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US Congressional hearing may spell trouble for Pakistan

US congressional hearing on Balochistan 'ill-advised' move: Sherry Rehman

WASHINGTON: Taking a strong exception to a United States Congressional hearing on Balochistan this week, Pakistan has termed it an “ill-advised” move that would be detrimental to the trust between Pakistan and the United States of America.

A Pakistan Embassy spokesman in Washington said that Pakistan’s Ambassador Sherry Rehman raised the issue of an exclusive hearing on Balochistan by US House Committee on Foreign Affairs in her meetings with the members of congress and senior officials of the US administration.

According to the spokesman, Rehman said that the government of Pakistan strongly rejects the purpose and findings of the hearing and considers it an “ill-advised and ill-considered” move that will have serious repercussions for Pakistan-US relations.

“Balochistan is an integral part of the Pakistan,” the ambassador said. “Pakistan is a democracy conducting itself in accordance with the international law.”

Sherry said that the elected parliament, the Balochistan assembly, the independent judiciary, a vigorous media and a thriving civil society are avenues for expression and seeking redress of political and economic grievances.

“The government is strongly committed to protecting the fundamental rights and freedom in all parts of Pakistan, including Balochistan, and has initiated an extensive programme of constitutional and other reforms to empower all citizens in the continuing consolidation of democracy,” she said.

She said that the hearing was marked by a “blatant disregard for the history of the issue and manipulated selective facts”.

“It is deeply regrettable that the legislature of a country that calls itself a friend of Pakistan allowed itself to be used as a platform for advocating the dismemberment of Pakistan and provided justification to terrorists attempting to hold Balochistan, and Pakistan, hostage,” the envoy said.

“Pakistan views this hearing with a serious concern and considers it unacceptable. “This kind of an exercise constitutes interference in Pakistan’s internal affairs. The hearing will be detrimental to mutual trust and confidence,” the envoy said.

US congressional hearing on Balochistan ‘ill-advised’ move: Sherry Rehman – The Express Tribune
Intriguing.Now there's no question on the American security complex/intelligencia having their behinds handed out by their Pakistani counterparts through the thick and thin of the ordeal.None at all....

The ISI have been in cerebral bouts with far stronger opponents before and has ended up in the winner's corner more often than not...perhaps the past has gone a little bit to their heads while handling and disposing off the Americans from the great game.The prominent issue they discount(to Pakistan's demise)is that the American military entities can afford to step out of the shadow boxing and switch on the lights when they sniff imminent defeat.Can the Pakistani security agencies come clean under glaring lights? Damned if they do....
Forget about replying to "Legend". This U.S. congressional hearing on breaking Pakistan is not even an eye-opener for burger chamcha's like "Legend". Even if U.S. invades Balochistan and breaks Pakistan, these chamchas of Uncle Sam will say Uncle Sam is helping Pakistan. Pathetic.
Burger chamcha? Check your location, bro; North America. What are you doing there?

Get of that region and come back to Pakistan, and stay here forever. You talk of being a patriotic Pakistani? Act like one.

Actions speak louder than words. Pakistan was more peaceful and prosperous before Obama took over in the White House.
And you thought that Bush was bad, right?

Bro, we have the habit of passing judgements after the damage. Short-sightedness is in our blood.

That's very unfortunate that we have these kind of people, who will support uncle until their own house is under threat
I don't support Uncle Sam, genius.

I am talking about fixing our home first. World will take advantage of our internal problems. We have to make sure that it does not happens.

However, common people like me have no voice in this nation. People like Kiyani need to think more clearly.

His refusal to do something about North Waziristan (when time was right) have landed us in to current mess.

You should advice those who live in USA and Canada to come back to Pakistan and save this nation Captain America style. Come out of your fantasy world. No one is so straight in reality.

In the 1980s, Israel planned a possible attack on Pakistan's bomb capacity. However, due to Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence, it became aware of a possible attack prior to any attack occurring. India was uncomfortable with the possibility of a nuclear fallout and corrupting relations with other Muslim states. Israeli aircraft were surprised by the presence of an alerted Pakistan Air Force fighter jets and therefore pulled back.

</title><meta name="CreatedBy" content="WP Internet Publisher 6.1"></head><body><title>McNair Paper 41, Radical Responses to Radical Regimes: Evaluating Preemptive Counter-Proliferation, May 1995

Note the address of this government in exile for BLA. It is Israel !!! Beneath the article, the address is written as follows:

Mir Azaad Khan Baloch
General Secretary
Desk of The Government of Balochistan in Exile
The World Baloch Jewish Alliance Building
PO Box 5631
Jerusalem, 91000
The Government of Balochistan in Exile: Economic Potential of Balochistan
I knew that you will come up with this argument.

