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US Congressional hearing may spell trouble for Pakistan

Well it was Indian political wish and gave free hand to Lankan govt to totally abolish Tamil armed struggle, because after getting freedom in Sri lanka , they get more motivation and come back with strong resistance against Indian central govt. Its all war of interest. Where Indian govt see they going to have negative impact on regional issue they put their head in the sand. Wonder why Tamil resistance died within no time.

I attended a seminar by ex - commissioner of Goa police - Julio Ribeiro, an IPS officer who served in Punjab during the insurgency hit period.

He said this and this may help - 1. The insurgency only dies when the locals stop supporting the militants. The "sikh jat" stopped in Punjab and so did the Tamlians. They no longer had sympathies for the insurgents for one reason or the other.

2. His point was every time we eliminated guys on our "kill or capture" list, more guys would show up. You've to win hearts and not dump bodies on the streets for their relatives to see. The later would fuel the insurgency.

My 2 cents!
Some assets on the ground remain. However, heavy firepower can be moved to next region.
Heave firepower?

Its mostly a CI/CT op. You need troops on the ground in large nos. You already have some 200,000 troops on western border if I'm not mistaken. That's unprecedented given you never had such a situation before.

Remember 2002 standoff? And USA would not have remained silent on this matter either. USA supported Pakistan during 2002 standoff. It would have done the same in later situations.
Yes, only after Musharaf promised to clamp down on the groups. "But by mid-June, the Indian government accepted Musharraf’s pledge to end militant infiltration into India, and on June 10, air restrictions over India were ended and Indian warships removed from Pakistan’s coast"

Plus 10 years on the gap between India Pak has widened even more and shows no sign of decreasing.
World Bank figures: Gross Domestic Product - India and Pakistan

Please read the references below this wiki article 2001–2002 India–Pakistan standoff

India always works against the interests of Pakistan. This is why I am not counting it.
Oh I'm mistaken. Why should it not?
Bl[i]tZ;2584766 said:
Heave firepower?

Its mostly a CI/CT op. You need troops on the ground in large nos. You already have some 200,000 troops on western border if I'm not mistaken. That's unprecedented given you never had such a situation before.
So many troops are on the western border because of WOT.

Bl[i]tZ;2584766 said:
Yes, only after Musharaf promised to clamp down on the groups. "But by mid-June, the Indian government accepted Musharraf’s pledge to end militant infiltration into India, and on June 10, air restrictions over India were ended and Indian warships removed from Pakistan’s coast"

Plus 10 years on the gap between India Pak has widened even more and shows no sign of decreasing.
World Bank figures: Gross Domestic Product - India and Pakistan

Please read the references below this wiki article 2001–2002 India–Pakistan standoff
You are forgetting that India failed to gather international support for its planned offensive against Pakistan. When even Russia also declined to support India, the latter backed off afterwards.

And keep in mind that Pakistani military is in much greater state of readiness now. Every branch of Pakistani military is operating close to its maximum capacity. Don't fool yourself.

And don't worry about our economy. Funds for Indian front will remain untouched.

Bl[i]tZ;2584766 said:
Oh I'm mistaken. Why should it not?
Because India is most eager to destabilize Pakistan. India is beyond hope.

However, relationship with USA and Israel can be fixed.
Some assets on the ground remain. However, heavy firepower can be moved to next region.

Remember 2002 standoff?

And USA would not have remained silent on this matter either. USA supported Pakistan during 2002 standoff. It would have done the same in later situations.

India have tendency to work against the interests of Pakistan. This is why I am not considering it.

No need to drag India into your rant, if India was interested or It have other leader then Manmohan singh then this "Nura Kushti" could goes out of hand and issue snow balled into a International Issue.
No need to drag India into your rant, if India was interested or It have other leader then Manmohan singh then this "Nura Kushti" could goes out of hand and issue snow balled into a International Issue.
Open your eyes. Member BltZ is dragging India in to this debate.
None the less its a victory of Baluch people first time in decades they have been heard.

Now, the Pakistan have to do real thinking if its keep on provoking India and used its non state actors and Kashmir etc. Then it can also have to play the some hard game with respect of Baluchistan or even the water issue could become real.

The only way out is dialogue and peace. Pakistan remain independent, sovereign, secure and get development.
Will Israel attack Iran? - Inside Story - Al Jazeera English

It is very important for india to stick with pakistan and iran in case of war. China and russia should also get in because if pakistan goes down that will be the end of india as an independent country. It is economic imperialism usa and europeans have been busy creating over the years and no one noticed. They have been busy building the weapons to invade the world once more.

The day the capitalist system was installed the end of humanity and humanism was declared. The situation has now reached to the point of no return. It is either quranic islam or nothing at all situation now.

