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US considered operation inside Pakistan to rescue American soldier

Neither possible nor wise. Not possible as the target area was deep inside Waziristhan where the PA has yet not been able to reach. So the question of shooting down a chopper doesn't arise.

Unwise because if a chopper had been brought down by the air force or army, the riposte by the Americans would have been swift and destructive.

one: the above statement is by Sedney that PA had ordered to shoot down any US chopper intruding the area and two: what is your source that PA has not able to reach somewhere?
All you should take is that I am happy and relived that he is safely back with his family
he looks like a nice chap.

He may still need to explain the desertion charges that are being leveled against him, but yes, that he is back with his family in freedom, is to be celebrated.
I still wonder where al-Zawahiri will be found.
now I share your thoughts and cynicism here . I wont be surprised if he is inside the capital city. we have an entire complex with a dedicated Osama library after all.

recall that KSM was found in Pindi inside the house of a Boko Haram Jamat Islami female leader (both are unrelated but for jihad they are willing to sacrifice few Islamic restrictions).
it will be a shame but nothing shocking .. because we are at the state of war and facing an insurgency and a neighbor with a border like a gaping hole ..

free for all. while drones and PAF have been pounding FATA, the more clever leadership has found it safe to seek shelter in the settled areas.

but let me assure you whatever happens or doesnt happen we will still stay accused

if we catch him ourselves, the Muppets like Sedney will say... "see? he was there all along and now ISI decided to catch him.. bah not good enough"

if we dont catch him and he is killed by drone or US troops, the same Muppet will rant saying, see? Pakistanis were hiding him

He may still need to explain the desertion charges that are being leveled against him, but yes, that he is back with his family in freedom, is to be celebrated.
I will wait to see how some creative minds will also blame it on ISI
This time Pak Army has been ordered to shoot down any usa helicopter at sight so americans aren't gonna make that mistake ever again.
Since the Abtabad operation Pak Army is very angry that's the main reason usa didn't attempt any SF action again.
Pak Army respects the democratic government of Pakistan that's why drones can target terrorist groups.
Taking any kind of uav or drone down is child's play for a professional army like Pak Army.
We are suffering economically that makes us vulnerable to the vultures like america.If any body was in our place they would have done the same.
The whole world is trying to bully us the best way to get out of this is to ask for help from the Muslim world that can change our fate totally and we can become far much better than we are now today. We should be controlling this region because we have done it before many times.We were great we feel it today and we can make things happen its just in our nature.:cool::cool::cool:
This time Pak Army has been ordered to shoot down any usa helicopter at sight so americans aren't gonna make that mistake ever again.

You need to detect an aircraft in order to shoot it.


I was reading about this exchange and there are some serious charges of desertion and helping Taliban eith making IED's and ambush planning , even if it was under duress, on this solider.

why did they back off?? :devil:... because this time Pak Army would have responded unlike OBL operation..

He was a deserter and SF Commanders did not wanted to risk their men for him.
Doesn't that seem like a damning indictment of the failed policies pursued by Pakistan?
maybe not

what chance did the little deer have when the wolf decided that it might have been his mother who abused him?
Keep telling yourself that, if it makes you feel any better. But if that was true, Pak and USA would have acknowledged the same, so as to save Pak from charges of impotence, and USA from charges of violating yet another muslim country's sovereignity. The fact is that USA uses its drones to blast Pak based militants to smithereens, and there is nothing that your military can do about it.

Right back at ya!

US troops were ready to enter Pakistan to secure Bergdahl's release - Pakistan - DAWN.COM

Quote from the above news:

Sedney said that after the operation against Osama bin Laden in Abottabad, matters had become more difficult as US relations with the Pakistani army had already deteriorated.

He said the Pakistani army had issued orders that US helicopters should be shot down if they were seen flying on its territory.

Right.......I mean it must all be a fact since the news was published, how can anyone counter that!

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Now that the US did not carry out the op , Pak posters are attempting to take credit for it !

All ops & especially cross border ops are not knee jerk Gung Ho type ops. They are deliberated carefully and executed only if time is at premium/ critical or no other alternative is available.

In this case , had the US intervened the NS Govt would have fallen. This is not in the US & world interests.Besides, they found another way to get what they wanted.

For those who find it despicable that an exchange took place it would be worth noting that a now credible back door link has been established which will pay dividends in the days ahead.
no one is actually trying to take credit for anything, infact its the other way around, its the US that is trying to act so little angel and trying to take credit for not attacking Pakistan, well it was not in " Their" best interest to do such an OP without getting Pakistan Govt on board - no am not talking out of emotions or patriotism, its clearly logical.

Attacking a country, that is MNNA and would not only bring instability in Pakistan, but will unstable the whole Region, and US would not want that, this is not Vietnam, or Iraq anymore, You have bigger Power players in the region with more at stake
He was a deserter and SF Commanders did not wanted to risk their men for him.

beeep... wrong answer! That's not what the official report says..

Right.......I mean it must all be a fact since the news was published, how can anyone counter that!

Jeez... you think your ipse dixit has more value than a published material?
maybe not

what chance did the little deer have when the wolf decided that it might have been his mother who abused him?

If we are to use that fable, may be the deer should have ensured that what it was hiding underneath itself to use against another hungry wolf next door, did not poke the big bad wolf on the other side of the world in the eye?
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