every "BAD is BAD" transgression humans have done over the course of recorded history? You're smart enough to see the futility in such wasted time. The point (incase it went over your uber-sized head) was that the United States has objectively caused more death, mayhem and destruction than Iran. You can make a good argument about whose BAD is more BAD than the others BAD... ("BAD is BAD" man, look we don't like one another but this line is stupid).

I simply just made a cursory list of some of the mayhem the United States perpetrated over the years. If such a simple point cannot be ascertained by someone of such high mental acuity like yourself, then I wont really won't pry further since my words apparently are too crude for you. Furthermore I don't, and I mean do not, have to list off everything and try to make the playground equal when it comes to "BAD is BAD". Some BAD is more BAD than other BADS. Iran never committed even half of what the United States has done in its short but significant history (referring to USA here when it comes too "short and significant history" btw). But again "other member" you don't care do you? America is your darling until the end of time. Admit you exhibit undying bias/infatuation for America and spare us your inane ramblings. Don't you even dare try to act impartial, everyone and their mother knows where you stand when it comes to the States, or at-least if you're genuinely trying to be Mr.Fair, you're doing a bang-up job at it....what a failure you are "other member". In short, erudite on the matter of morality you clearly are not.

Screw it...Who am I kidding trying to rationalize with you, you're the biggest fanboy on this site who will come defend the States for whatever reason (military, geo-political, fucking-morally now). I'm coming around to the thought that I just might not like you whatsoever, you're just as reprehensible as any another American loving fanatic who refuses to see any sort of reason. Just keep on keeping on LeGenD....Idk maybe its some misguided acceptance, hmm....it's a mystery for sure.

I fucking hate this place with a passion now....important Iranian contributors left for good reason and I'm coming around to it myself. Although I haven't really contributed much I didn't gain much either...

Kastor, I agree whole heartedly with everything you have wrote. The United States has the blood of tens of millions on its hands, sadly people pick and choose whose suffering is more worth grieving for.

It looks like you need to calm down and relax. Have some juice:



My gesture of PEACE to you.




Regarding those who left, it is there choice. Do not pin blame on other members here. This is not healthy.

It looks like you need to calm down and relax. Have some juice:



My gesture of PEACE to you.




Regarding those who left, it is there choice. Do not pin blame on other members here. This is not healthy.

Haha very original but fair enough... I'll leave this be LeGenD, I'll accept your gesture of peace whether you actually mean it or not. It's good fun from time to time :smitten:

Just to make things crystal clear with you though, I do not think America is entirely bad nor do I believe "others" are just simply good (you might think it so but I'm not binary in my decision making). Obviously morality, ethics and other topics closely related to ideology, philosophy and personal outlook on this measly existence changes from person to person, country to country; I've accepted this to be fact because it just is reality, no use arguing semantics regarding it.

"Regarding those who left, it is their choice. Do not pin blame on other members here. This is not healthy" -- It's no secret that PDF has become rather hostile to Iranians in general but Iranians members have also been quite inflammatory in response, so there is blame to levied against all involved belligerents. Yet Iranian members leave almost directly because they don't like the environment of PDF due to certain PDF members that come to the Iranian section for the sole purpose to berate, put-down and instigate flame-wars in various threads, we've all seen how many Iranian threads get derailed by complete nobodies who could careless for the topic at hand. Furthermore, this has been cited in chatrooms and boards where ex-PDF Iranian members congregate to be the exact reason for many of their departures.

I don't have anything else to really add.
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The Halabja massacre? 5,000 died.

The Iran-Iraq war? You answered the question yourself. Baghdad is 100 miles from the Iranian border, the Iraqiis simply couldn't wait for an Iranian attack in what was a volatile situation for reasons of strategic depth. I don't have a dog in the fight, but you know it's not all Iraq's fault.

Invading Kuwait? You mean the 19th province that to the Iraqis is as much part of Iraq as Pakistanis think Kashmir is part of Pakistan? A province that was removed from Iraq so the British navy could have a base in the Northern Gulf?

All this doesn't compare to the Sanctions on Iraq that killed a million people, based on total lies. And a further 500,000 during and after the Invasion of Iraq?

I am no fan of Saddam and am happy he is in hell, but the evil of the Americans is on a vastly greater scale.

