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Turkey angers US by offering helicopters to Pakistan

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too much reliance on China is also bad.

Its good to keep a balance. I hope the deal goes through

What other option can you suggest? Russian?

The fact is there is only 2 option for PAF. Western or Chinese. Western is proven time to times unreliable.
Pakistan Should explore both Turkish offer as well as Chinese to see which one serves Pakistan's Strategic interest. Pakistan should explore Joint venture with Chinese that includes ToT. I seriously doubt Turkish offer would include ToT as they themselves have Joint Ventured with the European Consortium.

Pakistan has an excellent relationship with the Chinese , already, so that might be the way to go if ToT is included to sweeten the deal. In every deal, Pakistan should prefer Joint Ventures with China that support our own industry and support China's Defense Industry, as well. The main reason for this type of approach is our very special relationship with China and China's willingness to share Technology with Pakistan. Pakistan should really be doing more joint development projects with China like our very successful collaboration with them with the JF-17's.

As far as US is concerned , haven't we Pakistanis learnt our lesson. They sell us Military hardware and then put embargo on the Parts at the first sight of disagreement. Consequently Billions of Dollars of money tied up in Hardware becomes useless as the Equipment gathers RUST on the Tarmac. How many times do we need to get hit on the head with a baseball bat before we wise up.

Why china and turkey will form a J V with Pakistan and waste their resources on some new project , instead they can waste the same time and same resources on the old platforms they got and mature it ,
the main edge what turkey is the weapons and avionics they are European
while on the other side they are Chinese untested and Pakistan has habit of going to Europe or US if they can get it
Now All is ON US because of the engines and the future purchases of US helicopters

We will be purchasing both, in line with the AWACS deal.

Pakistan cant maintain 2 different Weapons of different origin and use them at same time what will be idiotic

too much reliance on China is also bad.

Its good to keep a balance. I hope the deal goes through

you can keep the balance when you have money to Buy product and keep its supply line open in the time of need

This already had happend with pakistan in 1999

Best option is to check which Craft is more suitable for Pakistan and comes in cheap price tag with some extra packaging
Why china and turkey will form a J V with Pakistan and waste their resources on some new project , instead they can waste the same time and same resources on the old platforms they got and mature it ,
the main edge what turkey is the weapons and avionics they are European
while on the other side they are Chinese untested and Pakistan has habit of going to Europe or US if they can get it
Now All is ON US because of the engines and the future purchases of US helicopters

Pakistan cant maintain 2 different Weapons of different origin and use them at same time what will be idiotic

No because, both countries China and Turkey are offering us excellent deals - which would prevent all our eggs in one basket and also allow us awesome capability both COIN and Anti Armor.
What other option can you suggest? Russian?

The fact is there is only 2 option for PAF. Western or Chinese. Western is proven time to times unreliable.

Well Their weapons are reliable But their daddy is not reliable

No because, both countries China and Turkey are offering us excellent deals - which would prevent all our eggs in one basket and also allow us awesome capability both COIN and Anti Armor.

My Friend for two different weapons you need to different faculties two different types of hardware
two different types of tech two different types of weapons Yes it will give us edge in numbers and in tech But
It will way more costly and Pakistan has habit of choosing best available cheap product
Why china and turkey will form a J V with Pakistan and waste their resources on some new project , instead they can waste the same time and same resources on the old platforms they got and mature it ,
the main edge what turkey is the weapons and avionics they are European
while on the other side they are Chinese untested and Pakistan has habit of going to Europe or US if they can get it
Now All is ON US because of the engines and the future purchases of US helicopters

Pakistan cant maintain 2 different Weapons of different origin and use them at same time what will be idiotic

you can keep the balance when you have money to Buy product and keep its supply line open in the time of need

This already had happend with pakistan in 1999

Best option is to check which Craft is more suitable for Pakistan and comes in cheap price tag with some extra packaging

China already has a Joint venture with Pakistan, Genius.

China already has a Joint venture with Pakistan, Genius.


and for jf 17 did china scrapped J 10 program ? Now and jf 17 wasnt only for pakistan Jf 17 was a JV for ageing fleets of developing countries
Now China And Turkey already had created their Product which is almost Operational or in testing phase now You want them to ignore their orginal product and start A new JV ? and i m knucklehead
US would offer now to scrap the deal and later deny selling it based on some fictitious reports
and for jf 17 did china scrapped J 10 program ? Now and jf 17 wasnt only for pakistan Jf 17 was a JV for ageing fleets of developing countries
Now China And Turkey already had created their Product which is almost Operational or in testing phase now You want them to ignore their orginal product and start A new JV ? and i m knucklehead

Pakistan has different requirements.China needs J-10 to defend it's sea and land territories.Plus they already have their hands full maintaining j10, Su30,Su27,j11.
Well Their weapons are reliable But their daddy is not .

Times have changed. China military hardware is competent and reliable. Check out FSA and see how many Syria army armour knock out by HJ-8 ATGM. Not to mention FN-6 shoulder launched SAM that even brought down a fast moving Mig-21 at high attitude.
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