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Unyielding Valor: Pakistan Army's Rescue Operation During a Plane Crash

Ask Iraq, Syria and Libya what a calamity is you silly Hindjew.

Don't blame yourself, blame the system. :)

What will blaming the system by itself do? Remember, the people collectively form the system the country will operate in. He mentioned they invested in properties as it was "safe," but it was the wrong strategy long-term; here lies the problem; if he's figured it out, it was a lousy strategy, yet the nation keeps doing it that is what you call insanity doing the same expecting something different.
Pakistanis can discuss politics even when it doesn’t affect their personal lives. U can see how political threads and political replies thrive in this forum. No technical, strategic, tactical, innovative or creative discussion on any topic regarding economy or science or solutions regarding current condition of Pakistan. Just cursing and abusing in one liners.

To be accurate, Pakistan doesn't have the tools or strategy to be a rising economy. You do not have the caliber of people to design and implement policies; the last international team assembled to address the issue was formed in 2018, a competent team of top Pakistani-origin PhDs in Economics and Business and broke apart due to the Ahmadiyya issue; what you were left with was a by-product of the Pakistani education system. Do you expect Pakistanis right now, as it stands to resolve our problems? It's essential to address the brain-drain issue and political instability if the country wants to attract investment and become a rising economy. Everyday life in Pakistan may be typical for its citizens, but external investors hesitate to invest in an unstable country. It's essential to have a stable economic and political environment to attract investors and make progress.

Lastly, within the last month, you have seen the so-called "agriculture revolution" announcement. I don't know where to begin to address this issue; whereas the world is shooting for the stars, and here is a country with 220 million people about to bring about an agricultural revolution.

I'm sorry to say while I like the regular soldiers and the officer class, the old babus of the army, starting from Ayub Khan to Asim Munir, didn't bring just the clowns into power but the whole circus.
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Ask Iraq, Syria and Libya what a calamity is you silly Hindjew.

Iraq and Libya have a higher HDI than Pakistan.

At the current rate Pakistan is going I won’t be surprised if Syria overtakes it in short time.
Looool...who give a f about the basturd generals.

@Signalian no one give a flying f about the traitorous army .

Pakistan zindabad...Americas army on Pakistani soil murdabad

ALLAH.........if ALLAH wills to save it.

U need not get ur panties in a knot
Anyone with integrity cannot support this army
@Signalian no one give a flying f about the traitorous army
Many entities do but you won’t know about them just like Army doesn’t give a flying f about posts on pdf.
The greatest help the army can do is to stop the thought of they are the saviors and also they should stop helping the civilian government.

First thing first, do to job assigned to the army under the constitution.

Some of us, including professionals have served for Pakistan’s security in some way or another. PK has done so obviously.

Many months back, this member Zia Ul Islam, taunted at me saying IK has done this that for Pakistan, what have you done. I thought of replying back but then replied jokingly.

Back in good old days when 4G was not heard of, a project came from NLC on Torkham and Chamman border posts. A real time monitoring system had to be installed with communication ability on 3G network or at least 2.75G (EDGE) on cellular networks as redundancy apart from fiber.

The project equipment was funded by USA DOD, and a US company was to provide tech support. The question now came up for US Company that who will go and install the system. Nobody wanted to go.

We were two Pakistani engineers working in some company abroad. We were told the prospect and asked if we could head for the project. The security would be provided by FC and the logistical support by NLC.

To this day, I loathe NLC who ditched us at the chamman border post and ran away. It was FC who stood with us while we installed the system and brought it online on server. Again at Torkham, NLC gave us equipment and disappeared while FC kept standing with us as we worked near iconic bab-e-Khyber.

The connections were to be relayed to Karachi port and Port Bin Qasim. We were flown to NLC HQ adjacent to GHQ and after bringing servers online there, we went to Karachi where as usual NLC again ditched us. Just glad that we weren’t NLC employees while US company was ensuring payment to the company we worked in.

We completed the project, with all praise for FC in Baluchistan and KPK.

I post about FC and others LEAs in Baluchistan/KPK on PDF because they stood guard with us while we installed the monitoring hardware while TTP had stepped up the attacks. I don’t know if that system is upgraded to 4G or if real-time management upgrades have been made, but I’m glad that I went back to Pakistan to offer my services to the country in the domain of security services.

Bhai, unlike hundreds of arm-chair generals, some of us have “been there, done that”.
Sorry to say but so have many other employees of telecom sector, without such security, been to such areas... while some got killed and kidnapped.

So I dont know whats special what you did and hundreds of other guys doing.
Sorry to say but so have many other employees of telecom sector, without such security, been to such areas... while some got killed and kidnapped.

So I dont know whats special what you did and hundreds of other guys doing.

Look how important I am. Well He got paid so who cares what risks were involved
Staying on topic, good job by the engineers unit in getting the wreckage out and area cleared.

The army is perhaps the most well equipped SAR organization in Pakistan, and it makes sense to use them. I think CDA has a very good team as well, but @RescueRanger can correct me.

