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US fines Chinese firm for re-sales to Pakistan nuclear plant

China will not stop helping Pakistan what so ever. US can continue crying forever.
BBC News - Chinese firm in illegal nuclear exports to Pakistan

3 million doesn't matter. and we will keep help pakistan nuclear project.
nothing can stop us.

and it is not fair. that india can import nuclear resource without problem.
why USA does not recognize that pakistan is already a nulear state?
their restricted nuclear-related exports to Pakistan is bullsht
Because India has a good track record of not selling nuclear technology to other countries.
LOL. China is right now the leading economy in the world. Who would dare put restrictions on China.LOL. USA is begging China for loans right now. China is giving it to them and also to Europe. All are dependent on China. LOL. Who will DARE to blacklist China? India.LOL.
Bhaiyaa might is right. Right now China is using that tool as it is an economic GIANT and the world knows it. LOL
Leading economy? Me no is for learned to count.

BBC News - Chinese firm in illegal nuclear exports to Pakistan

3 million doesn't matter. and we will keep help pakistan nuclear project.
nothing can stop us.

and it is not fair. that india can import nuclear resource without problem.
why USA does not recognize that pakistan is already a nulear state?
their restricted nuclear-related exports to Pakistan is bullsht
Fine...how about doing it with your stuff? Oh...thats right..haven't learned to copy it yet.
when Pakistan will stop trading these US made banned nuclear products? when Pakistan will say proudly that our nuclear plant is indigeniously made? akhir kab?
these are the reasons why international community had put sanctions on us and we are disrespected worldwide

At the end of a war the only thing matters is who the winner is. Not how and from where you got weapons.
^^^^ Of course reputation doesnt matter right?

Think about why Pakistan is on the nuclear blacklist of most nations....China could suffer the same fate if it keeps violating international rules about nuclear (material and tech) trade.

I can only say one thing to u, the enemy of Pak......

Go to hell:rofl:
Dude, remove foreign parts from India's so called indigenous plants, and you'd have a core-breach in seconds. Let's not play games here mate.

My Friend, I think you misunderstood my post...
Although I was replying to the poster who was talking about the "indegenous" aspect of Pakistan's nuclear program, the crux of my argument was that with Nuclear trade, countries need to have their ducks in a row....
These small "violations" do add to the already maligned nuclear proliferation record of Pakistan....and hence Reputation does matter...

As far as all elements of a nuclear plant being indegenous, I hardly believe thats the case anywhere....so I agree with your point, though not relevant for the scope of this discussion.
Track record of Pakistan don't allow other nations to lift ban on Pakistan but I think for the welfare of Pakistan, their government can negotiate infront of international bodies to lift the ban on Pakistan and in return Pakistan will sign "No first use Policy".

Some of the members might not like the idea but according to me I don't think any country's government is stupid to start a nuclear war when their neighbour is well placed in this field. And if you are going to use nuke if it is fired on you, it's good to sign "No first use Policy" and earn the benefits out of it. Similar to the case of India.
This is what friends are for. China supplied Pakistan with the necessary parts when required, who cares for the consequences.
What is US$3 million to the Chinese? Peanuts.


China wont be Paying the $3mn.
At the end of a war the only thing matters is who the winner is. Not how and from where you got weapons.

Its not always about winning! For greater good Pakistan should stop smuggling banned components from America or other European countries or else we will be considered the biggest terrorist nation of the world due to the decision of our top brass!
آپ بلکل اسم با مسمی ھیں ۔ جناب نفسیاتی صاحب

Thanks for the complement! but according to me its enough for Pakistan to be involved in such illegal matters!
Its not always about winning! For greater good Pakistan should stop smuggling banned components from America or other European countries or else we will be considered the biggest terrorist nation of the world due to the decision of our top brass!
In this case the more burden comes on the countries who let the items to be smuggled due to their flawed and corrupt systems. Why don't they allow proper transfers under international safeguards for peaceful purposes.
What's wrong, it's a contract between two countries Pakistan and China. How Chinese company completes its commitment, it's their baby. Second no country makes everything, something are produced and many are purchased, Pakistan made what was required still a lot we need to do in many fields. Stop worrying and concentrate on whatever job you do in the best interest of this nation.

Yes their is a lot to do in this field but by Rn D not acquiring these things by importing illegally! yes you are right we cannot make everything 100 percent but at least think of the other countries that possesses these technology, they didn't make it 100 percent indigenously but more than 70 percent is made by them and other things that were out of their production scope they import not illegally but legally! Whats the reason Germany doesn't have any nuclear bomb just nuclear plants? because they faced and understood that war is not a solution for peace and by making bombs they would put humanity into much danger! and by 2030 Germany will turn its energy needs from nuclear to renewable resources like wind and solar!
BBC News - Chinese firm in illegal nuclear exports to Pakistan

3 million doesn't matter. and we will keep help pakistan nuclear project.
nothing can stop us.

and it is not fair. that india can import nuclear resource without problem.
why USA does not recognize that pakistan is already a nulear state?
their restricted nuclear-related exports to Pakistan is bullsht

Funny you should ask, considering your nation is a signatory of NPT.
Yes their is a lot to do in this field but by RnD not by acquiring they things by importing illegally! yes you are right we cannot make everything 100 percent but at least think of the other countries that possesses these technology, they didnt make it 100 percent indigeneously but more than 70 percent is made by them and other things that were out of their production scope they import not illegally but legally! Whats the reason Germany doesnt have any nuclear bomb just nuclear plants? because they faced and understood that war is not a solution for peace and by making bombs they would put humanity into much danger!

Germans don't need it cause they are part of NATO and three nations in this pact are nuclear powers with veto right. By they way German's are producing many defence products from fighter jet to top of the line submarines.

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