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US Congressional hearing may spell trouble for Pakistan

The reasons we cannot go for a NWA operation, is we need to pacify and hand over area's liberated by our forces, although some areas have come a long way, such as SWAT (which is safe now) - it will be some time before it is handed over to the civvies. It would be foolish to put your hand into the hornets nest (what NWA is) without total control in the areas we are in.

Regarding the BLA and all the other alphabet outfits - that are too numerous to name, and some that just involve a handful of people, this is an insurgency we can handle quite well - they have limitations, in manpower and intel has done a good job of infiltrating their ranks.

But we do need to target the social, economic and other matters - that are causing the problem in the first place. Overall we are in a much better place than 2 or 3 years ago.
Brother, resources are available for new operations.

However, issue is that India has succeeded in diverting our attention. It wants us to fail. And we have fallen for its bluff.

Their is a strong need for correcting all issues in Balochistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

There is a dirty, underhanded war going on for the last several years using jihadi proxies by all sides. Pakistan uses some Taliban elements, while India and the US use TTP, BLA, etc. The only difference is that Pakistan gets castigated for it, but the other side pretends to be holy and, given the complicit Western media, this is the narrative promoted around the world.

Pakistan is further disadvantaged by the fact that this war is happening on our doorsteps. India and the US are keeping their proxies at arm's length and, after the LTTE fiasco, have learned not to keep wild dogs in their own living room. Any operation in N. Waziristan would be futile since the proxies would simply run across the border and come back when the heat is off. That is why, as long as the US remains in Afghanistan, there is absolutely nothing Pakistan can do to fight the TTP, BLA, etc.
Yes, I understand.

This is why it is very important to confront the international community on this matter, be it behind closed doors. No side is openly willing to accept that it is using jihadi proxies to further its goals. This has to end.

We should have a 'proper terms of engagement with ISAF' on the matter of WOT. Our strategy has been wrong since the begining; the ISAF gave orders, and we followed blindly without having any written agreements.
This is why it is very important to confront the international community on this matter, be it behind closed doors. No side is openly willing to accept that it is using jihadi proxies to further its goals. This has to end.

We should have a 'proper terms of engagement with ISAF' on the matter of WOT. Our strategy has been wrong since the begining; the ISAF gave orders, and we followed blindly without having any written agreements.

How can we confront the international community when the Western media, which is the single most powerful weapon of Western hegemony, will simply dismiss all Pakistani concerns as 'conspiracies' and promote the Western agenda?

Operations in N. Waziristan are a bad idea because the bad guys will simply find sanctuary behind ISAF lines. The only thing we will accomplish is to destroy the property of Pakistani citizens, alienate them, and create more recruits for TTP/BLA. Imran Khan understands this, as does the army, which is why they both oppose this strategy -- which is designed to help our enemies more than us.

None of us likes the fact that these extremists are running loose in Pakistan, but the cure has to be effective, and not worsen the disease itself.

It's the ISAF which has been calling on you act against the NW talibs for ages now.

The same ISAF/NATO/US leaves the border posts and provinces right when we launch operations on this side of the border.

We saw that when we did in SW, Bajaur/Mohmand and in even during Swat operations, all the militants crossed over and took safe refuge in Afghanistan.

First ISAF/NATO/US should commit the required number of troops and then ask us to do operations. They have hardly 200 or so posts looking after the whole border, while we have more then 800 of such posts, we have more soldiers in FATA region compared to what NATO/US has in whole of Afghanistan. That shows the level of commitment, but sadly you Indians can't see that since you are Indians (our enemies).
The same ISAF/NATO/US leaves the border posts and provinces right when we launch operations on this side of the border.

We saw that when we did in SW, Bajaur/Mohmand and in even during Swat operations, all the militants crossed over and took safe refuge in Afghanistan.

First ISAF/NATO/US should commit the required number of troops and then ask us to do operations. They have hardly 200 or so posts looking after the whole border, while we have more then 800 of such posts, we have more soldiers in FATA region compared to what NATO/US has in whole of Afghanistan. That shows the level of commitment, but sadly you Indians can't see that since you are Indians (our enemies).

Your stories are all but documented and then you expect the world to believe them. Seriously why should the world take the word of a people who have not even initiated a formal inquiry into Kargil and OBl raid?

You also blame India for the unrest in Balochistan, don't you? And the last time we saw some proof coming from your government was...