Not only people in the west need to think about it but also people in the east because religion is part of capitalist push. Religion is no friend of humanity but its enemy just like capitalism. Religion and capitalism are one and the same thing or two sides of the same coin.


People of pakistan must side with iran and so should the rest of muslim world but all muslims must change their beliefs about islam and humanity and stop being like kufaar. At the moment there is hardly any difference between muslim and kufaar states. Muslims did not believe islam means freedom for all people from slavery of each other in every way. This is how Allah lets people ruin themselves when they leave his path. Muslims have not facilitated justice for all, fairness for all. They did not show compassion even to each other and instead of brotherhood created animosity even between themselves. They did not create peace between themselves but wars. They made no progress in terms of human welfare and did not care to make people prosperous and not even bothered to understand the message of Allah.

It is very clear why things have come to this, so repentance and reformation is the only way out if we are looking for help from Allah. Repentance is not uttering of words but showing by your deeds that you are no longer oppressors of each other nor unjust and unfair or cruel to each other. This is how you can get rid of animosity from among yourselves at least. Make plans for progress and prosperity of yourselves and the rest of the world and get on with them. This is islam and true reformation. Running to masjids and taking up tasbeeh and saying astaghferullah is not islam and it never was and it proved by its results that it was not islam we followed. Such things were inventions of mullahs in form of religion. This is why we too followed ways of kufaar. We did not respect the quran and we must pay for that. That is the law of Allah. Moses was able to fight pharaoh and was able to free israelites yet could not lead these unruly people because they turned like animals and paid no heed to actual message that was delivered to them.

So long as we do not follow the quran for the purpose it was sent, we too are not going to get any different results. Allah does not change a nation for the better unless it takes that direction. So if we chose for ourselves wrong direction then the result is not going to be right.
lol, US need to study about Balochistan alot. Balochistan is a big province with many ethnics there such as Balochs, Pashtuns, Hazarwis, Makranis, Sindhis(in Lasbela area), Brahvis etc etc. Out of all these ethnics none of them have any problem except Balochs. Now coming on Baloch ethnic only 3 big tribes Marri, Mengals & Bugti are jumping for indepandance, even Bugti have many leaders who doesn't wan't indepandance but royalty over natural resources. So it is impossible for even US to do any mischievous adventure there.

As for Pakistan it must make clear to Baloch leaders that there is only one option they can have & that is to sit & talk & settle the issue. Pakistan must not close its eyes but IMO there is no threat.

Pakistan Zindabad
Death to enemies of Pakistan.
None the less its a victory of Baluch people first time in decades they have been heard.

Now, the Pakistan have to do real thinking if its keep on provoking India and used its non state actors and Kashmir etc. Then it can also have to play the some hard game with respect of Baluchistan or even the water issue could become real.

The only way out is dialogue and peace. Pakistan remain independent, sovereign, secure and get development.[/QUOTE

Pakistan is not in trouble because of its stance on kashmir but because of reasons it became paksitan yet did not follow the path it ought to follow. Pakistani muslims have not shown in any way they are different from indian muslims for example. That is what they were supposed to show. Pakistan will survive but pakistanis must follow islam as it ought to be followed not the islam they have been following. We ought to have no animosity toward any human being save the fact that people must be free from slavery of each other. They must have real justice and must be fair to each other when dealing with each other. They must show brotherly compassion even for humanity at large yet they dared go against quranic teaching and killed each other. Their islam has become nothing more than a few rituals. You go to masjid you bang your head on the floor and say a few words and that is certificate that you are a great muslim.

My question to you all is, what was the point of throwing out british raj? Why india was broken into two parts? It was all because we wanted to do better, so have we? Look at poverty in india and pakistan and hatred between the people of same country, can we put our finger on what went wrong? It was not knowing how to be good human beings or even if we knew we did not bother to be so. The result is not yet here but it will be. It is not going to take much longer if we do not become human beings and keep behaving like animals.

It is the quranic way or no way at all.
Congressional hearings are not unusual. The U.S. congress routinely holds these types of hearings on a number of foreign affairs topics. These hearings do not always reflect the official stance of the United States government. State department spokesperson Victoria Nuland said this morning that the U.S. administration has not changed its policy and continues to see Baluchistan as part of the Pakistani state. Responding to a question on this topic, Ms. Nuland said, “Our view on Baluchistan has not changed. We are aware of this hearing. As you know, Congress holds hearings on many foreign affairs topics. These hearings don’t necessarily imply that the U.S. government endorses one view or another view. I’d underscore that the State Department is not participating or involved in this hearing.”

We have said before and we would like to say again that we strongly support the unity and the stability of Pakistan. As President Obama stated clearly, “what we have tried to do over the last several years, has been to engage aggressively with the Pakistani government to communicate that we want nothing more than a stable, prosperous, peaceful Pakistan, and that we will work with the Pakistani government in order to eradicate this extremism that we consider a cancer within the country that can potentially engulf the country."