Ideally this job should be for civil agencies, but we have a long way to go before that can be done due to numerous reasons. Same goes for a whole lot of other departments.

Not at all. I post what’s good about PA, the rest of forum posts what’s bad about PA. Both are true but the good is also out there and it exists and that’s what I will keep on posting.

If somebody thinks that PA did all the worst that could happen to Pakistan - who cares, PA is still here, PA will do what it deems necessary and PA will keep doing what it thinks is right for Pakistan.

If there’s a disaster in Pakistan, PA will send its troops. If PA had to make a disaster, it will send troops. If PA has to create disaster for someone or Indian Army, it will send its troops.

If nobody likes PA, not even Pakistanis then they shouldn’t join PA.

Dude, please please please read this post again.

This whole post reeks of an us vs them mentality. Is this seriously what you wanna preach? You just make everyone's argument make much more sense, even of the overboard members on here.

Sorry to say but so have many other employees of telecom sector, without such security, been to such areas... while some got killed and kidnapped.

So I dont know whats special what you did and hundreds of other guys doing.

I remember when I was at an oil well and got an RPG launched at us. Good old days...miss that job though.

But, to the underlying point made in the post you quoted, that the FC has stood by, is true. They were the ones giving us the escorts to different sites, and then sometimes standing guard at the well site itself.

Perhaps this is due to the situation in Balochistan being brought upon by these very forces, but that's a debate for another topic.
But, to the underlying point made in the post you quoted, that the FC has stood by, is true. They were the ones giving us the escorts to different sites, and then sometimes standing guard at the well site itself.

Perhaps this is due to the situation in Balochistan being brought upon by these very forces, but that's a debate for another topic.
Well it is commendable for the FC, but the only reason I quoted that post because a full team from my previous company that I worked in got kidnapped in some area of Baluchistan while installing a site. the kidnappers demanded 5 Million PKR ransom and then killed one guy, sad part is the guy getting killed was some poor guy.

So just because Mr. Signalian was getting a chopper to get from one location to another, it doesnt make the rest of the civilians doing the same job for much less income, any less important than what he thinks.
Well it is commendable for the FC, but the only reason I quoted that post because a full team from my previous company that I worked in got kidnapped in some area of Baluchistan while installing a site. the kidnappers demanded 5 Million PKR ransom and then killed one guy, sad part is the guy getting killed was some poor guy.

So just because Mr. Signalian was getting a chopper to get from one location to another, it doesnt make the rest of the civilians doing the same job for much less income, any less important than what he thinks.

Oh I totally agree and that was the point I was making in my post too.

I know Mari got attacked quite a few teams, once their survey team was kidnapped and released for ransom, and another time in Waziristan I believe again a seismic team member got killed.

SLB has been attacked a couple of times, that's why it charges much more now and Chinese companies are slowly taking over. This is just what I know.
Many entities do but you won’t know about them just like Army doesn’t give a flying f about posts on pdf.
This army is not the army my father and uncle fought in. This army kidnapped Pakistanis and sold them to America for dollars..Musharaf himself admitted to this. This army allowed American to bomb pakistan. This army lost east pakistan. This army lost saichen. This army labelled fatima jinnah a traitor.
This army however never lost an election. This Army's retired COAS never remained for 1 day in Pakistan after retirement.

Lotas will support the army and wipe their bums. I don't care for you or your army. Your views are as irrelevant as is your treacherous army.

No one cares that you are a telecoms engineer and had army protecting you...you got paid and probably in dollars so if you got shot your problem. Don't make out to be some hero for pakistan. Like the dollar army you are a dollar technician. Have a nice day

Ps: I don't give a flying f about your posts and the gandoo generals who rear you are still sniffing

Oh I totally agree and that was the point I was making in my post too.

I know Mari got attacked quite a few teams, once their survey team was kidnapped and released for ransom, and another time in Waziristan I believe again a seismic team member got killed.

SLB has been attacked a couple of times, that's why it charges much more now and Chinese companies are slowly taking over. This is just what I know.

As the locals chant and there is no smoke without fire

Dasht gardi ke peche wardi.
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Many entities do but you won’t know about them just like Army doesn’t give a flying f about posts on pdf.

That's why ur making countless threads in order to prove failed loyalty of khaki creatures to Pakistan.

Even u know that people have come to the point that they don't even want to celebrate independence day. But u creatures do not know something called mistake.
Pakistan Army fighting terrorists on one side, while it's pathetic leadership is allowing traitors to be in power!

Pakistan Army leadership is owned by Washington DC & London, might as well call it NATO-Army, rather than Pakistan Army.

Pakistanis do not have the freedom to elect its own leaders, because Zionist owned America and Britain do NOT want that to happen.

All the power of Pakistan Military is worthless and shamefully pathetic, when its people are treated like slaves.

You will never have any success or victory, Pakistan Military, unless you submit to Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah .... and the only way you can do that is when you eliminate the traitors within our ranks.
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