Like I said, do the maths.
Well on 500k children that died due to sanctions in 90s Saddam was guilty too he had money but spent it on something else however the whole drama & puppet mastering show was orchestrated from Washington in way that people had an uprising & were massacre by Yanks' green light to Saddam that's why when Saddam got arrested introduced himself as Iraqi president as he took it as another game of americans.

Well friend,You are entitled to your views, and I respect that. However, I see more blood being spilled for a cause without end which is very unfortunate. Societies which do not learn from history are bound to repeat same mistakes which ruined others - I consider this a Cycle of SHAME. All the best.
I hope ALL take lessons from history, superpower which do not learn from history are bound to repeat same mistakes which ruined others like the USSR, the GB, Nazi or before them Persian, Roman ... no power is eternal and history shows once they start oppression it erodes everything no exception ... for american it has started already. Sanction , threat of war , stealing, killing, occupation none of them got them what they want.
Haha very original but fair enough... I'll leave this be LeGenD, I'll accept your gesture of peace whether you actually mean it or not. It's good fun from time to time :smitten:

Just to make things crystal clear with you though, I do not think America is entirely bad nor do I believe "others" are just simply good (you might think it so but I'm not binary in my decision making). Obviously morality, ethics and other topics closely related to ideology, philosophy and personal outlook on this measly existence changes from person to person, country to country; I've accepted this to be fact because it just is reality, no use arguing semantics regarding it.

"Regarding those who left, it is their choice. Do not pin blame on other members here. This is not healthy" -- It's no secret that PDF has become rather hostile to Iranians in general but Iranians members have also been quite inflammatory in response, so there is blame to levied against all involved belligerents. Yet Iranian members leave almost directly because they don't like the environment of PDF due to certain PDF members that come to the Iranian section for the sole purpose to berate, put-down and instigate flame-wars in various threads, we've all seen how many Iranian threads get derailed by complete nobodies who could careless for the topic at hand. Furthermore, this has been cited in chatrooms and boards where ex-PDF Iranian members congregate to be the exact reason for many of their departures.

I don't have anything else to really add.
My gesture of peace is sincere.

I admit that I am not much political type to boot. My take of things is more Academic than political - this might confuse members here.

Nothing personal against (any) Iranian member here. I am more into understanding and appreciating technologies: https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/iranian-robots.657421/#post-12156759

You want to earn my LOVE? Discuss and teach me technologies. :enjoy:
And yes, US is repositioning its troops in Iraq. They will vacate two more bases in accordance with the DEAL and Iraqi government have a major say in this matter.
US has been ordered to FULLY EVACUATE, so repositioning to "other bases" is still not confrming to that order from the Iraqi govt.

Iraqi PMUs have nothing to do with these DEALINGS,
Hah a ....thats a lie, because its fringe/ Pro-Iranian PMU units that did these LAST 2 attacks on US bases, )Taji and another one). PMU are a serious and large military force in Iraq, It seems like you are living in a different reality. You talk behind your keyboard on PDF while US troops have to face at least 30-100K decently trained forces with good equipment, good morale, and state-backed and states resourced. YOu think This is AQI that has never understood or fought at the highest asymmetrical warfare level before??
and will not achieve anything in this game;
Ha ha ... you are in denial. You are saying US is evacuating this base because its part of the deal with IRAQI GOVT, but i am telling you its because US knows Iran is already unleashing its PMU allied units on US troops in Iraq. Even if we give you this instance, BRO, this will happen again....US doesnt have the ground forces to succesfully battle the large # of PMU units that are IRan allied and Iran- supported. Thats the straight fact. You notice US only used its airforce to respond right? thats a sign that you will ignore,but it means US has never owned the ground in Iraq, Iran has always owned it. PMU units have had years to organize, learn, equip, mature, build experience, WHILE FIGHTING US SUPPORTED ISIS in Iraq. Once again, Iran used time against the US well. No country is ready today to muster the forces needed to take on the Iran- backed PMU in Iraq. you will eventually have to accept that my brother, because you are feeding us propaganda here with your bogus conclusions.
US punched them hard last time but also ended up killing scores of Iraqi in the process which is unfortunate.
ha ha ...is that why US is leaving bases to avoid their rocket attacks? The reality in Iraq on the ground is opposite of what you as a PDF keyboard warrior is saying here. you are just lying...straight up! You are obviously living like we are in year 2000. ONly thing probably restraining Iran in Iraq is the Syrian war. If that SYrian war was not going on as is now, i promise you, US would need at least 30-50K troops to hold Iraq the way it is now.

