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US fines Chinese firm for re-sales to Pakistan nuclear plant

That was not part of our argument, I especially requested that we leave India out of it.

Anyway, might is indeed right, and the US can give anybody an NSG waiver or a UNSC threat at will.

I suppose I misunderstood what you were hinting at with reference to the US getting a free hand....which is why the compariosn between Indian position and Pakistans position wrt. NSG.
You obviously can't read, I wasn't talking about nuclear power plants.

I'll quote the post that you were replying to once again:

Ok, well then how about you post examples of how China is helping the Pakistani nuclear program outside of building the 2 additional reactors as part of the loophole..

You claimed that China has been providing direct assistance to Pakistan overlooking its commitments as a member of NSG....and that nobody cares if you break those rules...

So how about you end this argument by listing those instances,....Mind you, this has to be POST China's commitment to join NSG
Indeed these matters are not decided on moral grounds, indeed there were many factors which our think tanks ignored in becoming nuclear power! what about the infrastructure, Research and development, education that are still in ignorance! And thats not all when we became nuclear power in 80s we didnt stop at that time we started proliferating it! we sold our technology to other countries and then in 2000 when the international community caught us red handed then we started complaining that why sanctions are put on us! Now when we have missile technology and we still are updating it which requires a lot of funds where all the funds should be invested in RnD with in our country! we all know that no one is going to use these nuclear bombs!

Do you know why and when sanctions were imposed on Pakistan.
^^^^ Of course reputation doesnt matter right?

Think about why Pakistan is on the nuclear blacklist of most nations....China could suffer the same fate if it keeps violating international rules about nuclear (material and tech) trade.

How many fulls like you in India? US saved your as" because you are fed to be an anti-China dog. Don't you know that you are still on the black list, mr indian...
How many fulls like you in India? US saved your as" because you are fed to be an anti-China dog. Don't you know that you are still on the black list, mr indian...

Yeah and how many A$$es like you in Sverige? India is not on any blacklist now; hence the Nuclear deals with USA, France, Russia, Korea, Canada. As well as the upcoming Uranium supply deal between Indai and Australia. But I'm sure you don't anything about all that!
Btw, do they serve dog-meat in Stockholm? Just asking.
No...CHina has done jack ****...except used a loophole...

If you have any other examples of China breaking NSG rules and regulations as a signatory to help Pakistani nuclear program (except Chashma 3 and 4)...please share...

China does not have the balls nor the political clout to go head to head against a group it has willingly joined...if it did, Pakistan would have received an NSG waiver as well...
Unfortunately you Chinese overestimate your importance and underestimate your vulnerability.

Just for once...explain how this fits into the scope of discussion? Olympics and NSG are very much related right?

or is it that you just couldnt think of anything better to say, so you decided to regurgitate a link you probably have tattooed on your body as well..LOL!

loophole chashma 3 & 4 ? dude wake up China & Pakistan have much more going then that
Iran with the world IAEA NSG included literally being @ its throat are not being have failed to halt its nuclear program
North Korea is another shining example of their failures in fact contrary to china its those who are opposing has been able to do jack $h!t ! & you are talking about Pakistan a declared nuclear power with six successful back to back tit for tat nuclear test's with one of the fastest expanding nuclear weapons programs in the world @ present Pakistan is a nuclear power & a powerful one @ that learn to live with it & here is the latest reality check
Pakistan reportedly finalizing deal to set up 6 nuclear power plants with China's help
Terminal X: Pakistan reportedly finalizing deal to set up 6 nuclear power plants with China's help

just recently in april
Pakistan plans to build two nuclear power plants in Sindh
Pakistan plans to build two nuclear power plants in Sindh | NDTV.com

plus we dont even need australia or any other country for uranium pakistan has uranium as natural resource the region of gilgit-baltistan & baluchistan is quite rich when it comes to uranium China is even setting up a mining plant there
Today, Chinese miners and their affiliates are everywhere in Gilgit Baltistan especially in the Hunza-Nagar district, which is rich in uranium and certain minerals used in space technology. http://articles.economictimes.india...um-exploration-korean-miners-mineral-deposits

Gilgit Baltistan is located between the great Himalayan range. ... This God gifted area is full of very important minerals like uranium ,sulfur,gold ...
we are surrounded by thieves and beggars ..

We borrow money from China and then give some back as foreign aid
By Admin on October 30, 2011 at 9:18 pm
Posted In: Insanity
Conservatively Speaking | Politics » We borrow money from China and then give some back as foreign aid
Pretty much everyone in the U.S. knows that America’s debt to China is measured in the trillions of dollars. As of May 2011 the largest single holder of U.S. government debt was China, with 36 percent of all foreign-held U.S. Treasury securities. The current estimate is that China now holds between $1.25 and $1.5 trillion of U.S. debt.

What most of the public is not aware of is that some of the money the U.S. borrows from China is used for foreign aid back to China. It’s not much different than robbing your kid’s piggy bank to pay their allowance. How did we become so stupid?
Direct foreign aid to China pales in comparison to what we borrow from China, but it ain’t chicken feed. While direct foreign aid to China may only measure in the tens of millions of dollars, indirect aid, that being aid the U.S. gives to international organizations that they feed to China is much, much more.
A surge of frustration is spewing from Capitol Hill over the aid to China but this isn’t news. The U.S. has been providing foreign aid dubbed “development aid” to China since the Nixon administration.
Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK), noted watchdog said, “Why in the world would we be borrowing money and then turn around and giving it back to the countries that we’re borrowing it from? If they have enough of a surplus to loan us money, they have enough of a surplus to take care of their own needs.”
We’ve been doing the same thing for years so where was the congressional outrage before now? Political pundits have been commenting on the lunacy of borrowing billions from China to turn around and send a portion back to the Chinese in the form of not loans but development grants.
Sen. Jim Webb (D-VA) asked the same question in a recent appearance on Fox News: “Hey, in the crisis that we’re in right now, should we really be continuing to send American taxpayer dollars over to China for these purposes?”
Donald Trump had it right when he said the Chinese are laughing at us. Our debt to China grows with each day, we send millions each week in interest payments and then we literally give them free money.
Dan Ikenson summed it up pretty succinctly, “How silly this is of the United States to be subsidizing the faster-growing, second-largest economy in the world.”
The argument for providing aid to China back in the ‘70s was to gain influence and utilize American aid to modernize the Chinese economy with a decidedly capitalistic aim. It worked; perhaps a little too well.
While we’ve been mortgaging our future to China, they’ve been stealing intellectual property, carrying on cyber attacks and manipulating their currency all the while building a greater and greater trade imbalance with the U.S. The Chinese take every opportunity to undercut the U.S. in an effort to displace us as the world’s largest economy and the efforts appear to be paying off. Current estimates suggest that China will usurp the U.S. in the very near future.
While the Senate recently passed a bill to punish Chinese currency manipulation, they did nothing to cut off American aid to our largest debtor.
Trump is right…we are a bunch of idiots.
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