This was in 1980s. We have not recognized Israel since 1940s, genius. Of-course, Israeli people would act against interests of Pakistan. Think with clear mind.

Kashmir dispute and the Indians are not in Afghanistan to help the Afghan people. They have their own goals in the region that goes against Pakistan's interests.
Go through Afghan history. The strategic short-sightedness of PPP have paved for Indian intrusion in Afghanistan. PPP supported Taliban during 1990s, and Taliban gave shelter to Al-Qaeda later on. And you can figure out the rest, if you are smart enough.

And guess what? PPP is once again in power in this country. Do we ever learn from our past?

A complicated relationship. This was the only country that protested against Pakistan becoming part of the United Nations in 1947. We came close to a war in the 1960's over the border. We have had the best relations with Afghanistan under the Taliban. This is a fact. The Pak-Afghan border is very difficult to control because of the terrain. When Taliban was ruling Afghanistan, the Pakistan-Afghanistan border was the most peaceful border in Pakistan. There was no insurgency in Pakistan's western provinces. No Pakistani soldier was killed in the western provinces. There was no suicide bombings in Pakistani soil. Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province was a tourist's paradise. We want the peace back, so can you blame Pakistan.
This does not means that we impose barbarians on that nation under the banner of our interests.

Yes, we have border disputes with Afghanistan. I am a strong advocate of 'fencing' of the durand line. If ISAF/Karzai have issues with this, then tell them in plain words that 'no supply lines' from Pakistan ever.
I wonder how many hearings have happened on the brutal killings by Israel of Palestinians, Lebanese.

Did the US did any hearing when thousand+ got killed in the Blitzkrieg on Lebanon by israel or the thousands Palestinians killed so far.

Can anyone show me how many hearings have happened on Israel's barbaric occupation.

Pathetic hypocrites.

Or Kashmir.

The only question is how long will it take our liberal elite to see that America has effectively declared war on Pakistan and its intentions are crystal clear?
Intriguing.There's no question on the American security agencies having their behinds handed out by their Pakistani counterparts in the thick and thin of the ordeal.None at all....

The ISI has been playing chess with far stronger opponents and has ended up in the winner's corner more often than not...perhaps this has gone into their heads while handling and disposing off the Americans from the great game.The prominent issue they discount(to Pakistan's demise)is that the American intelligence can afford to step out of the shadow boxing and switch on the lights when they sniff imminent defeat.Can the Pakistani agencies come clean in the daylight? Damned if they do....

Pakistani agencies have no choice. This war was not of their choosing, but has been forced upon them by the US. The only thing Pakistan can do is defend its interests. and thwart American plans for Pakistan's dismemberment.
Pakistani agencies have no choice. This war was not of their choosing, but has been forced upon them by the US. The only thing Pakistan can do is defend its interests. and thwart American plans for Pakistan's dismemberment.
First they have to ensure minimizing collateral damage....
I have said it somewhere else too. There is no such thing as human rights violations in today's "civilized" world. It is the violation of economic and strategic rights that matters. And since Pakistan is violating Amreeka's strategic rights in this region hence this Congressional hearing on "human rights" violations. :)
Pakistani agencies have no choice. This war was not of their choosing, but has been forced upon them by the US. The only thing Pakistan can do is defend its interests. and thwart American plans for Pakistan's dismemberment.

Thanks for understanding the gist of my post with it's fair share of typos.Corrected now,you might want to look through it.

Sounding retreats or being apologetic over past associations isn't going to serve Pakistan any good.That would merely suggest that the pressure point that the United States chose to choke Pakistan with is yielding results.1962 was an assault to India's collective psyche and a repeat would mean obliterating it completely.The same connotation holds true for Pakistan and the year 1971.

On the flip side,if some good does emerge from American scrutiny on Balochistan in the form of Pakistan introspecting it's inherent flaws in dealing with the rebellion....It would be a positive(although unintended)side effect.
US has fielded women against Pakistani women. :cool:

While hearing was clearly, an Indian summary being handed out to US congress.
Thanks for understanding the gist of my post with it's fair share of typos.Corrected now,you might want to look through it.

Sounding retreats or being apologetic over past associations isn't going to serve Pakistan any good.That would merely suggest that the pressure point that the United States chose to choke Pakistan with is yielding results.1962 was an assault to India's collective psyche and a repeat would mean obliterating it completely.The same connotation holds true for Pakistan and the year 1971.

On the flip side,if some good does emerge from American scrutiny on Balochistan in the form of Pakistan introspecting it's inherent flaws in dealing with the rebellion....It would be a positive(although unintended)side effect.

We're having the same discussion in the private Think Tank group, and I will repeat what I wrote there. The Punjabi and Sindhi feudals who dominate Pakistani politics will not bat an eye if we lose Baluchistan (and even KP). They are still unrepentant about 1971. Yes, they are that selfish and shameless.
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