I think these attacks would not make them to leave esp american are bringing C-RAM and Patriot systems to counter these types of attacks.
Fortunately or unfortunately, there are usually alternatives.

First off you have to punch above your weight....because you're dealing with a super power with no moral center anymore...they're Frankenstein unleashed. ANy country countering it would be punching above it's weight. My friend the America of the last century that you're so foggingly in love with is no more.....accept that reality. Furthermore, how many times have you predicted Iran getting it's collective *** handed to them before? While you've been busy applauding the U.S. military might....we've liberated Syria, and Iraq has signaled they want the U.S. to leave. No victories, eh? Where is the big bad U.S. campaign that will bomb us to the stone ages? The U.S. and European economies are on the brink of collapse....they only they will be saved from a great recession is if someone makes a vaccine and makes it fast....the unemployment here is soaring....the stockmarket has basically crashed. Meanwhile Iran is still ticking....the PMU's are still harassing them daily, raising the cost for them to occupy Iraq.........let me make this clear.....none of you M.E. countries, Pakistan,India, Turkey (forget the Arabs they're basically America's bitch at this point) and I mean none of you has countered the U.S. and the West like Iran has, heck, we've now shown the world how to counter them. So you go on predicting Iran's doom and eventual flattening while they work to remove the outsiders from our region.
Bro, you're a fool for this post:yay:

My gesture of peace is sincere.

I admit that I am not much political type to boot. My take of things is more Academic than political - this might confuse members here.

Nothing personal against (any) Iranian member here. I am more into understanding and appreciating technologies: https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/iranian-robots.657421/#post-12156759

You want to earn my LOVE? Discuss and teach me technologies. :enjoy:

@gambit @WordsMatter @LeGenD

This message is for all you guys.

What's fair is fair-- With that being said then, all the stuff in the past is water under the bridge. You do deserve an apology from me as well, I was far too harsh on you as a person and took things way too far. Sincerely speaking you didn't deserve even half the things I misguidedly said to you, my utmost apologies for my outlandish behavior.

For my own health/sanity I will try (in earnest) not to let my emotions get the better of me when responding to other members of PDF (including Gambit lol). Unfortunately personal sentiments tend to supersede objectivity in this forum more often than not. Rational conversation with the intent of engaging in true civil discourse in order to garner new insight on certain topics is in short supply nowadays and I'm a part of the problem admittedly. So again, I do apology for my childish behavior towards you these past couple years.

Happy Nowruz LeGenD!! I wish you and your family the best in this new year :yahoo::yahoo::cheers:
I think you should be more concerned about a pandemic ravaging through your country than trying to claim some small "victories" against US
Look at latest stats body, US situation is worse now and soon will probably jump to near 100,000 cases.
Yet Iranian members leave almost directly because they don't like the environment of PDF due to certain PDF members that come to the Iranian section for the sole purpose to berate, put-down and instigate flame-wars in various threads, we've all seen how many Iranian threads get derailed by complete nobodies who could careless for the topic at hand. .

This is 100% truth
Look at latest stats body, US situation is worse now and soon will probably jump to near 100,000 cases.

compared to what stats buddy? the stats released by Iran are simply falsified, the real number there is more than 100k+ already, if you believe the numbers are legitimate you are delusional.
compared to what stats buddy? the stats released by Iran are simply falsified, the real number there is more than 100k+ already, if you believe the numbers are legitimate you are delusional.
Instead of making baseless illegitimate claims explain if stats released by Iran are simply falsified then why its trajectory is similar to other countries? why WHO isn't supporting your claim?
Screenshot_2020-03-22 Coronavirus tracked the latest figures as the pandemic spreads.png
Instead of making baseless illegitimate claims explain if stats released by Iran are simply falsified then why its trajectory is similar to other countries? why WHO isn't supporting your claim?
View attachment 616050

Lol this trajectory doesn't mean anything, if you contained it by doing tests early you would have the case of South Korea, Iran did not contain it early, and has spread the virus to every neighbor.
Lol this trajectory doesn't mean anything, if you contained it by doing tests early you would have the case of South Korea, Iran did not contain it early, and has spread the virus to every neighbor.
Well these trajectories matter to show if a country hides data or not ..every neighbor should take responsibility of their own health if they fail it is their own failures like S Korea that stopped it ..
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