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US Congressional hearing may spell trouble for Pakistan

US has fielded women against Pakistani women. :cool:

While hearing was clearly, an Indian summary being handed out to US congress.

An indian summary? Now thats a TROLL POST

Pakistan has a more powerfull lobby in Washington than India. We have only been there since 2008 pakistan has been there since 1950's.
this is a sign of beggary and desperation more than anything else

it's a publicity stunt and the fact that not even a single Baloch representative was there speaks volumes about how seriously this should be taken

interestingly enough, i heard there was a hindustani presence --which makes sense if you think about it.

needless to say however that interfering and going so far as to try to change the geography of Pakistan would be analagous to an act of war.....the nearby enemy countries ought to be aware --in fact they already are aware that anti-Pakistan activity yields disproportionately harsh repercussions

their (late) defence attache learned it the hard way in Kabul back in 2008.....at no cost to the Pakistani tax-payer! :lol:
lol...they are discussing balochistan because you blocked their supply...

they think negotiating with balochistan for a transit route would be easier than negotiating with pakistan...:azn:

anyway my moral support always for nationalist baloch...

support or no support, looks like you have enough nationalist bengalis, sikhs, assamese and other ethnic groups in that federation of yours.....that and of course those half-naked peasant farmers who are making a mockery of your police forces day in and day out.

again -- at no cost to the Pakistani tax-payer :cheers:
with allies like the US, who needs enemies?

I heard that "non state" actors in the US and EU (as of late, israel's Mossad service as well) support Kurdish terrorism in Turkiye's south east.

little is said about the number of civilians killed by terrorist groups like the BLA or the PKK; no that would be far too inconvenient. Little is also said about the infighting amongst these groups.

I'm happy to say that under Gen. Kayani's leadership, we are seeing record number of Baluch Pakistanis inducted into the Armed Forces. Surely they would be most instrumental in quelling the evil designs of the enemies of the Islamic Republic.
I never understood nor will ever support their concern in others business (Nations) in this matter mind your own business not like we don't have enough problems here at home (US) plzz let the world be lets worry about your nation first stop playing the role of the world police man i mean really .

a lot of Native Americans (whats left of them!) are wondering what they did to deserve being uprooted; their culture wiped clean like a slate.....now theyre left with a few plantations in New Mexico, alcoholism and casinos.

at the same rate, i've heard of Mexicans who wonder when they'll get their frontier back (California, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona). Afterall, it was their land too.

something to simply "ponder" since 'morality' became such a concern
I appricate that now that we are clear

by the way

you can add as many Nationalist with inverted commas you want and thats what I am.

you are welcome to come and visit me and enjoy the Baloch hospitality. although our food is mainly meat based but I can improvise if you are strict vegitarian.

i would say offer this bharti dude grass, but you guys live in the desert.... :laugh:
Are you forgetting or just ignoring the Indian consulates in Afghanistan along the border?

a 155mm artillery shell packed tightly with 3mm forged iron ball bearings and employing a shaped charge only costs about US $15-20
this is a sign of beggary and desperation more than anything else

it's a publicity stunt and the fact that not even a single Baloch representative was there speaks volumes about how seriously this should be taken

interestingly enough, i heard there was a hindustani presence --which makes sense if you think about it.

needless to say however that interfering and going so far as to try to change the geography of Pakistan would be analagous to an act of war.....the nearby enemy countries ought to be aware --in fact they already are aware that anti-Pakistan activity yields disproportionately harsh repercussions

their (late) defence attache learned it the hard way in Kabul back in 2008.....at no cost to the Pakistani tax-payer! :lol:

Well one idiot from Irani Baluchistan was present there. No one from Pakistani Baluchistan.
Congressional hearings are not unusual but some are more usual than others. The U.S. congress routinely holds these types of hearings on a number of foreign affairs topics to bring freedom, justice, liberty and world population control among the nations. These hearings do not always reflect the official stance of the United States government but are a weakly disguised threat of what official stance can be in the future. State department spokesperson Victoria Nuland said this morning that the U.S. administration has not changed its policy and continues (to support insurgency in Balochistan) to show the world that it see Baluchistan as part of the Pakistani state. Responding to a question on this topic, Ms. Nuland said, “Our view on Baluchistan has not changed Ralph Peters has even illustrated that on a map. We are aware of this hearing As we instructed Congress to hold it. As you know, Congress holds hearings on many foreign affairs topics. These hearings don’t necessarily imply that the U.S. government endorses one view or another view but the only those views prevail which are endorsed by Jingoist Military Industrial Complex and it's financiers the Capitalist Bankers. I’d underscore that the State Department is not participating or involved in this hearing, It's only conducting it under the table. See no hands!”

We have said before and we would like to say again that we strongly support the unity and the stability of the slave state of Pakistan. As President Obama stated clearly, “what we have tried to do over the last several years, has been to engage aggressively with the Pakistani government to communicate that we want nothing more than a stable, prosperous, peaceful Pakistan, and that we will work with the Pakistani government in order to eradicate this extremism that we consider a cancer within the country that can potentially engulf the country."

Maj David Nevers
DET-United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command |

The ones in bold are my attempt to read between the lines.

The ones in red is what they really want.
The province system in Pakistan should be changed by removing the Ethnic divide and have a free flowing movement of people between provinces and security for All Pakistanis , this is a no issue made into an issue
there already is free movement....

thats why there are more ethnic Baloch in Punjab and Sindh than there are in Balochistan itself! More Pakhtuns in Pakistan (Pakistani Pakhtuns and now even Afghan Pakhtun refugees) than in Afghanistan

of course to visit FATA, permission is required and can be attained but quite frankly it isn't exactly the most tourist-friendly of destinations as of late, (regrettably). FATA isn't even a province, but a federally administered and fairly automous region --whose locals almost all entirely have connections to the rest of the country, from Mardan to Peshawar to Lahore to Karachi.
Well one idiot from Irani Baluchistan was present there. No one from Pakistani Baluchistan.

the Sunni dominated Jundollah movement in Iran is designated as a "terrorist" organization on the US State Department website.

incidentally, US/Western (and most likely israeli) hands are behind the support for such organizations.

strangely enough, we get accused of "double games"

well if that were the case, 2 can play at 2-sided games then if i'm not mistaken.
We're having the same discussion in the private Think Tank group, and I will repeat what I wrote there. The Punjabi and Sindhi feudals who dominate Pakistani politics will not bat an eye if we lose Baluchistan (and even KP). They are still unrepentant about 1971. Yes, they are that selfish and shameless.

indeed that is right some of them have their roots to the people who were rewarded by the British Raj for betraying their fellow countrymen during the lost war of indipendence of 1857
Are heading toward famous prophecy , where west will divide the every country into small pieces and later a powerful will raise and unite all small muslim countries and make ONE, when the end of time begins. Scary isn't it ?
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