You don't stop at this. You initiate a case and arrest a doctor who helped eliminate the most dreaded terrorist in the world and thereby did his part in helping and securing your country. Then you expect the world to take you seriously. What is this if not a joke?

It's not JUST the enemy thing, you know.

It's the ISAF which has been calling on you act against the NW talibs for ages now.

Compare how many attacks have been launched from Afghanistan against Pakistani forces compared to attacks launched against ISAF from Pakistan. You will find that the former far outweighs the latter. The facts are right there but some people just prefer to believe conspiracies that suit their own agenda. Off course ISAF will not admit that they have been an absolute failure in Afghanistan, majority of the country is still controlled by warlords and Taliban. Controlling the urban districts don't mean squat because 80% of Afghans still live in the rural districts.
Compare how many attacks have been launched from Afghanistan against Pakistani forces compared to attacks launched against ISAF from Pakistan. You will find that the former far outweighs the latter. The facts are right there but some people just prefer to believe conspiracies that suit their own agenda. Off course ISAF will not admit that they have been an absolute failure in Afghanistan, majority of the country is still controlled by warlords and Taliban. Controlling the urban districts don't mean squat because 80% of Afghans still live in the rural districts.

Your post does nothing to answer my question.

It's the ISAF which has been calling on you act against the NW talibs for ages now.

Please read my post again.

The game is this:
1. ISAF supports BLA/TTP to act against Pakistan
2. ISAF ask Pak to attack TTP, but gives them sanctuary as soon as Pak attacks
3. The Pak bombing alienates the locals and creates more recruits for TTP.
Back to step 1.
Your question has been answered a thousand times, not mine or anyone's fault that you are too lazy to actually go and search the previous threads where this issue was debated to death.

Then why did you bother to quote my question and post a reply in the first place? :azn:

What kind of a compulsive poster are you that first you quote, then you reply and then you say that you did not want to reply?

---------- Post added at 01:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:15 PM ----------

Please read my post again.

The game is this:
1. ISAF supports BLA/TTP to act against Pakistan
2. ISAF ask Pak to attack TTP, but gives them sanctuary as soon as Pak attacks
3. The Pak bombing alienates the locals and creates more recruits for TTP.
Back to step 1.

I understand English well enough to infer what you meant.

I only want your help in backing up the stories that you and your folks seem to be cooking up with much elan.
I understand English well enough to infer what you meant.

I only want your help in backing up the stories that you and your folks seem to be cooking up with much elan.

As others have pointed out here and elsewhere, there have been many instances of ISAF abandoning their posts rather "conveniently" as TTP were escaping into Afghanistan.
As others have pointed out here and elsewhere, there have been many instances of ISAF abandoning their posts rather "conveniently" as TTP were escaping into Afghanistan.

...and none where the Pakistanis have backed their vantage point with solid, undeniable proofs.

It's the ISAF which has been calling on you act against the NW talibs for ages now.

It is also negotiating or begging to negotiate the same people. What are your comments. Your friends are negotiating with your enemies. You and others like you never expected this. Do you?
No army operation in Balochistan: Gen Kayani

ISLAMABAD – Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani on Saturday said that there is no military operation being carried out in Balochistan and not a single soldier is involved in any operation in the province.

Gen Kayani said this while talking to the media persons during a reception arranged by the Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani in the honour of Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa.

The rumours about military operation in Balochistan were mere propaganda while the Frontier Core (FC) was helping out the provincial government under the article 245. The situation that appeared after the murder of a Balochi leader Habib Jalib tells enough who was behind creating law and order situation, but unfortunately the blame has been put on to the army. To a question, he said Balochistan has a great strategic importance, particularly for the Central Asian States and Afghanistan.

Sources informed this scribe that insurgency is restricted to only three districts of Balochistan while major part of the province is in peace. Militant outfits, particularly Baloch Republican Army, Balochistan Liberation Front and Balochistan Liberation Army are actively involved in the insurgency. During last four years, insurgents have established various camps and arms are being supplied to them from Central Asian States, Afghanistan and India.

They said more than 400,000 residents of the province have been displaced while Kohlu garrison and many garrisons in Sui have been sealed, and about 70 percent schools too have been closed down throughout the province. Sources were of the opinion that a political vacuum is being severely felt and since the issue of Balochistan is political in nature, it must be resolved on political basis. The role of provincial police is limited and confined to particular areas while the general responsibility of security throughout the province has been put on the FC.