Maj David Nevers
DET-United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command |
I wonder how many hearings have happened on the brutal killings by Israel of Palestinians, Lebanese.

Did the US did any hearing when thousand+ got killed in the Blitzkrieg on Lebanon by israel or the thousands Palestinians killed so far.

Can anyone show me how many hearings have happened on Israel's barbaric occupation.

Pathetic hypocrites.
I am not aware of any US offer to provide a significantly larger number of Helicopter Gunships, fighter jets or armed drones to Pakistan.

What weapons are you talking about?

Forget about replying to "Legend". This U.S. congressional hearing on breaking Pakistan is not even an eye-opener for burger chamcha's like "Legend". Even if U.S. invades Balochistan and breaks Pakistan, these chamchas of Uncle Sam will say Uncle Sam is helping Pakistan. Pathetic.

---------- Post added at 04:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:26 PM ----------

Congressional hearings are not unusual. The U.S. congress routinely holds these types of hearings on a number of foreign affairs topics. These hearings do not always reflect the official stance of the United States government. State department spokesperson Victoria Nuland said this morning that the U.S. administration has not changed its policy and continues to see Baluchistan as part of the Pakistani state. Responding to a question on this topic, Ms. Nuland said, “Our view on Baluchistan has not changed. We are aware of this hearing. As you know, Congress holds hearings on many foreign affairs topics. These hearings don’t necessarily imply that the U.S. government endorses one view or another view. I’d underscore that the State Department is not participating or involved in this hearing.”

We have said before and we would like to say again that we strongly support the unity and the stability of Pakistan. As President Obama stated clearly, “what we have tried to do over the last several years, has been to engage aggressively with the Pakistani government to communicate that we want nothing more than a stable, prosperous, peaceful Pakistan, and that we will work with the Pakistani government in order to eradicate this extremism that we consider a cancer within the country that can potentially engulf the country."

Maj David Nevers
DET-United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command |

Actions speak louder than words. Pakistan was more peaceful and prosperous before Obama took over in the White House.
.......This U.S. congressional hearing on breaking Pakistan is not even an eye-opener for burger chamcha's like "Legend". Even if U.S. invades Balochistan and breaks Pakistan, these chamchas of Uncle Sam will say Uncle Sam is helping Pakistan. Pathetic.......

That's very unfortunate that we have these kind of people, who will support uncle until their own house is under threat
Out of curiosity, how many civilians have been killed in ISAF military operations against 'Taliban insurgents fighting for freedom from NATO occupation' compared to the alleged number of people killed in Balochistan by the SF's?

one wonders if France or Vanesvella or say Cuba holds a Senate meeting over such killings how will the Yanks react to that?
forget the cowboys

I think every country that is affected directly or indirectly from American war agresion should hold such hearings for the sake of the civilians killed by American military on regular bases.
1. Foreign policy for Israel

In the 1980s, Israel planned a possible attack on Pakistan's bomb capacity. However, due to Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence, it became aware of a possible attack prior to any attack occurring. India was uncomfortable with the possibility of a nuclear fallout and corrupting relations with other Muslim states. Israeli aircraft were surprised by the presence of an alerted Pakistan Air Force fighter jets and therefore pulled back.

</title><meta name="CreatedBy" content="WP Internet Publisher 6.1"></head><body><title>McNair Paper 41, Radical Responses to Radical Regimes: Evaluating Preemptive Counter-Proliferation, May 1995

Note the address of this government in exile for BLA. It is Israel !!! Beneath the article, the address is written as follows:

Mir Azaad Khan Baloch
General Secretary
Desk of The Government of Balochistan in Exile
The World Baloch Jewish Alliance Building
PO Box 5631
Jerusalem, 91000
The Government of Balochistan in Exile: Economic Potential of Balochistan

2. Foreign policy for India

Kashmir dispute and the Indians are not in Afghanistan to help the Afghan people. They have their own goals in the region that goes against Pakistan's interests.

3. Foreign policy for Afghanistan

A complicated relationship. This was the only country that protested against Pakistan becoming part of the United Nations in 1947. We came close to a war in the 1960's over the border. We have had the best relations with Afghanistan under the Taliban. This is a fact. The Pak-Afghan border is very difficult to control because of the terrain. When Taliban was ruling Afghanistan, the Pakistan-Afghanistan border was the most peaceful border in Pakistan. There was no insurgency in Pakistan's western provinces. No Pakistani soldier was killed in the western provinces. There was no suicide bombings in Pakistani soil. Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province was a tourist's paradise. We want the peace back, so can you blame Pakistan.
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