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US delivers 30 helicopters to Pakistan


May 21, 2006
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ISLAMABAD, Oct 22 (AFP): The United States on Monday handed over 30 military helicopters to Pakistan to help fight extremism and provide humanitarian relief in the region. US ambassador Anne Patterson turned over the aircraft during a ceremony at an aviation base in Rawalpindi, the military said. The 26 new Bell-412 and four refurbished Cobra helicopters “will significantly enhance” the military's “operational capabilities”, it said. (Posted @ 18:56 PST)
- DAWN - Latest Stories; October 22, 2007

thx Haider - the 26 Bell 412s were long overdue. i belive this FMS contract was signed at least 2-3 years ago. Pak has been advocating quick delivery by USA but the US process is very cumbersome.
the 4 AH-1F Cobras is part of a 20 helicopter deal also contracted in 2005-06. so far 12 have been delivered.
no outright purchase through Foreign Military Sales (FMS) funded by US Defence allocations.
Haider - bit more detail related to your query about leased or not?

U.S. delivers 25 combat helicopters to Pakistan army

ISLAMABAD, Oct. 22 (Xinhua) -- The United States on Monday delivered 25 Bell-412 helicopters to Pakistan army under a 235 million U.S. dollar-deal to help build Pakistan's army aviation capability, the News Network International (NNI) news agency reported.

The Bell 412EP medium twin-engine helicopters and associated equipment to Pakistan were handed over to Pakistan army at a ceremony at the Qasim Airbase, near Rawalpindi, by U.S. Ambassador to Pakistan, Anne W. Patterson, a U.S embassy statement said.

Patterson paid rich tributes to the "courage and professionalism" of Pakistan Army aviation personnel and declared them "an asset to Pakistan Army Aviation and to our combined effort to fight extremism and bring peace and stability to the region."

"This event demonstrates the continued commitment of the United States to cooperation with Pakistan," Patterson said, "Our military assistance programs are for the long term. They are the foundation for cooperation and engagement, and a way to strengthen our bonds as partners and allies."

During the first phase of the project, Pakistan leased the helicopters while the U.S. provided the resources, funding, training, and support to help Pakistan establish a strong and reliable helicopter fleet.

"Today we celebrate the beginning of Phase two. The Pakistan Army now takes ownership of these helicopters," Patterson noted.

"The U.S. will continue to provide support and training as Pakistan establishes a helicopter force capable of enhancing combat operations, providing security, and engaging in medical evacuations and humanitarian relief throughout the region," Patterson said.
still don't know the exact number of Cobra Pak has, as of today??
So how would Bell help exactly in combating terrorism? Its just a transport.
So how would Bell help exactly in combating terrorism? Its just a transport.

transporting troops into in-accessible areas - airborne!
Bell will also be equipped with a 50cal MG.
mostly speculations, looking for eye witness account..
I know 12, 8 , 4 arrival , but people speculating numbers around 60s or 70s..
Not witnessed in news media about the arrival of that many. Just look at this if we receive 4 Cobra its headline news...
Are they leased one ?

One correction to my earlier statement. The Leased helis have been turned over to Pakistan (essentially its a Lease to Own) sort of an arrangement. So the Helis are the same as those that have been used over the past two years, the only addition is the 4 Cobras.

“Our military assistance programmes are for the long term. They are the foundation for cooperation and engagement and a way to strengthen our bonds as partners and allies,” Ms Patterson said.

In 2004, Pakistan and the US had embarked on a long-term $235million project to build the army aviation capability. During the first phase, Pakistan was given helicopters on lease while the US provided resources, funding, training, and support. The aircraft were used in operations against extremists.

“Today we celebrate the beginning of Phase-II. The Pakistan Army now takes ownership of these helicopters,” she said.
US hands over 30 choppers -DAWN - National; October 23, 2007
mostly speculations, looking for eye witness account..
I know 12, 8 , 4 arrival , but people speculating numbers around 60s or 70s..
Not witnessed in news media about the arrival of that many. Just look at this if we receive 4 Cobra its headline news...

u r a tough guy to please!
it is confirmed that there are 19/20 existing cobras purchased in 1984-85.
20 cobras AH-1Fs are in the process of delivery (12 confirmed)
20 cobras purchased for spares.
so total available by mid-2008 will be 39 AH-1Ss and 1Fs. eventually the 1Ss will be upgraded to AH-1F standard.
check AFM april 2007
DSCA web site.
Salam to all,

First of all these 26 Bell 412 delivered in 2005 on the basis of lease, and know they are transferred to Pakistan, after confirmation that these Heli are exclusively used in War Against Terrer.

secondly with the feature of Auto Pilot, make that Heli is quiet usefull on long ranges, as well as able to lift external fuelage, which will bring the range of the Heli to 980Km with full range.

Danish saleem
PA should start thinking in terms of a AIRBORNE Regiment for a start and build towards a independent airborne brigade with Cobras as their fire-power support.
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