Due to insecurity and bad governance, development funds are also not being properly utilised, they added. They have further deplored that no serious efforts have been carried out so far to implement Aghaz-e Haqooq-e-Balochistan and residents have not bore any fruit from this support package.

However, despite the deteriorating law and order situation, various international firms are interested in working in the province but their primary demand is provision of security.

Agencies add: The worrisome situation in Balochistan is not restricted to local conditions and vested interests as foreign powers are behind it that want to advance their objectives in view of the location of the area, well-places sources have said.

They said the authorities failed to bridge the gulf, created after the army was called back from Balochistan, through political process. The law enforcement institutions were under pressure as they are neither well-educated nor adequately trained. Sixty five percent of the personnel are under-Matric and the security forces have been made target of well-organised and constant propaganda that they have established a state within the state.

The sources revealed that extremists are provided training in camps set up in Afghanistan and then sent to Balochistan with enough funds and arms. They said that Brahamdag Bugti, Harbiyar Marri, Javed Mengal and Dr Allah Nazar were leading four groups of miscreants. First three of them are presently in Europe while Dr Allah Nazar is active in the mountains of Khuzdar. They said the roots of all the problems in Balochistan are in Afghanistan.

They said the political decisions taken in the past have also added to the worsening of the situation. They pointed out that Chamlang coalmines are providing jobs to 75,000 people since 2006 but Khair Bakhsh Marri and Mir Biyar Marri are trying to close down the coalmine.

According to figures, 1,476 incidents of terrorism were reported in Balochistan in 2011. These included 36 bomb attacks, 68 explosions and 134 attacks on gas pipelines. There were 116 attacks at railways tracks and 20 on electricity installations during the year.

The sources further said that during the year 117 rockets were fired and 215 landmine exploded and 291 people were kidnapped, and only last month 38 security personnel were martyred. They said attacks on FC personnel have intensified in 2012.

They pointed out that law enforcement agencies were providing security for development projects, gas and electricity installations and railway tracks but they are not provided cooperation by the province’s security apparatus, even though most of the security in Quetta too is being taken care of by the FC.

The sources said that a former student leader Dr Allah Nazar was now a days active in hitherto most peaceful areas of Turbat and Makran. He is being provided funds and arms by the Indian intelligence agencies and whoever opposes his acts of terrorism is killed.

The sources pointed out that every member of the provincial assembly gets Rs250 million development funds in addition to those given to national assembly members and senators but there is no sign of any development in the province.

During the previous government, all the ‘B Areas’ were closed but the present government withdrew that decision and as a result today only 7% area is in ‘A’ category and remaining 93% is B Area, which is controlled by Levies. Personnel of the Levies are not trained and most of them work hand-in-hand with the militants. To add to the problems, political leaders in the province are least interested in the problems of the people and no one openly opposes the militants.

They said the proposal to talk with the estranged Baloch leaders some six months back has not been implemented and there are no basic facilities for the people. Seventy percent of schools in the province are closed and there is no doctor or medicine in the hospitals. In addition there are no assistant commissioners and other officers in Tehsils.

The sources said that influential people are behind acts of kidnapping and theft and when the security institutions take action against them, a well-orchestrated campaign is launched against them through political leaders and media. They pointed out that the situation is disturbed in only five districts out of thirty in the province.

The sources strongly denied involvement of security institutions in the kidnapping of people. They pointed out that in addition to US, India, Iran and Gulf states, European countries too were playing games to protect and advance their vested interests. They said there is no presence of Jandola and there has been no complaint from Iran in the last seven months in this connection.

No army operation in Balochistan: Gen Kayani | The Nation

Now this is the Chief of Army Staff saying this. My fellow Pakistanis, put your trust on the Pakistan army. Indians and other people from other countries hate the existence of Pakistan and hate that Pakistan is given such a strategic place on earth, if you care about Pakistan put your trust on the Pakistan Army. If there is no Pakistan, then there are no Pakistani wherever we are in the world.
...and none where the Pakistanis have backed their vantage point with solid, undeniable proofs.

How can you prove that the other side deliberately abandoned their posts? It's not as if the abandonment happens in real time as the fighting unfolds. The "coincidences" have been observed and the timing noted.
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